The Descendants of Christian J. and Magdalena (Hershberger) Hostetler - Larry L. Hostetler

The Descendants of Christian J. and Magdalena (Hershberger) Hostetler

Larry L. Hostetler

  • 2800

Early Hochstetler history and family stories (230 pages) precede the main genealogical section of this encyclopedia of Hostetlers covering the descendants of C. J. Hostetler (1830-1925) and Magdalena (Hershberger) Hostetler (1835-1925) buried at Shelbyville, Ill. The most frequent surnames include: Baer, Baker, Birky, Blosser, Brown, Christner, Eash, Eigsti, Gingerich, Headings, Hostetler, Kenagy, Kropf, Lantz, Martin, Miller, Ropp, Schrock, Smucker, Swartzentruber, Troyer, Ulrich, Unzicker, Werner, Yoder, and Zook. (640pp. illus. index. hardcover. Author, 1992.)