Mennonite Family History January 1989
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Spring Scale; Expecting the Unexpected in Genealogy [Vercler, Wurgler]; Grandpa Cassel [Cassel, Kratz]; Isaiah W. Royer (1873-1968) [Royer]; Shirk Bible Records [Sherk, Neff, Beam, Morningstar]; Swiss Emigrants From Albis, Part I: Stallikon [Meyer, Meili, Isler, Waber, Bur]; The Early Krueger/Kroeger Family in Prussia [Krueger, Kroeger]; The Hauter Families on the Mills [Hauter]; The Jutzi/Iutzi/Yutzi Family in Canada [Jutzi, Iutzi, Yutzi]; The Montbeliard Amish Move to Poland in 1791 [Kaufman, Graber, Gerig, Stucki, Flickinger]; Where Is Barbara Strohm's Diary [Strohm, Lehmann, Ruth]; Queries Answered Via Computers in One Day!; Don't Put It Off.
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