Mennonite Family History July 1994
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Andreas D. Schrag: Volhynia to Dakota [Schrag]; 120 Years of Mennonite Life in Nebraska: Have We Been Shaped by Our Weather?; Family Relationships in Elk Lick Township, Somerset County, Pa. [Hochstetler, Miller, Bitsche, Keim, Livengood]; Hoover: Three Generations From Washington County, Maryland, To Rockingham County, Virginia [Hoover]; The Amish Schlegel Immigrants [Schlegel]; Two Letters From Moravia [Eck, Waller]; A Visit To Les Mennonites, France [Muller, Roth, Amstutz, Graber, Riche, Yoder, Kaufmann]; The Herman/Landis Cemetery [Herman, Landis]; Putting Them In Their Places; Chortitza: The Old Colony Russia; The First Settlers, 1788-1803, Part II [Hoppner, Isaac, Kahler, Kampen, Klassen, Koop, Krahn, Lowen, Martens, Neufeld, Neustadter, Pauls, Penner, Reimer, Rempel, Sawatsky, Schellenberg, Siemens, Tows, Werner, Wiebe, Wiehler, Wiens, Willms]; Edward Kintner and Glada Snyder [Kintner, Snyder]; Noah Oyer, 1891-1931 [Oyer]; 1787-1810 Baptisms of Thiensdorf-Markushof, West Prussia [Pauls, Siebert, Penner, Unger, Froese, Peters, Martens]; Brethren From Gimbsheim in the Palatinate To Ephrata and Bermudian In Pennsylvania; The Mary Ann Studybaker Bible [Studybaker]; Who Are the Children of Samuel Eby? [Eby]; The Michel Richard Family: Graber, Richard, Riche, and Widmer Ancestors [Richard, Graber, Riche, Widmer].
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