Mennonite Family History January 2011
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Families on the Move: Five Generations of Kauffmans [Kauffman, Zug]; Hunting Ohnenheim . . . and Finding Riedmuhle [Roggy, Sommer]; Warrant Tract Map of Pike and District Townships, Berks County, Pennsylvania; The Brethren and Slavery; Joseph Megli II: A New Home on the Nebraska Prairie [Megli]; Henry S. Yother: Pioneer Preacher [Yother]; Migration of the New River Brethren: John Garber, John Custer, Ulrich Kessler, Joseph Kessler, John Kessler, and Jacob Huntsinger From Ashe County, North Carolina, to the Miami Valley of Ohio, 1796 to 1812 [Garber, Custer, Kessler, Huntsinger].
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