Northampton County, PA - Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous History Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
The Moravian Graveyards at Nazareth (John W. Jordan, 1873, 55 pages)
This is a history of the Moravian graveyards at Nazareth. It also includes some transcriptions of grave markers and other vital records useful for genealogical research.
History of the Allen Township Presbyterian Church and the
Community which has Sustained it (John C. Clyde, 1876, 202 pages)
This is a history of the Irish Settlement of Allen Township, Northampton County, PA and their church.
Burial Record of Zion's (Stone) Church Grave-Yard and Cemetery
Near Kreidersville, Northampton Co., PA. (Anonymous, 1880, 8 pages)
This cemetery is located near Kreidersville, Allen Township, Northampton County, and includes burials from 1771 to 1880.
St. John's Lutheran Church, Easton, PA 1832-1882
(D. H. Geissinger, Rueben Kolb, 1882, 84 pages)
This booklet was published for the 50th anniversary of the congregation. It relates the events associated with the celebration and then goes into a history of the church. It concludes with a lists of delegates to the Synod, members of the church council, and Sunday School officials, teachers, and students.
Inscriptions of Stone Church, Northampton Co., PA
(W. E. Wenner, 1883, 15 pages)
This publication lists tombstone inscriptions for the Stone Church, Centerville, in Mt. Bethel Township. Hundreds of individuals are listed with birth dates going back well into the middle 1700's.
A Brief Sketch of the Principal Events of St. John's
Church, Howertown, PA (Anonymous, 1885, 36 pages)
This is a history of St. John's Church of Howertown. The account also contains a burial record from the time the church was organized, and a burial record of Greenwood Cemetery from 1867 on.
Industries and Wealth of the Principle Points in Northeastern Pennsylvania; Being Scranton,
Williamsport, Lock Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Danville, Sunbury
and Shamokin (American Publishing and Engraving Co., 1890, 125 pages)
This publication contains sketches of industrial and economic significance from the major populated areas of northeastern PA. These commercial sketches provide a rare look at many of the businesses and business people of Pennsylvania before the 20th Century.
From Northampton County
-- From Easton: – Easton National Bank, Bush & Bull, Thomas T. Miller Hardware Company, H. G. Tombler, Rader & Bro., First National Bank of Easton, Swan Hotel, H. A. Sage, H. A. Sage & Co., Easton Optical Company, W. L. White, Bixler & Correll, W. E. Garis, J. Drake's Sons & Co., A. J. Odenwelder, Wm. H. King, Hilliard & Dinkey, Z. Taylor, M. J. Riegel, John A. Weaver, Wm. H. Hazzard, Fox & Fulmer, Cornell & Michler, Allen Carpenter, The West Job Printing House, J. Rinek's Sons, Wm. J. Daub, Andrews & Nolf, Losey & Co.
The Old Grave-yards of Northampton and Adjacent Counties
in the State of Pennsylvania (John Eyerman, 1899, 1901, 213 pages)
This publication was produced as a result of the author's research for another genealogical work, which necessitated visits to the area's graveyards. He was disturbed by the number of gravestones that had lost their inscriptions due to time and therefore resolved to record and publish those that remained. Due to the number of graves, the author limited the records to those born before 1780. Most of the records contain simply the birth and death information for each person. However, some records consist of the full inscription on the gravestone, or contain references to extended family relations.
This publication was published in parts from 1899 through 1901 in very limited quantities. Volume 1 consists of 6 parts, and volume 2 consists of 3 parts, all of which are included. This rare publication is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research on residents of Northampton County, many of whom were Scotch-Irish.
Graveyards included:
Presbyterian Congregation of Lower Mount Bethel Twp., Dryland Lutheran-Reformed of Hecktown, Schaeffer's near Leithsville, Easton German Reformed, East Allen Presbyterian near Weaversville, Williams Township, Lower Saucon Lutheran-Reformed near Hellertown, Forks (Salem) Lutheran-Reformed at Churchville, St. Peter's Lutheran-Reformed of Plainfield twp., St. Paul's Lutheran-Reformed at Poplar Grove, Old Mennonite Graveyard at Seigfried's in Allen Twp., Small Mennonite graveyard north of Weaversville, Christ Church Lutheran Reformed at Centerville, Zion's Lutheran Reformed near Kreidersville, Mount Bethel Lutheran Reformed, St. John's Lutheran Reformed of Howertown, Trinity Parish of Easton, St. John's in Bethlehem twp., Mount Bethel Presbyterian at Williamsburg, First Presbyterian of Easton, Hay's of Easton, 'Lime-Kiln' Mennonite of Lower Saucon Twp., Arndt and Messinger's in Forks Twp., Friedensville graveyard, and Easton Cemetery.
Souvenir Program - 81st Annual Session Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Anonymous, 1904, 90 pages)
This souvenir booklet contains and account of Odd Fellowship in Northampton County, PA, as well as a brief history of Easton. It contains ads for local businesses and some information about the IOOF lodges in Northmapton County.
Centennial History of the First Presbyterian Church of Easton,
Pennsylvania 1811-1911 (Anonymous, 1911, 140 pages)
A History of Grace Reformed Church, Northampton, Pennsylvania
(Stoudt, Borger, Smith & Werner, 1912, 80 pages)
A booklet prepared for the 15th anniversary of the church. It begins with a brief history of the church, and then proceeds to biographical sketches of its pastors: Cyrus J. Becker, Jacob G. Rupp, John Baer Stoudt, and Irvin Albert Raubenhold. It also includes a list of church officers and current (1912) members, followed by a record of baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and deaths.
The Whitefield House on the Ephrata Property at
Nazareth, PA 1740-1914 (A. L. Oerter, 1914, 45 pages)
Official Souvenir Welcome Home Northampton Pennsylvania
(Rev. John Baer Stoudt, 1919, 90 pages)
This booklet was published as a souvenir of the Welcome Home Celebration held for Northampton area soldiers returning from World War I. It briefly covers some of Northampton's war history, then covers the soldiers of WWI from the area. It provides a biographical sketch for each of the soldiers who died in the conflict, and also a list of others who served.
The Story of the Arndts (John Stover Arndt, 1922, 444 pages)
This is a history of the Arndt family which descended from Bernhard Arndt, a German immigrant to Pennsylvania in the year 1731. This family first settled in the Philadelphia / Montgomery County area of Pennsylvania, but finally taking root in Northampton County, where they became a positive force in the development and growth of the county.
Historical Souvenir of Christ Lutheran Church Stone
Church, Northampton County, Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1924, 19 pages)
This brief publication is a historical sketch of the church and a program of the anniversary celebration.
Brief Biographical Sketches of the Ministers Who Served the Christ Reformed
Congregation of Lower Saucon Church (Anonymous, 1926, 33 pages)
This is a collection of almost 2 dozen biographies on ministers of the the Lower Saucon Church in Northampton Co., PA. The ministers who are covered: John Henry Goetschy, Peter Henry Dorsius, John Conrad Wirtz, John Egedius Hecker, John Christian Gobrecht, Nicholas Pomp, John Daniel Gross, John WIlliam Pythian, John William Ingold, Casper Wack, John Herman Winkhaus, John Mann, John Henry Hoffmeier, Thomas Pomp, Samuel Helfenstein, Jacob Christian Becker, Cyrus J. Becker, Alfred J. G. Dubbs, John S. Kessler, William R. Hofford, Tilghman O. Stem, and A. B. Koplin.
The Scotch-Irish of Northampton County, Pennsylvania
(Northampton County Historical Society, 1926, 629 pages)
This is a wonderful resource for historical or genealogical research in Northampton County, or focusing on Scotch-Irish ancestry. Included in this publication is a discussion of the Scotch-Irish immigration in general. Following this is a closer focus on those who came to live in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, particularly in Allen and Mount Bethel Townships. It relates some details of the early settlers and their contribution to the growth of the area. A number of short biographies highlight important Scotch-Irish men and families of the county, and 3 sections cover the Scotch-Irish burial grounds.
Table of Contents:
The Scotch-Irish Immigration
Settlement of Allen Township - Pioneers - Deeds - Titles
Description of the Craig Home and Brief of Title
Description of the Hirst Home
The Hay's Spring
Some Worthy Trees of Bath
The Old Irish Settlement Stone Houses
The Assessment List of Allen Township, 1775
The Craig Deed - The Franklin Deed - Biddle Deed - Red Rose Deed
The Allen Tract
Copy of Deed Poll, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Hugh Horner
The Old Block House near Fort Ralston and Ralston Farm
Old Buildings - Fort Ralston
The Indian Forts of the Blue Mountains
The Historic Queen Town in the Monoquasy Vally
Genealogical and Biographical - Reprint from Clyde unless otherwise indicated
The Scotch-Irish in the Revolution - Extracts from Egle's History
List of Revolutionary Soldiers
Distinguished Men of the Craig Settlement
Benjamin Franklin's Visit to the Settlement
Rev. John Rosbrugh
Wesselhoeft and his Bath School of Homoeopathy
The Old Church in Allen
The Horner Bible
The First Log Church
Obligation and Declaration of John Walker and Others
Deed of 1772, Deed of 1813
Clyde's History of the Allen Township Presbyterian Church
The Old Academy Repaired for a Place to Worship
The Records of the Old Academy Debating Society
Annotated List of Burials in the Scotch-Irish Settlement of Allen Township
The Scotch-Irish of the Forks of the Delaware - Hunter Settlement
Scotch-Irish Soldiers from Mt. Bethel
Certificate of Names to be taxed in Mount Bethel Township
The Presbyterian Church of Mount Bethel
Burial List in Mt. Bethel Burial Ground
A Few Scotch-Irish Families of Old Mount Bethel
The Village Poet
Temperance Dedication Hymn
David Brainerd
Memorial Discourse
The Scotch-Irish Presbyterian Burial Ground, at Three Churches, Lower Mt. Bethel
Surnames mentioned in biographical section: (some references are very short)
Abernathy, Agnew, Allen, Allison, Andress, Appleman, Armstrong, Arnold, Baldwin, Barber, Barrick, Barnes, Barr, Barrett, Bartholomew, Baugh, Berry, Bisel, Bitner, Blackmar, Blair, Bond, Boyd, Brown, Buckalew, Buckman, Burnet, Cameron, Carpenter, Case, Chambers, Church, Clark, Clendinen, Clyde, Craig, Crickmore, Crosby, Culbertson, Cunningham, Dauman, Davidson, Davis, Daws, Depue, Dickey, Dobin, Duel, Dunlap, Dunn, English, Eppel, Evans, Everett, Felis, Fish, Forest, Frederick, Few, Frick, Fullerton, Galagher, Garner, Gary, George, Gerhart, Gibson, Gish, Gray, Gregg, Grier, Hall, Hamilton, Hannon, Happersett, Hart, Hatfield, Hays, Heaslet, Hemphill, Herron, Harvey, Hice, Hindeman, Hoff, Horner, Hosmer, Housel, Howell, Hudders, Humphrey, Hunter, Hutchinson, Insley, Irwin, James, Johnson, Kelly, Kennedy, Kern, Kerr, King, Kline, Kurtz, Lafever, Laird, Lambert, Lattimer, Lawrence, Leaming, Ledlie, Levers, Lewis, Likens, Line, Loder, Long, Lyle, Lytle, Mann, Marsh, Martin, Masteller, McAllister, McClay, McLain, McClure, McConnel, McDowell, McHenry, McInstry, McIntyre, McKeen, McKelvy, McKenna, McKissick, McNair, McNeill, Meloy, Miller, Moffat, Moore, Moorehead, Moser, Mote, Morton, Mulhallon, Nagle, Neal, Nicholas, Oliphant, Olsen, Orr, Paine, Palmer, Park, Pattent, Peppard, Perry, Philips, Picton, Pollock, Price, Pursell, Quay, Ralston, Reed, Reynolds, Richie, Riddle, Robinson, Rogers, Rosbrugh, Rote, Russel, Scott, Sharp, Sheldon, Shelmire, Speer, Stewart, Taylor, Thompson, Van Zant, Vleit, Wales, Walker, Warman, Warner, Weaver, Weidner, Weitzel, Wells, Wesselheoft, West, Whiteside, Wilver, Wilson, Winters, Wolf, Woodside, Wyckoff, Young
Surnnames given more extensive coverage:
Allen, Armstrong, Brown, Boyd, Clyde, Craig, Culbertson, Gregg, Hays, Horner, Kerr, King, Lattimer, McKeen, McIlhaney, McNair, Ralston, Rea, Rosbrugh, Walker, Wesselhoeft, Wilson, Winter
Jubilee of Methodism in Bethlehem Pennsylvania
1852-1927 (Wilbur L. King, 1927, 19 pages)
This pamphlet is a brief history of the Methodist church in the Bethlehem region.
1859-1934 Seventy-Fifth Anniversary - St. John's Reformed
Church, Nazareth Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1934, 29 pages)
Members of the Bar and Officials of Northampton Co.,
PA 1752-1935 (A. Thurman Schlabach, 1935, 54 pages)
This is a list of records of those who served in various public offices of Northampton County, PA from 1752 to the date of publication. The list includes Judges, Justices, Attorneys, District Attorneys, Prothonotaries, Clerks, Sheriffs, Registers General, Recorders, Treasurers, Commissioners, Coroners, and County Controllers.
Burial Record of Zion Stone Church Graveyard and Cemetery
Near Kreidersville, Allen Township, Northampton County, PA. (Anonymous, 1940, 80 pages)
This is an updated record of the burials in this historic Northampton County cemetery, covering burials from 1772 to 1940. It also includes brief historical sketches on the church and cemetery.
A check list of imprints of the German press of Northampton County,
Pennsylvania, 1766-1905 (Alfred L. Shoemakers, 1943, 179 pages)
This is the 4th Volume of the Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society and focuses on German language publications printed within the bounds of the county from 1766-1905. The second part of the volume consists of biographies of those who were involved in the printing of such publications: John L. Allen, Johann Brandmueller, Amos C. Clauder, Henry T. Clauder, Josiah Cole, John P. Correll, Aaron F. Cox, John S. Dreisbach, James A. Dunlap, Oliver L. Fehr, Jonas D. Gangewer, Henry Guenther, Jacob Haenchen, Heinrich Held, Julius Held, William Held, Josiah P. Hetrich, Abraham L. Huebener, Charles Huetter, Christian J. Huetter, Frederic William Huetter, Georg C. Huetter, Henry Huetter, Samuel Innes, Edwin G. Klose, William H. Knauss, J. D. Laciar, Harvey D. Laubach, Edmund D. Leisenring, Samuel Longcope, Josephus Lynn, Thomas Lynn, Masslich, William Maxwell, Eduard J. Morwitz, Friedrich W. Mueller, James A. Patterson, Gottlieb H. Ruede, Albert N. Seip, William H. Seip, Abraham H. Senseman, Samuel Siegfried, Solomon Siegfried, Thomas R. Weber, John D. Weiss, Jacob Weygandt Jr., and Jacob Weygandt Sr.
125 Years - Trinity Church 1819-1944 (Anniversary Committee, 1944, 65 pages)
This is a program of the Anniversary celebration of the Trinity Church of Easton along with a history of the church and its associated organizations. It also includes the first list of Communicants, a list of the pastors who served the congregation, and a list of gifts and donors over the years.
Young American Patriots - The Youth of Pennsylvania
in World War II (National Publishing Company, 1946, 674 pages)
This publication is a memorial to the service men and women of Pennsylvania who served in WWII. It contains brief sketches of 1,000's of soldiers from across the state. The sketches provide a variety of information on each soldier: Name, rank, branch of military, engagements, discharge date, military awards, birth date, parents, spouse, address, religion., etc. The information varies from soldier to soldier but most contain the information above. Also, nearly every sketch is accompanies by a portrait of the soldier.
This publication is not an exhaustive listing of all the soldiers of Pennsylvania who fought in World War II. Nearly all counties are represented, but some more extensively than others. Those given more extensive coverage include: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Cumberland, Dauphin, Erie, Fayette, Indiana, Lawrence, Northampton, Westmoreland,
Here is a sample listing:
Abbott, William Edward
Cpl., Army. Born Apr. 6, 1925. Entered Serv. June 12, 1943. Ft. Belvoir; N. Guinea; Phil. Is.; Okinawa. Awarded GCM, As-Pac Rib., BS, Phil. Lib. Rib. Disch. Mar. 2, 1945. Attended Clymer HS. Protestant. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Abbott. Husband of Margaret Herrington Abbott, 818 Sandusky St., N. S., Pgh, 12, Pa.5
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