Jefferson County PA - Everything Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA. This collection includes all of the individual collections covering Jefferson County, PA (Please see individual collection listings for detailed descriptions of titles.)
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
County Histories & Biographicals
Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania
Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson & Clarion (J. H. Beers & Co., 1898, 2236 pages)
This publication is an extensive biographical volume for four Central Pennsylvania counties: Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson, and Clarion. It contains hundreds of biographies of prominent citizens and families from this region of PA. Also included are numerous portraits of the sketch subjects. This is an excellent source for historical or genealogical research in Central Pennsylvania.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Aharrah, Ake, Albert, Alexander, Allbaugh, Alleman, Allio, Allison, Allport, Ament, Ames, Amon, Amsler, Anderson, Andrews, Antes, Anthony, Ard, Armagost, Armstrong, Arney, Arnold, Arthurs, Ashbaugh, Askey, Atherton, Babcock, Bailey, Bair, Bairfoot, Baker, Ball, Bangert, Barclay, Barger, Barnes, Barnett, Barnhart, Barr, Barrett, Barry, Bateson, Baughman, Baur, Beach, Beals, Beam, Beatty, Beaver, Bechdel, Beck, Beecher, Beeman, Beer, Beerly, Beers, Behrer, Beirly, Bell, Benn, Bennett, Bennis, Berlin, Beyer, Bierly, Bish, Bitner, Bittenbender, Black, Blair, Blanchard, Bloom, Blose, Boal, Boggs, Boner, Bonnett, Bonsall, Boob, Booher, Booth, Borst, Bostaph, Bower, Bowers, Bowersox, Bowman, Bowser, Boyd, Boyle, Brady, Braniff, Braucht, Brenneman, Breon, Breth, Brewer, Bricker, Briel, Bright, Brinker, Britt, Broadhead, Brockbank, Brockway, Brooks, Brown, Brubaker, Brugger, Brumgard, Brunbaugh, Brungart, Bryner, Bucher, Buckhout, Budinger, Buffington, Bumiller, Burchfield, Burd, Burge, Burgwin, Burkert, Burkett, Burkholder, Burns, Burnside, Burrell, Burrows, Bush, Bussert, Butler, Butterfield, Butz, Buzard, Caldwell, Callen, Cameron, Campbell, Campman, Canfield, Canning, Carey, Carlin, Carlisle, Carpenter, Carrier, Carver, Cathcart, Cathers, Chandler, Charles, Chase, Christ, Clark, Clawson, Cleaver, Clemson, Close, Clover, Coburn, Cochran, Cole, Collner, Colyer, Comly, Conaway, Condo, Confair, Confer, Conklin, Conley, Conrad, Conser, Conver, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copelin, Corbett, Corl, Couch, Coudriet, Courter, Cowan, Cowder, Cowen, Cox, Craig, Craven, Crawford, Cribbs, Crichton, Crick, Crider, Crisman, Croasman, Crouse, Crow, Crum, Crust, Culbert, Cummings, Cunningham, Curley, Currier, Curry, Curtin, Curtis, Cyphert, Dale, Daley, Daly, Dauberman, Daup, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Davison, Dean, Decker, Deemer, Degnan, Deible, Deibler, Deininger, Deitrich, Delarm, Delehunt, DeLong, Denlinger, Denniston, Deshler, Desmond, Dewitt, Dickey, Dietrich, Dillen, Dillman, Dimeling, Dinsmore, Dittman, Ditty, Ditz, Divins, Dixon, Doak, Dorworth, Doughman, Douglas, Downing, Downs, Dressler, Dubbs, Dunham, Dunlap, Dunlop, Durst, Dush, Duve, Dyer, Eaker, Earley, Eberts, Eby, Eddy, Edelblute, Edinger, Edwards, Ehler, Ehrenfeld, Eicke, Eiler, Elder, Elkin, Elliott, Emerick, Emigh, Erdice, Erich, Ertel, Estes, Etters, Etzweiler, Evans, Fackiner, Fairlamb, Fairman, Farnsworth, Farwell, Fasenmyer, Faulkner, Felt, Ferguson, Ferman, Fetterolf, Fetters, Fiedler, Fillman, Finefrock, Fink, Fiscus, Fishburn, Fisher, Fitzsimons, Flegal, Flick, Flisher, Flood, Folk, Folmer, Forcey, Fortney, Foster, Foust, Fowler, Fox, Frain, Frampton, Frank, Frantz, Frazier, Free, Freeman, French, Fry, Fryberger, Fryer, Fugate, Fulkerson, Fuller, Fulton, Furey, Furst, Fye, Gahagen, Galaher, Galentine, Gallagher, Galaher, Ganoe, Gardner, Garman, Garner, Garrison, Garthoff, Gates, Gathers, Gearhart, Geary, Geisler, Geist, Gephart, Ghaner, Gibson, Giles, Gill, Gilliland, Gilman, Gilmore, Gingery, Glace, Glasgow, Glenn, Glosner, Goheen, Goodlander, Goodyear, Goon, Gordon, Goss, Gould, Gourley, Gowland, Graham, Gramley, Gramly, Grant, Gray, Green, Greene, Greer, Gregg, Grimm, Grove, Grube, Guiswite, Gummo, Gunsallus, Guss, Gwinn, Haag, Hackman, Hafer, Haines, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hamlin, Hamm, Hancock, Hand, Hanst, Harding, Harley, Harman, Harnish, Harper, Harpster, Harriger, Harris, Harshberger, Harter, Hartman, Hartshorn, Hartswick, Hartzfeld, Harvey, Haskell, Hassenplug, Hastings, Hauck, Haven, Hay, Hayes, Haynes, Heaton, Hebel, Heckendorn, Hedding, Hefren, Hegarty, Heidrick, Heim, Henderson, Henery, Henneich, Henneman, Hennigh, Hensal, Hensyl, Hepburn, Hepler, Hersh, Hertlein, Hess, Hetrick, Heverly, Hewitt, Hile, Hill, Hillibish, Himes, Hindman, Hinkson, Hinton, Hitchings, Hoch, Hockenberry, Hoffe, Holden, Holmes, Holt, Holter, Hoon, Hoop, Hoover, Hopkins, Horm, Horning, Horton, Hosterman, Howe, Hoy, Hoyt, Hubler, Hudson, Huefner, Huey, Hughes, Hugus, Humbert, Humes, Hummel, Hunt, Hunter, Hurd, Huston, Hutchison, Hutton, Ickes, Imhoff, Irvin, Irwin, Isenberg, Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jenkins, Jenks, Jimeson, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Jose, Jury, Justice, Keefer, Keel, Keen, Keichline, Keller, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kephart, Kepler, Kerl, Kerlin, Kersteter, Kessinger, Kester, Keys, Kiehl, Kinch, King, Kipp, Kirk, Kirker, Kiser, Kissinger, Kister, Kline, Knapp, Knarr, Knepp, Knight, Knoerr, Kohler, Kooser, Korb, Korman, Kornman, Kramer, Krape, Kreamer, Kreider, Kribbs, Kritzer, Kroh, Krumrine, Kunes, Kuntz, Kyler, Lambert, Lamison, Lang, Lansberry, Lanbery, Lauck, Laughlin, Laurie, Lauth, Lawson, Leathers, Leconte, Lee, Leech, Leonard, Lewis, Leyman, Liddle, Liggetts, Lightner, Limbert, Lines, Lingle, Linn, Lippart, Litz, Livergood, Livermore, Livingood, Livingston, Lockhart, Logan, Logue, Loll, London, Long, Loose, Lorain, Love, Lowry, Loyd, Lucas, Lukens, Luther, Lutz, Lytle, McAllister, McAnninch, McAninch, McAuley, McBride, McCall, McCanna, McClain, McClatchey, McClelland, McClintock, McCloskey, McClure, McComb, McConnell, McCoy, McCracken, McCreight, McCullough, McCully, McCune, McCurdy, McDonald, McDowel, McDowell, McEwen, McFadden, McFarlane, McGarey, McGarvey, McGee, McGinnis, McGirk, McGivney, McGowan, McGregor, McGuire, McIntire, McIntosh, McIntyre, McKee, McKeehan, McKelvey, McKinney, McKinstry, McKnight, McLain, McLaine, McLanahan, McLaughlin, McMahon, McMeen, McMunagle, McMurray, McNaul, McNeel, McNutt, McPherson, McQuown, Maginnis, Maguire, Mahaffey, Mahle, Maines, Maize, Mallory, Malone, Mann, Mapes, Mark, Marsh, Martin, Martz, Maater, Mathews, Matson, Mattern, Matteson, Maxwell, Mayer, Mays, Meagher, Meals, Means, Meek, Meeker, Mendenhall, Merrill, Merritt, Merryman, Metzger, Meyer, Michael, Mignot, Miles, Miller, Millin, Milliren, Milliron, Miltenberger, Minds, Mingle, Minns, Mitchell, Mohney, Mong, Montgomery, Mooney, Moore, Moorhead, Moose, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Mosebarger, Mosser, Motz, Mulhollan, Mullen, Mumper, Murdoch, Murphy, Murray, Musser, Muth, Myers, Neale, Nearhoof, Neel, Neely, Neese, Neff, Neidig, Neil, Nelson, newbauer, Newcome, Nichols, Niel, Nixon, Noerr, Noll, Norris, North, Norton, Null, Nulph, Oaks, O'Bryan, Ochener, Odenkirk, O'Donnel, Ogden, Olson, Orcutt, Orndorf, Orner, Orr, Orvis, Osman, Oswald, Owens, Packer, Painter, Palen, Palmer, Pannebaker, Pantall, Pardonner, Park, Parks, Parr, Parsons, Passmore, Patchen, Patchin, Patton, Paxton, Peace, Pealer, Peck, Pentz, Peters, Peterson, Petrikin, Philippi, Phillips, Phipps, Pickens, Pidgeon, Pie, Pifer, Pinogel, Platt, Pletcher, Plyler, Plympton, Pollard, Poole, Poorman, Porter, Postlethwait, Potter, Poulsen, Powers, Preston, Price, Pringle, Prowell, Purnell, Pusey, Quinn, Radaker, Raferty, Rairigh, Raison, Ralston, Rankin, Raymond, Rea, Read, Ream, Reams, Rearick, Reber, Redelin, Redfern, Reece, Reed, Reeder, Reese, Reeser, Reiber, Reicherd, Reid, Reifsnyder, Reigard, Reiter, Reitz, Rerick, Reynolds, Rhinesmith, Rhoades, Rhoads, Rhone, Richards, Richter, Ricketts, Riddle, Rider, Rimer, Rinehart, Ripley, Rishel, Ritts, Robenold, Robinson, Rockey, Roop, Root, Rose, Rosenbaum, Rosenkarns, Ross, Rossman, Rote, Roush, Rowe, Rowland, Rowles, Royer, Rudolph, Ruhl, Rulofson, Russell, Rutherford, Rutter, Sandrock, Sandt, Sankey, Sansom, Savage, Schell, Schmader, Schmeltzer, Schoch, Schofield, Schoonover, Schrecengost, Schrubb, Schucker, Schuckers, Scott, Seeley, Semple, Seth, Seyler, Shafer, Shaffer, Shaffner, Shanafelt, Shaner, Shannon, Sharrow, Shaw, Shawkey, Sheeser, Sheesley, Shell, Shick, Shields, Shimel, Shindledecker, Shippen, Shirey, Shiry, Shivery, Shoemaker, Shoff, Shortlidge, Shotts, Shott, Shoup, Showalter, Shrum, Shuey, Shugert, Shultz, Sieverding, Silvis, Simler, Simpson, Singer, Sipler, Slaugenhaupt, Slicker, Sloan, Sloughenhaupt, Smathers, Smeal, Smeyers, Smiley, Smith, Snyder, Sommerville, Spackman, Spangle, Spangler, Spanogle, Speer, Spencer, Spicher, Spigelmyer, Sprague, St. Clair, Stahl, Stahlman, Stapf, Startzel, Startzell, States, Stear, Steel, Steele, Steffy, Stephenson, Stewart, Stiles, Stine, Stitzer, Stiver, Stockdill, Stockham, Stoke, Stone, Stones, Stoner, Stonerod, Stover, Straw, Strohm, Stronach, Strouse, Stuart, Stump, Summerville, Sutter, Swab, Swartz, Swires, Swope, Sykes, Taylor, Teagarden, Temple, Thomas, Thompson, Thorp, Tice, Tipton, Tobias, Todd, Tonkin, Toole, Toomey, Tozier, Trimble, Troxel, Truman, Truxal, Turner, Tuten, Twitmire, Twitmyer, Tyler, Ulrich, Underwood, Uren, Uzzell, Valentine, Vanleer, Van Pelt, Vansice, Van Tassel, Van Valzah, Van Woert, Varner, Vogle, Vonada, Vosburg, Vowinckel, Vroman, Wachob, Waddle, Wagner, Waite, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Walter, Walters, Walton, Waltz, Wanner, Ward, Warfel, Waring, Warner, Warren, Washburn, Wate, Waterworth, Watson, Watts, Way, Wayland, Wayne, Weaver, Weber, Wellman, Wells, Weston, Westover, Wetzel, Wheatcroft, Wheelock, White, Whitehead, Whitehill, Whiteleather, Whiteside, Whitling, Whittier, Wick, Wickersham, Widemire, Wiest, Wiley, Wiklins, Will, Williams, Wilson, Wing, Wingar, Wingert, Winter, Wireback, Wirt, Wise, Witherow, Witherrite, Wolf, Wolfe, Womelsdorf, Wonderling, Wood, Woods, Woodring, Woodward, Worts, Wray, Wright, Wriglesworth, Wrigley, Wynn, Yarnell, Yeaney, Yearick, Yoder, Yohe, Youkers, Young, Younman, Zartman, Zeigler, Zietler, Zerby, Ziegler, Zimmerman, Zufall
Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania
(W. J. McKnight, 1905, 719 pages)
The Full title is: "A Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Embracing the Counties of Tioga, Potter, McKean, Warren, Crawford, Venango, Forest, Clarion, Elk, Jefferson, Cameron, Butler, Lawrence, and Mercer, Also A Pioneer Sketch of the Cities of Allegheny, Beaver, Du Bois, and Towanda" This publication is a historical account of the early beginnings of several counties in Northwestern PA. The information is more focused on historical details than biographical, but it still contains a great deal of information useful for historical or genealogical research.
Maps Atlases & Images
Maps & Atlases (*** Not Text-Searchable ***)
1857 Map of Jefferson Co. Pennsylvania (D. C. Gillespie, Color)
1878 Caldwell's Illustrated, Historical Combination Atlas of Jefferson County, Pennsylvania (J. A. Caldwell, 141 pages, Color)
Birds-eye Town Views (*** Not Text-Searchable ***)
Brookville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania (1895, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
Lindsey, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania (1895, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
List of Subscribers - The Central District Printing Telegraph Co., July 1894
(The Central District and Printing Telegraph Company, 1894, 186 pages)
This is an early telephone directory of Pittsburg and western Pennsylvania / eastern Ohio / northern West Virginia for the year 1894. This was a period of early adoption of this new service, so only a select few became subscribers - usually those who were wealthy or businesses. The information presented includes the name of the subscriber (person or business), their trade, street address and telephone number. Pittsburgh is the main section of the directory and includes the near by areas of: Allegheny, Bellefield, Braddock, Carnegie, East End, Hazelwood, Kensington, Manchester, Mansfield, Monongahela City, McKeesport, Oakmont, Sewickley, Sharpsburg, South Side, West End, Wilkinsburg.
Other Pennsylvania Towns included:
Beaver Falls, Brookville, Butler, Connellsville, Du Bois, Ellwood City, Fairchance, Franklin, Greensburg, Greenville, Indiana, Irwin, Johnstown, Latrobe, Meadville, Mt. Pleasant, New Brighton, New Castle, Oil City, Punxsutawney, Reynoldsville, Rochester, Scottdale, Sharon, Sharpville, Titusville, Uniontown, Washington, Waynesburg
Ohio Towns included:
Bellaire, Bridgeport, East Liverpool, Martin's Ferry, New Lisbon, Niles, Steubenville, Toronto, Warren, Wellsville
West Virginia Towns included:
Altenheim, Moundsville, New Cumberland, Wellsburg, Wheeling
Official Directory of the Central District & Printing Telegraph Co. May 1898
(Central District & Printing Telegraph Co., 1898, 410 pages)
This is an early telephone directory of Pittsburg and western Pennsylvania / eastern Ohio / northern West Virginia for the year 1898. This was a period of early adoption of this new service, so only a select few became subscribers - usually those who were wealthy or businesses. The information presented includes the name of the subscriber (person or business), their trade, street address and telephone number.
Pennsylvania Towns included:
Apollo, Barnesboro, Barnesville, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Blairsville, Braddock, Brockwayville, Brookville, Brownsville, Butler, California, Callery, Cambridge Springs, Canonsburg, Carnegie, Charleroi, Chicora, Clarion, Claysville, Connellsville, Crafton, Dawson, Du Bois, Dunbar, Ebensburg, Elizabeth, Ellwood City, Emlenton, Evans City, Fairchance, Falls Creek, Finleyville, Foxburg, Franklin, Freeport, Greensburg, Greenville, Grove City, Harmony, Hastings, Homestead, Indiana, Irwin, Jeannette, Johnstown, Kittanning, Latrobe, Leechburg, Mahoningtown, Manor, Meadville, Mercer, Monaca, Monongahela, Mt. Pleasant, McDonald, McKeesport, New Brighton, New Castle, New Kensington, Oakmont, Oil City, Patton, Petersville, Punxsutawney, Reynoldsville, Rochester, Scottdale, Sewickley, Sharon, Sharpsburg, Sharpville, South Fork, Tarenturm, Tionesta, Titusville, Turtle Creek, Uniontown, Washington, Waynesburg, West Newton, Wilkinsburg, Zelienople
Ohio Towns included:
Bellaire, Bridgeport, Cadiz, Cambridge, Canal Dover, Columbiana, East Liverpool, East Palestine, Girard, Leetonia, Lisbon, Martin's Ferry, New Comerstown, New Philadelphia, Niles, St. Clairsville, Salem, Salineville, Steubenville, Toronto, Uhrichsville, Warren, Wellsville
West Virginia Towns included:
Altenheim, Benwood, Clarksburg, Elm Grove, Fairmont, Grafton, Mannington, Morgantown, Moundsville, New Cumberland, Parkersburg, Sisterville, Wellsburg, Wheeling
Leatherwood and Red Bank Telephone Companie's Directory 1908
(Letherwood and Red Bank Telephone Co., 1908, 58 pages
This is an early telephone directory for parts of Armstrong, Clarion, Forest, and Jefferson Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1908. The directory information includes the resident's name and town of residence. The directory also includes the business ads for the same areas throughout.
Towns Included:
Brookville, Corsica, Curllsville, Callensburg, Clarion, Coolspring, Emlenton, Falls Creek, Foxburg, Fryburg, Hazel, Hawthorn, Knox, Lamartine, Leatherwood, Leeper, Limestone, Marienville, New Bethlehem, Parker’s Landing, Richardsville, Rimersburg, Shippenville, Sigel, Summerville, Strattanville, and St. Petersburg
Punxsutawney - Mehaffey and Nearby Communities Telephone Directory
October 1957 (Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1957, 120 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Armstrong, Clearfield, Jefferson and Indiana Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1957. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "Yellow Pages" section for businesses of the same area.
Towns Included:
Adrian, Albion, Anita, Arcadia, Bells Landing, Bells Mills, Beyer, Big Run, Bower, Burnside, Cloe, Cortez, Covode, Cramer, Crawfordtown, Curry Run, Dayton, DeLancey, Dora, Eddyville, Five Points, Florenza, Fordham, Frostburg, Georgeville, Gettysburg, Gipsy, Glen Campbell, Goodville, Grange, Hamilton, Harmony, Hortons, Juneau, LaJose, Lindsey, Lochvale, Locust Lane, Loop, Mahaffey, Marchand, McGees Mills, McGregor, McWilliams, Milton, Newtonburg, New Washington, Northpoint, Oliveburg, Ostend, Panic, Patchinville, Plumville, Punxsutawney, Rochester Mills, Rossiter, Rossmoyne, Smicksburg, Smithport, Snydersville, Sportsburg, Timblin, Trade City, Valier, Walston, Winslow
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