![Pennsylvania Swedish Collection](http://www.masthof.com/cdn/shop/products/websitelogo_ac7ccd4c-4b95-48aa-875b-d4a9de1d8ad2_large.jpg?v=1651861035)
Pennsylvania Swedish Collection
SD01 - Pennsylvania Swedish Collection
Sacred Reminiscences: A Sermon
(Rev. John W. McCulloch, 1842, 31 pages)
This brief publication was a sermon delivered at the Old Swedes' Church, Wilmington, Del. on August 21, 1842. The sermon focused on historical details of the early Swedish settlers and their religious endeavors.
A History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware
(Benjamin Ferris, 1846, 319 pages)
The full title of this publication is: A History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware, From its Discovery by Hudson to the Colonization Under William Penn. To Which is added an Account of the Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Swedish Settlers, and a History of Wilmington, From its First Settlement to the Present Time.
This publication is a history of the early settlements on the Delaware River in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. It begins with the discovery of the area, and then to accounts of the early Dutch and Swedish settlers and their efforts to prosper. This publication contains a great of information for historical and genealogical research.
The Descendants of Joran Kyn of New Sweden
(Gregory B. Keen, 1913, 330 pages)
This is an extensive genealogy of the descendants of Joran Kyn (Keen) who was one of the original settlers of New Sweden, located on the Delaware River in Pennsylvania. The account begins with a biography on Joran, and relates the events of his immigration to America, as well as some of the historical details of the era. The account then progresses down through his children and later descendants, providing extensive historical and biographical data of particular interest to any who descend from this family. There is also an every-name index at the end.
Surnames listed: (Due to the number of names, only those with at least 4 appearances are listed)
Allen, Ashton, Atlee, Balch, Baldwin, Banes, Bassett, Bayard, Bingham, Bissell, Bonnaffon, Bouchelle, Bringhurst, Brinton, Buckley, Burtis, Cadwalader, Carpenter, Carrere, Cattell, Claxton, Clymer, Conyngham, Cottman, Crathorne, Curtis, Dale, Denny, Donnaldson, Earp, Ewing, Finney, Fisher, Fobes, Francis, French, Gardner, Garrett, Gist, Goldsborough, Gummere, Hall, Hand, Harris, Hayes, Henricson, Hepburn, Hoffman, Inglis, Isreall, Jackson, Jacobus, Jordan, Kane, Keating, Keen, Keene, Kyn, Lathim, Law, Leech, Ludlow, McCall, McCurdy, McMullan, MacLeod, Macpherson, Martin, Massey, Maxwell, Middleton, Miller, Milner, Mitchell, Montgomery, Newbold, Parsons, Patten, Patterson, Peters, Pettit, Plumstead, Rambo, Read, Reeves, Rogers, Sandelands, Scudder, Shippen, Smith, Souder, Spencer, Spotswood, Spruance, Steelman, Stryker, Swift, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Toy, Turner, Wales, Wallace, Wethered, Wharton, Whelen, Whitridge, Willing, Wrenn, Wright, Yard, Yeates
Old Churches and Meeting Houses In and Around Philadelphia
(John T. Faris, 1926, 337 pages)
This is a chronicle of various meeting places in the Philadelphia area, written to give some permanence to their record and place in history.
From the Preface:
"Some years ago, when the author was preparing the book "Old Roads Out of Philadelphia," he began to gather information about the Old Churches an Meeting Houses of Philadelphia and its neighborhood. The desire to put in permanent form some of the information secured was held in abeyance, partly because there was such wealth of material.
Now that the book has been prepared, it has, of course, been found impossible to tell of all the institutions that have claim to a place among the Old Churches and Meeting Houses in and about Philadelphia. Limitation of space has made necessary the selection of typical organizations which dated to the years before the Revolution and, in the selection, interest for the general reader has been one of the author's guiding principles."
Unfortunately, there are simply too many churches and meeting houses to list, but the publication is fully bookmarked and includes a complete index at the end.
New Sweden on the Delaware
(Christopher Ward, 1938, 161 pages)
This publication relates a brief history of the Swedish settlement of the Delaware River in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. This settlement predated the most notable immigrations by the English Quakers and later Scotch-Irish and Germans, and its members had a positive impact on the later development of the state. This is a nice selection of useful historical information.
Surnames Indexed:
Amundson, Anders, Adersson, Aspinwall, Bennet, Berkeley, Bicker, Blommaert, Bogaert, Boije, Boer, Brahe, Calvin, Campanius, Christoffer, Cock, Conninck, Dalbo, De Sille, Dincklagen, Eaton, Fleming, Fluviander, Gustavus, Gyllengren, Hansson, Harmer, Herrman, Hjort, Hollandaer, Holm, Hooghkamer, Hook, Hudde, Hudson, Huygen, Jacobsen, Janeke, Janssen, Jonsson, Joransen, Kieft, Kling, Knickerbocker, La Montagne, Lamberton, Lane, Lindestrom, Lock, Lockenius, Luther, Matthaei, Minuit, Nertunius, Oxenstierna, Papegoja, Printz, Rambo, Rising, Rudberus, Skute, Smidt, Spiring, Stidden, Stuyvesant, Swensson, Symonssen, Thickpenny, Torkillus, Turner, Usselinx, Van de Waeter, Van den Bogaert, Van der Donck, Van Dohna, Van Dyck, Van Ilpendan, Van Langdonk, Van Tienhoven, Van Vliet, Verstraten, Von Elswyck, Vries, Winthrop, Woollen
The Brief History of the Colonization of New Sweden
Thereby Establishing the Foundation of Pennsylvania
(The Pennsylvania 300th Anniversary Commission, 1938, 8 pages)
This pamphlet was published to commemorate the 300th anniversary of New Sweden's founding. It is a brief but informative account of this area of Pennsylvania's history.
The Swedes and Finns in New Jersey
(Federal Writer's Project of New Jersey, 1938, 197 pages)
From the Preface:
"The Federal Writers' Project of New Jersey has prepared this volume as part of the Nation-wide celebration of the three hundredth anniversary of the landing of the Swedes and Finns on American soil....
This book is one step in the New Jersey Project's aim to recreate the history of the State in terms of the peoples who have shared in its growth. The Swedes and Finns serves two purposes: it describes the settlement and development of a section of the Delaware River Valley, and pictures the process of Swedish and Finnish Assimilation in New Jersey. It is one State's record of the activities of important groups which spread over the entire Nation."
Annals of Swedes on the Delaware [Fourth Edition]
(Jehu Curtis Clay & Henry S. Henschen, 1938, 233 pages)
Originally published in 1835 by a great-grandson of one of the early Swedish settlers, this publication has been updated and reprinted for the benefit of subsequent generations. It contains a thorough rendering of the history of the early Swedish settlement of Pennsylvania and how they were affected by later immigrations from other European countries. In addition to the historical accounts, there is some interesting and useful information located at the end of the publication: A list of the Swedish families residing in New Sweden in 1693 with the number of their families, and a list of the ministers who served the various Swede churches. There is no index included, but the file is text-searchable and fully bookmarked.
History of Christ Church (Old Swedes), Upper Merion 1760-1960
(Alice Lees Eastwick, 1960, 100 pages)
This history of Christ Church was prepared for the commemoration of its 200th Anniversary. The account begins in Sweden with some of the original Swedish settlers. It then covers how the church was founded and grew over the decades. The historical account covers approximately half the publication, and the appendicies cover the remainder. Appendix A is a list of items donated to the church along with their donors. Appendix B is a census of 1754. Appendix C is a census of 1783. Appendix D is a list of Memorial Windows. Appendix E is a partial list of internments in the Church Cemetery, which lists hundreds of individuals.
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