Union County, PA - County History & Biography Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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History and Topography of Northumberland, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Centre,
Union, Columbia, Juniata, and Clinton Counties, PA (I. Daniel Rupp, 1847, 567 pages)
The full title of the publication is: "History and Topography of Northumberland, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Centre, Union, Columbia, Juniata and Clinton Counties, PA. Embracing local and general events, leading incidents, descriptions of the principal boroughs, towns, villages, etc." The book begins with a general history of the territory of these counties, (which also embraced the area of Snyder and Montour Counties, formed later), including its native inhabitants, the settlement of the area, discussion of the Germans and Scotch-Irish who played a large part in settling Pennsylvania, and also the Indian troubles leading up to the Revolution. Following this attention is given to each of the counties mentioned in the title. The information provided on the counties is a description of its geological features, the formation of the county, its public improvements over the years, and descriptions on each of the county's major towns. The concluding portion of the book also contains some biographies of important men of Pennsylvania: Conrad Weiser, Count Zinzendorf, David Brainerd, David Zeisberger, Simon Snyder, John Harris, Colonel Hartley, George Croghan, Col. John Kelly, and David R. Porter.
A - Minutes of conferences held by the indians on the encroachments of the whites upon their lands, May & June of 1750.
B - Extracts from the Hallische Nachrichten describing the efforts of Neulaneders to persuade Germans to immigrate to Pennsylvania.
C - Correspondence from Shamokin (Sunbury, Northumberland County) on dealings with the Indians from 1740-1758.
D - Correspondence associated with George Croghan and his residence Aughwick (Old Town).
E - Account and correspondence regarding the imprisonment and assisted escape of Frederick Stump and John Ironcutter.
F - Account of Tedyescung, the last chief of the Delaware Indians.
G - Dr. Priestly's Case, concerning riots of the town of Birmingham, which destroyed some of his property.
H - A copy of the act to establish a University at Lewisburg (now Bucknell University).
Otzinachson; or a History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna
(J. F. Meginnes, 1857, 533 pages)
The full title is: "Otzinachson; Or a History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna, Embracing a full account of its settlement, trials and privations endured by the first pioneers - Full accounts of the indian wars, predatory incursions, abductions, massacres, &c, together with an account of the fair play system and the trying scenes of the Great Runaway interspersed with biographical sketches of some of the leading settlers, families, etc, together with pertinent anecdotes, statistics and much valued matter entirely new." This is an early resource on the West Branch Valley area covering the regions of Lycoming, Clinton, Union, and Northumberland Counties, PA. It contains a great deal of information on the early settlers and what they faced in this area when it was a frontier around the time of the Revolution. A great resource for historical or genealogical research in this area.
Annals of Buffalo Valley, Pennsylvania 1755 - 1855
(John Linn Blair, 1877, 620 pages)
This is an extensive historical / biographical volume for Union County, PA. It relates various accounts from the area on a year by year basis starting with 1768. This volume includes several set of records found no where else, including local marriages, and a record of local deaths started in 1826. Also included are biographies of selected individuals and families, tax lists, military rosters, and other useful information. This publication is an essential work for research in the area of Union County. Union County included the area of Snyder County until the year 1855, so although the volume focuses more on Union County, some of the information also pertains to Snyder County's history.
Surnames Indexed:
Albright, Allen, Allison, Anthony, Armstrong, Aurand, Ayers, Bacon, Barber, Barnes, Barton, Bashor, Baskins, Baum, Bellas, Bickle, Billman, Billmyer, Bingaman, Blythe, Boatman, Boone, Boude, Bower, Boyd, Boyer, Brady, Brinton, Brobst, Brockenor, Brown, Buchanan, Caderman, Campbell, Campleton, Carner, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chapman, Chilloway, Clark, Clay, Clemens, Clingan, Cochran, Cole, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cornelius, Coryell, Couples, Covenhoven, Crotzer, De Haven, Derr, Derrickson, Dieffenbach, Disbury, Dixon, Donnel, Doudle, Dougherty, Drouth, Duffield, Duncan, Eakers, Egbert, Ellenkhusen, Ely, Emerick, Etzweiler, Evans, Ewing, Ewig, Farley, Fisher, Follmer, Forster, Foutz, Frederick, French, Frick, Fries, Gabriel, Galbraith, Geisweit, Gift, Gill, Gordon, Grant, Gray, Green, Gregg, Grier, Grochong, Grove, Guelph, Gundy, Halfpenny, Hall, Hammond, Harbaugh, Harding, Harris, Hayes, Heim, Heiser, Heisler, Herrold, Hetrick, Hickok, High, Himrod, Hoffa, Hood, Housel, Hucks, Hughes, Huling, Hunt, Hunter, Irvine, Irwin, Johnson, Jones, Keene, Kempling, Kennedy, Kerstetter, Kester, Kleckner, Kelchner, Klinesmith, Kremer, Laird, Lashell, Laughlin, Lee, Lennox, Lepley, Leroy, Levy, Lewis, Lincoln, Linn, Lowdon, Lukens, Lutz, McCabe, McCandlish, McClellan, McClune, McClure, McCracken, McHarge, McHenry, McKim, Mack, Maclay, Macpherson, Marr, Merrill, Miles, Miller, Mitman, Mizener, Monckton, Montelius, Montour, Moore, Morgan, Morrison, Morton, Mumman, Musser, Nesbit, Nevin, Newcomer, Overmeier, Parr, Patterson, Pealer, Pence, Penn, Phreemer, Pickering, Pickhard, Plunket, Poak, Pohlemus, Pollock, Pontius, Potter, Price, Quinn, Rahauser, Read, Reasoner, Reber, Reed, Reger, Reichel, Reily, Roan, Robb, Robinson, Rorabaugh, Rote, Row, Rumsey, Sample, Sargent, Sawyer, Seebold, Selin, Shaeffer, Shivley, Shoemaker, Slenker, Smith, Snyder, Soult, Spangenberg, Spalding, Speddy, Spyder, Stanford, Starret, Stevens, Storms, Stove, Strickland, Strubble, Stump, Sullivan, Sunderland, Swan, Swartz, Swartzel, Swevey, Swineford, Taggert, Tate, Taylor, Templeton, Thompson, Titzell, Van Campen, Van Fleet, Van Gundy, Vanvalzah, Vincent, Wagoner, Walker, Watson, Watts, Weeks, Weirick, Weiser, Weisner, Welch, Whitman, Weirbach, Williams, Wilson, Withington, Wolfe, Wolfinger, Wright, Yiesely, Young
History of that part of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys, embraced in the
counties of Mifflin, Juniata, Perry, Union and Snyder, in the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania Vol. 1 & 2 (Everts, Peck & Richards, 1886, 1689 pages)
This is an early historical and biographical volume covering the Juniata Valley, Mifflin, Juniata, Perry, Snyder and Union Counties, Pennsylvania. It provides a wealth of information for both historical and genealogical research.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Albright, Alexander, Alleman, Allen, Allison, Anderson, Antes, Ard, Armstrong, Atkinson, Aurand, Backus, Baker, Banks, Barber, Barner, Barnett, Bashor, Baskins, Baxter, Beale, Beard, Beatty, Beaver, Beck, Beidler, Bell, Benedict, Bergstresser, Berry, Beshler, Beyer, Bibighous, Bigelow, Bingman, Bixler, Black, Blain, Blair, Blythe, Bonsall, Book, Boone, Bordner, Botdorf, Bower, Bovard, Boyd, Boyer, Brady, Bratton, Briner, Brought, Brown, Brubaker, Brugger, Brundage, Bryson, Bucher, Bucke, Buck, Bull, Burchfield, Burg, Burns, Burnside, Buyers, Byers, Caldwell, Cameron, Campbell,Candor, Case, Casper, Castle, Caveny, Cesna, Cever, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chapman, Charlton, Christy, Clark, Clarke, Clendennin, Close, Cochran, Connell, Contner, Cook, Cooper, Cox, Crawford, Creamer, Creigh, Crist, Cronimiller, Crotzer, Crouse, Cuddy, Culbertson, Culp, Cummin, Cummings, Cunningham, Darlington, Davis, Dean, Dechart, Deitrich, De Lancey, Derr, Derrickson, Dietrich, Dill, Dimm, Diven, Doling, Donaldson, Doty, Doudle, Dougherty, Driesbach, Dull, Dunbar, Duncan, Eaker, Earnshaw, Eby, Eckert, Edwards, Ehrenfeld, Elder, Elliott, Ellinkhusen, Ellis, Emerick, English, Enslow, Ensminger, Eppley, Erlenmeyer, Evans, Eyer, Eyster, Farley, Fetterolf, Fisher, Flickinger, Floyd, Flynn, Focht, Follmer, Fought, Frow, Fry, Fuller, Funk, Galbreath, Galbraith, Gallagher, Galloway, Garver, Gass, Gast, Geddes, Gemmel, Gerhart, Getz, Gibson, Gilbert, Girty (Girtee), Glover, Gobble, Goerky, Gordon, Gourley, Graham, Gray, Graybill, Green, Greenleaf, Greenough, Grier, Grimm, Groff, Grosh, Grove, Grubb, Gudykunst, Gundy, Guss, Gutshall, Haas, Hackett, Hackendorn, Hale, Halfpenny, Hall, Hambright, Hamilton, Hamlin, Hanawalt, Harding, Hardy, Harey, Harman, Harris, Harrison, Harshbarger, Hartfranft, Hartley, Hartman, Hassenplug, Hassinger, Hayes, Heading, Heim, Hench, Henderson, Hendrick, Helfenstine, Henderson, Hepburn, Herman, Hetrick, Hickman, Hill, Himmelreich, Hoffa, Hoffman, Hogg, Holman, Hooke, Hoover, Hope, Horning, Hosterman, Hottenstein, Houseworth, Houston, Hower, Hudson, Huff, Hulings, Hummel, Hunter, Hurlbut, Huston, Hutcheson, Hyatt, Ickes, Innes, Irvin, Irvine, Irwin, Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jenkins, Jones, Johnson, Johnston, Joyce, Junkin, Kanowel, Kauffman, Kelly, Kelso, Kemble, Kennedy, Kepler, Kepner, Kincaid, King, Kinsloe, Kirk, Kirkpatrick, Kistler, Kleckner, Klineyoung, Knight, Kohler, Kremer, Kyle, Lafferty, Laird, Larabee, Lauver, Lechner, Lee, Lefevre, Leight, Leiser, Lepley, Lewis, Liggett, Lightner, Lincoln, Linn, Logan, Long, Loomis, Lotz, Loudon, Lowdon, Loy, Ludwig, Lukens, Lupfer, Lycon, Lyle, Lyon, Lyons, MacFarland, Maclay, Magee, Mahon, Malich, Markel, Marks, Marr, Marshall, Mason, Mass, Mather, Mathers, Maurs, McAfee, McAlister, McAllister, McBride, McClean, McClellan, McClenahan, McClintock, McClung, McClure, McConnell, McCoy, McCrum, McCullough, McCurdy, McDonald, McDowell, McEwen, McFaddens, McGeehan, McIntire, McKee, McKennan, McLaughlin, McMeen, McMorris, McNamara, McNeil, McNitt, McPherran, McVey, Mealey, Means, Melchor, Meller, Mensch, Merrill, Mettlen, Metz, Meylert, Michaux, Middleswart, Miller, Milligan, Milliken, Mitchell, Mitman, Mohn, Montelius, Montour, Moore, Moreland, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Mortimer, Motzer, Moyer, Mumma, Murphy, Murray, Musser, Myers, Neff, Neilson, Nelson, Newton, Niblock, Nipple, North, Nourse, Oakes, Oliver, Orris, Orwig, Owens, Painter, Parcels, Parker, Parks, Parshall, Patterson, Patton, Pellman, Pennell, Peters, Pfahler, Pfoutz, Phillips, Pierce, Piper, Plette, Plunket, Pontius, Porter, Potter, Powers, Price, Purdy, Quig, Rakerd, Reed, Reichart, Reider, Reinhold, Rengler, Reutter, Reyner, Reynolds, Reys, Rheam, Rhoads, Rhoddy, Rice, Riddle, Rishel, Roan, Robinson, Robison, Roddy, Rodgers, Rogers, Ronk, Rothrock, Rote, Ross, Rouse, Ruble, Ruhl, Sahm, Sampsel, Sandoe, Schaffle, Schoch, Scholl, Schnable, Schnure, Schrof, Schuyler, Schwartz, Seebold, Seip, Selheimer, Selin, Sellers, Shaeffer, Shaffer, Sharon, Shaw, Shellenberger, Sheeder, Sheets, Sheibley, Shelly, Shindel, Shine, Short, Shriner, Shuman, Siebert, Sigler, Simes, Simonton, Simpson, Singer, Slenkers, Slifer, Smiley, Smith, Smyth, Snowden, Snyder, Specht, Speck, Speddy, Speth, Spotts, Springman, Sponsler, Spyker, Stadden, Stambaugh, Stanford, Star, Stean, Steel, Steele, Stees, Steese, Steever, Stephens, Stephenson, Stern, Sterrett, Stevens, Stewart, Stillwell, Stites, Stone, Strickler, Strode, Strohecker, Strohm, Stroup, Stuetzel, Sturgeon, Suloff, Swartz, Sweigert, Swineford, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Tool, Toomey, Traver, Tressler, Troxell, Truekemiller, Tudor, Turbett, Uhle, Ulrich, Uttley, Van Campen, Van Dyke, Van Gezer, Van Gundy, Van Rensselaer, Van Swearingen, Van Valzah, Van Wert, Vorse, Wagenseller, Waggoner, Wagner, Walker, Wallis, Walls, Walter, Walters, Warner, Watson, Watts, Wayland, Wehr, Weidman, Weirich, Weirick, Weiser, Weist, Weitzel, Wert, Westhoven, Weymer, Wharton, White, Whiteside, Whitmer, William, Williams, Williard, Willis, Wilson, Wilts, Wingert, Witmer, Wolfe, Womer, Woods, Woodward, Worrall, Wright, Yeager, Yoder, Youngman, Zeigler
Otzinachson; or a History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna
(J. F. Meginnes, 1889, 712 pages)
This is a revision of the original edition from 1857 including additional information and illustrations.
Biographical Annals of Deceased Residents of the West Branch Valley
of the Susquehanna (J. F. Meginness, 1889, 270 pages)
This is an early biographical volume focusing on the region of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna in Lycoming, Northumberland, Union, and Snyder Counties. This is an excellent source of information as much of the details contained in the text are only found in this volume.
Surnames Indexed:
Achenbach, Adium, Aiken, Alder, Alexander, Allen, Antes, Anthony, Armstrong, Arrowsmith, Aspen, Awl, Ayres, Babb, Bailey, Baird, Barber, Barto, Bastress, Bellas, Bennett, Bentley, Blair, Blaker, Boal, Boatman, Boone, Brady, Bridgens, Brown, Bruner, Bryson, Bucher, Bugh, Bull, Burrows, Burt, Caldwell, Calvert, Cameron, Campbell, Carskaddon, Chambers, Chapman, Chilloway, Church, Clark, Cooke, Cooper, Coryell, Covenhoven, Cooke, Crane, Crawford, Culbertson, Cummings, Davidson, De Long, Dewart, Dietrick, Donnel, Dougal, Duncan, Dunn, Durham, Eagle, Eldred, Elliot, Ellis, English, Evans, Faires, Farley, Fleming, Follmer, Frick, Gamble, Geddes, Gilliland, Green, Greenough, Grier, Hall, Hays, Hamilton, Hegins, Hepburn, Herdic, Hill, Huling, Hurley, Huston, Irvin, Jarrett, Jones, Jordan, Kapp, Kelley, Kidd, Kirkpatrick, Lashells, Lawshe, Lebo, Lewis, Lloyd, Lowdon, Lyman, Mackey, Maclay, Maynard, McCormick, McElrath, McKean, McMinn, Montgomery, Nutimus (Notames), Opp, Packer, Parker, Parsons, Plunkett, Priestley, Quay, Quinn, Rambach, Reed, Ross, Shay, Shriner, Slifer, Sloan, Smith, Snyder, Sprout, Sterling, Stewart, Taggert, Torbet, Ulrich, Updegraff, Vanderbelt, Van Valzah, Walker, Wallis, Warner, Watson, Weitzel, White, Willits, Winchester, Winters, Wilson, Wood, Yocum, Yonkin, Zaner
Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania
Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder (J. H. Beers & Co., 1898, 1588 pages)
This publication is an extensive biographical volume for four Central Pennsylvania counties: Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder. It contains hundreds of biographies of prominent citizens and families from this region of PA. Also included are numerous portraits of the sketch subjects. This is an excellent source for historical or genealogical research in Central Pennsylvania, as much of the information is related only in this volume.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Africa, Aigler, Albrecht, Albright, Alexander, Allbaugh, Alleman, Allen, Allison, Allport, Ammon, Andrews, Anthony, App, Ard, Armstrong, Arney, Arnold, Atherton, Aurand, Aviragnet, Backus, Bair, Bairfoot, Baker, Barber, Barker, Barner, Barnes, Barnhart, Barr, Barrows, Bartol, Bassler, Batcheler, Beaber, Beard, Beaver, Bechdel, Bechtel, Beck, Becker, Beerly, Behrer, Beirly, Bennage, Benner, Bennett, Berkenstock, Bernhart, Berry, Bickel, Bickford, Biehl, Bierly, Bigony, Binder, Bingaman, Bitner, Blair, Blanchard, Blanche, Bliss, Bloom, Blyler, Boal, Bobb, Bogar, Boggs, Bollinger, Boob, Bossert, Boush, Bower, Bowersox, Boyer, Braucher, Braucht, Breon, Bressler, Bricker, Bridgens, Bright, Brobst, Brooke, Brooks, Brown, Brugger, Brumgard, Brungard, Brungart, Brunner, Bucher, Buckbout, Budinger, Bumiller, Burd, Burket, Burkholder, Burns, Burnside, Burrell, Burrey, Bush, Butz, Caldwell, Cameron, Carlin, Carlisle, Capenter, Carver, Christ, Christie, Church, Clark, Cleaver, Clemson, Clingan, Clinton, Close, Clouser, Coburn, Cole, Colyer, Comly, Condo, Confair, Confer, Conley, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cort, Cornelius, Corson, Corss, Courter, Crawford, Crider, Criswell, Cromley, Crossgrove, Crowe, Crust, Curtin, Dale, Daley, Darrah, Dauberman, Daup, Davidson, Davis, Decker, DeHaas, Deibler, Deininger, Deitrich, DeLong, Denlinger, Dennis, Derr, Dershem, Deshler, Dewire, Dickey, Dieffenderfer, Dietrich, Dimm, Dorman, Dornblaser, Dorworth, Douty, Downing, Dreese, Dreisbach, Dubbs, Dundore, Dunham, Dunkel, Dunlap, Dunlop, Dunn, Durst, Earon, Eby, Eddy, Edelman, Eisenhauer, Eisenhower, Elliot, Elliott, Emigh, Emory, Engle, Engleman, Erdley, Ertel, Etters, Evans, Ewing, Eyer, Fabel, Fair, Fairchild, Fairlamb, Farley,Farwell, Faulkner, Felmlee, Fessler, Fetterolf, Fiedler, Field, Fink, Fishburn, Fisher, Fleming, Flisher, Focht, Folmar, Follmer, Foote, Forcey, Forry [Forrer], Fortney, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Frain, Frank, Frantz, Frederick, Fredericks, Frick, Fritz, Fry, Fryberger, Fullmer, Furey, Furst, Gardner, Garman, Garner, Garthoff, Geary, Gebbart, Geddes, Gellinger, Gemberling, Gephart, Getgen, Getz, Ghaner, Gilliland, Gingery, Ginter, Glace, Gleason, Glenn, Glosner, Glossner, Glover, Good, Goodman, Gordon, Gormley, Gottschall, Gowland, Gramley, Gramly, Gray, Green, Gregg, Gretzinger, Grieb, Grimm, Groff, Groover, Gross, Group, Grove, Grow, Gudykuntz, Guiswite, Gummo, Gunsallus, Guss, Gutelius, Haag, Haagen, Haas, Hafer, Hagenbuch, Haines, Hale, Halenback, Halfpenny, Hall, Hamilton, Hancock, Hand, Habeson, Harley, Harman, Harnish, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harshberger, Harter, Hartman, Hartswick, Harvey, Hassenplug, Hastings, Hause, Hayes, Hays, Haynes, Heard, Heaton, Heckman, Heffner, Heim, Heimbach, Heinley, Heiser, Henderson, Henneich, Hensyl, Hepburn, Herb, Herbster, Herman, Herr, Hess, Hilbish, Hillbish, Hillibish, Himmelreich, Hinkson, Hinton, Hipple, Hoch, Hoffa, Hoffman, Holmes, Holt, Holter, Holtzman, Hoop, Hoover, Horner, Hosterman, Hottenstein, Houseworth, Houtz, Howell, Hower, Hoy, Hoyt, Hubler, Hudson, Huey, Huff, Hufferd, Hughes, Hulley, Humes, Hummel, Hunter, Huston, Hutton, Hyatt, Ickes, Iddings, Irland, Irvin, Irvine, Irwin, Isenberg, Jacobs, Jarrett, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Kanawel, Kantz, Kaufman, Kaup, Keefer, Keen, Keichline, Keiser, Keller, Kelley, Kelly, Kemmerer, Kendig, Kepler, Kerlin, Kerstetter, Kessinger, Kessler, Keys, Kimpel, King, Kinsloe, Kintner, Kissell, Kister, Kistler, Kleckner, Kline, Klinefelter, Kling, Klingler, Knauer, Knight, Knouse, Kolp, Korman, Krape, Kreamer, Kreider, Kremer, Kress, Krouse, Krumrine, Kines, Kunkel, Kurtz, Kuster, Lachat, Larh, Landis, Laubach, Lauck, Laurelton, Laurie, Lauth, Leathers, Lebkicher, Lehr, Leiby, Leiser, Lesher, Lewis, Leyman, Liggetts, Lilley, Limbert, Lincoln, Lingle, Linn, Livingston, Long, Longaker, Loomis, Loose, Lorain, Love, Loveland, Loyd, Lucas, Lukens, Lumbard, Lutz, Lynn, Lytle, Mallory, Mann, Mark, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Matlack, Mattern, Mauck, May, Mayer, Mays, McAllister, McCall, McCarthy, McClintock, McCloskey, McClure, McCormick, McCoy, McDonald, McDowell, McEntire, McFarlane, McGhee, McGirk, McGuire, McKinney, McLanahan, McLeod, McMahon, McMeen, McMicken, McMunagle, McNamara, Meek, Meitzler, Mench, Mendenhall, Mensch, Merrey, Merrill, Merryman, Mertz, Meyer, Middleswarth, Miles, Miller, Millner, Mingle, Mitchell, Mobley, Mohn, Moll, Montelius, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morlock, Morningstar, Mortimer, Mosebarger, Mothersbaugh, Motz, Moyer, Mulhollan, Munro, Murphy, Musser, Muthler, Myers, Nearhoof, Neese, Neff, Neidig, Nesbit, Nipple, Nogel, Noll, North, Nowell, Nowland, O'Bryan, Odenkirk, O'Dwyer, Orndorf, Orner, Orvis, Orwig, Osman, Owens, Ott, Owens, Packer, Parsons, Pawling, Paxton, Pealer, Peck, Pellman, Perkins, Persing, Peters, Petrikin, Pinogel, Platt, Pletcher, Poorman, Porter, Potter, Poulsen, Powers, Pringle, Prutzman, Pursley, Quiggle, Quinn, Ranck, Rangler, Rankin, Rauch, Raudenbush, Raup, Reagel, Ream, Rearick, Reber, Redlin, Reed, Reeder, Reedy, Reeser, Reesman, Reiber, Reifsnyder, Reigard, Reish, Rerick, Rhinesmith, Rhoads, Rhone, Rich, Richards, Richter, Ricker, Rider, Riegel, Rine, Rishel, Ritter, Rittman, Roach, Robbins, Robenold, Rockey, Rodenbaugh, Rogers, Romig, Rooke, Ross, Rosser, Rossman, Rote, Rothermel, Rothrock, Roush, Royer, Ruhl, Ruhle, Russell, Rute, Rutherford, Saas, Sampsel, Sanders, Sankey, Sauer, Scheckler, Schmeltzer, Schnure, Schoch, Schofield, Schrack, Schray, Schwenk, Scott, Seebold, Selin, Shafer, Shaffer, Shambach, Shambaugh, Shaw, Sheckler, Shell, Shellenbarger, Shields, Shindel, Shipton, Shirk, Shively, Shivery, Shobert, Shoemaker, Shortlidge, Showalter, Showers, Shuey, Shugert, Shuler, Shultz, Simler, Singer, Slear, Slifer, Slinger, Smith, Snyder, Sober, Sohmer, Solt, Spangler, Specht, Sperring, Spigelmeyer, Spigelmyer, Spotts, Springer, Springman, Stahl, Stapleton, Steadman, Steans, Steele, Stetler, Stevenson, Stewart, Stine, Stitzer, Stiver, Stockham, Stonerod, Stoughton, Stover, Strickler, Strohecker, Strohm, Stroub, Strunk, Stuart, Stuffel, Swartz, Swineford, Swires, Sypher, Taylor, Temple, Thomas, Thompson, Throne, Tibbins, Tice, Tipton, Tobias, Todd, Tool, Troxell, Trutt, Tuten, Twitmyer, Ulrich, Ulsh, Underwood, Uzzell, Valentine, Van Dyke, Van Pelt, Van Valzah, Vonada, Voneida, Waddle, Wagenseller, Wagner, Waite, Walker, Wallace, Walter, Walton, Ward, Warfel, Wate, Waters, Watson, Weaver, Weber, Weidensaul, Weidler, Weiser, Wentzel, Werts, West, Weston, Wetzel, Wheland, White, Whiteleather, Whitman, Wickersham, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Winters, Wirt, Wise, Witherrite, Wolf, Wolfe, Womelsdorf, Woodring, Woodruff, Worts, Wright, Yarnell, Yeager, Yearick, Yocum, Yoder, Young, Youtz, Zeigler, Zeller, Zerby, Zieber, Ziegler, Zimmerman
The Story of a County - Union County 1813-1963
(Thomas R. Deans, 1963, 146 pages)
This booklet was produced to commemorate the sesquicentennial of Union County, Pennsylvania. It begins with a program of the events associated with the celebration and then proceeds into the history of the county. The historical narrative begins with the early settlers to the area and the troubles they experienced in the frontier, and follows along through the development of the county as well as the split with Snyder County in 1855. There are sections devoted to the area's churches, schools, and industries, and each township and town is covered to some degree. Another section covers the history of Bucknell University. Included with these sections are photographs from the area's history; historic buildings, scenes from long ago, portraits of prominent citizens, etc.
Benjamin K. Focht, Joseph Casper Bucher, William Cameron, G. C. Mohn, J. Merrill Linn, Eli Slifer, Edith Kelly Fetherston, Blanchard Gummo, Bruce Mitchell, Kathryn Royer Barnitz, Elizabeth Z. Farrow, Elizabeth L. Hitchcock, Neil R. Anderson, Elizabeth S. McDermond, Marguerite Hoover Rhodes
Special Historical Supplement [Union Co., Sesquicentennial] (Daily Item, 1963, 40 pages)
This is a special newspaper supplement on the 150th Anniversary of Union County, PA in 1963. It contains a number of articles focusing on different subjects from Union County's past as well as the current (1963) celebrations to mark the sesquicentennial in various places around the county. Some of the historical topics deal with the towns and villages of Union County, its early settlers, local legends, etc. There are also a number of historical photographs and illustrations included in many of the articles.
Historic Site Survey (Union County Planning Commission, 1976, 226 pages)
This publication was produced as a survey of the historic sites of Union County. Similar publications were produced in other counties around the time of the country's bicentennial as a means of preserving historic heritage. The first section relates a brief history of the county and a description of its features. The next section lists the historic sites and buildings of the county by region - Lewisburg, Mifflinburg, New Berlin and then the rest of the county. It includes hundreds of photographs of buildings with historic import, most still in existence in 1976, but also others which had previously been demolished.
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