Franklin County PA - Regional History Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
Chambersburg In the Colony and the Revolution (Lewis H. Garrard, 1856, 81 pages)
This is an account of the early history of the Chambersburg area in the years leading up to the American Revolution. The second portion of the book deals with the Revolution and the part played by some in the town.
The Burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (B. S. Schenck, 1865, 80 pages)
This publication relates accounts of the burning of Chambersburg, including a map of the town, and a list of the destroyed buildings.
Historical Reminiscences of the War or Incidents Which Transpired in and
About Chambersburg During the War of the Rebellion (J. Hoke, 1884, 212 pages)
This publication presents accounts of incidents associated with the Civil War in Chambersburg and surrounding areas.
History of Waynesboro (Benjamin Matthias Nead, 1900, 419 pages)
This publication provides a very brief account of the history of Pennsylvania, Franklin County, and Washington Township. It follows with a detailed history of the development of Waynesboro and surrounding areas. It includes numerous illustrations of persons and places from the area.
Marion and Environments, Franklin County, PA
Historical and Reminiscent (John B. Hege, 1900, 72 pages)
This is a very rare publication originally published in the local newspapers over a 9 week period, and later combined into book form. The information is a history of the town of Marion and its vicinity just south of Chambersburg in Franklin County, PA. The author was a native of the area and recorded various details pertaining to its history including accounts of its residents. A considerable part of the publication deals with the Civil War and its impact on the area. Two nice features of this publication are the inclusion of some burial records for the local graveyards and an every-name index not originally published with the volume.
1804-1904 A Souvenir of the Centennial Reunion of Former and Present Citizens
of Fort Loudon, Franklin County, Penna. (James M. Mullan, 1904, 49 pages)
This is a souvenir history of the town of Fort Loudon, Franklin County, PA. It contains a program of the events associated with the centennial celebration, a history of the town, a list of those who attended the reunion, and numerous photographs of the town and its buildings and the vicinity of Fort Loudon. This is an excellent for resource for historical or genealogical research in this area.
Some Historical Data Concerning the History of Chambersburg
(A. J. White Hutton, 1930, 60 pages)
This is an account of the city of Chambersburg, providing a history of its settlement, growth and other important events in its history.
Historical Data Concerning St. Thomas Township 1734-1934
(St. Thomas Bi-Centennial Association, 1934, 64 pages)
This is a bicentennial history of St. Thomas Township. It begins with accounts of the earliest settlers in the area and proceeds through the area's growth by means of a series of articles from varous authors. It also includes a number of historic photographs and maps of the area.
Pictorial Views of St. Thomas Township (Anonymous, 1934, 16 pages)
This pamphlet was published as a souvenir of St. Thomas Township's Bicentennial in 1934. It consists mostly of photographs from around the area, buildings, class photos, maps of the township and borough of St. Thomas, etc. At the center of the publication is a group photography of those present at the bicentennial celebration in 1934 along with their names. This is a nice piece of Franklin Co., PA historical information.
Souvenir Program - Orrstown Centennial 1847-1947
(Orrstown Centennial Program Committee, 1947, 149 pages)
This is a program and history of the town of Orrstown, Franklin County, PA published for its centennial celebration in 1947. It covers the centennial celebration, providing a program of its events and also lists of those involved in it. The major portion of the publication, however, is a history of the town, settlers to the area, focusing on its early foundation, and the growth and development of the town up to the year 1947. Numerous historical accounts are related, the organizations and industries of the town are discussed, and there are also some biographical sketches of some of its prominent residents.
Blair, Flora, Gayman, Minehart, Mowrey, Nevin, Slyder
Waynesboro Sesqui-Centennial Celebration - Official Program
(Waynesboro Sesquicentennial Committee, Inc., 1947, 21 pages)
This pamphlet outlines the events of the celebration for Waynesboro's 150th Anniversary. It notes the names of hundreds of persons involved in supporting the celebration's events.
Old Mercersburg (The Women's Club of Mercersburg, Pennsylvania
(Grit Publishing Co., 1912, 1943, 1949, 276 pages)
This work covers the history and development of Mercersburg. It relates civil details and accounts of prominent citizens associated with Mercersburg, and includes numerous illustrations of persons and places. This is the 2nd edition of this publication.
Surnames: (Every-Name Index)
Abbott, Acheson, Ackers, Adams, Agnew, Albert, Alexander, Alleman, Allen, Allison, Almsley, Anderson, Andrew, Angle, Anglemiller, Appel, Archer, Armstrong, Arnot, Arthur, Aston, Atkinson, Auginbaugh, Bachtel, Bahn, Baird, Baker, Bald, Balla, Bard, Barnes, Barnthiesel, Barththiesels, Barr, Baxter, Baughy, Bausman, Beale, Beall, Bechdolt, Beck, Beggs, Bender, Benedick, Bennett, Bennet, Berg, Besore, Bester, Bezan, Bigger, Biggert, Black, Blaine, Blair, Blanchard, Blattenberger, Bohn, Bossart, Bouch, Bowers, Bowles, Bowman, Boyd, Braddock, Bradley, Bradner, Brady, Brand, Brant, Branthafer, Breidenthal, Brewbaker, Brewer, Bricker, Briggs, Brindle, Brinkley, Bristor, Brookie, Brooks, Brown, Brownson, Brubaker, Bruce, Brunot, Bryson, Buchanan, Buckley, Budd, Burd, Burke, Burgess, Burns, Burrall, Bush, Butler, Byers, Byron, Cain, Calahan, Campbell, Cane, Cantor, Carson, Cassatt, Castle, Catron, Caution, Cellars, Cessna, Chambers, Chestnut, Churchill, Clapsaddle, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Cline, Clingham, Cochran, Cole, Coleman, Collins, Comerer, Conn, Conner, Cook, Cooper, Corbet, Cort, Cowan, Cox, Coyle, Craig, Craven, Crawford, Creager, Creamer, Creigh, Crilley, Crilly, Cristy, Criswell, Croghan, Cromer, Cromwell, Crossin, Crouch, Crum, Crunkleton, Cuff, Culbertson, Cunningham, Curley, Curns, Curtin, Curtis, Curtz, Cushwa, Dahlman, Dalman, Darby, Darks, Daub, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Davison, Dean, Deatrick, Deetrick, Demas, Demuth, Denny, Dick, Dicks, Dickey, Diffenbacher, Diffenderfer, Dill, Dinwiddie, Divelbiss, Dixon, Donnyhon, Donothen, Dorrance, Douglas, Dow, Doyle, Drowenberg, Drumm, Dubbs, Duffield, Duffy, Duncan, Dunlap, Dunwoody, Dunwoodie, Earnshaw, Eberly, Eckert, Eckman, Edminston, Edmoston, Edwards, Eichelberger, Eigel-Berer, Eider, Eley, Elliott, Ellis, Embigh, Ernst, Erwin, Espy, Etter, Evans, Eyester, Falk, Fallon, Farvel, Faust, Fegley, Feight, Fendrick, Ferguson, Finafrock, Findlay, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fleming, Flinn, Fogler, Forest, Forster, Forsythe, Foster, Fouse, French, Freshholtz, Fritz, Fulton, Furley, Gaff, Galbreath, Galt, Ganoe, Gans, Gardner, Garner, Garret, Garver, Garvin, Gaster, Gates, Gearhart, Gellatly, Gerhart, Gettys, Geyer, Gift, Gilbert, Gilchrist, Gillan, Gillespie, Gillespy, Gilliland, Gish, Glass, Glaze, Glee, Gluck, Goheen, Good, Goodrich, Goolick, Gordon, Gorman, Graham, Grant, Graul, Greeber, Green, Grier, Griffin, Griffith, Groscope, Grosh, Grove, Grubb, Gurley, Guthrie, Guyer, Hadderman, Hager, Hair, Hall, Halland, Hallin, Hamil, Hamilton, Hammil, Hancock, Harbaugh, Hargleroad, Harmes, Harrer, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartman, Hartranft, Harvey, Hassler, Hastler, Hastings, Haulman, Hause, Hayden, Hays, Hazelbarth, Hege, Helm, Henchy, Henkle, Herkman, Herod, Heyd, Heyser, Hiester, Higbe, Highland, Hill, Hisson, Hissong, Hoagland, Hoch, Hodskins, Hoeflich, Hoerner, Hoffeditz, Hogg, Hoke, Holiday, Holland, Hollar, Holliday, Holman, Holstone, Hooper, Hoops, Hoover, Hopkins, Hornbraker, Horton, Hosler, Hospelhorn, Hossler, Houck, Houston, Hughs, Hummelbaugh, Humphreys, Hunter, Huston, Hyssong, Imbrie, Imes, Immals, Irvine, Irwin, Izer, James, January, Johnson, Johnston, Jolly, Jordan, Kalm, Kamel, Kaufman, Keefer, Keepers, Keith, Keller, Kemble, Kendall, Kenedy, Kerr, Kershner, Keyser, Kidd, Kieffer, Kilgore, King, Kirby, Kirkpatrick, Kirwood, Klee, Knappenberger, Kooken, Knox, Krebs, Kremer, Kreps, Kroh, Krummacher, Kugel, Kuhn, Kyle, Kyler, Lachove, Ladebaugh, Lane, Lang, Latta, Lauderbaugh, Law, Lawson, Leber, Leer, Leidy, Leimeister, Leinbach, Lemison, Lemmon, Lenherr, Lesher, Liddy, Lightner, Lindsay, Lineaweaver, Lininger, Linn, Linton, Lipscomb, Little, Logan, Long, Lonstreatch, Loose, Louderbaugh, Lowe, Lowry, Lucas, Lyon, Mackey, Madden, Magaw, Mahaffy, Mann, Maris, Markle, Marris, Marshall, Martin, Matthews, Maurerer, Maxwell, May, Mayer, McAfee, McAllan, McAllister, McCall, McCammis, McCauley, McCausland, McCay, McClarin, McClay, McClean, McCleary, McClellan, McClelland, McClure, McCollister, McCollough, McConnell, McCormack, McCoy, McCracken, McColloh, McCullough, McCune, McCurdy, McCutcheon, McDonald, McDonough, McDowell, McElhattan, McEnally, McFall, McFarland, McFarlin, McFerren, McGlaughlin, McGovern, McHenry, McKee, McKinley, McKinney, McKinnie, McKinnon, McKinstry, McKonchy, McLaughlin, McLucas, McMullen, McMurdie, McNaughton, McNeal, McNutt, McPherran, McPike, McQuown, Means, Mercer, Merckel, Metcalfe, Mickelmar, Mifflin, Miller, Milligan, Mills, Minnich, Minshall, Mitchell, Moner, Montgomery, Moore, Morris, Morrison, Mortimer, Morton, Mosser, Mowen, Mowery, Mull, Munroe, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Myres, Neely, Negley, Nesbitt, Nevin, Newberry, Newell, Nichols, North, Oats, Offit, Ormsby, Orth, Ott, Oyler, Palmer, Palsgrove, Parker, Parkhill, Patterson, Patton, Paxton, Penn, Pensinger, Peters, Pettet, Phillips, Phillops, Pike, Pimm, Pine, Pittman, Poffinberger, Pollens, Porter, Potter, Proudfeit, Raby, Ragg, Rahauser, Ramsey, Rankin, Rannells, Rauch, Read, Rearick, Rebaugh, Reed, Reese, Reisner, Reitzel, Reninger, Rendenauer, Rexroth, Reynolds, Rhea, Rhodes, Rice, Richard, Richards, Rickabaugh, Ridenhour, Ridgely, Ridout, Rinkard, Ring, Ripple, Ritchey, Ritner, Ritter, Ritzell, Robinson, Robston, Rockwell, Rodgers, Rooney, Rose, Ross, Roth, Rothrauf, Royer, Rupley, Ruthrauff, Rutledge, Sacks, St. Clair, Schaeffer, Schafer, Schaff, Scherer, Schick, Schiedt, Schley, Schlosser, Schnebly, Schnebley, Schneck, Schneider, Schort, Schultz, Scriver, Schoenberger, Scholl, Schwab, Scott, Scull, Scully, Secrist, Seibert, Sellers, Selsor, Semple, Seyler, Shaeffer, Shaffer, Shannon, Sharar, Sharon, Sharp, Shatzer, Shearer, Sheilds, Shelby, Shepler, Shields, Shirk, Shirts, Shirtz, Shorts, Shrader, Shultz, Shunk, Sillick, Simms, Simpson, Skiles, Skinner, Slick, Sloan, Slyder, Small, Smiley, Socks, Sohn, Spangler, Spear, Speedy, Speer, Spence, Squire, Stahr, Starliper, Steck, Steel, Steiger, Stephenson, Sterrett, Sterrit, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stine, Stinger, Stitt, Stokes, Stoner, Storer, Stouffer, Straley, Strickland, Stuart, Sturgeon, Suffcoal, Sutherland, Swartz, Swartzwelder, Swisher, Sybert, Taggert, Talbot, Tarring, Taylor, Teach, Teal, Teals, Templeton, Thomas, Thompson, Tibbey, Timons, Tittle, Tolhelm, Toms, Torrence, Tracy, Troupe, Trout, Troutman, Unger, Vanderan, Van Dyke, Vanlear, Varden, Vigoras, Waddle, Waddell, Wagner, Waidlich, Walker, Walt, Watson, Wayne, Weaver, Weber, Webster, Weedon, Weller, Weiser, Welker, Wells, Welsh, Werdebaugh, Werlby, West, Whetstone, White, Whitesides, Whitmore, Wilkins, Wilky, Williams, Williamson, Williard, Wills, Wilson, Winebrenner, Winger, Winters, Winton, Wise, Witherow, Witherspoon, Witter, Wolf, Wolfe, Woodburn, Woodring, Woods, Work, Wray, Yearick, Young, Zellers, Zenet, Zimerman, Zimmerman
1803-1953 - A Souvenir of the Sesqui-Centennial Reunion of Fort Loudon,
Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Sesqui-Centennial Committee, 1953, 134 Pages)
This is a 150th anniversary history of the town of Fort Loudon, Franklin County, PA. It first presents a program of events associated with the celebration. This is followed by several articles on its history and development by various local historians and authorities. It also includes a list of patrons who helped support the publication and numerous ads for local businesses at the end.
Our Conococheaque Settlement 1732-1782 (Sidney Nill, 1971, 9 pages)
This is an account of one of the early settlements in the Cumberland Valley up until the Revolutionary War period. It provides a wealth of historical and biographical data on early settlers and their descendants.
Bicentennial 1776-1976 - State Line, PA (Anonymous, 1976, 36 pages)
This is a history of the town of State Line, PA written as a commemoration of the Bicentennial in 1976. The information covers the town, founded in 1812, and provides a history of its growth and important events which it saw. There are several historic photographs of the town included and two town maps of the area.
Souvenir Booklet - Orrstown and Community Bicentennial Celebration
(Anonymous, 1976, 60 pages)
This is a souvenir of the bicentennial celebration in the Orrstown area. It provides a program of the events of the celebration, and a list of sponsors. It also includes brief historical sketches from the town along with numerous ads for local businesses.
A Town Grows in Antrim (W. P. Conrad, 1977, 33 pages)
This is a bicentennial history of the area of Greencastle in Antrim township, Franklin County, PA. It provides a well-rounded view of the town through 175 years of existance. Along with the historical narrative, there are a number of historical photographs.
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