Greene County PA - County, Regional, Miscellaneous History Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
County Histories & Biographical Volumes
History of Greene County, PA (Rev. William Hanna, 1882, 350 pages)
According to the Foreword, this is a collection of articles originally published in the Waynesburg Republican from 1875-1876. These articles are regarded as the most interesting account of pioneer history of Greene County.
Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette and Greene Counties Pennsylvania Vol. 1 & 2
(John W. Jordan, 1912, 1267 pages)
This is a set of historical and biographical volumes on southwestern Pennsylvania, specifically the counties of Fayette and Greene. The information outlines the personal and family histories of numerous residents of those areas. Along with the sketches, there are many portraits of these family members.
Surnames Indexed:
Abraham, Ache, Adams, Addis, Ailes, Albrecht, Allsworth, Alt, Angle, Ansell, Arensberg, Arison, Armstrong, Artis, Asendorf, Ash, Augustine, Austin, Baer, Bailey, Baird, Ball, Balsley, Bane, Bar, Barb, Barber, Barnes, Barnett, Barnhart, Barricklow, Bayard, Beal, Beall, Beard, Beeson, Bell, Berg, Berkey, Bishop, Black, Blackshere, Blair, Bliss, Blosser, Boord, Booth, Bosworth, Boughner, Bowden, Bower, Bowie, Bowman, Boyd, Boyle, Braden, Brady, Brant, Brewer, Brickman, Brinker, Britt, Britton, Brown, Brownfield, Bryson, Bulger, Bunting, Burd, Burhans, Buck, Burns, Buttermore, Call, Cameron, Campbell, Carr, Carter, Cathers, Chalfant, Chambers, Chisholm, Chorpenning, Clark, Cleavenger, Clement, Cloud, Coates, Cochran, Cock, Coffman, Colborn, Coldren, Collier, Collins, Colvin, Comp, Conger, Coniff, Connor, Conrad, Conwell, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Cornish, Cotterrell, Cottom, Coughanour, Cover, Cox, Craft, Cramer, Cray, Cree, Crichfield, Cropp, Crossland, Crow, Crowley, Cummins, Cunningham, Cupp, Curry, Cypher, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Day, Dearth, De Bolt, Deffenbaugh, Delaney, De Muth, Denk, Denny, Dentzer, De Ore, Drrick, De Temple, Dice, Dick, Dickson, Dilliner, Dils, Dilworth, Donegan, Donnelly, Douglas, Downer, Duff, Duggan, Duguid, Duliere, Dunaway, Dunn, Durr, Dzubay, Echard, Eddy, Edel, Edmiston, Edmonds, Edwards, Egnot, Eldred, Ely, Enghlish, Enos, Essington, Evans, Fairchild, Farr, Farrell, Fast, Field, Finley, Fisher, Fitzmeier, Fleming, Flenniken, Floto, Flynn, Fogg, Foltz, Fornwalt, Fort, Foster, Foust, Francis, Franks, Frasher, Fuehrer, Fuhrer, Fuller, Fusarini, Gabler, Gadd, Galiardi, Galley, Gans, Garrison, Gaskill, Geary, Gellhof, Ghrist, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilmore, Giorgessi, Girard, Goff, Goodwin, Gorley, Gottesman, Graham, Gray, Greene, Gribble, Grove, Guiher, Guseman, Gween, Hackney, Hadden, Hagan, Hagans, Haines, Hair, Hall, Haney, Hannam, Hansel, Harah, Harman, Harris, Hart, Hartley, Hartman, Hatfield, Hathaway, Hay, Hazen, Headley, Hellen, Helmey, Helphenstein, Hempstead, Henderson, Henry, Henshaw, Hertzog, Hess, Hetzel, Hewitt, Heyser, Hibbs, Hibner, Higbee, Higinbotham, Hill, Hirleman, Hoffman, Hoge, Hogg, Hogsett, Hollinsgworth, Hook, Hoop, Hooper, Hoover, Hornbake, Horton, Hoskinson, Hough, Howard, Hoy, Hubbs, Huffman, Humphreys, Hunt, Huss, Huston, Inghram, Jackson, Jamison, Jaquett, Jennings, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Junk, Kaiser, Kearns, Keck, Keener, Keffer, Kefover, Keighley, Keller, Kelly, Kelsey, Kennedy, Kent, Kephart, Kerchner, Kerr, Kiefer, King, Knox, Kolb, Kough, Kramer, Krell, Krepps, Kurtz, La Chimia, Lackey, Lang, Langley, Lapping, Larkin, Lauffer, Leckemby, Leighty, Leisenring, Leonard, Lewellyn, Lincoln, Lindsay, Livingston, Long, Lynn, Lyon, Lyons, MacDonald, MacQuarrie, McBurney, McClintock, McCombs, McCormick, McCreary, McCullough, McFarland, McGibbons, McGinnis, McHugh, McKee, McLaughlin, McMullen, McShane, Madeira, Madigan, Magee, Mansfield, Mapel, Marietta, Markle, Marshall, Martin, Mathews, Mead, Means, Messmore, Mestrezat, Metzler, Millard, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Mitchener, Montgomery, Moore, Moredock, Morgan, Morris, Morrow, Morton, Moser, Moyer, Muir, Mulford, Mullan, Munk, Munson, Murtland, Neff, Newcomer, Newmeyer, Newmyer, Niccols, Nicholson, Nicolay, Nixon, Norton, Nycum, O'Connor, Orndoff, Parkhill, Parry, Parshall, Patterson, Paulovits, Pawlowski, Percy, Pershing, Peters, Pettit, Phillps, Pierce, Pisula, Playford, Plumer, Poletz, Poorbaugh, Pope, Popovich, Port, Porter, Poundstone, Pratt, Prentice, Provins, Pryce, Pyle, Ralston, Randol, Randolph, Rasely, Rav, Rea, Reed, Reid, Renner, Reppert, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richey, Ricks, Rider, Ridgway, Riffle, Rinehart, Rist, Ritenour, Robbins, Robinson, Rogers, Rose, Ross, Rowe, Rullei, Ruple, Rush, Rutter, Sackett, Sammons, Sample, Sargent, Schenck, Searight, Seaton, Sechler, Sellers, Semans, Sembower, Shallenberger, Sherrard, Sherrick, Shields, Shirey, Shriver, Shuman, Shupe, Silveus, Sinclair, Smiley, Smith, Snider, Snyer, Soisson, Soxman, Sparks, Spragg, Springer, Stafford, Steele, Sterling, Stewart, Steyer, Stickel, Stidger, Stillwagon, Stone, Stoner, Story, Stouffer, Strong, Strickler, Struble, Sturgis, Swan, Teagarden, Teggart, Theakston, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Tippman, Titlow, Titus, Torrence, Utts, Waggoner, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Warnock, Weihe, Wells, Weltner, West, White, Whyel, Wilder, Wilkenson, Williams, Wilson, Winans, Wishart, Wonders, Wood, Woods, Woodward, Woolsey, Work, Workman, Wortman, Wright, Wyly, Yahner, Younkin, Zimmerman
Pioneer History of Greene County, Pennsylvania (L. K. Evans, 1941, 177 pages)
This is an early history of Greene County, Pennsylvania. The full title is: "History of Greene County, PA. Containing and outline of the state from 1682, until the formation of Washington County in 1781. History during 15 years of Union. The Virginia and new state controversy - Running of Mason's and Dixon's line - Whiskey Insurrection, - History of Churches, Families, Judges, Senators, Assemblymen, Etc., Etc.,"
Miscellaneous Histories
Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Western] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 144 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from dozens of towns throughout Western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
Greene County
-- From Greensburg: -- The Barclay Bank, Joseph Bowman & Sons, Freeman C. Gay & Co., Henry S. Ackerman, H. F. Thomas, Harry F. Bott, Bennett Rask, L. Furtwangler, Oliver C. Sarver, Turney & Bro.
Maps Atlases & Images
Maps & Atlases (*** Not Text-Searchable ***)
1865 McConnell's Map of Greene County Pennsylvania (Tuttle & Co., Color)
1897 Rainey's Farm Line Map of Greene County, Pennsylvania (C. T. Rainey, Color)
1907 J. R. & J. E. Barnes Farm & Coal Land Map of Greene Co. PA. (J. R. & J.E. Barnes, Color)
Birds-eye Town Views (*** Not Text-Searchable ***)
Waynesburg, Green County, Pennsylvania (1897, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
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