Mennonite Family History April 1996
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Pike Mennonite Immigrant Families From Eich, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany; Part IV: A Reich From Eich The Valentin Reich and Barbara Seibel Family [Reich, Seibel]; Previous Kennel Froschauer Bible Owners Christian Zoug and Hans Zoug [Zoug, Kennel, Gungerich, Zaugg, Zug]; Insel Chortitza: The Old Colony Russia; The First Settlers, 1788-1803 [Bergmann, Ens, Hoppner, Loppky, Lowen, Penner, Peters, Redekop, Reimer, Unger, Schwartz, Willms, Klassen]; Aeschliman Bible [Aeschliman]; Research, Write, and Publish Your Own Genealogy on a Personal Computer; My Search for the Parents of Jacob Garber (1787-1855) [Garber]; Update of Galician Study Underway [Linscheid, Hubin]; Frantz Bible [Frantz]; The Amish-Mennonite Birkey/Buerge Families in Canada [Birkey, Buerge]; Citified Forebears.
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