Dauphin County PA - Regional History Collection - Hershey-Middletown & Vicinity
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
Historical Sketch of Old Hanover Church With a Notice of the Church
at Conewago (Rev. Thomas H. Robinson & A. Boyd Hamilton, 1878, 56 pages)
This brief publication contains a history of this early and influential church founded in Dauphin County, PA. It contains early lists of the congregation's members and accounts of its clergy. It also contains some useful genealogical data in the form of a marriage record from 1788-1823, and baptisms from 1788-1792, contributors and members from 1787-1842, and a burial record of the Old Hanover Graveyard. The remaining 13 pages deal with the Conewago Congregation of Presbyterians in Londonderry Township, 1730-1796. It gives a brief narrative of the congregation's history and early members. It concludes with a listing of the New-Side Graveyard and the inscriptions on a few of the gravestones therein.
Conewago Centennial Celebration Church of the Sacred Heart
1787-1887 (John T. Reily, 1887, 44 pages)
This is a brief history of this early Pennsylvanian Church, located in Dauphin County. It includes some biographical matter on the men who ministered to the congregation (some are brief accounts, others are more in depth):
Biographical Notes:
Augustine Bally, Daniel B. Barber, Samuel B. Barber, Virgil Barber, Joseph Ignatius Belwalder, Theodore Bowers, F. X. Brady, Adam Britt, F. X. Brosius, M. J. Byrne, J. B. Causse, Alphonse Charlier, James Cotting, F. X. Di Maria, Simon P. Dompieri, Michael Donohue, Michael Dougherty, Patrick Duddy, Father Duncan, J. B. Emig, Father Enders, Thomas Finegan, Francis Fromm, Father Gallitzin, Luke Gelsler, Miles Gibbons, J. Alfred Gough, Joseph H. Hann, Daniel A. Haugh, Ferdinand Helias, Peter Hellbron, Joseph J. Kuhn, Matthew Lekeu, John Lilly, Thomas Lilly, Mathias Manners, Adam Marshall, Joseph Marshall, Michael McFaul, Father Miller, John B. Mullaly, Henry Myers, Michael A. Noel, F. X. O'Brien, C. Reutor, Philip M. Sacchl, Nicholas Steinbacher, James A. Stillinger, Florence J. Sullivan, Michael Tuffer, Buchard Villiger, George Villiger, Bernardin F. Wiget
Records of the Hill Lutheran Church, Derry Township,
Dauphin County, Pennsylvania (E. W. S. Parthemore, 1892, 15 pages)
This pamphlet is simply a collection of various church records: Baptisms from 1757 to 1825, and a list of those interred in the graveyard.
Historical Souvenir and Directory of the United Brethren Church,
Highspire, PA (Anonymous, 1903, 131 pages)
This is a history of the United Brethren church of Highspire from 1793 to 1903.
Middletown Ice and Flood Souvenir [3rd Edition]
(The Middletown Press, 1904, 24 pages)
This is a pictorial souvenir of an ice flood in 1904 and the damage it caused in Middletown, Dauphin County, PA.
Chronicles of Middletown (C. H. Hutchinson, 1906, 285 pages)
The full title is "Chronicles of Middletown, containing a Compilation of Facts, Biographical Sketches, Reminiscenes, Anecdotes, &c, Connected With the History of One of the Oldest Towns in Pennsylvania." This publication is a history of the establishment of the town of Middletown, and the men and women who made it grow. It covers the early settlement of the area and the difficulties the settlers had with the Indians. It contains an account of the volunteers who served in the Revolutionary War, Whiskey Insurrection, War of 1812, Mexican War and Civil War. It discusses the histories of the various churches within its boundaries, its industries, businesses, and other organizations. There are also a few biographies included of some of the founding or otherwise influential members of the town: Col. James Burd, George Frey, George Fisher, and Col. James Young.
1908-1909 Moore's Standard Directory of Middletown, Hummelstown
& Royalton, PA (S. H. Moore Company, 1908, 76 pages)
This is a resident and business directory of the towns of Middletown, Hummelstown and Royalton, Dauphin County, PA for the year 1908-1909. The directory information is listed alphabetically and includes the resident's name, occupation and street address. In many cases the name of the resident's mate is also included. There are also many ads for local businesses throughout.
Book of Memories 1767-1917 St. Peter's Lutheran Church,
Middletown (Anonymous, 1917, 154 pages)
Historical Sketch of Derry Presbyterian Church, Hershey,
Pennsylvania (Rev. R. H. Taylor, 1929, 20 pages)
This was a history of the Derry Presbyterian Church, read by the pastor, Rev. R. H. Taylor at the 205th anniversary on June 20, 1929, and later recorded in print.
175th Anniversary of Hummelstown 1762-1937
(Anniversary Committee, 1937, 104 pages)
This booklet is a program for the 175th Anniversary celebration and also a history of the town of Hummelstown from its foundation in 1762 to 1937. It is an excellent source of information specific to the area, both historical and biographical. Some of this historical information included is a copy of the original town plat, discussion of the town's early settlers, the involvement of the town in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War and World War I, along with lists of those who served. It also includes a of the history of several local churches: Zion Evangelical Lutheran, Hummelstown Reformed, First United Brethern, and Methodist Episcopal, and contained in these histories are numerous details of genealogical importance. It also discusses the American Legion Swatara Post No. 265 and its Auxiliary, Chemical Fire Co. No. 1, the town's transportation history (canals, bridges, highways), Hummelstown National Bank, Farmer's Bank, and some of the industries that located there. There are a few biographies of the towns important and influential members as well: Joseph S. Early, Valentine Hummel, Thomas G. Fox, L. Webster Fox, John E. Fox, Joseph M. Brightbill, William H. Earnest, S. C. Stecher, Cameron L. Baer, Frank D. Buser, Norman W. Cassel, and Russel S. Hummel. There are numerous photographs of the town and town's residents, and several pages of ads from local businesses.
St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Highspire, PA
(Anonymous, 1944, 191 pages)
This is a history of St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Highspire, Dauphin County, PA, from 1893-1944. It includes its historical account followed by lists of its organizations and members
Hummelstown Bi-Centennial Celebration (Anonymous, 1962, 32 pages)
This is a pictorial souvenir of the Hummelstown Bicentennial Celebration in 1962. It features photographs of the celebration events featureing many local residents.
The Ingomar Papers - Reminiscences of the Early Nineteenth Century
in a Pennsylvania Village (Hummelstown Area Historical Society, 1976, 92 pages)
This booklet is a collection of articles written on the early history of Hummelstown. It presents a unique picture of life in the 1800's and gives interesting details relavent to history and genealogy in the area.
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