Montgomery County PA - County History & Biography Collection

Montgomery County PA - County History & Biography Collection


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This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.

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History of Montgomery County Within the Schuylkill Valley
(William J. Buck, 1859, 124 pages)
The full title of this very early history of Montgomery Co., PA is: "History of Montgomery County Within the Schuylkill Valley, Sketches of all the Townships, Boroughs and Villages, in said limits, from the earliest period to the present time; with an account of the Indians, the Swedes, and other early settlers, and the local events of the Revolution; besides notices of the Progress in Population, Improvements, and Manufactures;"

A History and Geography of Montgomery County, Pa., Together with County
and Township Government (John K. Harley, M. E., 1883, 106 pages)
This publication was originally published as a school textbook on Montgomery County history. It includes basic discussion on the townships and major boroughs as well as on the county and local governments.

The Centennial Celebration of Montgomery County, at Norristown,
September 9, 10, 11, 12, 1884 (Centennial Association of Montgomery, 1884, 474 pages)
This is a program for the Centennial celebration, containing some historical accounts, as well as details of the events of the celebration. It also includes a listing of all exhibitors and their exhibits.

History of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (Theodore W. Bean, 1884, 1380 pages)
This is the first large-scale historical and biographical volume published on Montgomery County, PA. It first presents a history of the county from its original settlement and development through the years. Along with the historical information, details of many residents are covered, some being covered in biographical sketches.

Surnames Indexed:
Aaron, Acker, Adams, Addis, Albertson, Alderfer, Allabough, Allebaugh, Ambler, Ames, Anderson, Anders, Antes, Apple, Arets, Armstrong, Ashbridge, Assheton, Atkinson, Auchenbach, Audubon, Auge, Augusta, Baker, Bakewell, Ball, Baldwin, Baltz, Barr, Barker, Bartholomeu, Bate, Baumgard, Bayard, Bayer, Bean, Beans, Beaver, Beers, Bellows, Benner, Berkhimer, Betts, Bevens, Bickel, Biddle, Binder, Bird, Birchall, Bisson, Blake, Blair, Bodey, Boehm, Boileau, Bolton, Bomberger, Bonsall, Boorse, Boone, Borrs, Booth, Borneman, Boyd, Boyer, Bosler, Braddock, Branin, Bradfield, Bray, Breitenbach, Breton, Bringhurst, Brightly, Brooke, Broadt, Brown, Brownback, Bruner, Brunner, Bryn, Buckman, Buckart, Beck, Bull, Bullock, Burnside, Burnett, Burk, Burns, Bush, Cabot, Caldwell, Calwell, Carpenter, Cascaden, Cassell, Casselbery, Chadwick, Chase, Chambers, Chain, Chapman, Chew, Childs, Chism, Christman, Clay, Cleaver, Clemens, Clements, Clift, Coates, Coleman, Collins, Collum, Conard, Conderts, Coulston, Cooke, Corson, Coxe, Crawford, Cresson, Cruikabank, Currie, Curry, Curtin, Custer, Dallas, Danehower, Darlington, Darrach, Davis, Day, Dean, Dederer, Delmer, Delacour, Derr, De Vries, Dewees, Dickinson, Dimond, Dismant, Dobson, Dock, Dod, Dodderer, Dorsey, Dotterer, Dotts, Douglass, Dubree, Duche, Dundore, Dunlop, Du Portail, Durland, Dyson, Dyer, Eck, Eckman, Egbert, Eicholtz, Ellis, Elliot, Ely, Engle, Englehart, Ensly, Ervien, Evans, Faber, Farmar, Farnum, Faust, Fauth, Feather, Fegely, Fenton, Ferguson, Fetterolf, Fisher, Fitzwater, Fletcher, Floyd, Fornance, Fortman, Fothergill, Foulke, Fox, Frazier, Freas, Freed, Freeley, Freid, French, Frey, Frick, Fries, Fronefield, Fry, Fryer, Fulton, Funk, Garberg, Gardner, Gartley, Gates, Gause, Geatrell, Geiger, Geissenhainer, Geller, Gerhart, Gibbons, Gibson, Gill, Girard, Goetschy, Goentner, Godshall, Godshalk, Gordon, Gotwalts, Grater, Gravel, Grant, Graeme, Grenville, Gresh, Griffith, Grigg, Grimly, Groff, Gross, Grubb, Guest, Guldin, Gumbee, Gummere, Guss, Hagar, Hahn, Hallowell, Hallman, Haldeman, Hamilton, Hampton, Hamer, Hammond, Hamill, Hamel, Hancock, Hannun, Harbison, Harper, Harley, Hart, Hartranft, Harrison, Harry, Harding, Harley, Hassler, Hawksworth, Haywood, Heckler, Hecht, Heebner, Heister, Heist, Huber, Heilig, Heller, Helffenstein, Hellings, Houch, Hendricksen, Hendricks, Henshen, Henderson, Herger, Deydrick, Hicks, Highly, Hillegass, Hilles, Hill, Hitner, Hobson, Hobart, Hoffecker, Hoffman, Holt, Holstein, Holme, Hollman, Homer, Hood, Hooton, Hopkins, Hopkinson, Hoot, Hooverton, Hooven, Hoover, Horn, Houpt, Hough, Houghton, Hubbard, Hudleson, Hudson, Hughes, Hughs, Humphrey, Humphrys, Hunter, Hunsicker, Hovey, Howard, Howe, Hower, Ingersoll, Ingham, Iredell, Jacobs, Jacoby, Jamison, James, Janney, Jarrett, Jenkins, Jennings, Johnson, John, Jolly, Jones, Kassel, Keith, Keeley, Keely, Kellogg, Kemper, Kendall, Kenderdine, Kennedy, Kenworthy, Kepner, Kitler, Kinze, Kirkbride, Kirk, Kneule, Knight, Knipe, Knox, Kolb, Kratz, Krause, Krauth, Kreibel, Kreible, Krupp, Kuhn, Kunders, Kulp, Kuntz, Kuster, Lacy, Lake, Landes, Lancaster, Lane, Larzelere, Lay, Learch, Lee, Leech, Leedom, Lees, Lefferts, Le Gaux, Leidy, Leister, Levering, Lenhart, Lewis, Leydich, Light, Livezey, Liversidge, Livingston, Lloyd, Loch, Lodge, Lollar, Longaker, Longstreth, Loux, Lovering, Lowe, Lower, Lowrie, Loxley, Lubbe, Ludwig, Lukens, Madison, Magee, Makin, Martin, Markley, March, Markham, Marsteller, Mathews, Mathias, Mather, Matson, May, McAllister, McCall, McCarter, McClure, McClane, McClennan, McCreedy, McDermott, McFarland, McInnes, McKean, McLean, McMichael, McNair, McQuee, McVeagh, Medtart, Meigs, Mellish, Menan, Meredith, Meschter, Metz, Mey, Michael, Michener, Miles, Miller, Mintzer, Missimer, Mitchell, Mittelberger, Moir, Moore, Moorhead, Mooney, Morison, Morrow, Morris, More, Morgan, Morton, Moser, Mott, Mowday, Moyer, Muhlenberg, Mulvany, Murphy, Murray, Musselman, Myers, Nace, Newbold, Noble, Norris, Nutt, Nyce, Oberholtzer, O'Brien, Ogden, Opdyke, Ottinger, Owen, Palmer, Pappegoyn, Parke, Pastorius, Patterson, Paul, Pawling, Paxson, Penn, Penrose, Perinchief, Peters, Pickering, Plowden, Pollock, Porter, Potts, Preston, Proud, Price, Prince, Printz, Prizer, Pugh, Powel, Powell, Ralston, Rambo, Randle, Raudenbush, Ratcliffe, Rauch, Rawle, Read, Reading, Rebenarch, Reed, Reese, Rees, Reid, Reiff, Reinhold, Reimer, Rennyson, Rox, Reynolds, Rhoades, Riale, Richardson, Richards, Rice, Righter, Rightmeyer, Rising, Rittenhouse, Ritter, Robeson, Roberts, Robinson, Rodenbough, Rogers, Rorer, Ross, Rossiter, Rosenberger, Rowland, Royer, Runkle, Ruth, Solly, Sargent, Sarver, Saylor, Scheetz, Schrack, Schall, Schmucker, Schultz, Schwenkfeld, Scharff, Scholl, Schofield, Schuler, Schietz, Schwenck, Schrack, Schlatter, Scoll, Scott, Seibert, Selser, Shannon, Sharpless, Shantz, Shaw, Shearer, Shepherd, Shippen, Shoemaker, Shriner, Shrope, Shunk, Shupe, Shultz, Sibley, Simona, Simpson, Singerly, Slemmer, Slingluff, Slifer, Slingluff, Slough, Slutler, Smith, Smyser, Snyder, Southby, Souder, Sower, Spang, Spera, Spencer, Sproegel, Stauffer, Stabler, Sterigere, Steel, Stevens, Stewart, Steinor, Stetler, Stinson, Stilas, Stokes, Stover, Stouffer, Streeper, Stuyvesant, Styer, Sunderland, Sumney, Sumwalt, Super, Sutton, Swayne, Swartz, Taylor, Tellner, Tennent, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thropp, Tilghman, Tippen, Tippin, Todd, Townsend, Tracy, Treat, Trent, Temper, Troxal, Tucksees, Trumbauer, Turner, Tyson, Urffer, Usselinex, Van Buskirk, Vanderslice, Von Hagen, Van Horn, Van Pelt, Voight, Von Bebber, Von der Sloot, Waage, Wack, Wagner, Waldo, Walker, Waln, Walters, Walton, Walt, Wanger, Wanamaker, Watt, Weaver, Weand, Weber, Weiser, Weiss, Weiand, Weinberger, Weigner, Wells, Welsh, Wentz, Wertsner, Wetherill, Weyman, Wharton, Wheeler, White, Whitman, Whitehead, Whitfield, Wills, Wilson, Williams, Williamson, Winthrow, Winnard, Winslow, Wittmer, Wolff, Wolmer, Wolf, Wood, Woodman, Woodward, Wright, Wynne, Yeager, Yeakle, Yeakel, Yerkes, Yocum, Yost, Young, Zinnel, Zook

Lives of the Eminent Dead and Biographical Notes of Prominent Living Citizens of
Montgomery County, PA [3rd Edition] (Moses Auge, 1879, 1882, 1887, 776 pages)
This is the first major biographical volume for Montgomery County, covering many persons who contributed to the growth of the county. This is the 3rd edition, containing additions and corrections to the original text of 1879 and 1882.

Surnames indexed:
Aaron, Acker, Adle, Antes, Apple, Atkinson, Auge, Baker, Boehm, Boileau, Bolton, Bomberger, Bosler, Boyd, Boyer, Brendlinger, Brooke, Brower, Buch, Bullock, Bunting, Burnside, Buts, Cassel, Chain, Christman, Collins, Conrad, Corson, Cowden, Craig, Crawford, Custer, Cuthbertson, Davis, Derr, Eastburn, Evans, Fitzwaer, Fornance, Freedley, Frick, Fronefield, Fry, Gartley, Gory, Gibbs, Gilbert, Gould, Gregg, Gross, Harner, Hamill, Hancock, Harley, Hartranft, Haws, Heacock, Helffenstein, Hendricks, Hiester, Hitner, Hobart, Hobson, Hoffman, Holstein, Hooven, Hoover, Houpt, Huddlesou, Hunsicker, Iredell, Jamison, Jarrett, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Kennedy, Kite, Knox, Kohn, Koplin, Kratz, Kraupe, Kugler, Leedom, Lock, Loller, Hongaker, Lowe, Lukens, Markley, Martin, McCann, McCarter, McCredy, McDermott, McFarland, McKay, McQuaide, Meeh, Moore, Mott, Muhlenberg, Mulvany, Newport, Pauling, Phillips, Porter, Potts, Preston, Price, Quillman, Ralston, Rambo, Rapp, Road, Reiner, Rennyson, Richards, Rittenhouse, Roberts, Rogers, Royer, Rutter, Schall, Scheetz, Schlater, Schrack, Scull, Shannon, Shaw, Sheeleigh, Shoemaker, Shrawder, Shunk, Slemmer, Smith, Snyder, Sower, Stahler, Steel, Stein, Steinmetz, St. Clair, Stem, Sterigere, Tevens, Sunderland, Supplee, Swayne, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Umstad, Wack, Wampole, Weaver, Weber, Weinberger, Weiss, Wentz, Whiting, Wills, Wilson, Winnard, Wood, Wright, Yeakle, Yerkes, Yost

Local Sketches and Legends Pertaining to Bucks and
Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania (William J. Buck, 1887, 336 pages)
This is a collection of local historical stories of the early residents of Bucks and Montgomery Counties, PA.

A History and Geography of Montgomery County, Pa., Together with County
and Township Government [Revised Edition] (J. K. Harley, M. E., 1891, 116 pages)
This is a revised and updated edition of the earlier publication of the same title.

Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
(Samuel T. Wylie, 1895, 707 pages)
This is the second major biographical work for Montgomery County, PA. The first 50 pages contain a brief history of the area, covering the county's early settlement and growth. The remaining 650 pages are dedicated to biographies of Montgomery County individuals and families.

Surnames Indexed:
Abraham, Adams, Adle, Albertson, Alderfer, Althouse, Anders, Arnold, Auchenbach, Auchy, Autenrieth, Baer, Bair, Bardman, Barili, Barker, Batcher, Bate, Bean, Becker, Bechtel, Beeber, Beerer, Beidler, Bickel, Bickhart, Biddle, Bigony, Binder, Blackburn, Bliem, Bobb, Boorse, Booth, Bornenman, Boyd, Boyer, Brandt, Breen, Britt, Bromer, Brower, Brown, Brownback, Brunner, Buchanon, Buck, Burgess, Burr, Buskirk, Caley, Caine, Care, Cassel, Chain, Childs, Christian, Christman, Clark, Cleaver, Clemmer, Clevenger, Coats, Coleman, Comly, Cook, Cooper, Corson, Crabtree, Craft, Crankshaw, Cressman, Cripps, Curren, Dambly, Dannehower, Davidheiser, Davidson, Davis, DeHaven, Dettre, Detwiler, Dickinson, Dimmig, Dodd, Drake, Dresher, Dreslin, Dyer, Eck, Egolf, Eisenberg, Ellis, Elsenhans, Erb, Evans, Everhart, Famous, Faust, Fearnside, Fegeley, Fenton, Fetterolf, Finley, Fisher, Fornance, Fox, France, Fritz, Fry, Gable, Gangawer, Garrett, Geist, Gerhart, Gery, Gilbert, Gillingham, Gotwals, Gotwalts, Graul, Gresh, Griffith, Groff, Guldin, Hagner, Haines, Haldeman, Hall, Hallman, Hallowell, Hambarger, Hampton, Harley, Harmer, Harry, Hartzell, Hathaway, Hauck, Heener, Helffenstein, Hendricks, Herman, Hersh, Highley, Hillegas, Hilles, Hiltebeitel, Himmelwright, Hobson, Holstein, Hoopman, Hoover, Hough, Houghton, Houpt, Hovenden, Humbert, Hunsberger, Hunsicker, Hunter, Hurst, Jarrett, Jenkins, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Keeler, Keely, Kern, Keys, Keyser, Kinzie, Kite, Kittson, Knetz, Kneule, Knox, Kratz, Kreible, Krider, Kriebel, Kurtz, Landis, Larzelere, Latshaw, Lawson, Lee, Leedom, Lees, Leidy, Leister, Lewin, Light, Little, Litzenberg, Lobb, Long, Longaker, Longenecker, Loughin, Lubbe, Lukens, Lukins, Marshall, Martin, Mather, Mattison, McCoy, McDermott, McGinley, McInnis, McKinzie, McMichael, Metcalf, Miller, Mintzer, Moir, Moore, Morgan, Mowlds, Moyer, Mullen, Murray, Neiman, Nice, Nuss, O'Brien, Pawling, Pechin, Pennington, Perry, Phillips, Place, Poley, Preston, Price, Rambo, Read, Reading, Reed, Regar, Reiff, Reifsnyder, Reinert, Rex, Righter, Rittenhouse, Ritter, Roberts, Robinson, Roebuck, Rogers, Rosenberger, Rothermel, Royer, Ruby, Rufe, Saurman, Saylor, Scatchard, Schall, Scheetz, Scheidt, Schellinger, Schissler, Schmidt, Schultz, Schweyer, Seal, Seese, Seipt, Shaffer, Shainline, Shannon, Shearer, Shelly, Shoemaker, Shoffner, Sholl, Shultz, Simpson, Slemmer, Slifer, Slingluff, Smith, Smyth, Snyder, Somiesky, Sotter, Spang, Spangler, Spatz, Speaker, Spear, Stadelman, Stahler, Steen, Steiner, Steinmetz, Stetler, Stinson, Strahan, Strassburger, Streeper, Stritzinger, Sullivan, Supplee, Swartz, Tegtmeier, Theel, Thomas, Todd, Tracy, Treichler, Tyson, Umstad, Uruer, Vaughan, Waage, Walters, Wanger, Warner, Weand, Weber, Weinberger, Weiser, Welker, Werner, Weyland, Whitby, Whitcomb, White, Wickart, Wildman, Wilkinson, Wills, Wilson, Withers, Wood, Yocum, Yost, Zimmerman

Biographical Annals of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
(Elwood Roberts, 1904, 1305 pages)
This is the most extensive of the biographical volumes published for Montgomery County, PA. Hundreds of biographies of leading individuals of the county are included, many with illustrations.

Surnames Indexed:
Abraham, Aciff, Acuff, Akins, Albright, Alderfer, Allebach, Allebaugh, Allen, Ambler, Anders, Anderson, Apple, Argo, Argue, Armstrong, Arnoldy, Arthur, Ashton, Asure, Auchenbach, Ayars, Bach, Baggs, Baker, Barlow, Barnes, Barrett, Bate, Bauer, Bauman, Bean, Beaver, Bechtel, Beeber, Beener, Bellows, Benner, Bennett, Bergey, Berkhimer, Bertolet, Bickel, Binder, Bisbing, Bishop, Bisson, Blackburn, Blair, Blake, Blattner, Bliem, Block, Bobb, Boorse, Bosler, Bostock, Bowman, Boyd, Boyer, Bradley, Branin, Brant, Brecht, Brinton, Britt, Brooke, Brophy, Brower, Brown, Brownback, Buchanan, Buckman, Buckwalter, Burling, Burton, Butcher, Buzby, Caley, Cameron, Campbell, Carey, Carrell, Casey, Cassel, Casselberry, Cassell, Castner, Chain, Childs, Christman, Clamer, Clark, Clayton, Cleaver, Clymer, Cofrode, Cole, Colton, Comly, Conard, Conver, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Corson, Corqon, Cottman, Coulston, Cox, Cozens, Crawford, Cressman, Crouthamel, Craven, Cripps, Culin, Custer, Danehower, Davidheiser, Davis, DeHaven, DeLong, Delp, Denckla, Dengler, Dentler, DePrefontaine, Derham, Detterer, Detwiler, Dietterich, Dingee, Dotterrer, Dougherty, Downing, Doyle, Dresher, Drown, Duddy, Duden, Duffield, Dyer, Earnest, Ebert, Edwards, Egbert, Egolf, Ehst, Ellis, Ely, Engle, Erb, Espenship, Evans, Fager, Fagley, Famous, Farenwald, Farrall, Farris, Faust, Feather, Fegely, Fell, Felty, Fetterolf, Fillman, Finkbiner, Fisher, Fleck, Fornance, Forrest, Foulds Foulke, Francis, Freas, Freed, Fretz, Friend, Fritz, Fronefield, Fronhiser, Frorer, Fryer, Gable, Garber, Geatrell, Gehman, Gehret, Geiger, Geist, Gerhart, Gheen, Gilbert, Gillin, Glagenbaugh, Glenn, Godshalk, Gordon, Gottshalk, Gottshall, Gotwals, Gotwalts, Grater, Greger, Gregor, Griscom, Groff, Hagenbaugh, Hainer, Haines, Hall, Hallman, Hallowell, Hamel, Hammond, Hampton, Hane, Hansell, Harley, Harmer, Harper, Harry, Hart, Hartenstine, Hartline, Hartman, Hartranft, Harvey, Hatfield, Hawkins, Haywood, Heacock, Heckler, Heebner, Heist, Helffenstein, Hendricks, Henszey, Herner, Heysham, High, Hillegass, Hiltner, Hindenach, Hinderberger, Hipple, Hobart, Hobson, Hoffecker, Hoffman, Holcomb, Holland, Hollenbach, Holler, Holly, Holt, Hoot, Hoover, Hovenden, Hower, Hughes, Hunsberger, Hunsicker, Hunter, Iredell, Isett, Jarrett, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Kaiser, Kane, Katz, Keck, Keeler, Kehl, Keller, Kennedy, Kepler, Keyser, Kibblehouse, Kilpatrick, Kimbel, Kinsey, Kirk, Kline, Knapp, Knipe, Kohler, Koplin, Kratz, Krause, Kriebel, Krieble, Kulp, Kummerer, Kurtz, Landis, Langstroth, Laros, Larzelere, Latch, Latshaw, Leaf, Lee, Leidy, Leinbach, Leister, Leitenberger, Lenhart, Lessig, Levengood, Lewin, Lewis, Linde, Lindsay, Lippincott, Livezey, Lodge, Longacre, Longaker, Longstreth, Loomis, Lorah, Loughlin, Lovett, Lower, Lowery, Lownes, Lubbe, Lukens, Lynch, Mann, March, Markley, Martin, Mather, Mathews, Matz, Mauck, McAvoy, McCafferty, McCann, McCormick, McCuin, McElroy, McFarland, McGinley, McGlathery, McHarg, McHugh, McInnes, McKinlay, McLean, McMahon, McNamara, Meschter, Meigs, Mensch, Messinger, Metcalf, Metz, Michener, Miles, Miller, Mills, Mintzer, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morton, Mowrey, Moyer, Mullin, Murphey, Murphy, Nagle, Nash, Neiman, Newberry, Newbold, Newlin, Newport, Nice, Nichols, Nippes, Noble, Nyce, Oberholtzer, O'Brien, O'Neil, Ortt, Palmer, Parry, Parsons, Paul, Peirce, Pennepacker, Penrose, Pension, Pfeiffer, Phillips, Phipps, Pifer, Porter, Potts, Prizer, Quillman, Rahn, Rainey, Rambo, Ramey, Ramsey, Rapine, Rapp, Raudenbush, Read, Reed, Rees, Reifsnyder, Reigner, Reiner, Rempp, Renner, Rex, Rhoads, Richards, Richardson, Ridington, Righter, Rile, Rishter, Roberts, Rodenbaugh, Rogers, Rohers, Root, Royer, Rupert, Ruth, Sands, Sassaman, Saylor, Schall, Scheidt, Schirmer, Schissler, Schlater, Schlichter, Schneider, Scholl, Schrack, Schreiber, Schuler, Schultz, Schwab, Schwenk, Schweyer, Seasholtz, Seiple, Seipt, Selden, Shade, Shaffer, Shaner, Shannon, Shearer, Shellenberger, Shelly, Shelmire, Shepherd, Sheppard, Shive, Shoemaker, Shriver, Shuler, Simmers, Simons, Simpson, Sines, Slifer, Slingluff, Sloan, Slough, Smith, Snell, Snyder, Solliday, Solly, Sommer, Souder, Spang, Sperry, Springer, Stager, Stahlnecker, Stannard, Steele, Steever, Stemple, Stephens, Stewart, Stiles, Stinson, Stofflet, Stong, Stout, Stover, Strahan, Strasser, Streeper, Strehle, Styer, Summers, Sunderland, Suplee, Supplee, Sutton, Swartz, Swavely, Taft, Taggart, Taubel, Taylor, Templeton, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Titlow, Todd, Tomlinson, Towill, Townsend, Trace, Treichler, Trinley, Triol, Twaddell, Twining, Tyler, Tyson, Unruh, Updegrove, Van Arstdalen, Vanderslice, VanHorn, Vansant, Vaux, Voorhees, Wagner, Wahl, Walker, Walt, Walters, Walton, Wanger, Wanner, Watson, Watt, Weak, Weand, Weber, Weidner, Weigner, Weinberger, Wells, Wentz, Wentzel, Werkiser, West, White, Wiand, Wickersham, Wieand, Wildman, Wilkinson, Willauer, Williams, Williard, Wills, Wilmer, Wilson, Winter, Wise, Wismer, Withers, Wolford, Wood, Woodward, Worrell, Yeager, Yeakel, Yeakle, Yellis, Yerger, Yerkes, Yetter, Yohn, Yost, Yothers, Young, Zeigler, Zendt, Zimmerman

Montgomery County Pennsylvania, A History
(Clifton S. Hunsicker, 1923, 1134 pages)
This is the fourth and last of the major historical / biographical volumes published for Montgomery County, PA. This was published over 40 years after the 1st of the Montgomery County biographicals and almost 20 years after the 3rd. Despite the fact that 3 volumes preceeded it, it is an extensive work on its own, containing a great deal of unique information on leading Montgomery county residents.

Surnames Indexed:
Addis, Alderfer, Allebach, Amey, Anders, Anderson, Arbuckle, Arnold, Arthur, Asmus, Atkinson, Augee, Bahr, Bailey, Barker, Bartleson, Bauer, Beale, Bean, Beaver, Bechtel, Behn, Beideman, Beltz, Bemesderfer, Biddle, Binder, Blackburn, Blanck, Blank, Bodenstein, Bolton, Bortz, Bostock, Boyd, Boyer, Brecht, Brendlinger, Bromer, Brooke, Brown, Brownback, Brunner, Brusher, Bryans, Buchanan, Bucher, Buckland, Buckwalter, Bunting, Burgstresser, Burton, Bussa, Butz, Buyers, Cameron, Carl, Carroll, Carter, Carver, Cassel, Cassidy, Catanese, Cavalier, Clamer, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Cleaver, Clemens, Cobb, Conver, Cooley, Cooper, Cordonna, Cornish, Corson, Craft, Crawford, Cressman, Crosby, Cross, Curren, DeHuff, Daly, Dannehower, Daughtery, Davis, Day, Deisher, Delp, Desimone, Dettra, Detweiler, Devlin, Donaghy, Donnelly, Drake, Durham, Eastwick, Edwards, Egan, Ehrnfeldt, Ellenberger, Emery, Englerth, Espenship, Evans, Fabbri, Farley, Farrell, Faust, Fegely, Fegley, Fellman, Fetterolf, Fink, Finkbiner, Flavell, Foulke, Francis, Frankenfield, Franklin, Frantz, Frederick, Freed, Fretz, Fullmore, Funk, Gallagher, Ganjamie, Garner, Gast, Gegenheimer, Gehret, Geller, Gensler, Gibson, Gilkyson, Godshall, Gordon, Gorman, Gotwals, Graber, Grater, Gresh, Greve, Groff, Gruhle, Haas, Hacker, Halford, Hall, Hallman, Hallowell, Hambrecht, Hampton, Hanley, Harper, Harr, Harrold, Harry, Hartman, Hartzell, Hatfield, Haywood, Heath, Heckscher, Hedrick, Heebner, Hennig, High, Highley, Hillebeitel, Hillegass, Hiltebeitel, Hiltner, Hobart, Hoffman, Holloway, Hoover, Hottenstein, Hovenden, Hower, Huff, Hunsberger, Hunsicker, Isett, Jackson, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Kavash, Kearns, Keeler, Keely, Kehs, Kelly, Kendig, Keyser, Kirkpatrick, Kite, Kleinbach, Kline, Klink, Knight, Knipe, Koch, Kogelschatz, Kratz, Krupp, Kuhnt, Kulp, Lachman, Lamb, Landes, Landis, Larzelere, Latshaw, Laverty, Law, Lederach, Lee, Lees, Leidy, Leitenberger, Lessig, Levengood, Lewis, Lichtenwalner, Light, Linberg, Linderman, Lindsay, Lischke, Logan, Long, Longaker, Longstreth, Loomis, Loux, Lovatt, Ludlum, McAvoy, McCarroll, McCoy, McElhatton, McFarland, Mallen, Malmberg, March, Markley, Marshall, Matlack, Matthias, Mattison, Megilligan, Meigs, Miller, Moll, Mollier, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Moser, Mountain, Moyer, Mullen, Murphy, Musselman, Nase, Neville, Niblock, Nice, Noble, Noblit, Nuss, Nyce, O'Brien, O'Neil, Oberholtzer, Omwake, Orr, Paules, Paulus, Pennell, Pennepacker, Pickell, Piank, Pool, Porter, Potter, Potts, Prince, Pugh, Rafferty, Rralston, Rambo, Ramsay, Randall, Rauch, Read, Reading, Reed, Reeves, Regar, Reiter, Renninger, Rhoades, Rhoads, Richard, Richards, Ridington, Righter, Rimby, Rittenhouse, Ritter, Roberts, Robertson, Robison, Rodgers, Rosenberger, Roth, Royersford, Rupert, Ruth, St. Clair, Sands, Sarni, Saul, Saylor, Schell, Schellinger, Schlumberger, Scholl, Schrack, Schultz, Schwenk, Schweyer, Shearer, Shelly, Sherbon, Shewell, Shisler, Shoemaker, Shuler, Shull, Skibbe, Slaughter, Smedley, Smith, Smyth, Snyder, Solly, Souder, Sowers, Specht, Speirs, Spiess, Spragg, Springer, Stahlnecker, Stapp, Stauffer, Stemple, Sticker, Stillwagon, Stoner, Stoudt, Stover, Strassburger, Stritzinger, Stump, Styer, Sullivan, Summers, Swartley, Swartz, Thomas, Thomlinson, Trucksess, Tufillaro, Twining, Tyler, Tyson, Umstead, Unger, Vaughan, Wack, Wagner, Walter, Weidner, Welker, Wieder, Wile, Williams, Wills, Wilson, Winter, Wismer, Wood, Woodland, Woodmansee, Wright, Yeager, Yeakle, Yerger, Yost, Ziegler, Zimmerman, Zweier, Zyner

A Brief History of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
(H. W. Kriebel, 1923, 214 pages)
This publication was produced as a local history textbook for schools. It discusses the early history of the county, and covers details of life and the local area as the county grew. Pages 148 - 164 contain very short biographies of prominent individuals.

Who's Who in Montgomery County
(Montgomery County Republican Organization, 1934, 33 pages)
This booklet consists of biographies of various members of political office in Montgomery County. Most biographies are also accompanied by a portrait.

Bellis, Boyd, Ditter, Drake, Ederer, Fegley, Forrest, Fratt, Haldeman, Hess, Hoffman, Hower, Hunsberger, Irvin, Johnson, Lever, Linson, Mancill, Miller, Muldrew, Nase, Pike, Ridgeway, Ross, Shalkop, Warren, Weidner, Wright, Zendt, Zimmerman

150th Anniversary of the Founding of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1784 - 1934,
(Anonymous, 1934, 93 pages)
This is a program for events from September 8th, 9th, & 10th, 1934, commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the formation of the county.

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