Franklin County PA - Church History Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
A History of the German Reformed Church of
Chambersburg, PA (W. Wilson Bonnell, 1844, 61 pages)
This is an early history of this Franklin County, PA church. In addition to the historical content, there is an every-name index which was not part of the original publication.
History of the Presbyterian Church in Mercersburg, Penna
(Thomas Creigh, 1846, 38 pages)
This is an account of the beginnings and history of this Franklin County, PA church. Also included is an every-name index not originally published with the volume.
Churches of the Valley, or An Historical Sketch of the Old Presbyterian Congregations
of Cumberland and Franklin Counties in Pennsylvania (Alfred Nevin, 1852, 340 pages)
From the Preface: "The early history of the old Presbyterian Churches of Cumberland Valley is fast growing dim. Many of those in whose memories interesting facts and incidents were treasured, are now dead; and others, to whom they were trusted by tradition, are rapidly passing away. That it is desirable to have embodied in an accessible form, the recollections and records connected with the origin and progress of these venerable congregations, none, it is believed, will question, who appreciate the ties which bind them to the past, or the duty which they owe to the future. These churches, are almost the only relics of antiquity that are not to be met with in our new country, and for this reason, to say nothing of their deep religious associations besides, an effort should be made to save them from oblivion."
Churches covered:
1) Middle Spring Church, 2) Big Spring Church, 3) Church at Silver's Spring, 4) Church in Mercersburg, 5) Welsh Run Church, 6) Church at Chambersburg, 7) Church at Shippensburg, 8) Greencastle Church, 9) Rocky Spring Church, 10) Path Valley Churches, 11) Dickinson Church, 12) Church at Carlisle, and brief accounts from several others located in surrounding counties.
A Discourse Portraying the History of the Grindstone Hill EV. Lutheran Church,
in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. (D. H. Focht, 1855, 60 pages)
This is an account of the beginnings and history of this Franklin County, PA church. Also included is an every-name index not originally published with the volume. Also included is an every-name index not originally published with the volume.
A Historical Discourse Delivered in the Presbyterian Church of Green Castle, Penna.
(Rev. J. W. Wightman, 1869, 25 pages)
This is an early history of the Presbyterian Church of Greencastle, one of the early churches in Franklin County, PA.
Dedicatory Services of the Robert Kennedy Memorial Presbyterian
Church of Welsh Run, Pennsylvania (Thomas Creigh & A. S. Thorne, 1871, 47 pages)
This is a copy of a discourse given at the dedication of this church. Following this is an historical account of the Welsh Run Presbyterian Church, and extracts from the life of Robert Kennedy. Also included is an every-name index not originally published with the original.
A Historical Discourse Delivered in the The Presbyterian Church
of Greencastle, Penn'a (D. K. Richardson, 1876, 40 pages)
This publication is a record of a discourse given August 9th, 1876 as a history of this church in Franklin County, PA. Although brief, it gives a due account of the church's beginnings and growth through the years. Also included is an every-name index not originally published with the volume.
History of the Presbyterian Church of Upper West Conochocheague,
now Mercersburg, Franklin County, Penn'a. (Thomas Creigh, 1877, 103 pages)
This is a history of the Presbyterian Church of Mercersburg, Franklin County, PA. At the end of the publication is a list of communicants from 1770 to 1877.
The Church in Franklin County. Centennial Sermon by the Rev. J. D. Hunter
of the Greencastle Presbyterian Church (J. C. Seacrest, 1884, 32 pages)
This is an historical account of the Christian denominations of Franklin County, PA, including Mennonites, German Baptists, Presbyterians, Reformed Presbyterians, United Presbyterians, Lutherans, German Reformed Church, Seventh-Day German Baptists, Roman Catholics, United Brethren, Methodists, Church of God, River Brethren, Episcopalians, Life Believers and Mormons.
History of the Grindstone Hill Reformed Charge Consisting of
Grindstone Hill, Marion and Fayetteville (I. M. Beaver, 1892, 59 pages)
This is an account of the beginnings and history of this Franklin County, PA church. Also included is an every-name index not originally published with the volume.
Historical Sketch of the Second Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 1836-1904 (Anonymous, 1904, 82 pages)
This is a history of the 2nd Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chambersburg, Franklin County, PA, from 1836-1904. Along with this historical narrative, it includes photographs of several members as well as a directory of current and former members of the church. There are also several ads for local businesses throughout, and at the end is an every-name index which was not part of the original publication.
Centennial of Trinity Reformed Congregation
(Charles A. Santee, 1904, 16 pages)
This is a brief history of this church along with a program of its services for the centennial anniversary and several pictures of the church and its pastors. It also includes and every-name index which was not part of the original publication.
History and Directory of the Chambersburg Circuit
United Brethren in Christ - 1905 (Anonymous, 1905, 42 pages)
This is a history of the United Brethren congregation in the Cumberland Valley, specifically the U.B. Church at Marion, St. John's Church at Cashtown, the U.B. Church at Clay Hill, the U.B. Church at Upper Strasburg, and the U.B. Church at Orrstown. Following a historical sketch of each church, there is a directory of congregation members from each church.
The Seventy Fifth Year. A History of the Second Evangelical
Lutheran Church 1836-1911 (C. W. Heathcote, 1910, 59 pages)
This publication is a history of the formation and growth of the 2nd Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chambersburg. It includes a biography of the author, Charles William Heathcote (also a pastor at the church) as well as lists of past pastors and others who served in various positions within the congregation. Also included is an every-name index which was not part of the original publication.
Historical Sketch of Zion Reformed Church, Chambersburg, Pa. 1780-1911
(M. A. Foltz & Linn Harbaugh, 1911, 102 pages)
History of the St. Paul Reformed Church Waynesboro, Penna. 1873-1913
(Published by the Congregation, 1913, 26 pages)
This booklet is a history of this church published to commemorate its 40th anniversary. It includes historical details of the church, a list of its first members, pictures of the church and some of its leaders, etc.
History of the Presbyterian Churches of Path Valley
(D. I. Camp & Rev. J. Warren Kauffman, 1916, 118 pages)
This is a nice collection of historical information which also has genealogical value as well. It contains discussion of the history and growth of the Presbyterian churches in Path Valley, Franklin County, PA: The Upper Path Valley Presbyterian Church of Spring Run, Lower Path Valley Presbyterian Church of Fannettsburg, and Burnt Cabins Presbyterian Church. There are a number of biographies of the pastors who served these congregations and dozens of pictures of the pastors, and church buildings. A nice addition at the end is a set of marriage records by Amos A. McGinley spanning the years 1802-1855.
Pastor Biographies:
Samuel Dougall, David Denny, Amos A. McGinley, J. Smith Gordon, Thomas George Baxter, and Louis C. Wainwright
Wiliam A. West, S. C. Alexander, Thomas Dobbin, George H. Bucher, D. O. Shearer, R. D. Cowan, James A. Gordon, Warren Kaufman, D. I. Camp, David Denny, Amos A. McGinley, J. Smith Gordon, Thomas G. Baxter, Louis C. Wainwright, D. F. McCurdy
Robert Kennedy Memorial Presbyterian Church Welsh Run,
Pennsylvania 1741-1921 (James Gray Rose, 1921, 27 pages)
Historical Sketch of Snow Hill (Nunnery) 1829-1929
Emma C. Monn, 1929, 26 pages)
A History of the Grace Reformed Church, Greencastle, Pa
(J. Edward Omwake & Rev. G. Ermine Plott, 1930, 40 pages)
This is a history of the Grace Reformed Church of Greencastle, Franklin Co., PA, written for its 75th anniversary. It contains historical information, several photographs of the church and a program of the events of the anniversary. Following this is a section dedicated to biographies of past ministers.
Apple, Callender, Cort, Foulk, Heilman, Hetrick, Keiffer, Kremer, Peightel, Plott, Rahauser, Rebaugh, Scholl, Sykes, Weymer
Centennial Celebration 1837 - 1937 Methodist Episcopal
Church of Fannettsburg, Pennsylvania (Anonymous, 1937, 32 pages)
This is a brief history of the church of Fannettsburg, PA as well as an program of the events associated with the anniversary celebration. It also contains messages from and portraits of a number of former pastors of the congregation. Also included is an every-name index not originally published with the volume. Also included is an every-name index which was not part of the original publication.
The Ninetieth Anniversary - St. John’s Church 1849-1939
(Anonymous, 1939, 49 pages)
This is a brief history of St. John's Evangelical and Reformed Church of Chambersburg, PA.
Mercersburg Classis' Hundred Years 1840-1940
(Paul T. Stonesifer, 1941, 121 pages)
This is a history of the various churches of the Mercersburg Classis of the Evangelical and Reformed Church. It contains a great deal of historical details pertaining the these churches, along with pictures of many of the church buildings. There are also a number of biographies of former and present (1941) pastors of the Classis. The appendix contains some useful information as well: List of Ministers, Licentiates, Etc, List of Stated Clerks and Tresurers of Classis, Delegate Elders of Mercersburg Classis 1840-1939 (list of delegates from each church for that period)
Albert Helffenstein, Jr., Jacob Helffenstein, John Rebaugh, John G. Wolff, Moses Kieffer, Amos H. Kremer, John H. A. Bomberger, Jacob Ziegler, Benjamin S. Schneck, Wm. A. Good, Samuel R. Fisher, Jacob Mayer, William Zimmerman, Frederick A. Scholl, Christian Winebrenner
A History of Central Presbyterian Church,
Chambersburg, PA (W. L. Kinter, 1943, 49 pages)
This booklet is a 75th anniversary history of this Chambersburg Church.
An Historical Souvenir - 1843-1943 The One Hundredth Anniversary
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (Anonymous, 1943, 35 pages)
This is a brief historical account of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Fort Loudon, Peters Township.
History of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (Anonymous, 1950, 16 pages)
This is a brief history of Trinity Evan Luth Church of Rouzerville, Washington Township, Franklin County, PA.
Lemasters Charge - Evangelical United Brethren Church
1962-1963 Yearbook (Anonymous, 1962, 24 pages)
This is an account of the Lemasters Charge of the EV United Brethren Church in Edenville, Lemasters and Saint Thomas. It lists church officers, schedules, statistics of the churches, etc.
A History of the Central United Presbyterian
Church Chambersburg, 1868-1968 (Anonymous, 1968, 27 pages)
This booklet presents another brief look at the history of this church
Graveyard Directory - Zion Reformed Church, Chambersburg, PA
(Zion Reformed Church, 1975, 40 pages)
This is a set of gravestone records from the Zion Reformed Church of Chambersburg. It provides tombstone inscriptions for a number of burials in the cemetery. The end of the publication give a brief history of the church.
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