Mennonite Family History July 1986
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: A Letter to Grandmother Elisabeth (Lehman) Habegger [Habegger, Lehman]; Even Genealogists Need Scrapbooks; Gravel and Catarrh; Henry Strickler, Sr., of Rapho Township, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania [Strickler]; How I Located My Pennsylvania Livengoods [Livengood, Liebengut]; Mennonite Migration from Southeastern Pennsylvania; Old Gnaegi and Joder Tombstones in Somerset Co., Pennsylvania [Gnaegi, Joder]; Overseas Research Leads to Spiesheim [Biehn]; The Broadaxe and Adze; The David and Mary (Hartzler) Kanagy Bible [Kanagy]; The Gerhard and Maria (Reimer) Klassen Family [Klassen]; Tourette Syndrome in Mennonites?; Uriel Sylvanus Zook of Allensville, Pennsylvania
[Zook]; Werrey and Hondrich Families at Vornhagen [Werrey, Hondrich]; Widow Bollinger Marries John Henry Lamott of York Co., Pennsylvania [Bollinger].
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