Mennonite Family History October 1986
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: 1782-1795 Baptisms in Rosenort, West Prussia [Fast, Klassen, Harder, Wieb, Friessen, Enns, Dyck]; A Second Letter to Grandmother Elisabeth (Lehman) Habegger [Habegger, Lehman]; Bishop Elmer E. Yoder [Yoder]; Grandfather George Blankenbiller of Nebraska [Blankenbiller]; Johannes and Susanna (Buchele) Farney's Family Bible [Farney, Buchele]; Major Mennonite and Amish Settlements in Ohio [Yoder, Troyer, Shank]; Put Yourself in Their Shoes; Senile Gangrene and Septicemia; The 1776 Sebastian Bower Bible [Bower, Bowers, Kendig]; The 1986 Schmucker Smoker Smucker Family Gathering [Smucker]; The Family of Jacob Weaver and Magdalena Rutt [Weaver, Rutt, Weber]; The Joseph and Mary (Wenger) Rich Family of Iowa and Colorado [Rich, Eicher, Nickolaus, Liechty]; They Said It Couldn't Be Done [Mueller]; Twelve Bern Anabaptist Leaders, 1658-1660 [Baumgarter, Zaugg, Gut]; The Drawknife and Wood Bench Plane.
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