Mennonite Family History October 2014
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Five Mennonite Families from Zweibrucken on the Ship "Hope" (1733) Who Became Brethren [Reinhart/Rinehart, Grunbacher/Crumpacker, Stouder, Flory/Flora, Langenegger/Longenecker]; Berks County, Pennsylvania, Amish Heritage Tour; M. Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Warfel) Hertzler Conversing With Her Youngest Daughter and Son-in-law [Warfel, Hertzler]; Gathering What We Know About the Roths of les Gouttes [Roth]; After the Boiler Accident: My Stutzman Ancestors in Nebraska [Stutzman]; How We Found Our Ancestors' Hofs in Europe [Nofziger, Schantz]; The Ehresmanns of Dorrmoschel, Part IV: Recollections of Life in Butler Co., Ohio, Including German Christmas Traditions (Ehresmann, Iutzi]; Der Reich Isaac Kaufman [Kaufman]; "Passengers Listed in the Allgemeine Auswanderungs-Zeitung, 1848-1869"; The Tempelhof: An Ancient Bavarian Complex [Augsburger]; Nicholas Stoltzfus House [Stoltzfus].
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