Siblings and Friends: The Children of CrossRoads, BOOK 1
The first of a series of stories about children living in western Virginia during the end of the 1800s. Follow the life of Samuel and Ruth Shank as families grow and new friendships develop as the children deal with situations common to rural life in the Shenandoah Valley. (112pp. illus. Masthof Press, 2019.)
Pets & Pigs is Book 2 in the series (item #4322).
A Stitch in Time is Book 3 in the series (item #4365).
Let's Go Home is Book 4 in the series (item #4375).
Becoming Sisters is Book 5 in the series (item #4416).
Many Ways to Say Goodbye is Book 6 in the series (item #4437).
The Teacher's Desk is Book 7 in the series (item #4485).
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