Franklin County PA - Everything Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA. This collection includes all of the individual collections covering Franklin County, PA (Please see individual collection listings for detailed descriptions of titles.)
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
FR01 - Franklin County Genealogy Everything Collection (All Collections on Franklin County)
FR02 - County History & Biography Collection
The Register of Pennsylvania [Sketch on Franklin County] (Samuel Hazard Editor, 1829, Vol. 3, no. 15, 3 pages)
The History and Topography of Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin, Bedford, Adams, Perry, Somerset, Cambria, and Indiana Co. (I. Daniel Rupp, 1848, 711 pages)
Centennial Biography - Men of Mark of Cumberland Valley, Pa., 1776-1876 (Alfred Nevin, 1876, 478 pages)
Historical Sketch of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (3rd Edition, Enlarged & Appended) (I. H. M'Cauley & D. F. Pursel, 1878, 421 pages)
History of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Warner, Beers & Co., 1887, 919 pages)
Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905, 761 pages)
History of the Cumberland Valley Pennsylvania (Harriet Wylie Stewart, 1918, 174 pages)
A History of the Cumberland Valley in Pennsylvania (George P. Donehoo, 1930, 1079 pages)
Historical Papers - Franklin County and the Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania (Jacob H. Stoner, 1947, 546 pages)
FR03 - Regional History Collection
Chambersburg In the Colony and the Revolution (Lewis H. Garrard, 1856, 81 pages)
The Burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (B. S. Schenck, 1865, 80 pages)
Historical Reminiscences of the War or Incidents Which Transpired in and About Chambersburg During the War of the Rebellion (J. Hoke, 1884, 212 pages)
History of Waynesboro (Benjamin Matthias Nead, 1900, 419 pages)
Marion and Environments, Franklin County, PA Historical and Reminiscent (John B. Hege, 1900, 72 pages)
1804-1904 A Souvenir of the Centennial Reunion of Former and Present Citizens of Fort Loudon, Franklin County, Penna. (James M. Mullan, 1904, 49 pages)
Some Historical Data Concerning the History of Chambersburg (A. J. White Hutton, 1930, 60 pages)
Historical Data Concerning St. Thomas Township 1734-1934 (St. Thomas Bi-Centennial Association, 1934, 64 pages)
Pictorial Views of St. Thomas Township (Anonymous, 1934, 15 apges)
Souvenir Program - Orrstown Centennial 1847-1947 (Orrstown Centennial Program Committee, 1947, 149 pages)
Waynesboro Sesqui-Centennial Celebration - Official Program (Waynesboro Sesquicentennial Committee, Inc., 1947, 21 pages)
Old Mercersburg (The Women's Club of Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, Grit Publishing Co., 1912, 1943, 1949, 276 pages)
1803-1953 - A Souvenir of the Sesqui-Centennial Reunion of Fort Loudon, Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Sesqui-Centennial Committee, 1953, 134 Pages)
Our Conococheaque Settlement 1732-1782 (Sidney Nill, 1971, 9 pages)
Bicentennial 1776-1976 - State Line, PA (Anonymous, 1976, 36 pages)
Souvenir Booklet - Orrstown and Community Bicentennial Celebration (Anonymous, 1976, 60 pages)
A Town Grows in Antrim (W. P. Conrad, 1977, 33 pages)
FR04 - Church History Collection
A History of the German Reformed Church of Chambersburg, PA (W. Wilson Bonnell, 1844, 61 pages)
History of the Presbyterian Church in Mercersburg, Penna (Thomas Creigh, 1846, 38 pages)
Churches of the Valley, or An Historical Sketch of the Old Presbyterian Congregations of Cumberland and Franklin Co. in PA (Alfred Nevin, 1852, 340 pages)
A Discourse Portraying the History of the Grindstone Hill EV. Lutheran Church, in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. (D. H. Focht, 1855, 60 pages)
A Historical Discourse Delivered in the Presbyterian Church of Green Castle, Penna. (Rev. J. W. Wightman, 1869, 25 pages)
Dedicatory Services of the Robert Kennedy Memorial Presbyterian Church of Welsh Run, Pennsylvania (Thomas Creigh & A. S. Thorne, 1871, 47 pages)
A Historical Discourse Delivered in the Presbyterian Church of Greencastle, Penn'a. (Rev. J. W. Wightman, 1876, 40 pages)
History of the Presbyterian Church of Upper West Conochocheague, now Mercersburg, Franklin County, Penn'a. (Thomas Creigh, 1877, 103 pages)
The Church in Franklin County. Centennial Sermon by the Rev. J. D. Hunter of the Greencastle Presbyterian Church (J. C. Seacrest, 1884, 32 pages)
History of the Grindstone Hill Reformed Charge Consisting of Grindstone Hill, Marion and Fayetteville (I. M. Beaver, 1892, 59 pages
Historical Sketch of the Second Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 1836-1904 (1904, 82 pages)
Centennial of Trinity Reformed Congregation (Charles A. Santee, 1904, 16 pages)
History and Directory of the Chambersburg Circuit United Brethren in Christ - 1905 (1905, 42 pages)
The Seventy Fifth Year. A History of the Second Evangelical Lutheran Church 1836-1911 (C. W. Heathcote, 1910, 59 pages)
Historical Sketch of Zion Reformed Church, Chambersburg, Pa. 1780-1911 (M. A. Foltz & Linn Harbaugh, 1911, 102 pages)
History of the St. Paul Reformed Church Waynesboro, Penna. 1873-1913 (Published by the Congregation, 1913, 26 pages)
History of the Presbyterian Churches of Path Valley (D. I. Camp & Rev. J. Warren Kauffman, 1916, 118 pages)
Robert Kennedy Memorial Presbyterian Church Welsh Run, Pennsylvania 1741-1921 (James Gray Rose, 1921, 27 pages)
Historical Sketch of Snow Hill (Nunnery) 1829-1929 (Emma C. Monn, 1929, 26 pages)
A History of the Grace Reformed Church, Greencastle, Pa (J. Edward Omwake & Rev. G. Ermine Plott, 1930, 40 pages)
Centennial Celebration 1837 - 1937 Methodist Episcopal Church of Fannettsburg, Pennsylvania (1937, 32 pages)
The Ninetieth Anniversary - St. John's Church 1849-1939 (Anonymous, 1939, 49 pages)
Mercersburg Classis' Hundred Years 1840-1940 (Paul T. Stonesifer, 1941, 121 pages)
A History of Central Presbyterian Church, Chambersburg, PA (W. L. Kinter, 1943, 49 pages)
An Historical Souvenir - 1843-1943 The One Hundredth Anniversary - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (Anonymous, 1943, 35 pages)
History of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (Anonymous, 1950, 16 pages)
Lemasters Charge - Evangelical United Brethren Church - 1962-1963 Yearbook (Anonymous, 1962, 24 pages)
A History of the Central United Presbyterian Church Chambersburg, 1868-1968 (1968, 27 pages)
Graveyard Directory - Zion Reformed Church, Chambersburg, PA (Zion Reformed Church, 1975, 40 pages)
FR05 - Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous History Collection
Genealogical Register of Hans Hege & Henry Lesher (J. H., 1859, 45 pages)
A Sketch of the 126th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (1869, 87 pages)
Industrial and Commercial Resources of Pennsylvania (Historical Publishing Company, 1886, 122 pages)
Medical Society of Franklin County; Its History, and Sketches of Early Practitioners of the County (John Montgomery, 1892, 59 pages)
The Kittochtinny Magazine, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4 (G. O.Seilhamer, 1905, 438 pages)
International Magazine of Industry. Reviewing the Development of the Cumberland Valley (Charles M. Nichols Editor, 1913, 76 pages)
Thirty-First Year Book - The Children's Aid Society - Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Children's Aid Society, 1915, 44 pages)
Souvenir Program - 87th Annual Session Grand Encampment I.O.O.F. (1916, 68 pages)
Franklin County Welcome Home Celebration [WWI] (1919, 8 pages)
Third Annual Scholastic and Athletic Field Day Meet of Franklin County (Anonymous, 1927, 76 pages)
Fouth Annual Scholastic and Athletic Field Day Meet of Franklin County (Anonymous, 1928, 84 pages)
Medical Men of Franklin County, 1750-1925 (Ambrose Watts Thrush, 1928, 426 pages)
The Burial Places of Mercersburg's Sons From Meaux to Compiegne (Daniel Heefner, 1931, 56 pages)
Franklin County School Annual 1834-35 (1934, 104 pages)
American Revolutionary Soldiers of Franklin County Pennsylvania (Virginia Shannon Fendrick, 1944, 293 pages)
The History of an Idea A Brief Sketch of Wilson College (The Board of Trustees, 1945, 21 pages)
General Marshall's Victory Report [Chambersburg] (U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 163 pages)
General Marshall's Victory Report [Greencastle] (U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 144 pages)
King Street School Centennial 1857-1957 (Various Contributors, 1957, 56 pages)
FR06 - Maps Atlases & Images Collection
1858 Map of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Surveys by D. H. Davison, Published by Riley & Hoffman, Color)
1868 Atlas of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Pomeroy & Beers, 22 pages, B/W)
Birds-eye Town Views
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (1894, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
FR07 - Directory Collection (1860-1909)
Boyd's Business Directory of the Counties of Adams, Bucks, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Franklin, Lancaster, Montgomery and York, PA. together with a General Directory of all the Inhabitants of Harrisburg 1860 (William H. Boyd, 1860, 326 pages)
Directory of Harrisburg and towns on the Cumberland Valley Railroad for 1869 (Seltzer & Thome, 1869, 376 pages)
Boyd's Chambersburg, Carlisle and Hagerstown Directory 1882-1883 (W. Harry Boyd, 1882, 322 pages)
Sheriff & Taylor's Chambersburg and Hagerstown Directory including Waynesboro, for 1884-5 (Mail Job Print, 1884, 264 pages)
Boyd's General Directory of Chambersburg - 1887 (W. Harry Boyd, 1887, 73 pages)
Breed Publishing Co's Directory of the Western Maryland Railroad from Baltimore to Williamsport - 1892 (Breed Publishing Co., 1892, 280 pages)
1892-93 Randall's Business Directory of Chambersburg, Carlisle, Mechanicsburg, Waynesboro, Newville, Shippensburg, Penn (John C. Randall, 1892, 98 pages)
Waynesboro Directory 1900 (N. Bruce Martin, 1900, 102 pages)
Waynesboro Directory 1905 (The Waynesboro Printing Company, 1905, 212 pages)
1907 Waynesboro Directory (The Herald, 1907, 132 pages)
1908 Directory of Waynesboro (The Herald, 1908, 152 pages)
1909 Directory of Waynesboro (The Herald, 1909, 204 pages)
1909 Repository Directory of Chambersburg, Greencastle, Mercersburg (Chas. E. Lawson, 1909, 227 pages)
Western Maryland Telephone Directory - October 1909 (Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co., 1909, 57 pages)
FR08 - Directory Collection (1913-1944)
Greencastle Borough Directory 1913 (Echo-Pilot Co., 1913, 68 pages)
Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Waynesboro and Nearby Places Telephone Directory - June 1, 1913 (Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1913, 116 pages)
Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Waynesboro and Nearby Places Telephone Directory - October 15, 1920 (Bell Telephone Co. of PA, 1920, 156 pages)
Telephone Directory - April 1922 (Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1922, 172 pages)
Telephone Directory - October 1924 (Bell Telephone Company of PA, 1924, 152 pages)
Telephone Directory - 1926 Issue (Cumberland Valley Telephone Co., 1926, 204 pages)
Polk's Waynesboro Directory 1928-29 (R. L. Polk & Co., 1927, 440 pages)
Carlisle and Nearby Points - Telephone Directory - Winter 1928 (Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, 1928, 410 pages)
Chambersburg, PA City and Rural Routes Directory 1929-1930 (Piedmont Directory Co., 1929, 366 pages)
Telephone Directory - 1940-41 Issue (United Telephone Company of PA, 1940, 154 pages)
Telephone Directory - 1941-42 Issue (United Telephone Company of PA, 1941, 158 pages)
Telephone Directory - July 1942 (United Telephone Company of PA, 1942, 162 pages)
Telephone Directory - July 1943 (United Telephone Company of PA, 1943, 166 pages)
Telephone Directory - July 1944 (United Telephone Company of PA, 1944, 138 pages)
FR09 - Directory Collection (1946-1959)
Telephone Directory of Hagerstown [& Vicinity] Summer-Fall 1946 (Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., 1946, 240 pages)
Waynesboro Pennsylvania Con Survey Directory 1947 & Supplement 1947 (Sara Mullin Baldwin, 1947, 328 pages)
Chambersburg and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - August 1948 (United Telephone Company of PA, 1948, 264 pages)
Chambersburg and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - June 1949 (United Telephone Company of PA, 1949, 276 pages)
Greencastle Directory - June 1949 (Standard Directories, 1949, 25 pages)
Waynesboro Directory - June 1949 (Standard Directories, 1949, 99 pages)
Chambersburg Pennsylvania Con Survey City Directory 1949 (Robert Morton Baldwin, 1949, 405 pages)
Waynesboro and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - June 1950 (United Telephone Company of PA, 1950, 264 pages)
Waynesboro Pennsylvania Con Survey Directory 1951 (Robert Morton Baldwin, 1951, 234 pages)
Chambersburg and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - June 1952 (United Telephone Company of PA, 1952, 328 pages)
Waynesboro and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - June 1958 (United Telephone Company of PA, 1958, 392 pages)
Waynesboro and Nearby Points Telephone Directory - June 1959 (United Telephone Company of PA, 1959, 404 pages)
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