Schuylkill County, PA - County History & Biography Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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History of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carbon and
Schuylkill Counties (I. Daniel Rupp, 1845, 578 pages)
The full title of the publication is: "History of the Counties of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carbon and Schuylkill Counties: Containing a brief history of the first settlers, topography of townships, notices of leading events, incidents, and interesting facts in the early history of these counties: with an Appendix, containing matters of deep interest, embellished by several engravings."
The publication begins with an account of the settlement of Pennsylvania and dealings with the Indians. Following this, a chapter is devoted to each of the following immigrant groups; Germans, Welsh and Irish. Next, attention is given to the counties outlined in the title.
A - Journal of James Young, Commissary General who visited Fort Allen in 1756.
B - Journal of Captain John Van Etten, at Fort Hyndshaw, Fort Hamilton, Etc.
C - Journal of Colonel James Burd, who visited a number of forts in 1758
D - Fragment of a Journal giving an account of events at Fort North Kill, 1755-1756.
History of Schuylkill County, PA with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches
of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers (W. W. Munsell & Co., 1881, 500 pages)
The full title of this publication is: "History of Schuylkill County, PA. with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers." It relates a detailed history of the county from the colonial days of Pennsylvania up through the years to the time of publication in 1881. It covers the early pioneers who settled the area, the formation of its villages, towns and townships, its commercial, agricultural and industrial development, war history, etc. It also includes numerous biographical sketches of it influential citizens and many portraits and other illustrations.
Biographical Sketches:
Acornley, Albert, Allen, Allison, Allton, Althouse, Amour, Anderson, Anthony, Applegate, Aregood, Arters, Ash, Athey, Atkinson, Atwood, Audenried, Babb, Bachman, Badtdorff, Bailey, Baird, Bamberger, Bancroft, Bangarner, Bannan, Barnard, Barnhard, Barron, Barrow, Bartholomew, Bassett, Batdorff, Bateman, Baur, Beacher, Beadle, Beatty, Bechtel, Beck, Becker, Beckly, Beddall, Bentley, Berdanier, Bergen, Berner, Berry, Bertram, Betz, Bickel, Billman, Birmingham, Blain, Bland, Blass, Boehme, Bolich, Boone, Bonar, Bordy, Bowen, Bowler, Bowman, Bradigan, Brady, Bramley, Branagan, Brandon, Breckons, Brendle, Brennan, Brennon, Bressler, Bretz, Bright, Britten, Britton, Brothers, Brower, Brown, Buck, Burchfield, Burdon, Burke, Burns, Burt, Butler, Butts, Cahill, Cain, Callery, Campbell, Carl, Carr, Cavanaugh, Chillson, Christian, Church, Clark, Clarkson, Clayberger, Clayton, Cleaver, Cockill, Coleman, Connelly, Connor, Connors, Cooch, Cooper, Conrad, Conry, Constien, Coughlin, Covany, Crawshaw, Crooks, Crowe, Cummings, Danenhower, Daniell, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Deegan, Delaney, Denning, Dennis, Derrick, Devlin, Dewald, Dietz, Diffenderfer, Dimm, Dinger, Dolan, Dolbin, Donahoe, Donaldson, Dooling, Dormer, Doyle, Dreher, Dress, Dugan, Dunkelberger, Dunn, Dutfield, Ebrite, Eckert, Eckles, Edwards, Eichman, Eltringham, Emack, Engel, Enty, Enzensperger, Ernst, Erven, Esgar, Etien, Evans, Farquhar, Farrell, Farrow, Faust, Fegley, Fehr, Feist, Fenstermacher, Ferg, Fertig, Ferguson, Fetser, Filbert, Fisher, Fitzpatrick, Flanigan, Flynn, Foeller, Ford, Foster, Fotheringill, Fowler, Frack, Frazer, Fridirici, Gable, Gage, Gallegher, Gane, Garner, Garrett, Gaynor, Gearhart, Geer, Geist, George, Gerber, Gibson, Gilfert, Giles, Gilgour, Gillespie, Glenwright, Glick, Godfrey, Good, Goyne, Graeber, Graaf, Grady, Granger, Grant, Granzow, Green, Greenwood, Gregory, Griffiths, Griscom, Gross, Grow, Guedin, Guensch, Hablett, Hadesty, Haertler, Haeseler, Haines, Halbaur, Haley, Haldeman, Hampton, Hanson, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hartman, Harvey, Haupt, Hay, Hayes, Hays, Haywood, Healy, Heaton, Heckscher, Heffner, Heil, Heilner, Heinze, Helfrich, Hemingway, Henry, Herbert, Hermany, Hess, Hetherington, Hexter, Hibshman, Hilbert, Hildebrand, Hill, Hillan, Hine, Hinkel, Hinkle, Hoch, Hock, Hoffman, Holderman, Holland, Hooffman, Horan, Hornberger, Horne, Hornsby, Hoskings, Howell, Howells, Hower, Huber, Hubler, Hudson, Hughes, Hummel, Humph, Hunter, Hutchison, Ifert, Irish, James, Jarvis, Jasper, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Jommes, Jones, Jungkurth, Kaercher, Kane, Kantner, Kanute, Katerman, Kauffman, Keck, Keim, Keiper, Kehler, Kellagher, Kelley, Kelly, Kennedy, Kester, Kiefaber, Kile, Kimmel, Kirk, Kistler, Kitzmiller, Klees, Kline, Klinger, Klock, Klouser, Kopitzsch, Knapp, Knecht, Koch, Kramer, Kruger, Lamb, Langdon, Langton, Lauck, Lawrence, Laubenstien, Laudenslager, Lauer, Leckie, Lehman, Leib, Lentz, Levans, Levy, Lewis, Lichtenhahn, Liddell, Linkhorst, Litsch, Littlehales, Llewelyn, Llewellyn, Longinus, Lookingbill, Lucas, Ludemann, Lutz, L'Velle, Lyons, Madara, Madenfort, Mader, Maginnis, Maguire, Mahoney, Marks, Marr, Marsden, Marshall, Marwine, Master, Mateer, Mathews, Matz, Maurer, Maus, McAvoy, McCarty, McCormick, McDermott, McDonald, McEntyre, McGrath, McGuire, McKernan, McKown, McSwiggan, Meredith, Messerly, Metz, Miles, Miller, Minnigh, Minogue, Mohan, Monaghan, Morgan, Morrison, Mortimer, Motley, Mowery, Moyer, Muhl, Muir, Mulholland, Murphy, Murray, Neal, Neff, Nelson, Newlin, Newmann, Nutting, O'Boyle, O'Brien, O'Connor, O'Hara, Oliver, O'Malley, Omlor, Opie, Orme, Ormrod, Ormsby, Owrig, Owens, Palmer, Parker, Parrott, Parry, Parkin, Parton, Passmore, Paterson, Payne, Pedlow, Pepper, Pershing, Philips, Phillips, Pierce, Pomeroy, Pooler, Pott, Potter, Potts, Praetorius, Price, Pritchard, Pursel, Quirin, Quirk, Raessler, Ramsey, Raudenbush, Redington, Reece, Reed, Reese, Reichard, Reiley, Reilly, Reinhold, Reinoehl, Rentschler, Rentz, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Rick, Riley, Robbins, Roberts, Robethan, Roehrig, Romberger, Roorbach, Roseberry, Rosier, Russel, Russell, Ryan, Ryon, Sager, Samuel, Sanger, Sanner, Scanlon, Schaeffer, Schaffer, Schalck, Schartel, Schertzinger, Schlicher, Schlotman, Schneider, Schomo, Schnyder, Schrader, Schrefflen, Schropp, Schwalm, Scott, Seaman, Seitzinger, Selgrath, Seltzer, Severn, Shadle, Shaffer, Shaw, Shepp, Sherman, Shessler, Sheetz, Shipman, Shoop, Short, Shortall, Sigfried, Silliman, Simpson, Skeath, Skeen, Slater, Slobig, Smail, Smiley, Smith, Snadden, Sneddon, Snyder, Solly, Somers, Spargo, Spayd, Spinney, Sproats, Spurr, Stauffer, Stein, Steinhilber, Steltz, Stillwagen, Stine, Stockett, Stoffler, Stone, Strong, Stuart, Sullivan, Sykes, Taggart, Taylor, Temple, Thickens, Thirlwell, Thomas, Thompson, Tiley, Tobias, Toole, Townsend, Trath, Tretter, Trier, Trout, Tucker, Ulmer, Umlauf, Updegrave, Uren, Vaughan, Volpert, Voshage, Wade, Wagner, Walker, Waser, Wasley, Watkins, Waters, Watson, Webb, Weber, Wedde, Weiderhold, Weiser, Weiss, Weissinger, Weldy, Weller, Welsh, Werner, Wetherill, Whalen, Whewell, Whitaker, White, Wiggan, Wilcox, Wild, Williams, Wilson, Winger, Wingert, Wolff, Woll, Woltjen, Wooley, Wren, Wylam, Wynn, Yoder, Yoeder, Young, Zerbey, Ziebach, Zimmerman
Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Schuylkill County
Pennsylvania (Samuel T. Wiley, 1893, 880)
This publication is one of several biographical volumes published for Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. It features biographical sketches of leading individuals in the communities of the county. Also included are portraits of some of the sketch subjects.
Acker, Adams, Aikman, Albright, Allen, Allison, Altstatt, Arters, Atkins, Auman, Baily, Baker, Bannan, Barlow, Barnhart, Bartholomew, Basler, Bast, Batdorff, Bechtel, Beck, Becker, Beddall, Bedford, Beecher, Bell, Bender, Bensinger, Beresford, Bergen, Bertolet, Biddle, Binkley, Birmingham, Bleiler, Bock, Boner, Boone, Bordy, Bossler, Boyer, Bracey, Bradigan, Brady, Brennan, Brensinger, Bretz, Brode, Bronson, Broughall, Brown, Brumm, Buechley, Burchill, Burnard, Burke, Burkert, Butz, Cake, Callen, Campbell, Carey, Carter, Christ, Christman, Coble, Cochran, Cole, Coleman, Comery, Connell, Conrey, Conry, Cooper, Coyle, Croxton, Cumming, Curran, Daddow, Dagget, Dando, Davies, Davis, Dech, Dechert, Deegan, De Frehn, Deibert, Deihm, Dence, Depew, Derr, Detweiler, Devlin, Dieffenderfer, Dilfield, Dobson, Doerflinger, Dolan, Donaldson, Donkin, Downs, Doyle, Drasher, Dreher, Drumheller, Dunkelberger, Dutfield, Eberle, Ebert, Ebling, Eckert, Ehrhart, Eisenhuth, Emrich, Evans, Faust, Fegley, Felty, Filbert, Fisher, Fitzpatrick, Flanagan, Fligge, Focht, Fogarty, Foley, Follweiler, Fowler, Frack, Francis, Freeman, Gaughan, Gay, Geary, Geier, Gensemer, Gerher, Gilbert, Giles, Gise, Glick, Goldsmith, Granger, Gray, Green, Griesbaum, Griffiths, Grover, Gruhler, Guldin, Gus, Guss, Hack, Hagenbuch, Hamilton, Harris, Haupt, Hawk, Hay, Haywood, Heaton, Heberling, Heblich, Heebner, Heil, Heintzelman, Heiser, Helfrich, Helms, Henderson, Hendler, Henning, Henry, Hermany, Hetherington, Hewel, Higgins, Hill, Himmelberger, Hinterleitner, Hirsh, Hock, Hoffman, Holahan, Hoppes, Hosie, Hoy, Huber, Hughes, Hullihan, Humbert, Hummel, Irish, Israel, James, Johnson, Jones, Jungkurth, Kaercher, Kaiser, Kaufman, Kealy, Kear, Keefer, Kehler, Keilman, Keim, Kennedy, Kepner, Kessler, Keyser, Kimmel, King, Kirk, Kirlin, Kistler, Kline, Klock, Knapp, Koerper, Koch, Kriner, Kuelin, Kulp, Langton, Laubenstein, Lebo, Leckie, Lee, Leibensperger, Lenarkiewicz, Lenker, Lewis, Litsch, Little, Littlehales, Long, Losch, Luther, Lutz, Lytle, Madison, Maguire, Marks, Marshall, Martin, Master, Matten, Matz, Maurer, McAdams, McCullough, McDevitt, McDonough, McElroy, McGettigan, McGovern, McGurl, McKeon, McMurtrie, Meck, Medlar, Mensch, Mervine, Mettam, Miller, Millington, Mohan, Monaghan, Moody, Moore, Moreton, Morgan, Morrell, Morris, Mortimer, Moyer, Muldowney, Munley, Murphy, Nagle, Naus, Neuser, Ney, Nice, O'Connor, O'Donnell, O'Hara, Oliver, O'Reilly, Orme, Owens, Palmer, Parker, Patterson, Payne, Pershing, Phillips, Pleasants, Pott, Potts, Powers, Prendergast, Quail, Rasbridge, Rausch, Raush, Reed, Reese, Reichley, Reilly, Reinhard, Reinhold, Rentschler, Rentz, Rettig, Reynolds, Rich, Rickert, Rinck, Roads, Robenold, Roberts, Robertson, Rohrheimer, Rooney, Roseberry, Rosengarten, Rowe, Rubrecht, Ryan, Ryon, Salade, Sanner, Schalck, Scheifly, Scheurman, Schirner, Schlappich, Schmeltzer, Schmidt, Schomo, Schrader, Schum, Schwalm, Schwenk, Sechler, Seltzer, Sensel, Shadle, Sharadin, Shaw, Sheafer, Shepherd, Shepp, Shindel, Shoemaker, Shoener, Shultz, Shumway, Sigfried, Smith, Snyder, Spalding, Spayd, Spencer, Spiese, Stanton, Starr, Steel, Stein, Stellwagon, Sterner, Stichter, Stitzer, Stoffler, Strauch, Straub, Stoeffregen, Stuart, Swayze, Taggart, Taylor, Thompson, Thornton, Titman, Toole, Turner, Ulmer, Umholtz, Veith, Vetter, Wachter, Wadlinger, Wagner, Walker, Waters, Watson, Webb, Weber, Weiss, Weissinger, Weldy, Werntz, Wetherill, Wetter, Whitaker, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whitney, Wiest, Wilcox, Wilheim, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Wiltrout, Windsor, Wolfe, Woll, Wren, Yeo, Yoder, Yost, Young, Yuengling, Zerbey, Zimmerman, Zwiebel
Old Schuylkill Tales (Mrs. Ella Zerbey Elliott, 1906, 359 pages)
According to the title page, this publication is "A History of Interesting Events, Traditions and Anecdotes of the Early Settlers of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania"
1 - The Early Settlers
2 - Oldest Towns of Schuylkill County
3 - History of Coal and Canal
4 - History of Pottsville
5 - Early Churches
6 - Interesting Local Stories
7 - Other Tales
History of Schuylkill County in Two Volumes
(State Historical Association, 1907, 937 pages)
This two-volume set provides a series of biographical sketches of the prominent and influential citizens of Schuylkill County, PA. Many are accompanied by portraits of the subject
Biographical Sketches:
Adams, Albert, Albright, Allison, Allott, Archbald, Aregood, Assmann, Atkins, Auman, Aurand, Bachman, Bader, Baily, Ball, Balshanick, Bankes, Bannan, Barnd, Barrett, Barrow, Bartho, Bast, Baum, Beacher, Bearstler, Bechtel, Beck, Becker, Bedea, Bell, Bendrick, Bensinger, Berk, Bibelheimer, Biddle, Birston, Bissell, Blaney, Bleiler, Bock, Boone, Boose, Boughter, Bowen, Bower, Boyle, Brady, Brandon, Brennan, Brenner, Bressler, Bright, Briscoe, Brooke, Brosnahan, Brown, Brownmiller, Bruno, Buehler, Burke, Bushar, Callaway, Callen, Calloway, Calnon, Carlin, Carpenter, Carr, Casale, Cassimatis, Cather, Christ, Clark, Cleary, Cockill, Coldren, Conrad, Conry, Conville, Coombe, Cooper, Creary, Crossley, Currier, Curry, Daddow, Daley, Dando, Davis, Day, Dechert, Deebel, Dennebaum, Devine, Diamond, Diefenderfer, Dietz, Ditchey, Doherty, Dolan, Donaghue, Donahoe, Doyle, Dreisbach, Dreisigacker, Dreshman, Drobel, Drumheller, Duffy, Dungan, Early, Ebert, Edwards, Egan, Elliott, Enterline, Estler, Evans, Farquhar, Fausset, Fayhey, Fegley, Fennessy, Fenton, Ferguson, Fertig, Filbert, Fink, Fisher, Fitzpatrick, Flaherty, Fleming, Focht, Follweiler, Folmer, Freeman, Freiler, Fritsch, Fulmer, Gable, Gallagher, Garrahan, Geary, Geist, Gerber, Gerhard, Goas, Godrycz, Gore, Gotshall, Graeff, Gray, Green, Gregory, Griffiths, Gruhler, Guldner, Hadesty, Hafner, Hahn, Halberstadt, Hall, Harris, Hartman, Hauck, Hausman, Heaton, Heckert, Heebner, Heffner, Heiken, Heiser, Held, Helms, Henry, Hepler, Hermany, Hess, Hesser, Higgins, Hinkley, Hirsh, Hock, Hoepstine, Hoffman, Holland, Holmes, Horn, Housenick, Hubler, Hummel, Huntsinger, Huntzinger, Huy, Irwin, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Kaercher, Kaier, Kalbach, Karsch, Kaufman, Kazunas, Keeny, Kehler, Keller, Kelley, Kenna, Keogh, Kessler, Ketner, Kleindienst, Kline, Klock, Knecht, Knittle, Knoll, Knowles, Koch, Kohler, Krapp, Krebs, Krecker, Kurtz, Lamb, Landback, Laudenslager, Laurisin, Lautenbacher, Lawlor, Lawrence, Lee, Leibig, Lessig, Le Van, Lewis, Lindemuth, Llewellyn, Lobach, Long, Luther, Lutz, Lyon, Lyons, Maher, Malarkey, Marchetti, Marquardt, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Masser, Master, Mathias, Matthews, Maurer, McDonald, McGettigan, McGinnis, McGinty, McLoughlin, McMahon, Meck, Medlar, Melley, Mellon, Merkel, Merwine, Messersmith, Meyers, Michel, Michetti, Miller, Monaghan, Monahan, Mootz, Mortimer, Moser, Moyer, Muldoon, Mulholland, Neiswinter, Nelsen, Newhard, Newman, Ney, Nice, Niswenter, Norton, Nungesser, O’Hare, O’Haren, O’Hearn, Olesinski, Orlovsky, Otterbein, Otto, Ovens, Owens, Palsgrove, Parker, Patterson, Paul, Payer, Pepper, Peters, Philips, Phillips, Pilgram, Ploppert, Portz, Powers, Prevost, Pribula, Price, Purcell, Radziewicz, Ramonat, Ramsay, Raush, Reber, Reed, Reese, Reeser, Reeves, Reick, Reilly, Reinbold, Reinhart, Reinhold, Rentschler, Rentz, Ressler, Rich, Rickert, Riland, Riley, Roads, Roeder, Rogers, Romberger, Roth, Rumbel, Russell, Rynkiewicz, Ryon, Sabold, Sallade, Sanner, Santee, Saterlee, Sauerbrey, Scanlan, Schaeffer, Schalck, Schneibelhut, Schilbe, Schirner, Schmicker, Schmidt, Schoen, Schoener, Schraedley, Schrink, Schuettler, Schultz, Schum, Schwalm, Schwenk, Seibert, Selgrade, Seltzer, Sembach, Shaefer, Shearer, Sheidy, Shepherd, Shepp, Sherman, Shifferstine, Shindel, Shoemaker, Shugars, Shumway, Siegfried, Silliman, Sillyman, Simonds, Skweir, Slater, Slattery, Smith, Smoll, Snyder, Spayd, Speacht, Spencer, Sperbeck, Spiese, Spotts, Springer, Stabler, Starr, Stein, Stevens, Stewart, Stine, Stocker, Stone, Stoyer, Strauch, Straughn, Strause, Strimaitis, Strohmeier, Sturtevant, Stutzman, Super, Swalm, Swank, Sweeney, Szliakys, Tabor, Taggart, Tallman, Taylor, Terrill, Thomas, Thompson, Thurlow, Tracy, Tyson, Ulmer, Ulrich, Umbenhauer, Umbenhen, Unger, Updegrave, Uttermul, Veith, Wachter, Wagner, Walters, Ward, Waters, Weaver, Weiser, Weissinger, Wells, Wenzel, Werntz, Wharmby, Wheeler, Whitehouse, Whitmore, Wilde, Wildermuth, Williams, Willman, Wilson, Winkelspecht, Winn, Wiszinski, Woll, Wonders, Woolcock, Wren, Yearick, Yoder, Yuengling, Zapf, Zerbey, Zimmerman
History of the County of Schuylkill
(Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 1911, 125 pages)
This is a brief history of the Schuylkill County, PA, published for the commemoration of its 100th Anniversary. It covers the early settlement of the county and some of the institutions of the county. It also discusses the coal industry and its importance to Schuylkill County. Other sections deal with the principle towns of the county, such as Pottsville, Manahoy City, Ashland, Girardville, Manahoy Plane, Gilberton, Frackville, Saint Clair, Port Carbon, Schuylkill Haven, Cressona, Orwigsburg, Tamaqua, etc. The final portion of the publication is a description of the department store of Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, who published the book. There are also several photographs of buildings, scenes from the towns, bird's eye views, etc.
Publications of the Historical Society of Schuylkill County Vol. 1-4
(Schuylkill County Historical Society, 1907-1914, 1784 pages)
This is a useful set of historical articles compiled by the Historical Society of Schuylkill County. The articles touch on many aspects of Schuylkill County's history, and provide a great resource for research. Below are some of the topics discusses in the volumes, there are many more.
Biographical Data:
Bergner, Beyer, Bressler, Buechler, Denger, Diebert, Dollinger, Dreibelbis, Dress, Fahl, Felty, Goettel, Heim, Henning, Hering, Heberling, Hughes, Jaeger, Keiser, Kepner, Kershner, Kettner, Kimmel, Kopp, Krammes, Kriechbaum, Lebo, Lengel, Lesher, Lowry, Marburger, Meyer, Mickley, Minnich, Moser, Moyer, Neufang, Neuschwender, Pott, Rausch, Reich, Runckel, Schnel, Schnoke, Sheafer, Stein, Stephens, Strauch, Strause, Ulrich, Webber, Werner, Wren, Willy, Yarnall
Lutheran Ministers of Schuylkill County:
Knoske, Lehman, Miller, Minnig, Mischler, Obenhausen, Schaeffer, Schultz, Schumacher, Stoever, Young
Manahoy City, McKeansburg, Minersville, Pinegrove, Port Carbon, Pottsville, Orwigsburg, Schuylkill Haven, Tamaqua
Church Sketches:
History of Jacobs Church with baptismal & burial Records, History of the Episcopal Church of Pottsville, History of Zion (Red) Church, The Story of Derry Church, First Presbyterian Church of Pottsville
Schuylkill County during the French and Indian War, Schuylkill County in the War with Mexico, Recollections of Schuylkill County in the Civil War
Blue Book of Schuylkill County
(Mrs. Ella Zerbey Elliott, 1916, 481 pages)
According to the title page this book presents valuable historical and biographical information: "Who was Who and Why. In Interior Eastern Pennsylvania, in Colonial Days -- The Huguenots and Palatines -- Their Service in Queen Anne's French and Indian, and Revolutionary Wars -- The History of the Zerbey, Schwalm, Miller, Merkle, Minnich, Staudt, and Many Other Representative Families."
In addition to the families named on the title pages, these other family names are included in the table of contents as receiving some coverage: Bertolet, Boyer, Ebling, Elliott, Filbert, Graeff, Haeseler, Herring, Kershner, Lerch, Maurer, Medlar, Muench, Phillips, Reber, Sarvar, Sarvas, Serfas, Sevir, Snyder, Stoudts, Strauch, Surber, Swalm, Wagner, Wildermuth, Zerfass
Schuylkill County Pennsylvania. Genealogy - Family History - Biography.
Vol. 1 & 2 (J. H. Beers & Company, 1916, 1353 pages)
This two-volume set provides a series of biographical sketches of the prominent and influential citizens of Schuylkill County, PA. Many are accompanied by portraits of the subject
Surnames Indexed:
Achenbach, Acker, Adam, Adams, Adamson, Albright, Allen, Alspach, Andreas, Angst, Archbald, Aregood, Arndt, Artz, Atkins, Auchmuty, Bachert, Bachman, Baer, Bailey, Bair, Baldinger, Balliet, Bannan, Bare, Barket, Barlow, Barr, Basler, Bast, Batten, Baum, Bauscher, Bausum, Baver, Beatty, Bechtel, Beck, Becker, Behler, Behney, Bell, Bendrick, Bensinger, Bergan, Berger, Berk, Berkheiser, Berney, Berrett, Betz, Bevan, Beveridge, Bicht, Bierstein, Billig, Billman, Birch, Birston, Bischoff, Bittle, Bittner, Bixler, Bleiler, Bobbin, Boczkowski, Boden, Boe, Bolich, Bolton, Boltz, Bond, Boner, Borbach, Borlace, Bosch, Bosche, Boughter, Bowen, Bowers, Bowman, Boyer, Brachman, Brady, Braun, Breen, Breisch, Brennan, Brobst, Brode, Brommer, Brown, Brownmiller, Brumm, Bruner, Bryant, Bubeck, Buchsbice, Buckley, Buck, Buchler, Bull, Burke, Burkhardt, Burkhart, Burnham, Butz, Canfield, Cardin, Carl, Carmitchell, Carroll, Christeson, Clappier, Clauser, Clay, Clayton, Cleaver, Cochran, Coldren, Collins, Conrad, Conville, Cook, Coombe, Cooper, Corbe, Crawford, Crosby, Cullen, Cummings, Curran, Daley, Dampman, Daniel, Danner, Darkwater, Daubert, Davis, Dechert, Deebel, Degler, Deibert, Deisher, Delaney, Dengler, Derr, DeSilva, Detweiler, Dewald, Dewey, Diefenderfer, Dietrich, Dillman, Dimmerling, Dinger, Dirschedl, Ditchey, Dochney, Dodson, Doebler, Doherty, Dohner, Dolbin, Donahoe, Donmoyer, Donne, Donohue, Dormer, Dornbach, Douglass, Doyle, Dresher, Drumheller, Dumcius, Ebbert, Eberly, Ebert, Eberts, Ebling, Eckert, Ehrhart, Eifert, Eiler, Eisenhauer, Eisinger, Elison, Elliott, Emerich, Emrick, English, Esterly, Evans, Fahl, Farquhar, Farrell, Faust, Fayhey, Feger, Fegley, Feller, Felty, Fenkner, Fenton, Ferguson, Fertig, Fesig, Fessler, Fetterolf, Fidler, Filbert, Filer, Fisher, Fister, Fleming, Flexer, Flynn, Foley, Ford, Foster, Foyle, Frack, Franey, Frantz, Freeman, Freese, Freudenberger, Fritz, Fryer, Fuhrman, Gabbert, Gable, Gane, Gangloff, Garis, Garrett, Gazdzik, Gehrig, Geiger, Geist, Gensemer, Gerber, Gerhard, Gibbons, Gilgour, Ginther, Glunz, Goho, Golden, Gore, Gorman, Gowen, Gray, Green, Greenawald, Greenawalt, Gregory, Grieff, Grosser, Grosskettler, Grube, Grumm, Haber, Haeseler, Hafer, Hagner, Hamilton, Hand, Hanney, Hannum, Harlor, Harris, Harron, Hartenstein, Hartman, Hartung, Hause, Haverty, Hawkins, Header, Heberling, Hede, Hehn, Heim, Heine, Heiser, Henry, Hensyl, Hepler, Herbein, Hermany, Hess, Hessinger, Higgins, Hikes, Hill, Hillanbrand, Hime, Hinkel, Hoak, Hobart, Hoch, Hock, Hoepstine, Hoff, Hoffman, Holderman, Holland, Holshue, Holtgreve, Honsberger, Hooper, Hopkins, Hoppes, Horn, Houser, Houtz, Hoy, Huber, Hubler, Hughes, Huling, Hullihan, Hummel, Hunter, Huntsinger, Iffert, Imschweiler, James, Jenkins, Jones, Kaier, Kalbach, Kaminsky, Kane, Kanter, Kauffman, Kaufman, Kaup, Kear, Keefer, Kehler, Keilman, Keith, Keiser, Keiter, Kemner, Kepner, Kerkeslager, Kershner, Kilgus, Killian, Kimmel, Kistler, Klase, Kleber, Kleckner, Kline, Klingaman, Klinger, Knapp, Knauber, Knecht, Knepper, Knipe, Knittle, Knoedler, Koch, Koenig, Koerper, Kolbe, Kopp, Kramer, Krammes, Krapf, Kraus, Krauss, Krebs, Kreis, Krell, Kressley, Kreitzer, Kripplebaur, Kuebler, Kull, Kunkel, Lally, Lamberson, Landermann, Landenberger, Lattimore, Laubenstein, Laudeman, Laudig, Lautenbacher, Leaman, Lebo, Lecher, Lehr, Leibig, Leiby, Leiser, Lengel, Leonard, Leonhardt, Lesher, Levan, Lime, Lindenmuth, Linder, Lindermuth, Loch, Loeser, Lomas, Long, Lorah, Lord, Losch, Loy, Lucas, Lutz, Lynch, Lytle, Machamer, Madara, Madenford, Mader, Maher, Malarkey, Mandler, Manhart, Mardis, Marshall, Martin, Master, Matz, Maurer, May, McAndrew, McClure, McCool, McGuire, McKnight, McNoldy, Meck, Meisgeier, Melley, Mengel, Mengle, Mentzer, Meredith, Merkle, Merrick, Messersmith, Meyers, Michael, Miller, Minnig, Minogue, Mohl, Moll, Molony, Monaghan, Moore, Morgan, Morrison, Morscher, Mortimer, Moser, Moyer, Murphy, Naffin, nagle, Neidlinger, Neiswender, Nesbitt, Nester, Noecker, Noel, Norton, O’Brien, O’Connor, O’Donnell, Oerther, Ohl, O’Leary, Oliver, O’Neill, Oren, Orwig, Osenbach, Ossman, Ost, Oswald, Owens, Parker, Parrott, Patten, Patterson, Paul, Peale, Peifer, Pelechovych, Perry, Pershing, Peter, Petery, Petry, Pfeiffer, Pleasants, Pollard, Portland, Portz, Pott (Potts), Prevost, Price, Pugh, Purcell, Quail, Quandel, Quick, Quigel, Quinn, Randall, Rarich, Rauch, Raykowski, Reber, Reddy, Reed, Reese, Reichard, Reichwein, Reick, Reid, Reilly, Reiner, Reinert, Reinoehl, Reiseg, Reisig, Remaly, Renner, Renninger, Rentschler, Rice, Richards, Richenderfer, Rickert, Ridgway, Riegel, Riland, Rissinger, Robinhold, Rockwell, Robinson, Romberger, Romig, Rooney, Rosenberger, Rubright, Rumbel, Rump, Ryan, Ryland, Ryon, Sabaleski, Sabold, Sachs, Sassaman, Saterlee, Schablein, Schaefer, Schaeffer, Schalck, Schaller, Schappell, Scharadin, Scheaffer, Scheele, Schenck, Schief, Schilling, Schlaseman, Schlear, Schlegel, Schmeltzer, Schmidt, Schneider, Schoch, Schoenemau, Schrepple, Schrope, Schulze, Schuyler, Schwalm, Schwartz, Scott, Seiberling, Seitzinger, Seligman, Seltzer, Shannon, Shappell, Sharadin, Shaw, Sheafer, Shellhamer, Shellhammer, Sherry, Shirey, Shissler, Shoemaker, Shoener, Siefert, Silliman, Sillyman, Simmons, Sittler, Slater, Smith, Snyder, Spayd, Speacht, Spencer, Spitzner, Spohn, St. Clair, Stamm, Starr, Staudt (Stoudt, Stout), Stauffer, Steigerwalt, Stein, Steiner, Stephens, Sterner, Stewart, Stiehter, Stief, Stiles, Stine, Stitzer, Stoker, Stoudt (Staudt, Stout), Strauch, Strause (Strauss, Strouse), Striegel, Strubhar, Stutzman, Super, Swoyer, Tallman, Tasker, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Tielman, Toole, Toomey, Trachte, Tregea, Trexler, Turner, Tyson, Underkoffler, Unger, Updegrave, Updegrove, Van Horn, Veith, Vetter, Wachter, Wadlinger, Wagner, Walborn, Wallauer, Walter, Walters, Warne, Watson, Weaklim, Weaver, Weber, Weidman, Weiser, Weishampel, Weissinger, Weldon, Weldy, Wellendorf, Wertley, Wertman, Wessner, Whalen, White, Whitfield, Wiesner, Wiest, Wilhelm, Williams, Wingert, Wintersteen, Withelder, Wittich, Wittmer, Wolfgang, Womer, Wonders, Woolcock, Woomer, Yarnall, Yeager, Yeingst, Yerger, Yoder, Yost, Young, Zapf, Zehner, Zerbe, Zettlemoyer, Zimmerman, Zulich, Zulick
Historic Background and Annals of the Swiss and German Pioneer
Settlers of Southeastern Pennsylvania (H. Frank Eshleman, 1917, 389 pages)
"An authentic history, from original sources, of their suffering during several centuries before and especially during the two centuries following the Protestant Reformation, and of their slow migration, moved by those causes, during the last mentioned two hundred years, westward in quest of religious freedom and their happy relief in the Susquehanna and Schuylkill Valleys in the New World; with particular reference to the German-Swiss Mennonites or Anabaptists, the Amish and other non-resistant sects." The information is laid out in a timeline starting in the 11th century continuing until the late 18th century. There are many details related as to the obstacles and sufferings of religious denominations whose followers eventually settled in southeastern Pennsylvania. Most of the information is historical in nature but it is also useful for genealogical research, as many individuals are named throughout. Many of these pioneer immigrants settled in the area of present-day Lancaster County.
Surnames Indexed: (with at least 4 occurrances)
Abercrombie, Adams, Aebersold, Aeschbacher, Aeschlimann, Albert, Albright, Allen, Amman, Andrews, Anken, Appel, Arndt, Arnold, Arnot, Atkinson, Bachman, Baer, Baker, Barell, Bassler, Bauman, Baumgardner, Bausmans, Bender, Beck, Becker, Berger, Bernharts, Beyer, Binkley, Blaser, Bowman, Brackbill, Brancht, Brand, Brechbuhl, Brobst, Brons, Brown, Bucher, Buckwalter, Buhler, Bundely, Burger, Burkard, Burkey, Burkhalter, Burkhart, Burkholder, Bumgardner, Carpenter, Carter, Cartlidge, Christ, Christians, Coatman, Coningham, Conrads, Creamer, Davis, Denck, Detwiller, Difinderfer, Eberhart, Ebersole, Eby, Eckert, Egli, Engle, Erisman, Eshleman, Everling, Fahrm, Ferree, Fink, Fisher, Forry, Fox, Franciscus, Frank, Frantz, Fredericks, Frey, Funk, Garber, Gardner, Gaumann, Gerfer, Gerhart, Gochnauer, Good, Gordon, Graff, Graeff, Graybill, Groff, Gut, Haldeman, Haller, Hare, Hartman, Hellar, Hendrick, Hendricks, Hensel, Herr, Herman, Hermans, Hershey, Hess, Hiestand, Hoffer, Hoffman, Hollinger, Huber, Hupmeier, Immel, Jones, Kauffman, Kautz, Keith, Kellar, Keller, Kendig, Kieffer, King, Klein, Kline, Kolb, Krahenbuhl, Kramer, Krebs, Kreider, Kuenzi, Kuhn, Kuhns, Kurtz, Landis, Leaman, Lefever, Lehman, Lehmann, Leonard, Lesher, Lintner, Logan, Long, Longnecker, Ludwig, Luther, Luthi, Lutz, Martin, Manz, Mason, Meier, Meyer, Metzgar, Miller, Mitchell, Mittelberger, Moor, Moore, Morris, Moser, Mosser, Moyer, Muir, Muller, Musser, Musgraves, Mussleman, Myers, Mylin, Neff, Neuenchwender, Newcomer, Newhauser, Newswanger, Oberholtzers, Oberly, Pastorius, Penn, Pennypacker, Percy, Peters, Phillips, Preneman, Pupather, Ream, Reed, Reher, Reinharts, Reist, Richen, Ritter, Rohrer, Roth, Runckel, Rupp, Russel, Saphorin, Sattler, Sauder, Schaeffer, Scheider, Schenk, Schilt, Schmidt, Schmied, Schnebeli, Schneider, Schurch, Schwartz, Shaeffer, Shaffer, Shank, Shultz, Shuemaker, Shumaker, Simon, Smith, Snavely, Snyder, Spurrier, Stauffer, Stedman, Stehli, Stein, Steiner, Steinman, Steinmetz, Stettler, Stone, Stoner, Straub, Swartz, Taylor, Telner, Thomas, Thouen, Trussel, Wagner, Walters, Weaver, Weidman, Weher, Wenger, Wilson, Wise, Wissler, Witmer, Wolf, Wright, Young, Zahler, Zaug, Zellers, Ziegler, Zimmerman, Zugg, Zwingle
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