Mennonite Family History July 1984
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Buying a Computer; Dr. Macco's "Swiss and Huguenot Emigrants to the Palatinate" [Frei, Herr, Frey]; Giesbrechts in the Bergthal Church Books [Giesbrecht]; Heritage to Infinity? [Conrad]; Hobbies Come Second; Krug Family Record
[Krug]; "Poor" Jacob Horst, 1767 Immigrant [Horsch, Horst]; Rifferswil Census Lists for 1643 and 1646 [Bar, Funck, Steinmann]; Rosanna of the Amish (brought up to date) [Yoder, Peachey, Zook, Sharp]; Shreds and Sherds
[Balsbaugh, Balschbach]; The Early Amish Settlement in "The Glades" [Speicher, Schrock, Zug, Miller, Herr]; The Mystery of the Cemetery at Cells-s-Plaine.
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