Pennsylvania Scotch-Irish Collection
ST01 - PA Scotch-Irish Genealogy Collection
A Tribute to the Irish & Scotch Early Settlers of Pennsylvania
(G. C., 1856, 170 pages)
This work was written as a "vindication of the character and principles of the Irish and Scotch early settlers of [Pennsylvania] against reproach... cast upon them in some modern compilations having pretensions to Historical accuracy....
We have presumed to offer the sketch herein contained as our Tribute to the memory and reverence of these settlers. The writer, feeling as if the sand of his Time glass was nearly run out, and that he ere long must be laid aside from labor, and that if any thing were done by him in vindication of the principles, virtues and habits, of these settlers of a past age, it must be done quickly - has hastily thrown together in his leisure hours, taken from other avocations, the remarks contained in the subsequent pages."
Pennsylvania Genealogies, Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German
(William Henry Egle, 1886, 1896, [2nd Edition, 806 pages)
This is an extensive chronicle of some of the Scotch-Irish and German families who settled in central Pennsylvania. Much of the information deals with the counties of Dauphin, Lebanon, Lancaster, Cumberland, and York, but there are extensive references to other counties since the descendants of the original settlers spread out as time progressed. This information was compiled by one of Pennsylvania's principal genealogists, and this publication is the 2nd edition of this popular work. The information within was slightly expanded and corrected so that this is a more authoritative edition that the first edition published in 1886. This is a great reference work for genealogical research in central Pennsylvania.
Families listed in Table of Contents:
Ainsworth, Allen of Hanover, Alricks, Anderson of Donegal, Andrews, Awl of Paxtang, Ayres, Barnett, Beatty, Boas, Bomberger, Boyd, Bucher, Cowden of Paxtang, Craig, Crain of Hanover, Curtin, Denny, Dixon of Dixon's Ford, Egle, Elder of Paxtang, Espy of Derry, Furguson of Hanover, Fleming, Forster, Fulton of Paxtang, Galbraith of Donegal, Gregg, Greenawalt of Lebanon, Hamilton, Hays, Hoge, Keller of Lancaster, Kendig of Swatara, Kunkel, Linn of Lurgan, Lyon of Juniata, Maclay of Lurgan, McCormick, McNair of Derry, McNair of Hanover, Muller of Lobinger, Murray of Harris' Ferry, Murray of Swatara, Neville, Orth of Lebanon, Parker, Roan of Derry, Robinson, Rutherford of Paxtang, Simonton, Stewart of Drumore, Swan, Thomas of Heidelberg, Wallace of Hanover, Weir, Wiestling, Wiggins, Wilson, Wyeth. Also included are genealogical notes on Byers, Eagley, Gray of Paxtang and Gross.
Surnames Indexed: (with at least 4 occurrences):
Adams, Addams, Africa, Ainsworth, Albright, Alexander, Alison, Allen, Allison, Alricks, Anderson, Andrews, Armstrong, Awl, Ayres, Bailey, Baird, Baker, Baldwin, Barber, Barker, Barnes, Barnett, Barnitz, Barr, Barrett, Bates, Bayley, Beatty, Bell, Benedict, Bennett, Bertram, Black, Blaine, Blair, Boal, Boas, Boggs, Bomberger, Bowman, Boyd, Boyer, Brisban, Brisbin, Brooks, Brown, Bryson, Buchanan, Buehler, Bucher, Buffington, Burbridge, Burd, Burnett, Byers, Calder, Caldwell, Calhoun, Cameron, Campbell, Carothers, Carpenter, Carson, Carter, Cazier, Chambers, Cahpman, Clark, Clarke, Cochran, Coleman, Collier, Cook, Cooper, Coulter, Cowan, Cowden, Cox, Crabb, Crain, Craig, Craighead, Crawford, Creigh, Criswell, Crosby, Culbertson, Cunningham, Curtin, Dallas, Davidson, Davis, Dean, Denny, DeWitt, Dickey,Dickson, Dixon, Doll, Doty, Douglass, Downey, Duffield, Duncan, Dunlop, Dunn, Edwards, Egle, Elder, Elliott, Emerson, Espy, Evans, Ewing, Fast, Ferguson, Findlay, Finney, Fisher, Fleming, Forbes, Forster, Foster, Frazer, Fuller, Fulton, Galbraith, Gardner, Gibson, Bilbert, Bilchrist, Gillmor, Gloninger, Gordon, Graham, Grant, Gray, Green, Greenawalt, Greer, Gregg, Gross, Gustine, Hall, Hamill, Hamilton, Hammond, Hanna, Harding, Harkness, Harris, Harrison, Hastings, Hatfield, Hays, Hayes, Hemphill, Henderson, Henry, Herr, Hiester, Hill, Hoge, Holmes, Hoover, Horner, Hubley, Hughes, Huling, Hummel, Hunt, Hunter, Huston, Hutchinson, Ingram, Irvin, Irvine, Irwin, Jackson, Jacobus, Jacoby, Jefferson, Jenkins, Jennings, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Junkin, Kauffman, Kean, Kelker, Keller, Kelly, Kendig, Kennedy, Kerr, King, Kirkpatrick, Krause, Kunkel, Laird, Landis, Lashells, Law, Lawrence, Lewis, Light, Lincoln, Line, Linn, Lobaugh, Logan, Long, Loudon, Love, Lowrey, Lowrie, Lutz, Lyon, Lytle, Maclay, Mallery, Marshall, Martin, Matthews, Mayes, McAlister, McAllister, McClellan, McClelland, McClure, McConnell, McCord, McCormick, McCoy, McCullough, McDonald, McDowell, McEwen, McFarland, McHenry, McKee, McKinney, McKnight, McLean, McMurtrie, McNair, McNeill, McPherson, Mifflin, Miles, Miller, Mish, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, Morrett, Morris, Morison, Morton, Mowry, Moyer, Muhlenberg, Muller, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Naudain, Nelson, Nesbit, Neville, Nichols, Oldham, Oliver, Orr, Orth, Painter, Palmer, Pancoast, Parke, Parker, Parks, Patterson, Pattison, Patton, Perkins, Peters, Phillipe, Piper, Plummer, Pollock, Pool, Porter, Potter, Preston, Price, Rahm, Ralston, Ramsey, Rankin, Redsecker, Reed, Reel, Reigard, Reily, Reynolds, Rice, Richards, Riddle, Rife, Ringland, RItchey, Ritner, Roan, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Ross, Russell, Rutherford, Sage, Sample, Sawyer, Scheaffer, Scott, Seiler, Semple, Sharon, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Shelly, Sherer, Shields, Shorb, Shrom, Shulze, Simpson, Simonton, Slaymaker, Smith, Snodgrass, Snowden, Snyder, Spangler, Speer, St. Clair, Stauffer, Steel, Steele, Steiner, STephen, Sterrett, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Sturgeon, Sumner, Swan, Swartz, Tate, Taylor, Templeton, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Todd, Townsend, Turner, Urie, Van Horn, Von Treupel, Wade, Walker, Wallace, Washington, Watson, Waugh, Weaver, Webster, Weir, Weiss, Wells, West, Wheeler, White, Whitehill, Whiteside, Wiestling, Wiggins, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wills, Wilson, Winebrenner, Winship, Witman, Wolf, Wood, Woods, Wright, Wyeth, Young, Youse, Ziegler, Zinn
Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America
(J. P. MacLean, 1900, 457 pages)
The full title is: An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America Prior to the Peace of 1783 Together With Notices of Highland Regiments and Biographical Sketches.
From the Preface:
"An attempt is here made to present a field that has not been preoccupied. The student of American history has noticed allusions to certain Scotch Highland settlements prior to the Revolution, without any attempt at either an account or origin of the same. In a measure the publication of certain state papers and colonial records, as well as an occasional memoir by an historical society have revived what had been overlooked. These settlements form a very important and interesting place in the early history of our country. While they may not have occupied a very prominent or pronounced position, yet their exertions in subduing the wilderness, their activity in the Revolution, and the wide influence exercised by the descendants of these hardy pioneers, should, long since, have brought their history and achievements into notice."
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - The Highlanders of Scotland
Chapter 2 - The Scotch-Irish in America
Chapter 3 - Causes That Led to Emigration
Chapter 4 - Darien Scheme
Chapter 5 - Highlanders in North Carolina
Chapter 6 - Highlanders in Georgia
Chapter 7 - Captain Lachlan Campbell's New York Colony
Chapter 8 - Highland Settlement on the Mohawk
Chapter 9 - Glenaladale Highlanders of Prince Edward Island
Chapter 10 - Highland Settlement in Pictou, Nova Scotia
Chapter 11 - First Highland Regiments in America
Chapter 12 - Scotch Hostility Towards America
Chapter 13 - Highland Regiments in American Revolution
Chapter 14 - Distinguished Highlanders Who Served in America In the Interests of Great Britain
Chapter 15 - Distinguished Highlanders In American Interests
A - First Emigrants to America
C - Emigration during the 18th Century
H - Highlanders in South Carolina
K - The Glengarry Settlers
Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America
(Charles Knowles Bolton, 1910, 386 pages)
The book is a primary reference and covers the conditions in Ulster which prompted the immigration of the Scotch-Irish to the New World about 1718, and their various settlements. The bulk of the volume concerns their settlements in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, but there are also chapters dealing with settlements in Pennsylvania and South Carolina. Hundreds of immigrants are mentioned in the text, and there are lists of settlers. The appendix has a long list showing the home towns in Ireland of hundreds of Scotch-Irish families, and several other lists of interest. The book is illustrated with maps of Ulster and the American colonies, and pen and ink sketches of many scenes in Ulster. Sources are cited in footnotes.
Note: There are too many names to mention in this listing. For a lengthy list, please see the separate listing for this title in the PA-Genealogy store under Pennsylvania: Scotch, Irish.
I. Ireland and New England Before 1714
II. Ireland's Relation to Maryland, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina before 1718
III. Economic Conditions in Ulster, 1714-1718
IV. Political and Religious Conditions in Ulster, 1714-1718
V. The Rev. William Homes and the Rev. Thomas Craighead
VI. Ulster and the Presbyterian Ministry in 1718
VII. Aghadowey and the Session Book
VIII. The Arrival of "Five Ships" in August, 1718
IX. The Winter of 1718-1718 in Boston
X. The Years 1718 and 1719 in Worcester; and the Settlements at Rutland, Pelham and Palmer
XI. The Winter of 1718-1719 in Dracut, Andover, and in Casco Bay
XII. The Years 1718 and 1719 at Merrymeeting Bay
XIII. Nutfield and Londonderry, 1719-1720
XIV. The Scotch Irish in Donegal, Derry, and Neshaminy, Pennsylvania, after 1718
XV. The Scotch Irish in Charleston and Williamsburg, South Carolina after 1718
XVI. The Character of the Scotch Irish
I. Ships from Ireland, Arriving in New England, 1718-1720.
(6 pages dating from 1714 to 1720 of ships, ship master names, arriving from where and when and where to.
Sample entry:
1714: Gray-Hound, sloop, Benjamin Elson, master, from Ireland; arrived April at Boston (News-Letter, Apr. 19-26, 1714.)
II. The Petition to Governor Shute in 1718.
(This is an explanation of the petition and the text of the petition with a list of the 300+ names that signed the petition.)
III. Andrew McFadden's Transplanting to the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in 1718
IV. (A) Members of the Charitable Irish Society in Boston
(B) Names of Fathers on the Presbyterian Baptismal Records in Boston, 1730-1736
(Approx. 3 pages)
V. List of Existing Vital Records of Towns in Ulster, Begun Before 1755 (1 pg)
VI. Home Towns of Ulster Families, 1691-1718 (38 pages).
Example entries:
ACHESON, George, R E 1711 Donegal, Donegal
ACHINVOLE, Samuel, R E 1716 Ballycarry, Antrim
(Note: R E = Ruling Elder, other notations are C=Commission; W=Witness; P=Petitioner)
The Irish Contribution to American Independence
(Thomas Hobbs Maginniss Jr., 1913, 137 pages)
This publication was written to provide a history of the Irish involvement in the founding of America. Although not as numerous as the Germans, Scots, English, Welsh and Swedes, the Irish played an important part in early days of the nation. Hundreds of individuals are mentioned, particularly in the section dealing with the Revolution.
Chapter 1 - The Anglo Saxon and the Irish
Chapter 2 - Why the Irish Came to America
Chapter 3 - The Irish Race of the Eighteenth Century
Chapter 4 - The Irish Colonial Immigration
Chapter 5 - The Irish in Pennsylvania
Chapter 6 - The Irish Contribution to America's Material Progress
Chapter 7 - The Growth of Religious Freedom in America
Chapter 8 - The Irish and the War for Independence
The Scotch-Irish in America
(Henry Jones Ford, 1915, 614 pages)
From the Preface:
"This book tells the story of the Ulster Plantation and of the influences that formed the character of the people. The causes are traced that led to the great migration from Ulster and the Scotch-Irish settlements in America are described. The recital of their experiences involves an account of frontier manners and customs, and of collisions with the Indian tribes. The influence of the Scotch-Irish settlements upon American institutions is traced, particularly in organizing and propagating the Presbyterian Church, in spreading popular education, and in promoting the movement for American national independence. In conclusion, there is an appreciation of the Ulster contribution to American nationality."
I - The Ulster Plantation
II - The Land and the People
III - Scotch Migration to Ulster
IV - Formative Influences
V - Emigration to America
VI - Scotch-Irish Settlements
VII - On the New England Frontier
VIII - In New York and the Jerseys
IX - Pennsylvania - The Scotch-Irish Centre
X - The Indian Wars
XI - Planting The Church
XII - On Stony Ground
XIII - The Source of American Presbyterianism
XV - Some Pioneer Preachers
XVI - The Scotch-Irish Educational Institutions
XVII - The Spread of Popular Education
XVIII - The Revolutionary Period
XIX - The Birth of the Nation
XX - A Survey and an Appreciation
A. Ireland at the Time of the Plantation
B. The Scottish Undertakers
C. The Making of the Ulster Scot
D. Statement of Frontier Grievances
E. Galloway's Account of the American Revolt
F. The Mecklenburg Resolves
Five Typical Scotch Irish Families of the Cumberland Valley
(Mary Craig Shoemaker, 1922, 84 pages)
This publication consists of the genealogical and historical data collected by the author, outlining five branches of her family that settled the Cumberland Valley in Pennsylvania: Boyd, Craig, Orr, Vance, and Watson. The information was collected from old records, archives and graveyards, as well as personal contact with many individuals of the older generation.
The Scotch-Irish of Northampton County, Pennsylvania
(Northampton County Historical Society, 1926, 629 pages)
This is a wonderful resource for historical or genealogical research in Northampton County, or focusing on Scotch-Irish ancestry. Included in this publication is a discussion of the Scotch-Irish immigration in general. Following this is a closer focus on those who came to live in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, particularly in Allen and Mount Bethel Townships. It relates some details of the early settlers and their contribution to the growth of the area. A number of short biographies highlight important Scotch-Irish men and families of the county, and 3 sections cover the Scotch-Irish burial grounds.
Table of Contents:
The Scotch-Irish Immigration
Settlement of Allen Township - Pioneers - Deeds - Titles
Description of the Craig Home and Brief of Title
Description of the Hirst Home
The Hay's Spring
Some Worthy Trees of Bath
The Old Irish Settlement Stone Houses
The Assessment List of Allen Township, 1775
The Craig Deed - The Franklin Deed - Biddle Deed - Red Rose Deed
The Allen Tract
Copy of Deed Poll, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Hugh Horner
The Old Block House near Fort Ralston and Ralston Farm
Old Buildings - Fort Ralston
The Indian Forts of the Blue Mountains
The Historic Queen Town in the Monoquasy Vally
Genealogical and Biographical - Reprint from Clyde unless otherwise indicated
The Scotch-Irish in the Revolution - Extracts from Egle's History
List of Revolutionary Soldiers
Distinguished Men of the Craig Settlement
Benjamin Franklin's Visit to the Settlement
Rev. John Rosbrugh
Wesselhoeft and his Bath School of Homoeopathy
The Old Church in Allen
The Horner Bible
The First Log Church
Obligation and Declaration of John Walker and Others
Deed of 1772, Deed of 1813
Clyde's History of the Allen Township Presbyterian Church
The Old Academy Repaired for a Place to Worship
The Records of the Old Academy Debating Society
Annotated List of Burials in the Scotch-Irish Settlement of Allen Township
The Scotch-Irish of the Forks of the Delaware - Hunter Settlement
Scotch-Irish Soldiers from Mt. Bethel
Certificate of Names to be taxed in Mount Bethel Township
The Presbyterian Church of Mount Bethel
Burial List in Mt. Bethel Burial Ground
A Few Scotch-Irish Families of Old Mount Bethel
The Village Poet
Temperance Dedication Hymn
David Brainerd
Memorial Discourse
The Scotch-Irish Presbyterian Burial Ground, at Three Churches, Lower Mt. Bethel
Surnames mentioned in biographical section: (some references are very short)
Abernathy, Agnew, Allen, Allison, Andress, Appleman, Armstrong, Arnold, Baldwin, Barber, Barrick, Barnes, Barr, Barrett, Bartholomew, Baugh, Berry, Bisel, Bitner, Blackmar, Blair, Bond, Boyd, Brown, Buckalew, Buckman, Burnet, Cameron, Carpenter, Case, Chambers, Church, Clark, Clendinen, Clyde, Craig, Crickmore, Crosby, Culbertson, Cunningham, Dauman, Davidson, Davis, Daws, Depue, Dickey, Dobin, Duel, Dunlap, Dunn, English, Eppel, Evans, Everett, Felis, Fish, Forest, Frederick, Few, Frick, Fullerton, Galagher, Garner, Gary, George, Gerhart, Gibson, Gish, Gray, Gregg, Grier, Hall, Hamilton, Hannon, Happersett, Hart, Hatfield, Hays, Heaslet, Hemphill, Herron, Harvey, Hice, Hindeman, Hoff, Horner, Hosmer, Housel, Howell, Hudders, Humphrey, Hunter, Hutchinson, Insley, Irwin, James, Johnson, Kelly, Kennedy, Kern, Kerr, King, Kline, Kurtz, Lafever, Laird, Lambert, Lattimer, Lawrence, Leaming, Ledlie, Levers, Lewis, Likens, Line, Loder, Long, Lyle, Lytle, Mann, Marsh, Martin, Masteller, McAllister, McClay, McLain, McClure, McConnel, McDowell, McHenry, McInstry, McIntyre, McKeen, McKelvy, McKenna, McKissick, McNair, McNeill, Meloy, Miller, Moffat, Moore, Moorehead, Moser, Mote, Morton, Mulhallon, Nagle, Neal, Nicholas, Oliphant, Olsen, Orr, Paine, Palmer, Park, Pattent, Peppard, Perry, Philips, Picton, Pollock, Price, Pursell, Quay, Ralston, Reed, Reynolds, Richie, Riddle, Robinson, Rogers, Rosbrugh, Rote, Russel, Scott, Sharp, Sheldon, Shelmire, Speer, Stewart, Taylor, Thompson, Van Zant, Vleit, Wales, Walker, Warman, Warner, Weaver, Weidner, Weitzel, Wells, Wesselheoft, West, Whiteside, Wilver, Wilson, Winters, Wolf, Woodside, Wyckoff, Young
Surnnames given more extensive coverage:
Allen, Armstrong, Brown, Boyd, Clyde, Craig, Culbertson, Gregg, Hays, Horner, Kerr, King, Lattimer, McKeen, McIlhaney, McNair, Ralston, Rea, Rosbrugh, Walker, Wesselhoeft, Wilson, Winter
The Scotch-Irish of Colonial Pennsylvania
(Wayland F. Dunaway, 1944, 276 pages)
This publication contains an informative discussion of the Scotch and Irish immigration to Pennsylvania. It covers the background of the immigrants as well as some of the reasons they left their home countries. It then discusses the new Scotch-Irish settlements in Chester, Dauphin, and Lancaster counties and later settlement in southwestern Pennsylvania. Also covered is the involvement of the Scotch-Irish in politics, economic endeavors and the wars of the 18th century in America. Finally, it explains some of their social / religious life and customs.
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