Pennsylvania Civil War, Spanish-American War & WWI Collection

Pennsylvania Civil War, Spanish-American War & WWI Collection


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ML02 - Pennsylvania Civil War, Spanish-American War & WWI Collection

Civil War

Memorial of the Patriotism of Schuylkill County in the
American Slaveholder's Rebellion (Francis B. Wallace, 1865, 559 pages)
The full title of the publication is: "Memorial of the Patriotism of Schuylkill County in the American Slaveholders Rebellion, embracing a complete list of the names of all the volunteers from the county during the war; patriotic contributions by the citizens; list of the names of those who fell in battle or died by disease; descriptions of the part taken in various engagements by our regiments, with casualties; chronological record of the principal events of the rebellion; biographical sketches of prominent officers and of surgeons from the county, & c., accompanied by a plate of portraits of generals and colonels from the county, and a map of the southern states with the battle fields marked."

Officers Sketched:
Gen. James Nagle, Gen. George C. Wynkoop, Gen. Benjamin C. Christ, Gen. Joshua K. Sigfried, Col. Henry L. Cake, Col. Jacob G. Frick, Gen. Henry Pleasants, Col. George W. Gowen, Col. I. F. Brannon, Col. Daniel Nagle, Col. William H. Lessig, Col. John E. Wynkoop, Col. Robert H. Ramsey, Lieut-Col. William Thompson, Lieut-Col. Frank T. Bennett, Lieut-Col. J. A. Hennessey, Maj. E. H. Leib, Maj. Edward C. Baird, Maj. Joseph A. Gilmour, Maj. Lewis J. Martin, Capt. Benjamin B. Schuck, Capt. H. A. M. Filbert, Capt. Horace Bennett, Capt. James Silliman, Capt. Herman G. Krauth, Lieut. Nicholas E. Wynkoop, Lieut. William Cullen, Lieut. William H. Hume, Lieut. William Laubenstine, Lieut. David B. Brown, Lieut. George H. Gressang, Lieut. Joseph Edwards, Lieut. Henry C. Jackson, Lieut. Curtis Clay Pollock, Lieut. Ernest T. Ellrich, Lieut. John Dougherty, Lieut. John T. Hannum

Surgeons Sketched:
John T. Carpenter, D. J. M'Kibbin, Henry Chester Parry, Henry R. Silliman, D. Webster Bland, O. M. Robbins, Thomas Turner, J. B. Brandt, P. R. Palm, J. H. Kauffman, George W. Saylor, C. P. Herrington, F. J. Kern, Charles, H. Haeseler, Douglass R. Bannan, Theodore Augustus Helwig, J. Burd Peale

Patriotism of Carbon County, PA, and What Her People Contributed
During the War for the Preservation of the Union (J. D. Laciar, 1867, 120 pages)
The Preface notes what is accomplished by this volume: "The object of the author of this volume, is the preservation of the names and services of the noble men, citizens of Carbon County, who served the country of their birth or adoption, during a period of danger such as no nation ever experienced. The memory of the soldiers who saved the Republic of the United States from the destroying hand of a deeply-laid and long-premeditated Rebellion will be ever sacred in the hearts of the American people. It is due to the men who served faithfully in this great struggle, that their claims to the gratitude of their country should be distinctly recorded and preserved in a permanent form, so as to place it within the reach of all. It is with these views that the following record of the services of the Carbon County soldiers has been compiled. The author's aim has been to do justice to all, and as the greater portion of this work has been gathered from official sources, it is reliable and correct."

The information includes details on the following companies:
Three Months' Volunteers
Bucktail Rifles - Company F
11th Reg't - Company H
28th Reg't - Company E
53rd Reg't - Company E
67th Reg't - Company A, D & H
75th Reg't
81st Reg't - Company G, H, I & K
132nd Reg't - Company F & G
147th Reg't - Company C
186th Reg't - Company F & G
202nd Reg't - Company A, D, E, F, H, I & L

4th Cavalry Reg't - Company A
11th Cavalry Reg't - Company H

2nd Reg't Heavy Artillery - Company C, H & I

The volunteer Militia of 1863:
27th Reg't - Company E
34th Reg't - Company A, F & G

The Volunteer Militia of 1862
19th Reg't

There are also dozens of other companies listed with one or two members from Carbon County

List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883
[Excerpts of Vol. 1 & 2 pertaining to Pennsylvania]
(Government Printing Office, 1883, 444 pages)
This publication was a governmental accounting list of Civil War veterans still living and receiving pensions in 1883. This is an excerpt of the original publication covering Pennsylvania only. It is arranged alphabetically by County and lists the pensioner's name, certificate number, post office address, reason for pension, monthly pension rate and the date the pension began to be paid.

Spanish-American War

Record of Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Spanish American
War, 1899 [2nd Edition] (Thomas J. Stewart, 1901, 951 pages)
This publication consists of regimental lists of soldiers from Pennsylvania who served in the Spanish American War, compiled from the original muster-in and muster-out rolls with as much accuracy as was possible. The information includes the soldier's name, residence, date of enrollment, rank, promotions, date of death or discharge, and sometimes additional information. The Volunteer Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry are included, and also some account of the State Naval Militia, and the U.S. Volunteer Engineers. There were no official rolls kept of the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps during the Spanish-American War. Before each regimental list, a brief account of the regiment's origin and activity is related.

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the War with Spain
(J. A. Hilliard & John U. Shroyer, 1950, 121 pages)
This is a brief military history of the Spanish-American War of 1898, with particular focus of the involvement of residents from Pennsylvania. It contains numerous photographs, illustrations and portraits of the war and its soldiers.

World War I

Franklin County Welcome Home Celebration [WWI] (1919, 8 pages)
This brief pamphlet is a program of the 'Welcome Home' celebration for WWI soldiers from Franklin County, PA. It also contains a list of those soldiers who died in service.

Lest We Forget [Emaus] (Anonymous, 1919, 68 pages)
This was published as a souvenir of the "Welcome Home" events for the soldiers of WWI from the Emaus area. It gives a brief sketch on each soldier and most are accompanied by a portrait of the subject.

Official Souvenir Welcome Home - Northampton
Pennsylvania (Rev. John Baer Stoudt, 1919, 90 pages)
This booklet was published as a souvenir of the Welcome Home Celebration held for Northampton area soldiers returning from World War I. It briefly covers some of Northampton's war history, then covers the soldiers of WWI from the area. It provides a biographical sketch for each of the soldiers who died in the conflict, and also a list of others who served.

Welcome Souvenir [WWI] - Ridgway, PA, June 19, 1919 (Anonymous, 1919, 74 pages)
This publication was produced as a "souvenir and historical record of the activities of the various organizations of Rdgway during" World War I. It includes a roster of Company H, 16th Infantry, and a list of other soldiers from Elk County who served in WWI. There are also many photographs soldiers of the county, and ads from local businesses supporting the booklet's publication.

Adams County in the World War (Foulk and Eichelberger, 1921, 300 pages)
This is a history of the involvement of Adams County, PA's citizens in World War I. The goal of this publication was to 'sketch the general work done by each individual during his tour of duty in the War.' It covers various sections of the county in turn, highlighting the soldiers from each area, and providing such information as birth date, parents names, service dates, companies, engagements, injuries, etc. Each sketch is different and covers slightly different information, so not all sketches contain each of the above details. There is also a separate section on the soldiers who died in the course of their service, providing similar information on them but almost all also include a portrait. This is a wonderful collection of information useful for historical or genealogical research in Adams County.

Philadelphia in the World War 1914-1919
(The Philadelphia War History Committee, 1922, 780 pages)
This publication is a rather extensive collection of information concerning the involvement of Philadelphia and its resources and residents in the efforts of World War I. From the Foreword: "Philadelphia's patriotism and unswerving loyalty to the Nation were never more plainly manifested than during the World War. Her people gave without stint, of their time and their means; many were wounded, and some, alas, made the supreme sacrifice at their Country's call. It is appropriate that a record of their work shall be preserved in permanent form for widespread circulation. Interest and sentiment alike suggest that all information concerning the activities of Philadelphians, whether in military, naval, civil, industrial or financial circles during the war, shall be preserved for historical reasons, and is an inspiration to future generations."

Monument Number ' Historic Souvenir Westmoreland
County Soldiers and Sailors (Westmoreland County Soldiers'
and Sailors' Veterans Association, 1925, 73 pages)
This booklet was published as a souvenir history of the soldiers of Westmoreland County, PA. It consists of biographies, photographs, historical details, etc., pertaining to Westmoreland County's soldiers and sailors extending back to the Revolutionary War. The majority of the information deals with the Civil war and the part that soldiers from Westmoreland County played in that conflict, but some of the information covers the Revolutionary War as well.

The Burial Places of Mercersburg's Sons From Meaux
to Compiegne (Daniel Heefner, 1931, 56 pages)
According to the title page, this is "an informal report with impressions of a visit to the resting places of Mercersburg's and Franklin County's (Pa.) World War Heroes, made in September 1930.." This publication presents a record of the involvement of members of Mercersburg Academy, and other Franklin County, PA citizens in World War I. It contains a list of the alumni of Mercersburg Academy who lie buried in France, and those whose bodies were returned to the United States for Re-internment. It also lists those who died while in training, as well as photographs from the war and places around France.

A Record of the Officers, Enlisted Men and Nurses of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Who Served in the Armed Forces of the United States in the World War 1917-1918
(Anonymous, 1932, 301 pages)
This is a record of over 5,200 men and women who served in WWI from Lancaster County, PA. It covers Officers, enlisted men and nurses of the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps. The information for each veteran includes their name, area of residence, company / rank, and enlistment / discharge dates.

Survey of World War Veterans of Somerset County
Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1936, 396 pages)
The Foreword describes the contents of the publication: "It has been possible through the Works Progress Administration in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, to assemble interesting and important data regarding the World War Veterans of this county. While this information has been brief, nevertheless, the data compiled covers the activities of the Veterans in the most important phases. With few exceptions, the following list describes each Veteran's war service, wounds, and citations, if any, together with his present location, occupation, present employment and physical condition. Some few omissions were unavoidable due to lack of information."

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