Northumberland County, PA - Regional History Collection - Sunbury & Vicinity
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
Historical Sketch and Business Review of Sunbury in 1872-3
With and Account of the Sunbury Centennial Celebration of July 4th, 1872.
Historical, Statistical and General (Edward B. Haines, 1873, 70 pages)
This is an early history of Sunbury, Northumberland County, PA from 1873. It discusses the settlement of the area and foundation of Sunbury, its development and growth. It relates the current (1873) state of the borough providing sketches of its societies, churches, associations, civic organizations, railroads and many of its businesses. Following this is a list of other business operations of Sunbury, not given more thorough detailing in the publication. Throughout the publication there are ads for many of these local businesses. The last section pertains to the Centennial Celebration of 1872, providing a copy of the oration given there, again covering the early history of Sunbury.
History of the Presbytery of Northumberland
(Rev. Joseph Stevens, 1888, 92 pages)
This is a history of the Presbytery of Northumberland which at one time covered churches in the territory of Clinton, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder and Union Counties, PA. This publication covers the history of the work of early pastors in caring for these congregations.
History of Zion's Ev. Lutheran Church 1791-1891
(Rev. J. H. Weber, 1891, 76 pages)
This publication is a bicentennial history of one of the founding churches of Sunbury, Northumberland Co., PA. The account includes details about its foundation, early members, pastors and activities through the years.
Sunbury - Historical, Biographical and Industrial
(The Daily Item, 1905, 52 pages)
This booklet was published over 100 years ago by the Daily Item, the primary newspaper of Sunbury, Northumberland County, PA, as a historical and biographical record of the city. It is divided into several sections: Historical, Bench and Bar, Educational, Professional and Industrial and sketches the lives of dozens of Sunbury's prominent citizens. Almost all the biographical sketches also include a portrait of the subject, and a few other photographs of different areas of the city are also included in the historical section. This is an extremely rare publication and quite useful for historical or genealogical research as the information contained within isn't found in any of the other biographical volumes of the area.
Bassler, Beck, Blain, Blank, Boyer, Brosious, Buck, Burrows, Callahan, Chestnutt, Clement, Conrad, Conser, Davis, Druckemiller, Fasold, Fetter, Fisher, Gass, Gibson, Gottshall, Gross, Haas, Hartman, Heim, Hoffman, Ives, Keefer, Klerx, Kline, Knight, Lawler, Lesher, Long, Lower, Malick, McCay-Wenck, McGovern, Melick, Miller, Millner, Moore, Neff, Nesbit, Nott, Packer, Pontius, Purdy, Reed, Reimensnyder, Reitz, Renn, Rockefeller, Rogers, Rohrbach, Savidge, Seebold, Scott, Sharpless, Shindel, Shipman, Shotzberger, Silvius, Smith, Steele, Steller, Swab, Trexler, Weimer, Witmer, Whitmer, Wolverton, Yarnall, Young
[Souvenir of] Sunbury, Pa. (The Rotograph Co., 1905, 14 pages)
This is a souvenir postcard with fold-out pictures in and around Sunbury, PA.
Souvenir Letter - Sunbury, PA (P. P. Smith & Sons, 1908, 12 pages)
This is a souvenir featuring photographs of Sunbury, PA.
Reminiscences of Sunbury (J. C. Irwin, 1910, 69 pages)
This book was published as a rememberance of the past of Sunbury, Northumberland Co., PA. It contains numerous articles covering various subjects from Sunbury's early history up to the time of publication, providing a glimpse of what life was like in times past. The articles include both personal, biographical and historical details, making this an excellent reference for research.
Col. Samuel Hunter, Thomand Ball, John & James Black, John Buyers, Joe Disberry
1928 Directory - Grace Lutheran Church Sunbury, Pennsylvania
(James A. Hartman, 1928, 24 pages)
This is a directory of the members and organizations of Grace Lutheran Church, of Sunbury, Northumberland County, PA for the year 1928. It contains a list of all the chruch organizations and their officers, a directory of current members (listing names and addresses), and a number os ads for local businesses.
Souvenir Program - Twenty-Third Annual Convention and Reunion
Pennsylvania State Association B. P. O. Elks, Sunbury, Pa.
(Anonymous, 1929, 106 pages)
This is a souvenir of the 23rd annual convention of the Elks Association of Pennsylvania. It also contains a brief history of the host city, Sunbury and its local lodge. It also contains dozens of portraits of members and officials, and ads for local businesses.
Brief History and Membership Directory of Zion Lutheran Church,
Sunbury, PA - 1930 (Anonymous, 1930, 59 pages)
This booklet is a history of this early Northumberland County, PA, church, located in Sunbury. It gives a brief history of the congregation formed in the late 1700's, and its growth and development over the years. Following this is the directory, listing the name and address for hundreds of the church's members.
Sesqui-Centennial 1785-1935 - First Presbyterian Church, Sunbury, PA
(Anonymous, 1935, 92 pages)
This is a history of one of the founding churches of Sunbury, Northumberland County, PA. It covers the time from just after the Revolution up to the time of publication. It provides brief sketchs of some of its previous pastors: Ashmead, Aukerman, Brydie, Hevner, Milliken, Morton, Reardon, Rohrbach, Ross, Simonton, Smith, Stone, Todd. It also includes list of elders, trustees and a membership roll of the congregation for 1935.
Sesqui-Centennial Souvenir - 1941, Zion's Ev. Luth. Church, Sunbury
(Anonymous, 1941, 26 pages)
This is a brief history of the one of the early churches of Sunbury, published for its 150th Anniversary.
More Than A Hundred Years - A Brief History of St. John's Methodist Church,
Sunbury, PA (Mrs. Cora E. Yoder & Rev. C. F. Berkheimer, 1941, 33 pages)
The title page notes the purpose of this publication: "This breif, but complete, history of St. John's Methodist Church has been written as part of the program to mark the 100th Anniversary of hte First Methodist Sunday School in Sunbury, Pa." It also includes a membership roll of the Church for 1941.
General Marshall's Victory Report [Millersburg - Berrysburg - Pillow - Dalmatia]
(U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 160 pages)
This was published following the close of the war to provide the public with a general account of the war from beginning to end. The report was published for individual areas throughout the state, and each of these areas included a list of local men and women who served in the war. This report covers sections of Dauphin and Northumberland Counties, including Millersburg, Halifax, Dalmatia, Berrysburg, Mifflin Township, and Pillow.
Centennial Celebration 1850-1950 - St. John's Lutheran Church, Leck Kill, PA (Anonymous, 1950, 21 pages)
This is a brief history of this church along with brief sketches of some of its pastors.
1854-1954 - 100th Anniversary of Northumberland Royal Arch
Chapter No. 174, Sunbury, Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1954, 36 pages)
This is a centennial history of the Masonic organization; Northumberland Royal Arch Chapter No. 174, of Sunbury. Along with the history are dozens of portraits of past officials in the organization.
1929-1959 Our Thirtieth Anniversary - Albright Church, Evangelical
United Brethren, Sunbury, PA (Anonymous, 1959, 34 pages)
This is a brief history of this Sunbury, PA church featuring a number of photographs of hte church and its members.
Dedication of Himmel's Lutheran and United Church of Christ,
Rebuck, Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1960, 20 pages)
This pamphlet is a brief history of this early Northumberland Co., PA church, as well as a program of the events of its rededication.
Sunbury PA Bicentennial 1772-1972 (The Daily Item, 1972, 44 pages)
This is a special newspaper supplement on the bicentennial of Sunbury, Northumberland Co., PA. The articles deal with events of Sunbury's past, discussion of various Sunbury landmarks, a program of the events of the bicentennial celebration, etc. It also includes some historic photographs of the town and its people, as well as ads for local businesses.
Sunbury Pennsylvania - Two Hundred Years - 1772-1972
(Sunbury Bicentennial Inc., 1972, 211 pages)
This is an extensive history of Sunbury, Northumberland County, PA written for its bicentennial in 1972. It covers the early history of the area and the start of the town from an indian village. The history if profusely illustrated, including both historic photographs / illustrations and modern. It also includes a section featuring biographical information on some of Sunbury's prominent citizens / families.
Chapter Titles:
1 - Beginnings
2 - A Hub of Transportation
3 - Municipal Development
4 - Industrial Development
5 - The People of Sunbury
6 - Reminiscences: Sunbury Down the Years
Surnames covered in Early Families
Awl, Baldy, Bellas, Bright, Cake, Clement, Dewart, Donnel, Fisher, Gobin, Grant, Greenough, Hall, Hunter, Irwin, Levy, Maclay, Masser, Packer, da Ponte, Prince, Purdy, Shindel, Youngman
Sunbury Area Spirit of '76 Pictorial History
(Bicentennial Committee, 1976, 35 pages)
This is a pictorial history or souvenir of the town of Sunbury, Northumberland County, PA published for the bicentennial of the nation in 1976. It contains over 140 historic and modern (1976) photographs of the town, its buildings, people, etc. The pictures highlight the changes Sunbury has progressed through in the course of its history and development.
150th Anniversary 1827-1977 - St. Matthew's Episcopal Church,
Sunbury, Penna. (Anonymous, 1977, 16 pages)
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