Franklin County PA - Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous History Collection

Franklin County PA - Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous History Collection


  • 2000

This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.

This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.

Genealogical Register of Hans Hege & Henry Lesher (J. H., 1859, 45 pages)
This booklet outlines the Hege family from Hans Hege onward. The full title is: "Genealogical Register of the Male and Female Descendants of Hans Hege; and also of the male and female descendants of Henry Lesher, and the relationship existing between the said two families."

A Sketch of the 126th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (Anonymous, 1869, 87 pages)
This history outlines the formation and service of the 126th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, the many of whom came from Franklin County, PA.

Industrial and Commercial Resources of Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1886, 122 pages)
This publication is an historical, descriptive and biographical review of the industries of southeast Pennsylvania. Page 106 includes sketches of prominent businesses and businessmen from Chambersburg, including: Montgomery House, Jacob Rinick, George Denton, D. J. Shull, B. L. Maurer, Miller's Pharmacy, and Smith Brothers

Medical Society of Franklin County; Its History, and Sketches of
Early Practitioners of the County (John Montgomery, 1892, 59 pages)
This is an account of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the Medical Society of Franklin County, held on July 21st, 1891.

The Kittochtinny Magazine, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4
(G. O.Seilhamer, 1905, 438 pages)
Kittochtinny Magazine: A Tentative Record of Local History and Genealogy West of the Susquehanna. This magazine was published for a very short time just after the turn of the century. It's Information covers primarily the Franklin County area, but also surrounding areas west of the Susquehanna River. It includes various historical accounts, the marriage records of Rev. David Denny 1794-1844, and genealogies of some local families (Bard, Chambers, Todd, Poe.) This very rare title is a great addition to the historical works published for the county.

International Magazine of Industry. Reviewing the Development
of the Cumberland Valley (Charles M. Nichols Editor, 1913, 76 pages)
This publication was a periodical focusing on various areas and their industrial, commercial and business interests. This edition focused on the Cumberland Valley of Cumberland and Franklin Counties, PA. It contains sketches (and sometimes photographs) of businesses and businessmen in several towns of the area, giving a description of the business operations, when the business began, who was involved, etc.

From Franklin County:
S. A. Huber Sons, Hiteshew & Co., Chambersburg Trust Co., John D. Schaal & Co., A. Spital & Son, The Valley National Bank, George F. Snyder, Pen-Mar Grocery Co., Gilhorn Drug Store, Keystone Business College, F. D. Staley, Berger & High, Lemuel King, The Democratic News, Forney's Steam Bakery, J. H. Karns & Brother, Chambersburg Auto Company, National Auto Company, Koons Brothers, Fahnestock & Miller, National Bank of Chambersburg, Farmers & Merchants Trust Co., Franklin Repository, Grove Coal Company, E. N. Metz, P. Nicklas Sons, Chas. E. Auginbaugh, Miller's Pharmacy, Hoke & Eyster, E. M. Rensch, The Public Opinion Company, E. C. Hafer, Hotel John, A. L. Sherk, J. Sierer's Sons, J. F. McFerren, S. D. Stevens, J. Carl Shull, U. S. G. Swigert, Diehl Omwake & Diehl, Lincoln Fire Insurance Co., J. C. Gerbig & Son, Forbes Granite Company, Hotel Wallace, Hotel Montgomery, Herman's Grocery, Lakeview Milling Company, J. F. WIngert, L. R. Evans, Amoss Eby Livery, Miller & Klock, J. A. Sellers & Brother, F. D. Clark, Indian Queen Hotel, Duffield & Skelly, J. J. Mowery, H. Householder Estate, C. D. Gillan, The Minick House, F. Hayes Harmon, Broome & Meekin, E. M. Shields, J. A. Hollinger, D. W. Faust & Sons, J. P. Keefer, J. F. Grove, Wilson College, J. H. Smith & Sons, D. H. Wenger & Son, Troy Laundry Company

Pen-Mar Grocery Co., William S. Detrich, Greencastle Elevator Co., The Echo-Pilot Company, John W. Martin, Greencastle Light Heat Fuel & Power Company, Miss Lillian C. Ruthrauff, J. S. Wagner, D. F. Ryder, J. C. Spielman, Franklin Hotel, Martin's Smoke Shop, Petrie & Morganthall, Carl's Drug Store, First National Bank of Greencastle, Gordon Feed Store, Citizen's National Bank of Greencastle, Charles A. Keepers, C. K. White, Omwake Brothers, Hotel McLaughlin, J. Bowman Metz, J. Hostetter & Son, J. G. Phillipy, N. J. Sellers, National Hotel, L. H. Leiter & Brother

The Evening Herald, S. A. Funk, Frick Company Incorporated, Daniel Rinehart, Wayne Paint Co. Inc., The Bell Telephone Co., The New York Bargain House, Ira D. Crum, Victor Tool Company, C. I. Swartz, J. H. Hunter, "It" Theatre, Adam Deardorff, Willis A. Hess, Hoover & Hoover, Charles E. Besore, Hoffman & Sprague, The Bank of Waynesboro, Landis Machine Company, C. W. Sexton & Co., The Waynesboro Record, J. H. Mayer, John R. Hoeflich, Waynesboro business College, A. R. Frantz, Schaibley's 5 & 10c Department Store, F. S. Boerner, J. O. Frick, Brubaker Brothers, W. Howard Powell, Waynesboro Steam Laundry, Elmer E. Yingling, Singer-Geiser Electric Co., Beck & Benedict, Englar & Albert, J. F. Knepper, H. J. Bare, J. W. Hile, E. B. Fahrney, J. J. Coons, B. F. Landis, W. A. Fahrney, Aaron M. Stoner, G. D. Reynolds, Welty Brothers, G. N. Diffenbaucher, C. I. Miller, Waynesboro Water Company, U. G. Stover, L. C. Rhea, West & West

Thirty-First Year Book - The Children's Aid Society
Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Children's Aid Society, 1915, 44 pages)
This is an annual report from the Children's Aid Society for the year 1915. The society was social welfare organization formed for the care of "friendless, helpless and homeless children". It includes a treasurer's report listing donations and donors throughout the year, and a record of events hosted during the year. It also includes some similar information on the "Home for the Aged", another home under management of the same society.

Souvenir Program - 87th Annual Session
Grand Encampment I.O.O.F. (1916, 68 pages)
This souvenir booklet contains a brief history and local details on Chambersburg, where the celebration was held. It contains ads for local businesses and some information about the IOOF lodges in Chambersburg. It also contains a brief history of the IOOF order and about two dozen portraits of members and locals: Judge W. Rush Gillan, Burgess Edmund C. Wingerd, C. Wm. Beales, Maj. Gen. J. B. Andrews, George A. Harris, Edwin L. Ritter, Col. N. E. Sterner, Louis A. Jones, Col. H. A. Kintzer, Mrs. Hattie Mendel, W. L. Heiston, L. F. Benchoff, Benj, J. Focht, Maj. W. H. Brown, Roy D. Beman, Usher A. Hall, Geo. B. McDowell, Martha R. Parry, Fred. A. Groome, Maj. Gen. Geo. L. Croushore, H. W. Hinds, Daniel Suter, J. A. Strite, Brig. Gen. R. J. Lippy, Clay Henninger, Edwin Hooper and a group picture of the General Committee.

Franklin County Welcome Home Celebration [WWI]
(Anonymous, 1919, 8 pages)
This brief pamphlet is a program of the 'Welcome Home' celebration for WWI soldiers from Franklin County, PA. It also contains a list of those soldiers who died in service.

Third Annual Scholastic and Athletic Field Day Meet of Franklin County
(Anonymous, 1927, 76 pages)
This is a souvenir of the scholastic and athletic events held for Franklin County's school children held in Waynesboro in 1927. It lists all the events and their participants along with many ads for local businesses.

Fouth Annual Scholastic and Athletic Field Day Meet of Franklin County
(Anonymous, 1928, 84 pages)
This is a souvenir of the scholastic and athletic events held for Franklin County's school children held in Mercersburg in 1928. It lists all the events and their participants along with many ads for local businesses.

Medical Men of Franklin County, 1750-1925
(Ambrose Watts Thrush, 1928, 426 pages)
This historical and biographical work deals with those in the medical profession in Franklin County as well as a few from Cumberland and Fulton counties. The first 50 pages relate a brief history of the medical organization in the county, the remaining 350 pages cover the biographies of medical professionals arranged by the area in which they lived or worked.

Agnew, Ahl, Allen, Alexander, Almshouse, Amberson, Angle, Ash, Asper, Baer, Bain, Bancroft, Bard, Barnes, Baum, Bemisderfer, Benedict, Bergstresser, Berry, Bishop, Bixler, Blair, Bobbs, Boggs, Bond, Bonebrake, Boteler, Bouse, Bowman, Boyle, Brallier, Bridgers, Brosius, Brotherton, Brown, Brownson, Brubaker, Buck, Buhrman, Burch, Burkholder, Bushey, Byers, Byrne, Cadwalader, Campbell, Carl, Chritzman, Clark, Cleary, Clingan, Clugston, Coffman, Colhoun, Conner, Cook, Coons, Craig, Cramer, Crawford, Cresswell, Crist, Croft, Crowell, Culbertson, Cummings, Curriden, Custer, Dalby, Davis, Davison, Dean, Detwiler, Devilbiss, Devor, Dice, Dietrich, Dight, Dorran, Doster, Duffield, Duncan, Dyarman, Ealy, Ecker, Eckerman, Ehrman, Eichelberger, Elder, Ely, Emmert, Enniss, Etter, Evans, Fahnestock, Fahrney, Farrelt, Felix, Ferguson, Findlay, Fleming, Flickinger, Ford, Forrest, Frantz, French, Fritz, Gans, Garthwaite, Garver, Gay, Gelwix, Gerry, Gilbert, Gilland, Gillespie, Gingerich, Gordon, Gottschall, Greenewalt, Goodson, Graeme, Grier, Grove, Grubb, Hamblin, Hamilton, Hantzig, Harbaugh, Hartzell, Hays, Haywood, Hazelett, Heartherington, Heckerman, Heikes, Hering, Herman, Hess, Hetich, Heverley, Hinchman, Hoke, Holland, Hoover, Horning, Howland, Huber, Hudson, Hull, Humphries, Hunter, Ickes, Irvine, Jacobs, Jamison, Janche, Jasper, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Kauffman, Kearsley, Keck, Kell, Kelley, Kempter, Kennedy, Kieffer, King, Kinter, Kirkpatrick, Kisecker, Kline, Koons, Kramer, Krouse, Lacy, Lambert, Lane, Langehein, Langston, Lantleme, Lantz, Laughlin, Leberknight, Lehman, Lessig, Liggett, Lightner, Linn, Little, Lloyd, Long, Ludwig, Mackey, Maclay, MacMullen, Madden, Madeira, Magaw, Mahan, Marshall, Maurer, Maxwell, Mayer, McCall, McCarthy, McClain, McCleary, McClellan, McClintock, McClure, McCreary, McCuicheon, McDonald, McDowell, McElroy, McGarrah, McGowan, McGovran, McKee, McKeehan, McKinstry, McKnight, McLaughlin, McPherson, Menger, Mercer, Metz, Michaels, Miley, Miller, Minehart, Montgomery, Moore, Mosser, Myers, Newcomer, Noble, Nowell, Numan, Nesbit, Oakes, Oellig, Ogle, Oosting, O'Rear, Orndorff, Orr, Outhit, Owen, Palmer, Paxton, Pearre, Peters, Peterson, Phillips, Phillipy, Plunkett, Prather, Prentice, Price, Putts, Quarters, Raby, Raifsnider, Ramsey, Rankin, Rasenberg, Reed, Reynolds, Richards, Rinehart, Ripple, Ritter, Robinson, Rosenberg, Rothrock, Royer, Ruby, Russell, Russel, Ryder, Sald, Sappington, Saxe, Scheller, Schofield, Schuching, Schultz, Scoot, Seaton, Seibert, Senseny, Shaffer, Shartzer, Shields, Shively, Shoemaker, Shope, Shower, Shull, Shuman, Silk, Simpson, Skinner, Slidden, Sloan, Small, Smith, Snivley, Sollenbergerr, Sonderegger, Sowell, Speck, Speer, Stewart, Stitzell, Stockler, Stoey, Stofer, Strickler, Strine, Strock, Suesserott, Swan, Swartzwelder, Swett, Tate, Teagarden, Teplitz, Thomas, Thomson, Thompson, Thrush, Tinges, Trout, Tuonistzka, Tynman, Van Tries, Vanderslice, Varden, Vinson, Waddle, Walker, Walmsley, Watkins, Weagley, West, White, Widney, Wingard, Wishard, Wolff, Wright, Wynne, Zettlemayer, Zimmerman, Zook

The Burial Places of Mercersburg's Sons From
Meaux to Compiegne (Daniel Heefner, 1931, 56 pages)
According to the title page, this is "an informal report with impressions of a visit to the resting places of Mercersburg's and Franklin County's (Pa.) World War Heroes, made in September 1930.." This publication presents a record of the involvement of members of Mercersburg Academy, and other Franklin County, PA citizens in World War I. It contains a list of the alumni of Mercersburg Academy who lie buried in France, and those whose bodies were returned to the United States for Re-internment. It also lists those who died while in training, as well as photographs from the war and places around France.

Franklin County School Annual 1834-35 (Anonymous, 1934, 104 pages)
This book was published as an annual for the schools of Franklin County, PA, for the year 1934. This year was also the 100th anniversary of education in the county. It contains a history of the schools of each township, Chambersburg, Waynesboro and Mercersburg. It also contains a number of portraits and biographies of school officials, pictures of the schools of the area (some being historic buildings).

Raymond G. Mowrey, Thomas W. Smith, J. H. Reber, J. C. McCullough, D. J. Keener, T. G. Zarger, J. H. Shank, B. F. Hartman

American Revolutionary Soldiers of Franklin County Pennsylvania
(Virginia Shannon Fendrick, 1944, 293 pages)
This publication is a record of hundreds of soldiers from Franklin County, PA, and their service in the Revolutionary War. The information contained within includes: soldier's name, company, service dates, and references to PA Archives. It sometimes also includes the names of wives and children, pension records, estate information, church affiliation, location of burial, etc.

The History of an Idea A Brief Sketch of Wilson College
(The Board of Trustees, 1945, 21 pages)
This is a brief historical account of Wilson College written for its 75th anniversary.

General Marshall's Victory Report [Chambersburg]
(U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 163 pages)
This was published following the close of the war to provide the public with a general account of the war from beginning to end. The report was published for individual areas throughout the state, and each of these areas included a list of local men and women who served in the war. This report covers the town of Chambersburg, PA.

General Marshall's Victory Report [Greencastle]
(U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 144 pages)
This was published following the close of the war to provide the public with a general account of the war from beginning to end. The report was published for individual areas throughout the state, and each of these areas included a list of local men and women who served in the war. This report covers the town of Greencastle, PA.

King Street School Centennial 1857-1957
(Various Contributors, 1957, 56 pages)
This is a centennial history of the King Street School of Chambersburg. It includes photographs of current classes of the school, as well as recollections of the school from past students and teachers.

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