Mennonite Family History October 2017
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]:
Torn Between Two Worlds!!; European Origins and Ancestors of Samuel Harnish (1704-1788), Immigrant and Early Resident of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania [Harnish, Baler, Balsinger, Binggeli, Bronniman, Burri, Hachler, Kurtz, Lenherr, Marti, Mischler, Stucki, Wenger, Wyssmuller, Zimmerman]; The Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Oberholtzers Who Moved to Alverton, Pennsylvania [Oberholtzer, Overholt]; The "New" Privy; Swiss Anabaptist Genealogical Association; Was David Dreher the Father of Amish Mennonite Michael Troyer [Dreher, Troyer]; Jacob Meyer (ca1713-1801) and Michael Frantz (ca1726-1796) Leaders of the Little Swatara Congregation, But Were They Also Brothers-in-Law? [Meyer, Frantz, Burkhalter]; Our Ancestors' Life Experiences in the 1700s; Cleaning the Union Hall Cemetery, More Commonly Known as the Flat Road Cemetery.
Torn Between Two Worlds!!; European Origins and Ancestors of Samuel Harnish (1704-1788), Immigrant and Early Resident of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania [Harnish, Baler, Balsinger, Binggeli, Bronniman, Burri, Hachler, Kurtz, Lenherr, Marti, Mischler, Stucki, Wenger, Wyssmuller, Zimmerman]; The Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Oberholtzers Who Moved to Alverton, Pennsylvania [Oberholtzer, Overholt]; The "New" Privy; Swiss Anabaptist Genealogical Association; Was David Dreher the Father of Amish Mennonite Michael Troyer [Dreher, Troyer]; Jacob Meyer (ca1713-1801) and Michael Frantz (ca1726-1796) Leaders of the Little Swatara Congregation, But Were They Also Brothers-in-Law? [Meyer, Frantz, Burkhalter]; Our Ancestors' Life Experiences in the 1700s; Cleaning the Union Hall Cemetery, More Commonly Known as the Flat Road Cemetery.
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