Mennonite Family History January 1998
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Descendants of Jeremiah Miller (b. 1792) of Somerset County; A Pennsylvania Family in Iowa Records [Miller, Livengood, Brenneman]; Look Behind the Picture; Into the Tenth Decade: To Mother on Her 90th Birthday [Shank, Shenk, King]; The Family of Christian Sommer (d. before 1816) of Dammersfeld, Harz, Germany [Sommer, Jutzi, Kennel]; Descendants of Jacob Bowman, Sr., and His Wives Varena and Catherine, Part III [Bowman, Hunter]; Abraham and Jacob Kurtz on the Welsh Mountain [Kurtz]; The Bucher Family [Bucher]; 1814 Election by Lost Creek Brethren [Stover, Schallenberger, Mohler].
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