Columbia County PA - County History & Biography Collection

Columbia County PA - County History & Biography Collection


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This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.

This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.

County Histories & Biographical Volumes

History and Topography of Northumberland, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Centre, Union,
Columbia, Juniata and Clinton Counties, PA. (I. D. Rupp, 1847, 567 pages)
The full title of the publication is: "History and Topography of Northumberland, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Centre, Union, Columbia, Juniata and Clinton Counties, PA. Embracing local and general events, leading incidents, descriptions of the principal boroughs, towns, villages, etc." The book begins with a general history of the territory of these counties, (which also embraced the area of Snyder and Montour Counties, formed later), including its native inhabitants, the settlement of the area, discussion of the Germans and Scotch-Irish who played a large part in settling Pennsylvania, and also the Indian troubles leading up to the Revolution. Following this attention is given to each of the counties mentioned in the title. The information provided on the counties is a description of its geological features, the formation of the county, its public improvements over the years, and descriptions on each of the county's major towns. The concluding portion of the book also contains some biographies of important men of Pennsylvania: Conrad Weiser, Count Zinzendorf, David Brainerd, David Zeisberger, Simon Snyder, John Harris, Colonel Hartley, George Croghan, Col. John Kelly, and David R. Porter.

A - Minutes of conferences held by the indians on the encroachments of the whites upon their lands, May & June of 1750.
B - Extracts from the Hallische Nachrichten describing the efforts of Neulaneders to persuade Germans to immigrate to Pennsylvania.
C - Correspondence from Shamokin (Sunbury, Northumberland County) on dealings with the Indians from 1740-1758.
D - Correspondence associated with George Croghan and his residence Aughwick (Old Town).
E - Account and correspondence regarding the imprisonment and assisted escape of Frederick Stump and John Ironcutter.
F - Account of Tedyescung, the last chief of the Delaware Indians.
G - Dr. Priestly's Case, concerning riots of the town of Birmingham, which destroyed some of his property.
H - A copy of the act to establish a University at Lewisburg (now Bucknell University).

A History of Columbia County, Pennsylvania (John G. Freeze, 1883, 583 pages)
This is one of the first historical volumes published on Columbia County, PA. It discusses the history and development of the county and its major towns of Bloomsburg, Berwick, Catawissa, and Jerseytown. It also covers aspects of the county's government, agriculture, industry, military involvement, etc.

History of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania (J. H. Battle, 1887, 899 pages)
This is the first dual-county biographical volume for Columbia and Montour Counties, PA. It contains a wealth of historical and biographical information on these counties and their citizens. Hundreds of individuals and families from the region are touched on and there are a number of portraits of these persons included.

Book of Biographies. Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of the 17th
Congressional District, Pennsylvania (Biographical Publishing Company, 1899, 680 pages)
This publication is a collection of biographies from the areas of Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, and Sullivan Counties in Pennsylvania. This information highlights many of the important men and families who helped this part of Pennsylvania to prosper over the decades. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research, and a nice addition to the other historical / biographical volumes published for this area.

Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Alexander, Angle, Arment, Armstrong, Aucker, Auten, Avery, Baker, Baldy, Barton, Beahen, Bealor, Beaver, Beck, Bedford, Bennett, Bergstresser, Betts, Bigger, Binder, Bird, Black, Bloom, Bobb, Bogardus, Boody, Botsford, Bower, Boyd, Breckel, Breece, Brennen, Brewster, Bright, Brobst, Brong, Brower, Brown, Bryfogle, Buck, Buckalew, Buddinger, Burg, Cadwallader, Cake, Camp, Campbell, Carl, Caswell, Cathcart, Catterall, Chalfant, Chester, Christian, Clement, Clifford, Colt, Conner, Cotner, Creasy, Croninger, Cruikshank, Cummings, Davenport, Davis, Dean, DeArmond, Deeter, Deininger, Derby, Dewart, Dickson, Diemer, Dillon, Diltz, Divel, Dorr, Drinker, Dunlap, Eckman, Edgar, Edwards, Elliott, Elwell, Erieg, Evans, Everett, Evert, Eves, Fagely, Faughnan, Faust, Fawcett, Ferris, Fertig, Fischer, Fisher, Fleming, Flynn, Forrester, Forry, Fosnot, Frick, Fritz, Fruit, Funk, Furmann, Gallagher, Gamble, Gansel, Gardner, Garr, Gearhart, Geisinger, Gibbons, Gilbert, Glenn, Glockler, Goeser, Golembiewski, Goodwill, Gorrey, Graham, Green, Grier, Gross, Grotz, Haas, Haley, Hall, Hamilton, Hancock, Hanion, Hannon, Harding, Harman, Harpel, Harris, Harrison, Harter, Hartman, Hartzell, Hassert, Hawley, Hazen, Heim, Heller, Hemingray, Hemingway, Hempsted, Hennessy, Herr, Herring, Higbee, Higgins, Hill, Hinckley, Hoffman, Hollenback, Hollister, Holloway, Holmes, Hoover, Horn, Houck, Howells, Huber, Hubler, Huckell, Hugo, Hull, Jefferson, John, Johnson, Jury, Karns, Kase, Kashner, Kay, Kearney, Keefer, Keim, Keiser, Kennedy, Kiefer, Kimble, Kitchen, Kliem, Kline, Knapp, Knight, Koch, Kocher, Kohlbraker, Konstankiewicz, Kopp, Kreamer, Kremer, Kreitzer, Krickbaum, Kulp, Kurtz, Laird, Lancaster, Laubauch, Lay, Leader, Leisering, Lesher, Lewis, Lilley, Little, Logan, Lonshore, Lorenz, Lotier, Low, Lowry, Luckenbill, Ludy, Magargel, Markle, Mason, Mauser, May, McBride, McCarthy, McCleery, McEliece, McElwee, McFarlane, McHenry,McKamey, McKillip, McWilliams, Mears, Meek, Mercer, Merithew, Meuwese, Meylert, Miller, Misicki, Momley, Monroe, Montelius, Montgomery, Moody, Moore, Morehead, Morton, Mowrey, Mullen, Myers, Newbaker, Newman, Norton, Oram, Osler, Ostrander, Packer, Pardoe, Paules, Pealer, Pensyl, Peterman, Phillips, Plumstead, Polk, Price, Priestly, Purcell, Purman, Quick, Quirk, Rabb, Raessler, Raker, Ramsey, Randall, Ratti, Raup, Reber, Rebman, Redeker, Reed, Reese, Reichert, Reimard, Rhawn, Richard, Richardson, Riehl, Robbins, Robertson, Robison, Rockefeller, Rogers, Rohrbach, Rothrock, Ryon, Rutter, Sands, Sanger, Savage, Savidge, Schaffer, Schill, Schlief, Schmick, Schneder, Schoener, Seely, Seibert, Seiler, Shannon, Sharpless, Sharretts, Shay, Shew, Shindel, Shipman, Shultz, shuman, Sidler, Slate, Small, Smink, Smith, Snyder, Sollenberger, Sowers, Stager, Starr, Staver, Stearns, Sterling, Stroh, Stroup, Sult, Supplee, Sweisfort, Swenk, Taggart, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Van Dyke, Vannan, Vastine, Vincent, Visick, Wallize, Walter, Walton, Watkins, Webster, Weicksel, Wells, Welsh, Wendling, Werkheiser, West, White, Whitley, Wiest, Wilcox, Williams, Willits, Wilson, Wolverton, Woodin, Wragg, Yost, Young, Zimmeman, Zuern

Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania
(J. H. Beers & Co., 1915, 1392 pages)
This publication is an extensive historical and biographical volume for both Columbia and Montour Counties. The information is separated by county, and begins with a general discussion of the county's history and development. The information then proceeds to focus more narrowly on each township and borough, citing it's early settlers and their contribution to its growth as well as details about it's makeup. The biographical sections are the major portion of this publication, comprising almost 1000 pages. The hundreds of biographies outline the histories and genealogies of many of the areas prominent men and families. There are also a number of portraits of these men and a few engravings of some of the important buildings of the area.

Surnames Indexed:
Abrams, Achy, Acor, Adams, Ahlers, Aikman, Albeck, Albertson, Alexander, Alleger, Altmiller, Amerman, Amesbury, Ammerman, Andy, Angell, Angle, Anthony, Appleman, Armes, Armstrong, Arnhold, Artley, Artman, Ash, Aten, Auten, Averill, Baker, Baldy, Bare, Barger, Barkley, Barnard, Barton, Bates, Baucher, Bauman, Beach, Beaver, Beck, Belles, Berninger, Beyer, Bibby, Biddle, Billheimer, Billig, Billmeyer, Bird, Bitler, Bittner, Black, Blank, Blee, Bloss, Blue, Bogart, Bombly, Boody, Boone, Boudman, Bower, Bowman, Boyd, Boyles, Brannen, Bredbenner, Berisch, Brewington, Brien, Bright, Brink, Britt, Brittain, Brobst, Brockway, Brower, Brown, Bruder, Brugler, Bruner, Brunner, Brunstetter, Bryan, Bucci, Bucher, Buck, Buckalew, Buckingham, Burhard, Burkey, Bush, Butler, Butt, Cadman, Campbell, Canouse, Carrathers, Carse, Catterall, Chalfant, Chamberlain, Chapman, Cherrington, Childs, Chrisman, Clapp, Clark, Clay, Clayton, Cleaver, Clewell, Cloud, Cohen, Coira, Cole, Colley, Comly, Conner, Conyngham, Cook, Cooper, Cornelison, Cotner, Crawford, Creasy, Creveling, Crispell, Crispin, Croop, Crossley, Culp, Cummings, Currin, Curry, Daniel, Davenport, Davis, Dean, Deen, Deily, Deitrick, Delanty, Delay, DeLong, De Mott, Dengler, Dentler, Depew, Derr, Deutsch, Dewald, DeWitt, Dice, Dickson, Dieffenbach, Dieffenbacher, Diehl, Dietrich, Dietterick, Dietz, Dildine, Dillon, Dirk, Divel, Dixon, Doan, Dodson, Donnel, Doster, Dreibelbis, Dreisbach, Drinker, Duggan, Dutt, Duy, East, Eaton, Eck, Eckman, Eckroth, Edgar, Edmondson, Edwards, Eisenhauer, Elliott, Ellis, Elmes, Elwell, Emmet, Emmett, Ent, Enterline, Ervin, Eshleman, Evans, Everett, Evert, Eves, Eyer, Fahringer, Fairchild, Fallon, Farley, Farver, Faus, Faust, Fedorco, Fegley, Fenstemaker, Fenstermacher, Fergerson, Ferris, Fetterman, Field, Fielding, Fiester, Fifield, Finigan, Finney, Fisher, Fister, Fleckenstine, Flick, Forney, Fornwald, Fortner, Foster, Foulk, Foust, Fowler, Fox, Frank, Frazer, Frazier, Freas, Freeze, Frey, Frick, Fritz, Fry, Funk, Furman, Furry, Gaertner, Galbraith, Gallagher, Garrett, Garrison, Gaskins, Gearhart, Geisinger, George, Gernert, Gibson, Giger, Gilbert, Gilds, Golmore, Girton, Girvan, Glenn, Gordner, Gotshall, Gotwalds, Graham, Gresh, Grier, Grotz, Grove, Grozier, Gruber, Guest, Guie, Gulics, Gulliver, Hagenbuch, Hager, Hagerman, Hall, Hancock, Harder, Harding, Haring, Harman, Harmon, Harpel, Harris, Harter, Hartline, Hartman, Hartzell, Hassert, Hauck, Haupt, Hauser, Hayden, Hayman, Heacock, Heim, Heller, Helwig, Hendershott, Hendricks, Hendrickson, Henkel, Henkelman, Henrie, Henry, Herr, Herring, Herrington, Hertz, Hess, Hetler, Hicks, Hidlay, Hildebrand, Hile, Hill, Hinckley, Hine, Hixson, Hock, Hockman, Hoffa, Hoffman, Holdren, Hollingshead, Holly, Hopkins, Hoppes, Hortman, Hosler, Houck, Housenick, Houtz, Howe, Hower, Hughes, Hull, Hunsinger, Hunt, Hyde, Hyssong, Ikeler, Iles, Irland, Ivey, Jack, Jackson, Jacobs, Jacoby, James, Jarrard, Jayne, John, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Karchner, Kase, Kaufman, Keck, Keifer, Keiner, Kelchner, Keller, Kelley, Kellogg, Kelso, Kepner, Kerswell, Kester, Kile, Kimble, Kindig, Kingsbury, Kirk, Kirkendall, Kirkham, Kisner, Kistler, Kitchen, Klase, Kline, Klinetob, Kling, Klinger, Knapp, Knecht, Knepper, Knittle, Knorr, Knouse, Kocher, Koons, Kostenbander, Kramm, Krebs, Kreischer, Kreisher, Kressler, Krumm, Kuhn, Kunkel, Kurtz, Landis, Laub, Laubach, Lazarus, Learn, Lechleitner, Lechner, Le Duc, Lee, Leffler, Legien, Lehman, Leiby, Lemon, Lenhart, Lesher, Letteer, Levan, Lewis, Lightner, Litchard, Little, Livziey, Lockard, Lockhart, Long, Longenberger, Loreman, Lormer, Lovett, Lowry, Lundy, Lutz, Lyman, Lyon, McAnall, McAuley, McBride, McClure, McCollum, McConnell, McCormick, McHenry, McKillip, McMahan, McMichael, McNeal, McVicker, McWilliams, MacCrea, MacDonald, MacIntyre, Madden, Magill, Magreevy, Mallery, Manning, Mansfield, Markle, Marks, Marr, Martin, Martz, Masteller, Masters, Maus, Mauser, Melick, Mensch, Meredith, Mericle, Merkel, Messersmith, Michael, Milheim, Millard, Miller, Mills, Milnes, Molyneaux, Monroe, Montgomery, Moomey, Moore, Mordan, Morgan, Moser, Mourer, Mowery, Mowrer, Mowrey, Munson, Murray, Murry, Musselman, Myerley, Myers, Newbaker, Newman, Neyhard, Noss, Nuss, Oglesby, Ohl, Oliver, Oman, Orth, Oswald, Owen, Oxley, Oyster, Paden, Parker, Patrick, Patten, Patterson, Paules, Peckham, Pentz, Peters, Petrikin, Petrovits, Petty, Pfahler, Phillips, Ploch, Poe, Pohe, Polk, Pollock, Price, Purpur, Pursel, Pursell, Quick, Quigg, Rae, Randall, Rank, Raseley, Raup, Reagan, Rebman, Reed, Reedy, Reese, Reifsnyder, Reiter, Remley, Reynolds, Rhawn, Rhinard, Rhoads, Rhodes, Richard, Richardson, Richie, Ricketts, Rider, Rinard, Ringrose, Rishel, Rittenhouse, Ritter, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Robison, Rockefeller, Rodenhoffer, Roderick, Rogers, Rohrbach, Rook, Rote, Roup, Rowe, Ruch, Ruhl, Runyan, Rupert, Russell, Rutter, Ryan, Salmon, Sandel, Sands, Savage, Savidge, Scarlet, Schlee, Schott, Schram, Schultz, Schweppenheiser, Sechler, Seely, Seidel, Seiple, Seybert, Shaffer, Shambach, Shannon, Sharpless, Shelhart, Sheriff, Sherman, Shew, Shires, Shive, Shoemaker, Shoop, Shreeve, Shugars, Shultz, Shuman, Sidler, Simington, Sitler, Smack, Smethers, Smith, Smithers, Snyder, Sober, Sones, Sponenberg, Stackhouse, Startzel, Stees, Steinman, Sterner, Stifnagle, Stiles, Still, Stine, Stock, Stone, Stout, Strawbridge, Stuart, Styer, Sult, Suplee, Sutliff, Swank, Swentek, Sweppenheiser, Taylor, Teple, Tewksbury, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Tilley, Tooey, Tooley, Townsend, Traugh, Trego, Trescott, Trowbridge, Trumbower, Tubbs, Turner, Umstead, Unangst, Updegraff, Utt, Van Alen, Van Campen, Vanderslice, Van Fossen, Van Horn, Vannan, Van Natta, Vastine, Vincent, Voris, Vought, Wagenseller, Wagner, Walker, Waller, Walp, Walter, Walton, Waters, Watson, Watters, Watts, Weikert, Weller, Welliver, Wells, Welsh, Wenner, Wertman, West, Whalen, Wheeler, White, Whitemire, Wigfall, Willliams, Willits, Wilson, Wintersteen, Witman, Wolf, Woodin, Woodward, Wyatt, Yagel, Yerrick, Yetter, Yocum, Yorks, Yost, Young, Youngman, Zarr, Zehnder, Zehner, Zerbe

Town, Township & Regional Histories

Souvenir Book of Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania (The Columbian Printing Office, 1901, 86 pages)
This is a souvenir of the city of Bloomsburg, Columbia County, PA, published just after the turn of the 20th century. It begins with a brief description of the city, followed by over 80 photographs of buildings and locations in and around the area.

Souvenir Book of Bloomsburg, Penn'a. and Vicinity (Anonymous, ~1900-1910, 60 pages)
This is a souvenir of the city of Bloomsburg, Columbia County, PA, published just after the turn of the 20th century. It begins with a brief description of the city, followed by over 50 photographs of many buildings and locations in and around the city.

The Story of Berwick 1786-1936 (Berwick Sesquicentennial Committee, 1936, 104 pages)
From the Foreword: "The Story of Berwick, the major contribution of the Historical Committee of the Berwick Sesquicentennial Celebration to the people of Berwick and to those who have interests in this progressive community, is designed to offer what is believed to be the most permanent record of the general development of the town from its founding by Evan Owen in 1786 to the present time. It was with this view in mind that those in charge of the book selected materials which will meet the tests of time and usage. While time and space prevented an elaborate and inclusive composition, the material which finally did go into the pages of this little book is probably reflective of Berwick's past and present, and it is the sincerest hope of the Historical Committee and the general Sesquicentennial Committee that it will remain as a permanent record and a cherished souvenir." The publication contains a program of the events associated with the sesquicentennial celebration, a history of the town and its growth, along with many historical details of interest. Also included are numerous photographs of the town and its citizens.

Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous Histories

Historical Discourse - Presbyterian Church, Bloomsburg, PA
(David J. Waller, 1876, 49 pages)

Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Northern] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 125 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout north, central and western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.

Montour County
-- From Danville: -- Danville Stove and Manufacturing Company, Danville Nail and Manufacturing Company, Gosh's Centennial Drug Store, J. H. Johnson, Lew Woods, City Hotel, Wm. H. Ammerman & Co., First National Bank, Danville Marble and Granite Works, J. & C. Bausch, Derr & Lunger, John Jacobs, John Sperring, S. F. Ricketts' Famous Hat Store, E. Thompson, M. L. Fisher, W. L. Gouger, William J. Thomas, Globe Dry-goods Warehouse, S. Bailey & Co., David Shelhart, Samuel Henri, William Keiner, Gomer Thomas, G. B. Brown, B. A. Childs, Enterprise Foundry and Machine Works, G. W. Askins & Son.

Dedication - St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Bloomsburg (1925, 18 pages)
This booklet was published for the dedication of the new church building in 1925. It contains an outline of the church services, description of the church and a brief account of its history. It also contains a list of articles donated to the church by various members.

In Memory of Our Honored Dead – Souvenir Program
(Honor Degree of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1947, 117 pages)
This booklet was published as an honorary souvenir of the men and women of Columbia, Northumberland & Montour Counties, PA who died in the course of World War II. It covers numerous individuals from each branch of the military and includes a portrait, a listing of where they lived, when they entered service and where and when they died. This is an excellent resource for research on these counties of Pennsylvania or WWII.

Flood Pennsylvania - 1972 (Timothy E. Euker, David Berner, 1972, 68 pages)
This pictorial souvenir highlights the damge done from Hurricane / Tropical storm Agnes in 1972. It includes some photographs of areas in Columbia County.

Maps Atlases & Images

Maps & Atlases (*** Not text searchable ***)
1860 Cumming's Map of Columbia and Montour Counties Penna (G. M. Hopkins & J. A. J. Cummings, Color)
1876 Atlas of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania (F. W. Beers & Co., 62 pages, B/W)

Birds-eye Town Views (*** Not text searchable ***)
Berwick, Pennsylvania (1884, O. H. Bailey & Co.)

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