Huntingdon County PA - Directory Collection (1837-1959)
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
Harris' Pittsburgh Business Directory for the Year 1837
[Excerpt on Blair & Huntingdon County, PA] (Isaac Harris, 1837, 8 pages)
This is an excerpt from the Pittsburgh Business Directory of 1837. It gives a brief description of Huntingdon county and business directory of the towns of Huntingdon, Orbisonia, McConnellstown, Petersburg, Ennisville, Salsbury, Maner Hill, Alexandria, Williamsburg and Hollidaysburg. Also included is a listing of the Iron Furnaces, Forges of this section of Pennsylvania and the amounts they produced at that time.
The Pennsylvania Business State Directory for 1850-51
[Excerpt on Huntingdon County, PA] (Giles & Brothers, 1850, 5 pages)
This is an excerpt from the PA State Business Directory of 1850. It relates and early list of trades and businesses within the county.
R. L. Polk & Co.'s Huntingdon Directory 1910-1911 (R. L. Polk & Co., 1910, 378 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the borough of Huntingdon County, PA for the year 1910-11. It begins with a residential directory of the borough of Huntingdon, listing the resident's name, mate's name, main resident's occupation and street address for each location. Follow this are separate directories for Alexandria, Mapleton Depot, Mill Creek, Mount Union, Neelyton, Orbisonia, Petersburg, Rock Hill Furnace, Saltillo, Shade Gap, Shirleysburg and Three Springs. Each of these lists the primary resident and mate's names, and occupation of the primary resident. Following these is a business directory covering the same areas. Lastly, there are listings of several rural routes in the area surrounding Huntingdon listing the residents of those areas.
Altoona, Clearfield, Huntingdon, Lewistown, Mehaffey, Ridgway, Philipsburg and
Nearby Places Telephone Directory June 1912 (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1912, 92 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Blair, Centre, Clearfield, Elk, Huntingdon, Juniata, and Mifflin Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1912. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town.
Towns Included:
Academia, Aitch, Akers Mill, Alexandria, Alfarata, Allensville, Allegheny Furnace, Allen Mills, Altoona, Ansonville, Arcadia, Arch Springs, Ardenheim, Ashville, Atkinson Mills, Aughwich, Baileyville, Bald Eagle Valley, Barbee, Barville, Bear Run, Belleville, Bells Landing, Bellwood, Beryl, Birmingham, Black Log, Blain City, Blair Four, Blairs Mills, Blueball, Blue Knob, Boardman, Bridgeport, Brisbin, Broad Top City, Brookside, Buck Horn, Burnham, Burnside, Byrnedale, Calvin, Canoe Creek, Cardiff, Cassville, Capfish, Centre, Centre Line, Centre Union, Centreville, Cherrytown, Chester Hill, Chestnut Grove, Chest Springs, Claysburg, Clearfield, Clover Creek, Coalmont, Coalport, Colpax, Collinsville, Cooks, Cora, Cornsprobsts Mills, Cottage, Coupon, Cove, Cove Forge, Cross Roads, Cuba Mills, Curry Run, Curwensville, Cypher, Dean, Delaney, Donation, Dougherty Mines, Dudley, Duncansville, Dungarven, Dysart, East Altoona, East Broad Top, East Freedom, East Juniata, East Salem, Eldorado, Elstie, Entriken, Everett, Fair City, Fairview, Fallen Timber, Faunce, Ferguson Valley, Findleyville, Flinton, Franklin Forge, Franklinville, Frankstown, Frankstown Mills, Frugality, Fuller Run, Fouss' Mills, Ganister Post Office, Gatesburg, Gaysport, Gazzam, Geeseytown, Gibboney's Mills, Ginter, Glen Campbell, Glen Hazel, Glen Richey, Glen White, Grafton, Grampian, Grandview, Granville, Grass Flat, Graysville, Grazierville, Greenwood, Greenwood Furnace, Guinn, Hares Valley, Hartslog Valley, Hawk Run, Hawns Bridge, Highland Fling, Hill Valley, Hollidaysburg, Homer's Gap, Honey Creek, Honey Grove, Hopewell, Houtzdale, Hummel, Huntingdon, Huntingdon Furnace, Hydes, Instanter, Irvona, Jacobs, James Creek, Johnsonburg, Juniata, Juniata Gap, Kermoor, Kersey, Kishacoquillas, Kittanning Point, Kladder Station, Knightsville, Krebs Siding, Kylertown, La Jose, Lake Altoona, Lakemont, Lakemont Terrace, Langdondale, Latta Grove, Leamersville, Leland, Lewistown, Lewistown Junction, Llyswen, Locust Run, Lodema, Logan Springs, Longfellow, Maddensville, Madeline, Madera, Mahaffey, Manor Hill, Maple Grove, Mapleton, Marklesburg, Martinsburg, Mattawanna, McAlevy's Fort, McConnellstown, McConnellstown Station, McCoysville, McCullochs Mills, McGarvey's Station, McGees Mils, McKee, McVeytown, Menno, Mexico, Mifflin, Mifflintown, Mill Creek, Milroy, Minersville, Mitchells, Mooresville, Moran, Morgan Run, Morrisdale, Morrisdale Mines, Mt. Dallas, Mt. Etna, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Union, Munson, Naginey, Nealmont, Nealton, Neff's Mills, Newburg, New Millport, Newry, Newton Hamilton, New Washington, Nook Norris, North Point, Northwood, Oakview, Olanta, Orbisonia, Ore Hill, Osceola Mills, Oshanter, Paradise Furnace, Pemberton, Pennsylvania Furnace, Petersburg, Philipsburg, Pine Croft, Pogue, Point View, Port Matilda, Port Royal, Porters Mills, Porters Township, Ramey, Raystown Dam, Reeds Gap, Reese, Reedsville, Reighard Manor, Retort, Riddlesburg, Ridgway, Riverview, Roaring Springs, Robertsdale, Rock Hill Furnace, Rolfe, Rural Home, Russellvile, Ryde, Saltilo, Sandy Ridge, Sandy Run Junction, Sarah P.O., Saulsburg, Saxton, Selea, Seven Stars, Shawsville, Shirleysburg, Shroder, Siglerville, Sington, Sinking Valley, Six-Mile Run, Smiths Valley, Smoke Run, South Altoona, South Lakemont, South Philipsburg, Springfield Branch, Spring Meadows, Spring Rocks, Spruce Creek, Spruce Mill, St. Augustine, St. Marys, Steiners, Stippler Station, Stormstown, Stover Station, Straight, Stronach, Stulls Mill, Sugar Grove, Sun Brook, Sunset Park, Sylvan Hills, Thompsontown, Three Springs, Tipton, Todd, Trough Creek, Trough Creek Church, Tyrone, Tyrone Forges, Union Church, Union Furnace, Van Dyke, Van Ormer, Verne, Vineyard, Wallaceton, Walnut, Warm Springs, Warrior's Mark, Warrior Ridge, Water Street, Wertz Station, West Decatur, Westley Chapel, West Moshannon, Westover, White Bridge, Wilcox, Wildwood, Williamsburg, Williams Grove, Willow Brook, Winburne, Woodland, Yeagertown
1922 Huntingdon, PA. Directory
(Calkin-Kelly Directory Company, 1922, 161 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, PA for the year 1922. The directory information is listed alphabetically and includes the resident's name, occupation and street address. In some cases the name of the resident's mate and employer are also included. Following the resident directory is a business directory of the town.
Telephone Directory - 1926 Issue
(Cumberland Valley Telephone Co. of PA, 1926, 204 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lancaster, Mifflin, Northumberland, Perry, Schuylkill, Snyder and York counties, Pennsylvania and parts of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia for the year 1926. It lists thousands of residents and businesses from these areas. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes a small section of ads covering the businesses of the same area.
Pennsylvania Towns Included:
Adamsburg (Beaver Springs), Abbottstown, Academia, Alerton, Alfarata, Aline, Allen, Allensville, Arendtsville, Aspers, Bachmansville, Balfour, Baresville, Barnitz Station, Beaver Creek, Bella Vista, Belleville, Bendersville, Biglerville, Bloserville, Boiling Springs, Bonneauville, Bonny Brook, Bowmansdale, Brandtsville, Bressler, Brownstone, Bunkertown, Burnham, Camp Hill, Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Carsonville, Cashtown, Centennial, Centerville, Centre Mills, Chambersburg, Churchtown, Cocolanus, Cove, Craighead's Station, Crossgrove, Cuba Mills, Culbertson, Cummingstown, Curtin, Dauphin, Dayton, Denholm, Dillsburg, Dry Run, Duncannon, East Berlin, East Salem, East Waterford, Eberly's Mills, Edge Grove, Ellendale, Elizabethtown, Elizabethville, Elkwood, Elliottstown, Emmitsburg, Enhaut, Enola, Enterline, Entlersville, Evandale, Fairfield, Fayetteville, Fisherville, Fort Louden, Freeburg, Fremont, Gettysburg, Geyers Church, Goldenville, Granite, Grantham, Gratz, Greason, Greencastle, Greenvillage, Guernsey, Guldens, Halifax, Hanover, Harrisburg, Hedgesville, Herndon, Hershey, Hickorytown, Highspire, Hockersville, Hoernerstown, Hoffer, Hogestown, Hummelstown, Jefferson, Jericho Mills, Kauffman's Station, Kramer, Kratzerville, Laurel, Lee's Cross Roads, Leideight's Station, Lemaster, Lemoyne, Lewistown, Lewistown Junction, Licking Creek, Linglestown, Littlestown, Liverpool, Lochiel, Lucknow, Lykens, McAlisterville, McKnightstown, McSherrystown, Maitland, Mandata, Manheim, Mannsville, Marion, Marklesville, Marks, Marsh, Marysville, Mechanicsburg, Melrose Mill, Menges Mills, Mercersburg, Mexico, Middlesex, Middletown, Mifflintown, Millersburg, Milroy, Moores Mills, Moredale, Mowersville, Mt. Alto, Mt. Holly, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Tauber, Mt. Zion, Mummasburg, Nantille, Nelltown, New Baltimore, New Buffalo, Newburg, New Cumberland, New Franklin, New Kingston, New Oxford, Newport, Newville, Nollville, Nook, Oakland Mills, Oakville, Oberlin, Orrstown, Ortanna, Orwin, Overview, Paintersville, Pallas, Parkville, Paxtang, Penbrook, Pennville, Perdix, Pike Side, Pillow, Pine Grove Furnace, Plainfield, Pleasant Hall, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant View, Port Royal, Porters Siding, Progress, Quincy, Reedsville, Reeds Gap, Reiner City, Richfield, Richmond Furnace, Rife, Riverton, Roaring Run, Rockville, Rose Garden, Roxhug, Royalton, Rutherford, Rutherford Heights, Saint Thomas, Salem, Scotland, Selinsgrove, Seven Stars, Shellsville, Shade Gap, Sharder, Shepherdstown, Shindle, Shiremanstown, Shirleysburg, Shippensburg, Siglerville, Smith Station, South Mountain, Spring Grove, Spruce Hill, Stephenson, Stouffertown, Strawsburg, Swatara, Table Rock, Troxelville, Two Taverns, Upton, Upper Strasburg, Union Deposit, Valley View, Verdilla, Vian, Williamstown, Wagner, Walnut, Walnut Bottom, Washington Heights, Watsonville, Waynesboro, West Fairview, West Hill, White Hill, Wiconisco, Williamsgrove, Williamson, Williamstown, Wormleysburg, Yeagertown, Yocumtown, York Springs, Zora
Maryland Towns Included:
Virginia Towns Included:
Berryville, Brucetown, Clearbrook, Middletown, Ridgeway
West Virginia Towns Included:
Arden, Berkley Springs, Bunker Hill, Cumbo, Darkesville, Gerrardstown, Jones Spring, Kearneysville, Tablers, Vanclesville
Huntingdon and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - November 1942
(Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1942, 112 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, and Perry Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1942. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Covered:
Academia, Airydale, Aitch, Alexandria, Alfarata, Allenport, Allensville, Ardenheim, Atkinsons Mills, Aughwick Mills, Barree, Barville, Belleville, Broad Top, Broad Top City, Bunkertown, Burnham, Cassville, Center Union, Charteroak, Cherrytown, Church Hill, Clark, Coalmont, Cocolamus, Cottage, Cuba Mills, Donation, Doyles Mills, Dudley, East Broad Top, East Salem, Entriken, Evendale, Ewardtown, Fairview, Gibboneys Mill, Granville, Greenwood Furnace, Hartslog Valley, Hawns Bridge, Hesston, Honey Creek, Horningford, Huntingdon, James Creek, Kishacoquillas, Latta Grove, Lewistown, Lewistown Junction, Licking Creek, Lockes Bank, Locust Run, Longfellow, Maitland, Manor Hill, Mapleton, Mapleton Depot, Marklesburg, Mattawana, McAlevys Fort, McAlisterville, McVeytown, Mexico, Middle Valley, Mifflin, Mifflintown, Mill Creek, Millerstown, Milroy, Minersville, Mooresville, Mt. Union, Naginey, Neelyton, Neff Station, Neffs Mills, Nekoda, Newburg, Newton Hamilton, Newtown, Oakland Mills, Old Port, Orbisonia, Paintersville, Paradise Furnace, Petersburg, Pleasant View, Port Royal, Puttstown, Raystown Dam, Reedsville, Richfield, Robertsdale, Rockhill Furnace, Rural Home, Russellville, Ryde, Saltillo, Saulsburg, Saxton, Shade Gap, Shirleysburg, Shraders, Shy Beaver, Siglerville, Smithfield, South Mattawana, Stonerstown, Strodes Mills, Thompsontown, Three Springs, Todd, Trough Creek, Union church, Vandyke, Vineyard, Walnut, Warrior Ridge, Water Street, Wesley Chapel, Whitehall, Wood, Woodland, Yeagertown
Altoona and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - September 1946
(Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, 1946, 332 pages)
This is a telephone directory of Altoona and nearby towns for the year 1946. It covers towns mainly in Blair County, PA, but also a few in Cambria, Centre, and Huntingdon counties as well. The directory information lists the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns included:
Altoona, Amsbry, Ashville, Bailesyville, Bald Eagle, Birmingham, Blandburg, Blueknob, Brookes Mills, Buckhorn, Canoe Creek, Center Line, Charlottsville, Coupon, Cresson, Cross Keys, Duncansville, Dungarvin, Dysart, East Freedom, Eldorado, Fallen Timber, Flinton, Franklinville, Frankstown, Frugality, Gallitzin, Gatesburg, Geeseytown, Glasgow, Graysville, Grazierville, Greenwood, Hannah, Hoguetown, Hollidaysburg, Huntingdon Furnace, Ironville, Juniata, Kettle Hill, Kladder Station, Lakemont, Leamersville, Lilly, Llyswen, Marengo, Martha Furnace, McKee, Mill Run, Mountaindale, Munster, Newburg, Newry, Pennsylvania Furnace, Port Matilda, Reese, Rockspring, Sankertown, Seven Stars, Sinking Valley, Spring Mount, Spruce Creek, Stormstown, Stover Station, Summit, Tyrone, Union Furnace, Utahville, Vail, Warriors Mark, White Bridge
Telephone Directory - Bedford and Nearby Points - September 1946
(The United Telephone Company of PA, 1946, 76 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bedford, Blair, Fulton, Huntingdon and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1946. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Covered:
Akersville, Alum Bank, Amaranth, Ashcom, Bakers Summit, Barbara, Bard, Beavertown, Bedford, Bedford Valley, Beegletown, Belden, Big Cove Tannery, Black Valley, Breezewood, Buffalo Mills, Burning Bush, Burnt Cabins, Centerville, Cessna, Chalybeate, Chaneysville, Chapmans Run, Charlesville, Churchville, Clappertown, Claysburg, Clear Ridge, Clearville, Clovercreek, Coaldale, Cooks Mills, Covedale, Crossings, Crystal Spring, Curryville, Cypher, Defiance, Diehl, Dott, Dry Gap, Earlston, East Sharpsburg, Eichelbergertown, Emmaville, Everett, Fay Extension, Finleyville, Fishertown, Fort Littleton, Fossilville, Fredericksburg, Friesville, Ganister, Gapsville, Graceville, Gravel Pitt, Harrisonville, Helixville, Henrietta, Hickory Bottom, Hopewell, Hughes, Hustontown, Hyndman, Imler, Imlertown, Indian Springs, Inglesmith, Kearney, Kegg, King, Klahr, Knobsville, Koontzville, Langondale, Lovely, Loysburg, Lutzville, Madley, Manns Choice, Martinsburg, Mattie, McConnellsburg, Menchtown, Middletown, Millerstown, Mines, Mount Dallas, Mowery's Mills, Napier, Needmore, New Baltimore, New Buena Vista, New Enterprise, New Paris, North Point, Ore Hill, Osterburg, Ott Town, Patience, Pavia, Pineycreek, Piney Creek, Pleasantville, Plum Creek, Point, Point View, Potetown, Potter Creek, Purcell, Queen, Rainsburg, Rays Cove, Rays Hill, Reynolds Dale, Riddlesburg, Roaring Spring, Robertsdale, Robinson Ext., Rodman, Royer, Ryot, Saint Clairsville, Salemville, Saluvia, Sandy Run, Schellsburg, Shelltown, Shellytown, Sideling Hill, Sideling Hill Tunnel, Six Mile Run, Smiths Crossings, Snake Spring Valley, Springhope, Springmeadow, Sproul, Steckman, Steeltown, Straub, String Town, Sulpher Springs, Tatesville, Texas Corner, Warfordsburg, Waterside, Websters Mills, Wells Tannery, Wertz, West End, Weyant, Williamsburg, Willow Grove, Wills Creek, Wolfsburg, Woodbury, Woodbush, Yellow Creek, Yellow Springs, Yount
Telephone Directory - Bedford and Nearby Points - September 1956
(The United Telephone Company of PA, 1956, 148 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bedford, Blair, Fulton, Huntingdon and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1956. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Covered:
Akersville, Alum Bank, Amaranth, Ashcom, Bakers Summit, Barbara, Bard, Beavertown, Bedford, Bedford Springs, Bedford Valley, Beegletown, Belden, Big Cove Tannery, Black Valley, Breezewood, Broad Top City, Brumbaugh, Buck Valley, Buffalo Mills, Burning Bush, Burnt Cabins, Centerville, Cessna, Chalybeate, Chaneysville, Chapmans Run, Charlesville, Churchville, Clappertown, Clark, Claysburg, Clear Ridge, Clearville, Clovercreek, Coaldale, Coalmont, Cooks Mills, Covedale, Crossings, Crystal Spring, Curryville, Cypher, Defiance, Dott, Dry Gap, Dublin Mills, Dudley, Earlston, East Sharpsburg, Eichelbergertown, Emmaville, Everett, Fay Extension, Finleyville, Fishertown, Fort Littleton, Fossilville, Fredericksburg, Friesville, Ganister, Gapsville, Graceville, Gravel Pitt, Harrisonville, Helixville, Henrietta, Hickory Bottom, Hoblitzell, Hopewell, Hughes, Hustontown, Hyndman, Imler, Imlertown, Indian Springs, Inglesmith, Kearney, Kegg, King, Klahr, Knobsville, Koontzville, Lafayetteville, Langondale, Lovely, Loysburg, Lutzville, Madley, Manns Choice, Martinsburg, Mattie, McConnellsburg, Menchtown, Middletown, Millerstown, Minersville, Mines, Mount Dallas, Napier, Needmore, New Baltimore, New Buena Vista, New Enterprise, New Grenada, New Paris, North Point, Ore Hill, Osterburg, Ott Town, Pavia, Pineycreek, Pleasantville, Point, Point View, Potetown, Potter Creek, Purcell, Puttstown, Queen, Rainsburg, Rays Cove, Rays Hill, Reynolds Dale, Riddlesburg, Roaring Spring, Robertsdale, Robinson Ext., Rodman, Royer, Ryot, Saint Clairsville, Salemville, Saluvia, Sandy Run, Saxton, Schellsburg, Shellytown, Short Mountain, Sideling Hill, Sideling Hill Tunnel, Six Mile Run, Smiths Crossings, Snake Spring Valley, Springhope, Springmeadow, Sproul, Steckman, Stonerstown, String Town, Sulpher Springs, Tatesville, Texas Corner, Warfordsburg, Watterfall, Waterside, Webster Mills, Wertz, West End, Weyant, Williamsburg, Willow Grove, Wills Creek, Wolfsburg, Wood, Woodbury, Woodbush, Yellow Creek, Yellow Springs, Yount
Telephone Directory - Huntingdon and Nearby Points - December 1956
(Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1956, 130 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bedford and Huntingdon Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1956. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Covered:
Aitch, Alexandria, Alfarata, Allenport, Ardenheim, Barree, Broad Top, Broad Top City, Brumbaugh Crossing, Cassville, Charteroak, Cherrytown, Coaldale, Coalmont, Cottage, Defiance, Donation, Dudley, Eichelbergertown, Ennisville, Entriken, Finleyville, Greenwood Furnace, Hartslog Valley, Hesston, Hopewell, Huntingdon, James Creek, Kearney, Langdondale, Maddensville, Manor Hill, Mapleton, Mapleton Depot, Marklesburg, McAlevys Fort, McConnellstown, Mill Creek, Mooresville, Mt. Union, Neelyton, Neffs Mills, Newburg, newton Hamilton, North Point, Orbisonia, Paradise Furnace, Petersburg, Raystown Dam, Riddlesburg, Robertsdale, Rockhill Furnace, Russellville, Saltillo, Sandy Run, Saulsburg, Saxton, Shade Gap, Shirleysburg, Shy Beaver, Six Mile Run, Smithfield, Standing Stone, Stonerstown, Three Springs, Todd, Though Creek, Warrior Ridge, Water Street, Wood, Yellow Creek
Telephone Directory - Bedford and Nearby Points - September 1958
(The United Telephone Company of PA, 1958, 168 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bedford, Blair, Fulton, Huntingdon and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1958. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Covered:
Akersville, Alum Bank, Ashcom, Bakers Summit, Barbara, Bard, Beavertown, Bedford, Bedford Valley, Beegletown, Belden, Big Cove Tannery, Black Valley, Breezewood, Broad Top City, Brumbaugh, Buffalo Mills, Burning Bush, Burnt Cabins, Centerville, Cessna, Chalybeate, Chaneysville, Chapmans Run, Charlesville, Churchville, Clappertown, Clark, Claysburg, Clear Ridge, Clearville, Clovercreek, Coaldale, Coalmont, Cooks Mills, Covedale, Crossings, Crystal Spring, Curryville, Cypher, Defiance, Dry Gap, Dudley, Earlston, East Sharpsburg, Eichelbergertown, Emmaville, Everett, Fay Extension, Finleyville, Fishertown, Fort Littleton, Fossilville, Fredericksburg, Friesville, Ganister, Gapsville, Graceville, Gravel Pitt, Harrisonville, Helixville, Henrietta, Hickory Bottom, Hoblitzell, Hopewell, Hughes, Hustontown, Hyndman, Imler, Imlertown, Indian Springs, Inglesmith, Kearney, Kegg, King, Klahr, Knobsville, Koontzville, Lafayetteville, Langondale, Lovely, Loysburg, Lutzville, Madley, Manns Choice, Martinsburg, Mattie, McConnellsburg, Menchtown, Middletown, Millerstown, Minersville, Mines, Mount Dallas, Napier, New Baltimore, New Buena Vista, New Enterprise, New Paris, North Point, Ore Hill, Osterburg, Ott Town, Pavia, Pineycreek, Pleasantville, Point, Point View, Potetown, Potter Creek, Purcell, Puttstown, Queen, Rainsburg, Rays Cove, Rays Hill, Reynolds Dale, Riddlesburg, Roaring Spring, Robertsdale, Robinson Ext., Rodman, Royer, Ryot, Saint Clairsville, Salemville, Saluvia, Sandy Run, Saxton, Schellsburg, Shellytown, Short Mountain, Sideling Hill, Sideling Hill Tunnel, Six Mile Run, Smiths Crossings, Snake Spring Valley, Springhope, Springmeadow, Sproul, Steckman, Stonerstown, String Town, Sulpher Springs, Tatesville, Texas Corner, Waterside, Websters Mills, Wertz, West End, Weyant, Williamsburg, Willow Grove, Wills Creek, Wolfsburg, Wood, Woodbury, Woodbush, Yellow Creek, Yellow Springs, Yount
Telephone Directory - Bedford and Nearby Points - September 1959
(The United Telephone Company of PA, 1959, 172 pages)
This is a telephone directory covering parts of Bedford, Blair, Fulton, Huntingdon and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania for the year 1959. The directory lists 1,000's of residents and businesses, and provides the resident's name, street address and telephone number arranged alphabetically by town. This directory also includes the "yellow pages" section covering the businesses of the same area.
Towns Covered:
Akersville, Alum Bank, Artemas, Ashcom, Bakers Summit, Barbara, Bard, Beavertown, Bedford, Bedford Valley, Beegletown, Belden, Big Cove Tannery, Black Valley, Breezewood, Broad Top City, Brumbaugh, Buffalo Mills, Burning Bush, Burnt Cabins, Centerville, Cessna, Chalybeate, Chaneysville, Chapmans Run, Charlesville, Churchville, Clappertown, Clark, Claysburg, Clear Ridge, Clearville, Clovercreek, Coaldale, Coalmont, Cooks Mills, Covedale, Crossings, Crystal Spring, Cypher, Defiance, Dry Gap, Dublin Mills, Dudley, Earlston, East Sharpsburg, Eichelbergertown, Emmaville, Everett, Fay Extension, Finleyville, Fishertown, Hopewell, Hughes, Hustontown, Hyndman, Imler, Imlertown, Indian Springs, Inglesmith, Kearney, Kegg, King, Klahr, Knobsville, Koontzville, Lafayetteville, Langondale, Lovely, Loysburg, Lutzville, Madley, Manns Choice, Martinsburg, Mattie, McConnellsburg, Menchtown, Middletown, Millerstown, Minersville, Mines, Mount Dallas, Napier, New Baltimore, New Buena Vista, New Enterprise, New Grenada, New Paris, North Point, Ore Hill, Osterburg, Roaring Spring, Robertsdale, Robinson Ext., Rodman, Royer, Ryot, Saint Clairsville, Salemville, Saluvia, Sandy Run, Saxton, Schellsburg, Shellytown, Short Mountain, Sideling Hill, Sideling Hill Tunnel, Six Mile Run, Smiths Crossings, Snake Spring Valley, Springhope, Springmeadow, Sproul, Steckman, Stonerstown, String Town, Sulpher Springs, Tatesville, Texas Corner, Waterfall, Waterside, Websters Mills, Wells Tannery, Wertz, West End, Weyant, Williamsburg, Willow Grove, Wills Creek, Wolfsburg, Wood, Woodbury, Woodbush, Yellow Creek, Yellow Springs, Yount
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