Snyder County, PA - Town, Township and Regional History Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
History of Beaver Springs, Penn'a and Centennial Souvenir Book 1806-1906
(A. M. Aurand, 1906, 138 pages)
This is a centennial history of the town of Beaver Springs (and vicinity), located in Snyder County, PA. It provides an account of the area's growth and development, a century after the founding of the town. It covers the town's institutions, organizations and businesses. It includes many views of the town and its buildings. It also provides a great deal of biographical information on the citizens of the area, including portraits of many of the sketch subjects. Another nice feature of the publication is a record of some of the marriages and deaths from the region.
Aurand, Bachman, Baker, Benfer, Bilger, Bingaman, Bowersox, Brown, Decker, Dreese, Ewing, Felker, Getz, Greenhoe, Gross, Gundrum, Haines, Keller, Kearns, Kempfer, Kline, Klinepeter, Klose, Knepp, Lantz, Laub, Lepley, Long, Manbeck, Markley, Mechtley, Middleswarth, Miller, Mitchell, Moyer, Oldt, Pontius, Rauch, Raudenbush, Raught, Riegel, Rietz, Rigel, Romig, Schambach, Shambach, Smeltzer, Smith, Snook, Spaid, Spangler, Specht, Stahlnecker, Thomas, Ulsh, Wagner, Walter, Werner, Woodling, Youngman
Souvenir Book of Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
(Book Committee 160th Anniversary of the Penn's Creek Massacre, 1915, 106 pages)
This is a history of Selinsgrove, Snyder County, PA. The historical sketches are accompanied by numerous photographs of the area and its citizens.
Selinsgrove, Penna. Chronology 1700-1850 Volume 1
(William Marion Schnure, 1918, 165 pages)
This is an early history of Selinsgrove, Snyder County and vicinity. The author has taken historical information gathered from various sources and presented it in chronological order starting long before there were many settlers in the area. This is an excellent piece of historical information on the area of Selinsgrove.
One Hundredth Anniversary - Kratzerville, PA. 1847-1947
Historical Souvenir Book (Anonymous, 1947, 76 pages)
This is a centennial history and pictorial souvenir of Kratzerville, Snyder County, PA written in 1947. The information briefly covers the history of the county and settlement of the town, and includes sections on Justices of the Peace, Education, Churches and the Kratzerville Mill. The main portion of the publication is photographs of the town’s buildings and homes, followed by ads for local businesses.
1853-1953 Selinsgrove's Centennial Souvenir Book
(Selinsgrove Centennial Corporation, 1953, 137 pages)
This booklet was produced to commemorate the centennial of Selinsgrove, Snyder County, PA. It covers both the centennial celebration, providing a program of its events, and lists of those involved. The booklet covers some of the early history of Snyder County but the major part of the publication is the historical information on Selinsgrove from its early days to the date of publication in 1953. There are also many photographs of the town and surrounding area, including several of some of Selinsgrove's historic buildings. Another useful section of the booklet provides biographies of some of the town's leading citizens. There are also a number of ads for local businesses at the end.
Gov. Simon Snyder, Peter Hosterman, Thomas Price, Frederick Evans, Dr. Benjamin Franklin Wagenseller, Capt. Charles Selin Davis, Joseph Henry Feehrer, James Keemer Davis, Sr., James Keemer Davis, Jr., George Schnure, Henry C. Eyer, Joseph G. Lesher, Franklin Weirick, Joseph Asher Lumbard, Marion Schnure Schoch, Dr. Percival Herman, Dr. Cyril H. Haas, George Kremer, Jacob S. Coxey
100th Anniversary - Troxelville - 1856-1956 (Anonymous, 1956, 125 pages)
This is a centennial history of Troxelville, Beaver Township, Snyder County, PA. The historical information covers the early history of the area and town then follows its development through the years. It sketches several early settlers and their families - Frederick Bingman, Frederick Fetterolf, Kern family, Jacob Moyer, Henry Swartz and John Troxell. There are a number of historical photographs of the town and its residents included with the information. Towards the end there is a program of events for its centennial celebration and a list of patrons who supported it, and finally numerous ads for local businesses.
The McClure Story 1867-1967 One Hundred Years of History
(Anonymous, 1967, 144 pages)
This is a centennial history of the town of McClure, Snyder County, PA from its founding in 1867 to 1967. It provides a brief history of the town's beginnings and growth and a description of many of its businesses and organizations. Along with this information, there are also many photographs of the town's people and buildings and numerous ads for local businesses. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research in this area.
Richfield Sesqui-Centennial 1818-1868 (Anonymous, 1968, 118 pages)
This is a history of Monroe Township, and Richfield in Juniata County, and West Perry Township, Snyder County, PA. It contains a great deal of historical information and includes numerous photographs of the town and surrounding areas and the residents therein.
Richfield Sesqui-Centennial - Highlights and Happenings
(Anonymous, 1968, 37 pages)
This is a program and pictorial souvenir of the Centennial celebration of Richfield, Juniata County, PA held in 1968. It contains dozens of photographs from the celebration including many of the residents of the area.
Kreamer and Middlecreek Township Bi-centennial 1770-1970
(Bi-Centennial Historical Committee, 1970, 101 pages)
This booklet is a history of the town of Kreamer and Middlecreek Township, Snyder County, PA. It contains a history of this area's settlement and growth through the years up to 1970. It contains a great deal of historical details, biographical information, as well as numerous photographs of the area and its people.
Biographies: Aucker, Aurand, Boyer, Erdley, Fisher, Hendricks, Hummel, Keeler, Knouse, Kreamer, Landis, Maurer, Musser, Ritter, Rumbaugh, Yearger, Zechman
The Kreamer Middlecreek Township 1971 Pioneer Days Highlights
(Anonymous, 1971, 59 pages)
This is a program of the 1971 Pioneer Days celebration as well as a souvenir of the 1970 Centennial celebration of Kreamer. The majority of the publication consists of photographs of the Centennial celebration - its events, attendees and participants.
Selinsgrove - U.S. Bicentennial Souvenir Book
(Selinsgrove Bicentennial Committee, 1976, 51 pages)
This booklet was published as a history of Selinsgrove and a program of the events associated with the U.S. Bicentennial celebration in Selinsgrove. It includes a number of brief accounts from the areas history interspersed among ads for local businesses.
Middleburg Pennsylvania 1776-1976
(Middleburg Bicentennial Committee, 1976, 98 pages)
This is a bicentennial history of the town of Middleburg, Snyder County, PA up to the year 1976. It outlines the history of the town and gives a detailed description of the town as of the date of publication. It includes numerous photographs of the town's businesses, buildings, residents, etc.
History and Reminiscences of Penns Creek and Center Township,
Snyder County Pennsylvania (Mifflinburg Telegraph, 1976, 24 pages)
This publication presents a history of Penns Creek and Center Township, Snyder County, PA. It discusses the early history of the area, its settlers and development. There are also a few historical photographs and illustrations included
Beaver Springs Area Bicentennial Souvenir Booklet
(Beaver Springs Area Bicentennial Committee, 1976, 84 pages)
This is a history of the Beaver Springs area of Snyder County, PA, written for the nation’s bicentennial celebration. It covers the early history of the area and its settlement. Different sections focus on aspects of the town – Churches, Schools, Banking, Recreation, Sports, Utilities, Businesses, Civic Organizations, etc. At the beginning, it also includes a list of residents on the tax rolls (1976). There are also numerous photographs included with the historical information.
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