Clearfield County PA - County, Regional, Miscellaneous History & Maps Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
County Histories & Biographical Volumes
Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania
Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson & Clarion (J. H. Beers & Co., 1898, 2236 pages)
This publication is an extensive biographical volume for four Central Pennsylvania counties: Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson, and Clarion. It contains hundreds of biographies of prominent citizens and families from this region of PA. Also included are numerous portraits of the sketch subjects.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Aharrah, Ake, Albert, Alexander, Allbaugh, Alleman, Allio, Allison, Allport, Ament, Ames, Amon, Amsler, Anderson, Andrews, Antes, Anthony, Ard, Armagost, Armstrong, Arney, Arnold, Arthurs, Ashbaugh, Askey, Atherton, Babcock, Bailey, Bair, Bairfoot, Baker, Ball, Bangert, Barclay, Barger, Barnes, Barnett, Barnhart, Barr, Barrett, Barry, Bateson, Baughman, Baur, Beach, Beals, Beam, Beatty, Beaver, Bechdel, Beck, Beecher, Beeman, Beer, Beerly, Beers, Behrer, Beirly, Bell, Benn, Bennett, Bennis, Berlin, Beyer, Bierly, Bish, Bitner, Bittenbender, Black, Blair, Blanchard, Bloom, Blose, Boal, Boggs, Boner, Bonnett, Bonsall, Boob, Booher, Booth, Borst, Bostaph, Bower, Bowers, Bowersox, Bowman, Bowser, Boyd, Boyle, Brady, Braniff, Braucht, Brenneman, Breon, Breth, Brewer, Bricker, Briel, Bright, Brinker, Britt, Broadhead, Brockbank, Brockway, Brooks, Brown, Brubaker, Brugger, Brumgard, Brunbaugh, Brungart, Bryner, Bucher, Buckhout, Budinger, Buffington, Bumiller, Burchfield, Burd, Burge, Burgwin, Burkert, Burkett, Burkholder, Burns, Burnside, Burrell, Burrows, Bush, Bussert, Butler, Butterfield, Butz, Buzard, Caldwell, Callen, Cameron, Campbell, Campman, Canfield, Canning, Carey, Carlin, Carlisle, Carpenter, Carrier, Carver, Cathcart, Cathers, Chandler, Charles, Chase, Christ, Clark, Clawson, Cleaver, Clemson, Close, Clover, Coburn, Cochran, Cole, Collner, Colyer, Comly, Conaway, Condo, Confair, Confer, Conklin, Conley, Conrad, Conser, Conver, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copelin, Corbett, Corl, Couch, Coudriet, Courter, Cowan, Cowder, Cowen, Cox, Craig, Craven, Crawford, Cribbs, Crichton, Crick, Crider, Crisman, Croasman, Crouse, Crow, Crum, Crust, Culbert, Cummings, Cunningham, Curley, Currier, Curry, Curtin, Curtis, Cyphert, Dale, Daley, Daly, Dauberman, Daup, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Davison, Dean, Decker, Deemer, Degnan, Deible, Deibler, Deininger, Deitrich, Delarm, Delehunt, DeLong, Denlinger, Denniston, Deshler, Desmond, Dewitt, Dickey, Dietrich, Dillen, Dillman, Dimeling, Dinsmore, Dittman, Ditty, Ditz, Divins, Dixon, Doak, Dorworth, Doughman, Douglas, Downing, Downs, Dressler, Dubbs, Dunham, Dunlap, Dunlop, Durst, Dush, Duve, Dyer, Eaker, Earley, Eberts, Eby, Eddy, Edelblute, Edinger, Edwards, Ehler, Ehrenfeld, Eicke, Eiler, Elder, Elkin, Elliott, Emerick, Emigh, Erdice, Erich, Ertel, Estes, Etters, Etzweiler, Evans, Fackiner, Fairlamb, Fairman, Farnsworth, Farwell, Fasenmyer, Faulkner, Felt, Ferguson, Ferman, Fetterolf, Fetters, Fiedler, Fillman, Finefrock, Fink, Fiscus, Fishburn, Fisher, Fitzsimons, Flegal, Flick, Flisher, Flood, Folk, Folmer, Forcey, Fortney, Foster, Foust, Fowler, Fox, Frain, Frampton, Frank, Frantz, Frazier, Free, Freeman, French, Fry, Fryberger, Fryer, Fugate, Fulkerson, Fuller, Fulton, Furey, Furst, Fye, Gahagen, Galaher, Galentine, Gallagher, Galaher, Ganoe, Gardner, Garman, Garner, Garrison, Garthoff, Gates, Gathers, Gearhart, Geary, Geisler, Geist, Gephart, Ghaner, Gibson, Giles, Gill, Gilliland, Gilman, Gilmore, Gingery, Glace, Glasgow, Glenn, Glosner, Goheen, Goodlander, Goodyear, Goon, Gordon, Goss, Gould, Gourley, Gowland, Graham, Gramley, Gramly, Grant, Gray, Green, Greene, Greer, Gregg, Grimm, Grove, Grube, Guiswite, Gummo, Gunsallus, Guss, Gwinn, Haag, Hackman, Hafer, Haines, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hamlin, Hamm, Hancock, Hand, Hanst, Harding, Harley, Harman, Harnish, Harper, Harpster, Harriger, Harris, Harshberger, Harter, Hartman, Hartshorn, Hartswick, Hartzfeld, Harvey, Haskell, Hassenplug, Hastings, Hauck, Haven, Hay, Hayes, Haynes, Heaton, Hebel, Heckendorn, Hedding, Hefren, Hegarty, Heidrick, Heim, Henderson, Henery, Henneich, Henneman, Hennigh, Hensal, Hensyl, Hepburn, Hepler, Hersh, Hertlein, Hess, Hetrick, Heverly, Hewitt, Hile, Hill, Hillibish, Himes, Hindman, Hinkson, Hinton, Hitchings, Hoch, Hockenberry, Hoffe, Holden, Holmes, Holt, Holter, Hoon, Hoop, Hoover, Hopkins, Horm, Horning, Horton, Hosterman, Howe, Hoy, Hoyt, Hubler, Hudson, Huefner, Huey, Hughes, Hugus, Humbert, Humes, Hummel, Hunt, Hunter, Hurd, Huston, Hutchison, Hutton, Ickes, Imhoff, Irvin, Irwin, Isenberg, Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jenkins, Jenks, Jimeson, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Jose, Jury, Justice, Keefer, Keel, Keen, Keichline, Keller, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kephart, Kepler, Kerl, Kerlin, Kersteter, Kessinger, Kester, Keys, Kiehl, Kinch, King, Kipp, Kirk, Kirker, Kiser, Kissinger, Kister, Kline, Knapp, Knarr, Knepp, Knight, Knoerr, Kohler, Kooser, Korb, Korman, Kornman, Kramer, Krape, Kreamer, Kreider, Kribbs, Kritzer, Kroh, Krumrine, Kunes, Kuntz, Kyler, Lambert, Lamison, Lang, Lansberry, Lanbery, Lauck, Laughlin, Laurie, Lauth, Lawson, Leathers, Leconte, Lee, Leech, Leonard, Lewis, Leyman, Liddle, Liggetts, Lightner, Limbert, Lines, Lingle, Linn, Lippart, Litz, Livergood, Livermore, Livingood, Livingston, Lockhart, Logan, Logue, Loll, London, Long, Loose, Lorain, Love, Lowry, Loyd, Lucas, Lukens, Luther, Lutz, Lytle, McAllister, McAnninch, McAninch, McAuley, McBride, McCall, McCanna, McClain, McClatchey, McClelland, McClintock, McCloskey, McClure, McComb, McConnell, McCoy, McCracken, McCreight, McCullough, McCully, McCune, McCurdy, McDonald, McDowel, McDowell, McEwen, McFadden, McFarlane, McGarey, McGarvey, McGee, McGinnis, McGirk, McGivney, McGowan, McGregor, McGuire, McIntire, McIntosh, McIntyre, McKee, McKeehan, McKelvey, McKinney, McKinstry, McKnight, McLain, McLaine, McLanahan, McLaughlin, McMahon, McMeen, McMunagle, McMurray, McNaul, McNeel, McNutt, McPherson, McQuown, Maginnis, Maguire, Mahaffey, Mahle, Maines, Maize, Mallory, Malone, Mann, Mapes, Mark, Marsh, Martin, Martz, Maater, Mathews, Matson, Mattern, Matteson, Maxwell, Mayer, Mays, Meagher, Meals, Means, Meek, Meeker, Mendenhall, Merrill, Merritt, Merryman, Metzger, Meyer, Michael, Mignot, Miles, Miller, Millin, Milliren, Milliron, Miltenberger, Minds, Mingle, Minns, Mitchell, Mohney, Mong, Montgomery, Mooney, Moore, Moorhead, Moose, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Mosebarger, Mosser, Motz, Mulhollan, Mullen, Mumper, Murdoch, Murphy, Murray, Musser, Muth, Myers, Neale, Nearhoof, Neel, Neely, Neese, Neff, Neidig, Neil, Nelson, newbauer, Newcome, Nichols, Niel, Nixon, Noerr, Noll, Norris, North, Norton, Null, Nulph, Oaks, O'Bryan, Ochener, Odenkirk, O'Donnel, Ogden, Olson, Orcutt, Orndorf, Orner, Orr, Orvis, Osman, Oswald, Owens, Packer, Painter, Palen, Palmer, Pannebaker, Pantall, Pardonner, Park, Parks, Parr, Parsons, Passmore, Patchen, Patchin, Patton, Paxton, Peace, Pealer, Peck, Pentz, Peters, Peterson, Petrikin, Philippi, Phillips, Phipps, Pickens, Pidgeon, Pie, Pifer, Pinogel, Platt, Pletcher, Plyler, Plympton, Pollard, Poole, Poorman, Porter, Postlethwait, Potter, Poulsen, Powers, Preston, Price, Pringle, Prowell, Purnell, Pusey, Quinn, Radaker, Raferty, Rairigh, Raison, Ralston, Rankin, Raymond, Rea, Read, Ream, Reams, Rearick, Reber, Redelin, Redfern, Reece, Reed, Reeder, Reese, Reeser, Reiber, Reicherd, Reid, Reifsnyder, Reigard, Reiter, Reitz, Rerick, Reynolds, Rhinesmith, Rhoades, Rhoads, Rhone, Richards, Richter, Ricketts, Riddle, Rider, Rimer, Rinehart, Ripley, Rishel, Ritts, Robenold, Robinson, Rockey, Roop, Root, Rose, Rosenbaum, Rosenkarns, Ross, Rossman, Rote, Roush, Rowe, Rowland, Rowles, Royer, Rudolph, Ruhl, Rulofson, Russell, Rutherford, Rutter, Sandrock, Sandt, Sankey, Sansom, Savage, Schell, Schmader, Schmeltzer, Schoch, Schofield, Schoonover, Schrecengost, Schrubb, Schucker, Schuckers, Scott, Seeley, Semple, Seth, Seyler, Shafer, Shaffer, Shaffner, Shanafelt, Shaner, Shannon, Sharrow, Shaw, Shawkey, Sheeser, Sheesley, Shell, Shick, Shields, Shimel, Shindledecker, Shippen, Shirey, Shiry, Shivery, Shoemaker, Shoff, Shortlidge, Shotts, Shott, Shoup, Showalter, Shrum, Shuey, Shugert, Shultz, Sieverding, Silvis, Simler, Simpson, Singer, Sipler, Slaugenhaupt, Slicker, Sloan, Sloughenhaupt, Smathers, Smeal, Smeyers, Smiley, Smith, Snyder, Sommerville, Spackman, Spangle, Spangler, Spanogle, Speer, Spencer, Spicher, Spigelmyer, Sprague, St. Clair, Stahl, Stahlman, Stapf, Startzel, Startzell, States, Stear, Steel, Steele, Steffy, Stephenson, Stewart, Stiles, Stine, Stitzer, Stiver, Stockdill, Stockham, Stoke, Stone, Stones, Stoner, Stonerod, Stover, Straw, Strohm, Stronach, Strouse, Stuart, Stump, Summerville, Sutter, Swab, Swartz, Swires, Swope, Sykes, Taylor, Teagarden, Temple, Thomas, Thompson, Thorp, Tice, Tipton, Tobias, Todd, Tonkin, Toole, Toomey, Tozier, Trimble, Troxel, Truman, Truxal, Turner, Tuten, Twitmire, Twitmyer, Tyler, Ulrich, Underwood, Uren, Uzzell, Valentine, Vanleer, Van Pelt, Vansice, Van Tassel, Van Valzah, Van Woert, Varner, Vogle, Vonada, Vosburg, Vowinckel, Vroman, Wachob, Waddle, Wagner, Waite, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Walter, Walters, Walton, Waltz, Wanner, Ward, Warfel, Waring, Warner, Warren, Washburn, Wate, Waterworth, Watson, Watts, Way, Wayland, Wayne, Weaver, Weber, Wellman, Wells, Weston, Westover, Wetzel, Wheatcroft, Wheelock, White, Whitehead, Whitehill, Whiteleather, Whiteside, Whitling, Whittier, Wick, Wickersham, Widemire, Wiest, Wiley, Wiklins, Will, Williams, Wilson, Wing, Wingar, Wingert, Winter, Wireback, Wirt, Wise, Witherow, Witherrite, Wolf, Wolfe, Womelsdorf, Wonderling, Wood, Woods, Woodring, Woodward, Worts, Wray, Wright, Wriglesworth, Wrigley, Wynn, Yarnell, Yeaney, Yearick, Yoder, Yohe, Youkers, Young, Younman, Zartman, Zeigler, Zietler, Zerby, Ziegler, Zimmerman, Zufall
Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania
(W. J. McKnight, 1905, 719 pages)
The Full title is: "A Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Embracing the Counties of Tioga, Potter, McKean, Warren, Crawford, Venango, Forest, Clarion, Elk, Jefferson, Cameron, Butler, Lawrence, and Mercer, Also A Pioneer Sketch of the Cities of Allegheny, Beaver, Du Bois, and Towanda" This publication is a historical account of the early beginnings of several counties in Northwestern PA. The information is more focused on historical details than biographical, but it still contains a great deal of information useful for historical or genealogical research.
Twentieth Century History of Clearfield County Pennsylvania
and Representative Citizens (Roland D. Swoope, Jr., 1911, 949 pages)
This is a historical and biographical history of Clearfield County, PA. The first half deals the the history of the county, covering such topics as the County's settlement and organization, its military history, and an account of its industries, professions, and businesses. It also contains a brief sketch of the County's townships and boroughs. The second part is biographical in nature, providing sketches of hundreds of the prominent and influential members of the county.
Surnames Indexed:
Adamson, Addleman, Ake, Alexander, Ardary, Arnold, Aughenbaugh, Bailey, Ball, Barnett, Baummer, Beatty, Beauseigneur, Beish, Bell, Bellis, Bensinger, Betts, Beyer, Bickford, Bigler, Billotte, Bird, Blakeslee, Blandy, Bloom, Boag, Boal, Bonsall, Boone, Borst, Bouch, Boulton, Bowman, Boyce, Boyle, Bressler, Breth, Briel, Brothers, Brown, Bryan, Buterbaugh, Byers, Caldwell, Calkins, Campbell, Campman, Carr, Casey, Cathcart, Chapman, Chase, Chick, Clary, Cole, Coleman, Collins, Conley, Conner, Cooker, Copelin, Cornely, Corp, Coudriet, Cowder, Cowen, Cox, Craig, Croyl, Curry, Dale, Darr, Davidson, Davis, Davison, DeHaas, Denling, Densham, Derminer, Derrick, Dewalt, Diehl, Diem, Dietz, Doherty, Doll, Dotts, Draucher, DuBois, Dunlap, Dyer, Echard, Edlund, Edwards, Eisenman, Elliott, Erhard, Estricher, Evans, Fargo, Fawcett, Fennell, Ferguson, Fielding, Finsthwait, Flegal, Forsyth, Foulke, Fowler, Frendberg, Fry, Fulford, Fulton, Gaffey, Gallagher, Gallaher, Gatehouse, Gearhart, George, Gill, Gilliland, Gilmartin, Gingery, Ginter, Gleason, Glenn, Goff, Gordon, Gorman, Goss, Gould, Graham, Grattan, Green, Griffith, Groff, Grove, Guinzburg, Haag, Hagerty, Hahne, Halfpenney, Harber, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hartshorn, Hartswick, Hay, Heberling, Hegarty, Helper, Heisel, Henderson, Henry, Hensal, Hepburn, Herron, Hertlein, Hess, Hibner, Hickman, Higgins, Hile, Hileman, Hiller, Hilliar, Hilling, Holden, Holt, Hoover, Horning, Horton, Hosler, Houst, Howe, Hoyt, Hughes, Hullihen, Humphreys, Hunter, Hurd, Hutchinson, Hutton, Ifert, Imhof, Impson, Ireland, Irwin, Jackson, Jacobson, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jury, Kantz, Kasten, Keen, Kelley, Kelly, Kephart, Kester, King, Kinney, Kinports, Kirk, Klare, Kleinginna, Kline, Knarr, Knepp, Kohler, Kopp, Krach, Kramer, Kratzer, Kresge, Kunjawa, Kuntz, Kyler, Laing, Lamont, Langsford, Lansberry, Larock, Leafgren, Leavy, Lee, Leib, Leipold, Leonard, Lewis, Liddle, Lightner, Littler, Liveright, Lixfield, Long, Lott, Loughhead, Lowell, Lukehart, Lumadee, Luther, Luzier, Lyons, Lytle, MacMinn, Magee, Mahaffey, Maines, Mapes, Mattern, Matthews, Maurer, Maxwell, McCamley, McCardell, McClelland, McClure, McCracken, McCreery, McCrossin, McCully, McCurdy, McDermott, McDonald, McDowell, McEnally, McFarlane, McGarvey, McGee, McGonigal, McGrath, McIntosh, McKeage, McKeehen, McLarren, McMullen, McMurray, mcQuillen, McQuown, Means, Meas, Meckley, Menzie, Merris, Merritt, Miller, Mills, Milson, MInns, Mitchell, Moore, Montgomery, Moore, Morrow, Mossop, Mott, Moulthrop, Mountz, Moyer, Muirhead, Murray, Neeper, Neff, Nelson, Newcomb, Newcomer, Norris, Notter, Nowry, Oaks, O'Conner, O'Laughlin, Olson, Owens, Park, Passmore, Patchin, Paterson, Patterson, Patrick, Patton, Penepacker, Pentz, Peters, Peterson, Phillips, Pifer, Pilkington, Piper, Planten, Pollum, Porter, Potter, Powell, Pritchard, Purnell, Radebaugh, Rafferty, Ranch, Rea, Read, Reams, Redding, Reed, Reese, Reidy, Reiley, Reiter, Renaud, Ribling, Richards, Richner, Robacker, Robbins, Robison, Roessner, Ross, Rousey, Rowles, Rudolph, Rumberger, Rusnak, Sancroft, Sankey, Sceurman, Schmitt, Schnars, Schryver, Schultz, Schwer, Scofield, Scollins, Seyler, Shadeck, Shafer, Shaw, Shepherd, Shimel, Shoff, Shugart, Slaughenhoupt, Sloppy, Smail, Smathers, Smeal, Smith, Smyers, Sneddon, Snyder, Sommerville, Soulsby, Spackman, Spencer, Stagner, Stanley, Stauffer, Steinkerchner, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stone, Stott, Straw, Strickland, Sullivan, Sunderland, Sweeney, Swoope, Tate, Telford, Thompson, Thomson, Thorp, Tobias, Todd, Tonkin, Torrence, Towns, Tozer, Turner, Turley, Tyler, Urey, Van Tassel, Vesser, Viebahn, Wachob, Wagner, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Walls, Ward, Waring, Waterworth, Watson, Way, Weaver, Weber, Webster, Welch, Welty, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Wingert, Wink, Wise, Womer, Wood, Woods, Woodside, Woodward, Woolridge, Work, Wyre, Wynn, Yeaney, Yingling, Young, Zeigler
Clearfield County Pennsylvania - Present and Past
(Thomas Lincoln Wall, 1925, 309 pages)
From the Preface: "This book was written primarily for use in schools, but there have been so many requests for its publication in a library edition that the author has ventured to comply, for if "men are but children of a larger growth" it is hoped that the grown-ups may find interest and profit in the same work. Often those scenes and activities that are in our immediate vicinity and with which we are intimately connected seem so trivial and so common-place that we give them but scant attention. Yet the people and material things that are close to us influence us most, and their recollection in later life adds much to our enjoyment and helps us in many ways. This is the author's excuse to adults for writing about our county. In doing so, it has been the aim to so brighten the picture with incident, story and description that the reader will not tire."
1 - Natural Features
2 - People of the Present and Past
3 - Stories of Early Times
4 - First White Visitors
5 - The Red Men Called Indians
6 - Educational and Kindred Agencies
7 - Miscellaneous Activities
8 - Highways, Means of Travel and Transportation
9 - Means of Communication
10 - Natural Resources
11 - Manufactures
12 - Lumbering
13 - Mining
14 - Agriculture
15 - County Organization
16 - Local Divisions of the County
Town, Township & Regional Histories
History of Philipsburg - From Pioneer Days to Present Time
(S. B. Row, 1909, 110 pages)
According to the title page, this publication contians "Names of Founders and First Settlers. Early Industries, including the First Screw Mill in the United States, and first Attempt to Build a Railroad Across the Allegheny Mountain. Facts about the Organization of the Borough, Schools, Saw Mills, Mines, and other interesting information never before published." The first section of the book contains the historical narative of the town and surrounding area. The second section is a photographic souvenir of the town, its historic buildings and residents. This section contains numerous photographs and portraits of the area.
Dubois 1872-1922 - Fireman's Convention and Old Home Week
(Dubois Volunteer Fire Department, 1922, 32 pages)
This is a brief history of Dubois, Clearfield County, PA from its establishment up to the present day (1922). It presents some account of early settlers and their efforts in the area as well as notable events of the town. There are a number of portraits of the towns leading men and women as well as pictures from around the town.
150th Anniversary - Curwensville, PA - 1799-1949 (Anonymous, 1949, 181 pages)
This booklet was published for the 150th Anniversary of the founding of Curwensville, Clearfield County, PA. It contains a history of the settlement of the area and the foundation and growth of the town up to the year 1949. It contains photographs of various residents, places and buildings of the town, along with a current description of the town and its organizations, churches, businesses, etc.
Souvenir History of Blue Ball and Boggs Township 1810-1963
(Historical Research Committee, 1963, 32 pages)
This is a brief history of the village of Blue Ball (now West Decatur), and Boggs Township, Clearfield County, PA, written as a souvenir of the "Home Coming Week" of 1963. It includes a brief history of Blue Ball (West Decatur), Wallaceton, and Boggs Township, along with a few photographs from those areas.
Miscellaneous Histories
Industries of Pennsylvania
Williamsport, Lock Haven, Bellefonte, Lewisburg, Milton, Selins' Grove, Renovo,
Philipsburg, Mifflinburg, Muncy, Newberry, Jersey Shore, Hughesville, Milesburg
(Richard Edwards, 1882, 144 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout Central Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
Clearfield County
From Philipsburg: -- George Heimach, Philipsburg Banking Co., Hoover-Hughes & Co., L. J. & K. Switzer, Moshannon Banking Co., Ironside Store, Strouse-Lehman & Co., The Philipsburg Journal, Passmore House, Robert F. Mull, R. Arisman, E. O Mattern, R. M. Musser, C. G. Hirlinger, Lloyd House, A. R. Feistel, John Peightal, Fleck & Miller, Wm. D. A. Naugle, John M. Hale & Co., Philipsburg Machine Shops, Jeremiah Sankey, J. N. Schoonover, George W. Ganoe, W. J. Lytle & Co.
General Marshall's Victory Report On the Winning of World War II In Europe
and the Pacific [Philipsburg] (U.S. War Department, 1946-1947, 150 pages)
This was published following the close of the war to provide the public with a general account of the war from beginning to end. The report was published for individual areas throughout the state, and each of these areas included a list of local men and women who served in the war. This report covers the town of Philipsburg in Centre County, PA, and nearby areas of Clearfield County.
Maps Atlases & Images
Maps & Atlases (*** Not text searchable ***)
1866 Map of Clearfield Co. Pennsylvania (D. G. Beers & A. Pomeroy, Color)
Birds-eye Town Views (*** Not text searchable ***)
Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania (1895, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
Curwensville, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania (1895, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
Du Bois, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania (1895, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
Irvona, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania (1895, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
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