Snyder County, PA - Everything Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA. This collection includes all of the individual collections covering Schuylkill County, PA (Please see individual collection listings for detailed descriptions of titles.)
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
SN01 - Snyder County PA - Everything Collection (All Collections on Snyder County)
SN02 - County History & Biography Collection
History and Topography of Northumberland, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Centre, Union, Columbia, Juniata, and Clinton Co., PA (I. Daniel Rupp, 1847, 567 pages)
Annals of Buffalo Valley, Pennsylvania 1755 - 1855 (John Linn Blair, 1877, 620 pages)
History of that part of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys, embraced in the counties of Mifflin, Juniata, Perry, Union and Snyder, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Vol. 1 & 2 (Everts, Peck & Richards, 1886, 1689 pages)
Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania - Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder (J. H. Beers & Co., 1898, 1588 pages)
Snyder County Annals (Vol. 1 & 2) (Geo. W. Wagenseller, 1919-1920, 668 pages)
Snyder County Pioneers (Charles A. Snyder, 1938, 106 pages)
The Story of Snyder County, Pennsylvania (The Selinsgrove Times Inc., 1955, 128 pages)
A Look at Snyder County Before the 20th Century (Jimmy A. Shaffer, 1975, 76 pages)
Snyder County Pennsylvania - From Pioneer Days to the Present (Snyder County National Bicentennial Communities, Inc., 1976, 193 pages)
SN03 - Town, Township and Regional History Collection
History of Beaver Springs, Penn'a and Centennial Souvenir Book 1806-1906 (A. M. Aurand, 1906, 138 pages)
Souvenir Book of Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania (Book Committee 160th Anniversary of the Penn's Creek Massacre, 1915, 106 pages)
Selinsgrove, Penna. Chronology 1700-1850 Volume 1 (William Marion Schnure, 1918, 165 pages)
One Hundredth Anniversary - Kratzerville, PA. 1847-1947 - Historical Souvenir Book (Anonymous, 1947, 76 pages)
1853-1953 Selinsgrove's Centennial Souvenir Book (Selinsgrove Centennial Corporation, 1953, 137 pages)
100th Anniversary - Troxelville - 1856-1956 (Anonymous, 1956, 125 pages)
The McClure Story 1867-1967 One Hundred Years of History (Anonymous, 1967, 144 pages)
Richfield Sesqui-Centennial 1818-1868 (Anonymous, 1968, 118 pages)
Kreamer and Middlecreek Township Bi-centennial 1770-1970 (Bi-Centennial Historical Committee, 1970, 101 pages)
The Kreamer Middlecreek Township 1971 Pioneer Days Highlights (Anonymous, 1971, 59 pages)
Selinsgrove - U.S. Bicentennial Souvenir Book (Selinsgrove Bicentennial Committee, 1976, 51 pages)
Middleburg Pennsylvania 1776-1976 (Middleburg Bicentennial Committee, 1976, 98 pages)
History and Reminiscences of Penns Creek and Center Township, Snyder County Pennsylvania (Mifflinburg Telegraph, 1976, 24 pages)
Beaver Springs Area Bicentennial Souvenir Booklet (Beaver Springs Area Bicentennial Committee, 1976, 84 pages)
SN04 - Church, Family, Education, Military, Maps and Miscellaneous History Collection
Addresses, Inaugurals and Charges, Delivered in Selin's Grove, Snyder Co., PA (T. Newton Kurtz, 1859, 186 pages)
Industries of Pennsylvania - Williamsport, Lock Haven, Bellefonte, Lewisburg, Milton, Selin's Grove, Renovo, Philipsburg, Mifflinburg, Muncy, Newberry, Jersey Shore, Hughesville, Milesburg (Richard Edwards, 1882, 145 pages)
Genealogy of the Ludwig Bretz Family 1750-1890 (E. W. S. Parthemore, 1890, 150 pages)
Genealogy of the Meyer Family (Henry Meyer, 1890, 129 pages)
Golden Jubilee History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Selinsgrove, Penna (Rev. Prof. Jacob Yutzy, 1894, 127 pages)
The History of the Wagenseller Family in America With Kindred Branches (Geo. W. Wagenseller, 1898, 210 pages)
The Descendants of John Forry (Geo. W. Wagenseller, 1898, 10 pages)
Snyder County Marriages, 1835-1899 (Geo. W. Wagenseller, 1899, 268 pages)
History of the Gable Family (Anonymous, 1902, 80 pages)
Descendants of John Peter Scholl (A. G. Scholl, 1903, 95 pages)
Tombstone Inscriptions of Snyder County, Penna. (George W. Wagonseller, 1904, 282 pages)
1909 Teachers' Institute Magazine - 52nd Annual Teachers' Institute, Snyder County (Geo. W. Wagenseller, 1909, 36 pages)
Freemasonry in Northumberland & Snyder Counties, Pennsylvania [Vol. 1 & 2] (Frederic A. Godcharles, 1911, 1268 pages)
Centenary Anniversary of the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Second Edifice of (Rowe's) Evangelical Lutheran and Reformed Church at Salem, Snyder County, PA (Anonymous, 1914, 4 pages)
History and Souvenir of St. Paul's Reformed Church, Selinsgrove, PA 1856-1915 (Rev. Leon S. Drumheller, 1915, 50 pages)
Susquehanna Flood Scenes 1936 (Melick & Mull, 1936, 68 pages)
The Forebears and the Descendants of Michael and Eve Breon Roush (Mary Etta Bordner Coons, Jessie Elizabeth Roush, & Lucy Margaret Roush, 1938, 41 pages)
Abstracts of Snyder County Probate and Orphans Court Records 1772-1855 (Dr. Charles A. Fisher, 1940, 88 pages)
Central Pennsylvania Marriages 1700-1896 (Charles A. Fisher, 1946, 92 pages)
In Memory of Our Honored Dead - Souvenir Program [Northumberland & Snyder Counties] (Anonymous, 1947, 74 pages)
Early Wills and Administrations of Northumberland County, PA. Also the same of Union, Mifflin and Indiana Co. (Dr. Charles A. Fisher, 1950, 80 pages)
Celebration of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of The First Methodist Church, Selinsgrove, Penna. 1875-1950 (Raymond L. Morris, 1950, 23 pages)
115th Anniversary of Samuel's UCC Evangelical and Reformed 1849-1964 (Anonymous, 1964, 90 pages)
Handbook of the Snyder County Retired Teachers’ Association (Snyder County Retired Teachers' Association, 1972, 45 pages)
Flood Pennsylvania - 1972 (Timothy E. Euker, David Berner, 1972, 68 pages)
1824-1974 - One-Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of Lafayette Lodge No. 194 F. & A. M., Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1974, 21 pages)
1877-1977 100th Anniversary of the Lutheran Church, McClure, PA (Anonymous, 1977, 33 pages)
Maps Atlases & Images
Snyder County Pennsylvania (K. Volkmar, 1858, Color)
Atlas of Union & Snyder Counties, Pennsylvania (Pomeroy & Beers, 1868, 33 pages, Color)
SN05 - Directory Collection
United Telephone & Telegraph Company District No. 4 (United Telephone & Telegraph Company, 1906, 124 pages)
Shamokin, Sunbury, Bloomsburg, Milton, Berwick and Nearby Places Telephone Directory - September 15, 1916 (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1916, 68 pages)
United Telephone Directory - June 1923 - Northern District (United Telephone & Telegraph Company, 1923, 176 pages)
Telephone Directory - 1926 Issue (Cumberland Valley Telephone Co., 1926, 204 pages)
Sunbury and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1938 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1938, 130 pages)
Sunbury and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1941 (Bell Telephone Co., of PA, 1941, 118 pages)
Sunbury Directory - December 1950 (Including Northumberland, Selinsgrove, Shamokin Dam, Hummels Wharf and Surrounding Sections (Standard Directories, 1950, 168 pages)
Selinsgrove - Beaver Springs - Middleburg and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - September 1951 (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1951, 98 pages)
Selinsgrove - Beaver Springs - Middleburg and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - February 1956 (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1956, 112 pages)
Polk's Sunbury City Directory 1960 [Including Northumberland, Cliftmont, Hamilton, Island Park, Kapp Heights, Oaklyn, Selinsgrove, Shamokin Dam and Hummel's Wharf (R. L. Polk & Co., 1960, 676 pages)
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