The Huber-Hoover Family History
Anyone with Huber or Hoover ancestry can probably trace their roots to Immigrant Hans Huber who is thought to have arrived in Lancaster Co., Pa., in 1710. Hans Hoober, as he signed his will, died in 1750 and is buried at Groffdale, Pa. Many of his descendants (some traced through eleven generations) are listed in this reprint of the 1928 edition. Frequent surnames: Basehoar, Bear, Bowman, Brackbill, Brubaker, Burkholder, Bushong, Eby, Horst, Martin, Myers, Sensenig, Wenger, and Zimmerman. (335pp. illus. Masthof Press, 2016 reprint of 1928 ed.)
See The Huber-Hoover Family History Index (Item #1059) for $9.99.
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