Snyder County, PA - Church, Family, Education, Military, Maps and Miscellaneous History Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
Snyder County Pennsylvania (K. Volkmar, 1858, Color), **Not text-searchable**
This is one of the first county maps produced of Snyder County, which was separated from Union County just 3 years prior in 1855. The map provides a general outline of the county, its townships and major towns. It provides illustrations of dozens of prominent homes and businesses of the county along the perimeter of the map. Also included is an early business directory of Snyder County as well as a few businesses from neighboring Union County.
Addresses, Inaugurals and Charges, Delivered in Selin's Grove, Snyder Co., PA.
September 1st, and November 24th, 1858, in Connection With Laying of the Corner
Stone, and the Installation of the Professors of the Evang. Lutheran Missionary
Institute, Together With an Appeal in Behalf of that Institution
(T. Newton Kurtz, 1859, 156 pages)
This publication is comprised of addresses given at the establishment of the Selinsgrove Missionary Institute, later becoming the Susquehanna Female College and then Susquehanna University.
Atlas of Union & Snyder Counties, Pennsylvania
(Pomeroy & Beers, 1868, 33 pages, Color, Not text-searchable)
This is a 'landowner' atlas covering both Union and Snyder Counties, PA published in 1868. This atlas is arranged by individual townships and towns, providing a record of home locations and property owners, locations of mills, schools, and churches, as well as topographical information: roads, streams, boundaries, etc.
Industries of Pennsylvania
Williamsport, Lock Haven, Bellefonte, Lewisburg, Milton, Selins' Grove, Renovo,
Philipsburg, Mifflinburg, Muncy, Newberry, Jersey Shore, Hughesville, Milesburg
(Richard Edwards, 1882, 144 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout Central Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
From Snyder County
-- From Selinsgrove – C. Eyer Davis, Snyder County Tribune, Jos. Wallace, Jeremiah Snyder, Enterprise Job Printing Office, A. M. Carey, E. E. Buck, W. H. McCarty, Schoch Bros., W. B. Reagel, A. C. Simpson, A. W. & N. J. Potter
Genealogy of the Ludwig Bretz Family 1750-1890
(E. W. S. Parthemore, 1890, 150 pages)
This is a genealogy of Ludwig Bretz who settled in Upper Dauphin County. Many of his descendants settled in Perry, Junitate and Snyder Counties, particularly the Meck and Bogar families.
Genealogy of the Meyer Family (Henry Meyer, 1890, 129 pages)
This is a genealogy of the Meyer family of Lebanon County, PA. Descendants of this family settled in the area of Freeburg, Snyder County, and then subsequently moved westward to Centre County.
Golden Jubilee History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Selinsgrove, Penna
(Rev. Prof. Jacob Yutzy, 1894, 127 pages)
This is an anniversary history of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Selinsgrove, Snyder County, PA, and some of its associated organizations. It covers the history of the church from its founding, and sketches the lives of its pastors. It also contains a history of the Sunday School of the church, the Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, the Senior and Junion YPSCE, and Church Choir. It also contains some useful records for research; a subscription list for the erection of the church from 1843; a list of the first communion from 1843, a current (1894) membership list of the church, and roll of the Sunday School for 1894
Biographical Sketches:
Reuben Wieser, Jesse Winecoff, Daniel H. Bittle, Samuel Domer, M. L. Shindel, Henry B. Belmer, Jacob Yutzy, Henry Zeigler, P.A. Heilman
The History of the Wagenseller Family in America With Kindred Branches
(Geo. W. Wagenseller, 1898, 210 pages)
This is a history and genealogy of the Wagonseller family, many of whom were influential members of Snyder County.
The Descendants of John Forry (Geo. W. Wagenseller, 1898, 10 pages)
This is a brief history of the Forry family from Berks County, some of which later settled in Snyder County.
Snyder County Marriages, 1835-1899 (Geo. W. Wagenseller, 1899, 270 pages)
This is a collection of several sets of marriage records from Snyder County, PA, covering the period from 1835-1899. Marriage records at this time were not kept by the state, but rather by the ministers who performed the marriage. This publication contains the records of several ministers who were particular active in Snyder County: Rev. Adolf B. Casper, Rev. John P. Shindel, Jr, Rev. C. G. Erlenmyer as well as a mix of miscellaneous records from other sources.
History of the Gable Family (Anonymous, 1902, 80 pages)
This is a history of the Gable family of Iowa. Before moving westward, however, parts of the family also resided in Snyder County.
Descendants of John Peter Scholl (A. G. Scholl, 1903, 95 pages)
This is a history of the family of John Peter & Anna Susanna Dorothea Scholl, some of whom settled in Snyder County, PA.
Tombstone Inscriptions of Snyder County, Penna.
(George W. Wagonseller, 1904, 282 pages)
According to the title pages: "All the Epitaphs taken from the markers in every burying ground of Snyder County. A complete Record from the time of the settlement of this territory by the pioneers before the Revolutionary War down to the year 1904." This publication is an excellent resource for genealogical research in Snyder County covering dozens of graveyards. Few areas of the state had such a record of gravestones made, and as a result, much information has been lost to history. But due to the efforts of the author, the record of Snyder County's deceased citizens remains for research.
1909 Teachers' Institute Magazine - 52nd Annual Teachers' Institute,
Snyder County (Geo. W. Wagenseller, 1909, 36 pages)
This pamphlet is a directory of the schools of Snyder County for 1909. It contains a program of events for the Teachers Institute Annual Session, along with a number of education related ads. It also contains a listing of the different schools and teachers for each throughout the county for 1909, and at the end also includes biographies on several educators - William Moyer, William P. Scharf, F. C. Bowersox, Geo. W. Walborn, Prof. William Noetling, and Charles W. Herman.
Freemasonry in Northumberland & Snyder Counties, Pennsylvania [Vol. 1 & 2]
(Frederic A. Godcharles, 1911, 1268 pages)
This publication presents an extensive look at the history of Freemasonry in Northumberland and Snyder Counties, PA. It covers the early history of the area from 1779 onward, providing information on the setup of lodges in the area as well as early members. It also contains numerous portraits and photographs of past members as well as membership records for the various lodges in Northumberland and Snyder Counties.
Lodges Covered:
Constitution Lodge No. 22
Charity Lodge No. 144
Perseverance Lodge No. 148
Lafayette Lodge No. 194
Shamokin Lodge No. 255
Milton Lodge No. 256
Mt. Carmel Lodge No. 378
Watsontown Lodge No. 401
Eureka Lodge No. 404
Elysburg Lodge No. 414
Middleburg Lodge No. 619
Maclay Lodge No. 632
Centenary Anniversary of the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Second Edifice
of (Rowe's) Evangelical Lutheran and Reformed Church at Salem,
Snyder County, PA (Anonymous, 1914, 4 pages)
This is a program of the events associated with this Anniversary of the church.
History and Souvenir of St. Paul's Reformed Church, Selinsgrove, PA 1856-1915
(Rev. Leon S. Drumheller, 1915, 50 pages)
This is a history of this Selinsgrove, Snyder Co., PA church. It also contains biographies of some of its pastors.
Susquehanna Flood Scenes 1936 (Anonymous, 1936, 68 pages)
This is a souvenir of the 1936 flood that affects towns along the Susquehanna River. It consists of photographs of flood scenes in the towns of Sunbury, Selinsgrove, Lewisburg, Milton, Montgomery, Muncy and Williamsport in Lycoming, Northumberland, Snyder and Union Counties.
The Forebears and the Descendants of Michael and Eve Breon Roush
(Mary Etta Bordner Coons, Jessie Elizabeth Roush, & Lucy Margaret Roush, 1938, 41 pages)
This is a history of the Roush family as well as some related families: Breon, Heinley. Members of the Roush family settled and left their mark in Snyder County as well as other areas of Pennsylvania and beyond.
Abstracts of Snyder County Probate and Orphans Court Records 1772-1855
(Dr. Charles A. Fisher, 1940, 88 pages)
This is a set of records compiled by local historian Charles A. Fisher. It provides pertinent genealogical and historical details from the Probate and Orphans Court Records of Snyder County from 1772-1855, the time period when the area of modern Snyder County was encompassed by Northumberland or Union County. Hundreds of individual records are recorded including references to 1000's of individuals from the area of modern Snyder County.
Central Pennsylvania Marriages 1700-1896 (Charles A. Fisher, 1946, 92 pages)
This publication is a compilation of marriage records focused on Snyder and Union Counties, Pennsylvania. This collection of information is an excellent resource for genealogical data.
The records were organized into seven sections:
1 - Miscellaneous Marriages 17001896
2 - Union County Marriages 1795-1829
3 - Marriages performed by Rev. J. G. Anspach 1831-1850 (Union County)
4 - Marriages performed by Rev. J. P. Shindel 1835-1887 (Snyder & Union Counties)
5 - Marriages performed by Rev. A. B. Casper 1839-1882 (Snyder & Union Counties)
6 - Marriages performed by Rev. C. G. Erlenmeyer 1840-1875 (Snyder County)
7 - Revolutionary Soldier Marriages
In Memory of Our Honored Dead - Souvenir Program
(Honor Degree of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1947, 74 pages)
This booklet was published as an honorary souvenir of the men and women of Northumberland & Snyder Counties, PA who died in the course of World War II. It covers numerous individuals from each branch of the military and includes a portrait, a listing of where they lived, when they entered service and where and when they died. This is an excellent resource for research on these counties of Pennsylvania or WWII.
Early Wills and Administrations of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. Also the
same of Union, Mifflin and Indiana Counties (Dr. Charles A. Fisher, 1950, 79 pages)
This is a set of records compiled by local historian Charles A. Fisher. It provides abstracts of the Wills and Letters of Administration primarily for Northumberland County, but also for Union, Mifflin and Indiana Counties. Although not specifically stated, these records also include some records of Snyder County. Hundreds of individual records are recorded including references to 1000's of individuals from these central Pennsylvania Counties.
Celebration of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of The First Methodist Church,
Selinsgrove, Penna. 1875-1950 (Raymond L. Morris, 1950, 23 pages)
This is a souvenir and program for the 75th Anniversary of the church. It also includes a list of church members for 1950.
115th Anniversary of Samuel's UCC Evangelical and Reformed 1849-1964
(Anonymous, 1964, 90 pages)
This is a history of this early church of McClure, Snyder County, PA and its associated organizations. At the end it also includes a directory of current (1964) church members.
Handbook of the Snyder County Retired Teachers' Association
(Snyder County Retired Teachers’ Association, 1972, 45 pages)
This booklet is a collection of brief sketches of dozens of Snyder County retired teachers, many of whom taught at rural one-room school houses.
Flood Pennsylvania - 1972 (Timothy E. Euker, David Berner, 1972, 68 pages)
This is a pictorial souvenir of the flood from Hurrican Agnes which struck central Pennsylvania and other areas in 1972. Photographs show the floodwaters and damage done in various locations in Clinton, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Luzerne, Lycoming, Perry, Montour, Northumberland and Snyder Counties.
1824-1974 - One-Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of Lafayette
Lodge No. 194 F. & A. M., Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1974, 21 pages)
This is a brief 150th anniversary history of this Freemason Lodge in Selinsgrove.
1877-1977 100th Anniversary of the Lutheran Church, McClure, PA
(Anonymous, 1977, 33 pages)
This is a history of several Lutheran churchs operating in the McClure area of Snyder County, PA in the period from 1877-1977. It also includes a membership list of Trinity Lutherna Church for the current year (1977).
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