The Descendants of Christian J. and Magdalena (Hershberger) Hostetler
Early Hochstetler history and family stories (230 pages) precede the main genealogical section of this encyclopedia of Hostetlers covering the descendants of C. J. Hostetler (1830-1925) and Magdalena (Hershberger) Hostetler (1835-1925) buried at Shelbyville, Ill. The most frequent surnames include: Baer, Baker, Birky, Blosser, Brown, Christner, Eash, Eigsti, Gingerich, Headings, Hostetler, Kenagy, Kropf, Lantz, Martin, Miller, Ropp, Schrock, Smucker, Swartzentruber, Troyer, Ulrich, Unzicker, Werner, Yoder, and Zook. (640pp. illus. index. hardcover. Author, 1992.)