Cambria County PA - County, Regional, Miscellaneous History and Maps Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
County Histories & Biographical Volumes
The History and Topography of Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin, Bedford, Adams,
Perry, Somerset, Cambria, and Indiana Counties (I. Daniel Rupp, 1848, 711 pages)
This publication begins with an early history of the state. It discusses the German and Scotch-Irish immigrants who settled in these counties, and the follows with a discussion of the troubles the early settlers had with the Indians. After the general history of the area, it changes focus to individual counties and Cambria County is covered on pages 573-595. These pages discuss the formation and growth of the county. It also contains a description of its geography, agriculture, industry, and a brief history of its major towns. At the end is a very useful Every-Name Index that was added to the original publication.
Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Cambria County, Pennsylvania
(The Union Publishing Company, 1896, 563 pages)
This is a historical and biographical account of Cambria County, PA. It begins with a brief history of the county; its settlement and growth. Following this, there are numerous biographical sketches of important or influential people / families of the county. Many of the biographical sketches are also accompanied by a portrait of the main sketch subject.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Akers, Alexander, Allport, Altemus, Anderson, Anna, Armitage, Barclay, Barker, Barnhart, Bauer, Bearer, Bender, Benford, Bengele, Bland, Blair, Blauch, Blimmel, Boyd, Boyer, Bowman, Bracken, Bradimyer, Brallier, Brendlinger, Brehm, Brown, Buck, Burkhard, Burkhart, Burns, Byrne, Caldwell, Cambell, Carpenter, Carter, Chandler, Christy, Claghorn, Clark, Connelly, Conrad, Cooper, Cordell, Costlow, Coulter, Craig, Craver, Cresswell, Crofford, Crouse, Croyle, Cunningham, Custer, Davis, Davison, Denny, Devlin, Dick, Dibert, Diethrich, Dietrick, Dillon, Dimond, Dowling, Duncan, Dunegan, Earhart, Edwards, Eichenlaub, Emmerling, Endsley, Evans, Farrell, Fenlon, Ferguson, Fichtner, Fisher, Fitzharris, Foley, Fox, Fraser, Frazer, Fronheiser, Fulton, Gageby, Galbraith, Gallitizin, Gasteiger, Gates, Geer, George, Gessler, Geus, Gittings, Glasgow, Glass, Gochnour, Good, Goodwin, Gore, Graham, Gray, Green, Greene, Griffith, Gwin, Hager, Hagey, Hahn, Hamilton, Hamm, Hannon, Harris, Harshberger, Hartman, Hartung, Haws, Herzog, Hill, Hoffman, Hofmyr, Honan, Hoover, Horner, Horrocks, Hostetler, Hughes, Hummel, Hunt, Huntley, Itell, Ivory, Jacoby, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Kaylor, Keedy, Kensinger, Kerr, King, Kinkead, Kirsch, Kline, Kohler, Koontz, Krebs, Kress, Krumenacker, Kuhn, Kunkle, Laffey, Lantzy, Layton, Leckey, Leech, Lehman, Levergood, Lewis, Linton, Litzinger, Livingston, Lloyd, Long, Longwell, Loughry, Louther, Love, Lowman, Lucas, Luddens, Luke, Luther, Lynch, Marburg, Mardis, Martin, Masters, Mathhews, Maucher, McAnulty, McCartney, McDonald, McGough, McHugh, McKee, McKernan, McManamy, McMillen, McNeelis, Mellon, Miller, Mitchell, Murdock, Murphy, Myers, Neff, Nicholson, Noonana, Notley, O'Connor, O'Hagen, Orris, Osborn, Ott, Owens, Parrish, Patterson, Paul, Peden, Perry, Pierson, Porch, Pratt, Pringle, Pryce, Rashbach, Reade, Ream, Reed, Reese, Rettger, Rice, Richards, Riddell, Rieg, Riffel, Rivinius, Roberts, Robertson, Robison, Rockefeller, Rose, Rowe, Rowland, Ruthrauff, Saly, Schill, Sechler, Seigh, Shaffer, Sharbaugh, Shepherd, Sherbine, Sheridan, Shipman, Shoemaker, Short, Shryock, Shumaker, Simmers, Singer, Sipe, Skelly, Slick, Smith, Sommerville, Spencer, Stackhouse, Strayer, Stephens, Stewart, Stibich, Stineman, Storey, Strittmatter, Stull, Stutzman, Stuver, Swan, Swank, Sybert, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Tomb, Trageser, Traxler, Unger, Van Scoyoc, Vaughen, Vicroy, Von Lunen, Wagner, Wagoner, Wakefield, Walkinshaw, Walters, Waltz, Warner, Weakland, Weaver, Weimer, Wentroth, Wertz, Wesner, West, Wharton, Wicks, Williams, Wilson, Wirtner, Woodruff, Womer, Yahner, Yeagley, Yearick, Yeckley, Yothers, Young, Zahn, Zimmerman
History of Cambria County Pennsylvania With Genealogical Memoirs.
Illustrated Vol. 1-3 (Henry Wilson Storey, 1907, 1959 pages)
This publication is an extensive historical and biographical work on Cambria County, PA. Originally published as a three-volume set, it includes biographies and historical data on hundreds of families from this area of central Pennsylvania. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research in Cambria County.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Allen, Alwine, Arble, Bader, Bailey, Baldwin, Bantley, Barker, Barnes, Barnhart, Bearer, Beatty, Beegle, Beilstein, Beiter, Bender, Bennett, Bentz, Bergman, Berkley, Beuler, Bischof, Blair, Blauch, Blough, Bohan, Bole, Bolsinger, Boone, Border, Born, Bostert, Brixner, Bougher, Bowden, Bowman, Boyle, Boyts, Bracken, Bradley, Brallier, Brandler, Broad, Brotz, Brown, Bryan, Buck, Burgoon, Burket, Burkhart, Burns, Caddy, Caldwell, Callan, Campbell, Canan, Carney, Cathew, Chrissey, Clinger, Cobaugh, Cole, Coleman, Confer, Connelly, Conrad, Cook, Cooper, Coster, Coulter, Cover, Covode, Cox, Coyle, Cramer, Croyle, Crum, Csucska, Custer, Danges, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Decker, Deckert, Delozier, Dempsey, Denny, Deny, Dibert, Dick, Dietz, Dimond, Dotterer, Dowling, Downes, Dunmire, DuPont, Earych, Edwards, Eicher, Endsley, Entwisle, Erwin, Estep, Esterly, Evans, Faber, Faith, Farabaugh, Fend, Fender, Ferguson, Ferrell, Fichtner, Flig, Fisher, Fitzharris, Flick, Foulke, Foust, Fox, Frank, Franke, Fredericks, Fronheiser, Frye, Fulton, Fussell, Fyock, Gaffney, Gageby, Gallagher, Gardner, Garretson, Gear, Geiselhart, Gerhardt, Gigliotti, Glass, Glitsch, Glock, Gocher, Goenner, Goff, Gojsovic, Golde, Goodfellow, Grady, Gray, Green, Greer, Griffith, Gruber, Hager, Haight, Hall, Hannan, Harris, Harshberger, Hassinger, Hasson, Hay, Haynes, Headrick, Heinze, Henderson, Hershberger, Heslop, Hetrick Higson, Hinchman, Hines, Hochstine, Hoerle, Hofecker, Hoffman, Hohmann, Honan, Hoover, Horne, Horner, Hornick, Houck, Hubbard, Hudson, Huebner, Hughes, Hull, Hummel, Huntley, Itell, Jacoby, James, Johnston, Jones, Judy, Karl, Kauffman, Kaylor, Keafer, Keim, Keller, Kennedy, Kephart, Kern, King, Kinkead, Kirby, Kirkendall, Kist, Kittell, Kline, Knee, Kniss, Knuff, Koch, Krebs, Kress, Krieger, Kuntz, LaFrance, Lampman, Lantzy, Larimer, Lauffer, Lavelle, Leech, Lehman, Leitenberger, Lenhart, leventry, Levergood, Lewis, Lingenfelter, Linton, Litzinger, Lloyd, Lockard, Lohr, Lorentz, Love, Lowman, Ludwig, Maneval, Marbourg, Marcella, Marker, Martvon, Masters, Mathaldi, Mathiot, Matthews, Mayer, McAnulty, McBrice, McCahan, McClain, McClarren, McCormick, McCue, McDermott, McElcarr, McKee, McKeever, McMillen, McNeelis, McPike, Mentch, Michael, Michel, Miller, Minahan, Montverda, Moore, Morgan, Muehlhauser, Mullen, Murdock, Murphy, Murr, Myers, Nagle, O'Connor, Oldham, O'Leary, Opperman, Osborn, Oswald, Ott, Overdorff, Palliser, Parrish, Parsons, Patch, Paul, Peach, Peden, Pender, Pendry, Penrod, Peterson, Pfarr, Pfeil, Pfeister, Piper, Piro, Plunkentt, Price, Priest, Pringle, Quinn, Quirk, Raab, Reade, Ream, Reed, Reese, Replogle, Reynolds, Rink, Ritter, Roberts, Robison, Roland, Rose, Rosensteel, Roth, Rowland, Rutledge, Ryan, Sagerson, Saly, Sanderson, Sanker, Scanian, Scharmann, Schenkemeyer, Scherer, Schmidt, Schuller, Schultz, Schwab, Sechler, Sedlmeyer, Shaffer, Shank, Sharbaugh, Sharkey, Sheehan, Sheridan, Shissler, Shoemaker, Shoff, Short, Shreve, Shryock, Shumaker, Sipe, Siter, Slater, Slattery, Slick, Smith, Snook, Snowden, Spangler, Speice, Speigelhalter, Spenger, Stackhouse, Stammelbach, Stenger, Stephens, Stibich, Stineman, Storey, Storm, Stotts, Straub, Stremel, Stricker, Strittmatter, Strong, Stuber, Stull, Stutzman, Suppes, Suter, Swan, Swank, Swope, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Tibbott, Tice, Tille, Trabold, Trefts, Trent, Tross, Troxell, Turner, Van Wert, Veres, Von Lunen, Wagoner, Wakefield, Walker, Walkinshaw, Walters, Waters, Watkins, Weaver, Weeks, Weigle, Weimer, Wendell, Wertz, Westover, Wheeling, Widdersheim, Widmann, Wike, Wild, WIlson, Wirt, Wissinger, Wood, Woodruff, Woolf, Woy, Wyland, Wysel, Young, Zimmerman
Cambria County Pioneers (James M. Swank, 1910, 136 pages)
Regarding this publication, the Preface notes:
"It is a compilation entirely, with two exceptions, of twenty biographical and other sketches relating
to Cambria county that were written years ago, some of them many years ago. It has fallen to my lot to prepare from time to time and publish biographical sketches of some of the prominent men of Cambria county in the old days, a few of whom were then living but most of whom had passed to the other side, and these sketches, now reproduced, occupy the larger part of the following pages; the remainder of the volume is devoted to subjects of historical interest relating to pioneer days in Cambria county which I have had occasion to consider in years gone by."
The Founding of the Johnstown Tribune
Peter Goughnour's Reminiscences
Revelations of an Old Ledger
Rev. Shadrach Howell Terry
Recollections of Early Johnstown
Edwin Augustus Vickroy
John Royer, Huguenot
Mayor John Linton
The Building of the Cambria Iron Works
Hon. Daniel Johnson Morrell
Major George Nelson Smith
Dr. William Anthony Smith
Judge James Potts
Judge Cyrus L. Pershing
Colonel Jacob M. Campbell
Alexander Chesterfield Mullin
Samuel Bell McCormick
A Reminiscence of President Zachary Taylor
John Fritz, Ironmaster
A Lesson from the Johnstown Flood
History of Cambria County Pennsylvania Vol. 1 & 2 (John E. Gable, 1926, 1242 pages)
This publication was originally published as a two-volume historical and biographical work on Cambria County, PA. The first volume dealt mostly with the history and development of the county. The second volume contains biographical sketches on hundreds of pioneer families and prominent individuals who were residents of Cambria. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research in this area of Pennsylvania
Surnames Indexed:
Abel, Adams, Aitken, Aldering, Allen, Altimus, Alwine, Anderson, Apel, Appleyard, Arbogast, Azzara, Baback, Bacha, Bailey, Baird, Bancroft, Bandell, Bantley, Barber, Barker, Barnes, Barnhart, Barto, Bates, Bathurst, Barker, Baumer, Baumgardner, Bearer, Beatty, Beck, Beckley, Beers, Beilstein, Beiter, Bender, Benford, Bennetts, Benshoff, Bentz, Bergstein, Berkebile, Berkey, Bernard, Betts, Betz, Bibb, Bigler, Binder, Bingner, Biter, Black, Blair, Bland, Blauch, Blimmel, Blum, Bloom, Blough, Bohan, Bollinger, Borbonus, Border, Bosley, Bosserman, Boston, Bosserman, Boucher, Bowden, Bowen, Bowers, Bowser, Boyer, Boyle, Bracken, Brallier, Braude, Brown, Briggs, Briney, Brinham, Brubaker, Brunner, Buck, Buettner, Burke, Burkey, Burkhart, Burkhard, Burns, Bush, Buterbaugh, Camp, Campbell, Carlisle, Carman, Carney, Carroll, Carstensen, Chaplin, Claflin, Clark, Clawson, Claycomb, Collins, Connah, Connell, Connelly, Conrad, Conway, Cooper, Cornely, Cover, Craig, Cramer, Crawford, Crissey, Crotzer, Crouse, Crum, Cullen, Cunningham, Cupp, Cuppels, Custer, Daugherty, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Deeter, DeFrehn, Dekarski, De Maria, Denny, Deringer, Dickenson, Dickey, Diehl, Dietrich, Dietz, Difenderfer, Dilling, Dimond, Dingwall, Dixon, Douglas, Dougherty, Dorr, Draper, Dugan, Dumm, Dunford, Dunlap, Dunn, Dunnick, Du Pont, Duwell, Easly, Eckel, Edwards, Eicher, Ellenberger, Ellsworth, Ellis, Eves, Evans, Faunce, Faust, Fawcett, Fee, Ferguson, Fichtner, Fisher, Fitzharris, Flatley, Fleming, Flick, Fleck, Fleckenstein, Fockler, Folckemer, Fouch, Frank, Franke, Frick, Fronheiser, Fulmer, Gable, Gallaschum, Gardner, Gelotte, George, Gerber, Gerhardt, Gerheim, Gilchrist, Gindlesperger, Glenn, Glock, Glumicich, Goldstein, Goller, Good, Goodall, Goodhart, Gordon, Gorsuch, Goss, Goughnour, Gould, Grabiak, Grafe, Graffius, Graham, Gramling, Grandinetti, Gray, Grazier, Green, Greenblatt, Griffith, Groke, Gross, Grove, Grush, Gurley, Gutwald, Guyer, Haarlander, Habrowski, Hack, Haldeman, Hall, Hamilton, Hammond, Hancuff, Hankoff, Hanna, Happe, Harkins, Harding, Hargreaves, Harrigan, Harris, Harrison, Hartley, Hartigan, Hartman, Hasson, Hay, Heagy, Heffley, Heilman, Heisel, Helfrick, Henderson, Henry, Hershberger, Hess, Hewett, Hibbs, Hile, Hite, Hoerle, Hofecker, Hoffman, Hogan, Hogue, Hohmann, Holdeman, Holsinger, Holtz, Holzman, Hood, Hoppel, Horner, Hornick, Hostetler, Houck, Howard, Hower, Hoy, Hoyle, Hughes, Humphrey, Hunter, Hupf, Husted, Hutzel, James, Jefferson, Johnston, Jones, Jurchak, Kagarise, Kajie, Kearney, Keener, Keiper, Keim, Keller, Kelly, Kemerer, Kennedy, Killius, Kimmel, Kinney, Kintner, Kinzey, Kirkpatrick, Kirsch, Kirschmann, Kishbaugh, Kline, Krakowski, Kress, Kring, Krink, Krise, Kritzer, Krug, Kruemenaker, Kuhn, Kunkle, Kurtz, La Mantia, Lambert, Lambing, Lamont, Lancaster, Lane, Langgans, Lantzy, Lape, Larimer, Lauer, Lauffer, Lavelle, Leadbetter, Leahy, Leap, Leech, Lehmier, Leitenberger, Lenhart, Leppert, Leventry, Lewis, Ling, Little, Lloyd, Lockard, Longwell, Long, Lord, Love, Lovette, Lowman, Luse, Luther, Luxenberg, Lynam, Lynch, McAllister, McAneny, McAnulty, McCardell, McClain, McCloskey, McClure, McCoy, McCullough, McDermott, McFadden, McFeaters, McGinley, McGinnis, McGonigle, McGuire, McHugh, McKee, McKenrick, McKeown, McLain, McVicker, McWilliams, MacFarlane, MacIntyre, Madill, Madigan, Mainhart, Malzi, Mangus, Marcella, mardis, Martvon, Mash, Massimello, Masters, Mathews, Mayer, Meckley, Metzger, Meyer, Meyers, Mihalik, Miles, Miller, Miltenberger, Mitchell, Mooney, Moose, Moore, Morgan, Morley, Morrow, Moskal, Monteith, Moyer, Mrugala, Mulhollen, Mulvehill, Murdock, Murphy, Murray, Murtha, Myers, Navratil, Nees, Nenninger, Nicholson, Niessner, Nolan, Noon, Oaks, Ober, O'Connor, Ondriezek, O'Neil, Orner, Ott, Overberger, Owens, Panagotacos, Parnell, Patch, Patterson, Paul, Pearce, Peevey, Pelliccioni, Penrod, Pentrack, Peters, Phenicie, Picking, Pierce, Pike, Plumer, Plummer, Pohl, Porch, Powelson, Price, Prideaux, Pringle, Quirk, Quinn, Raab, Rager, Rainey, Ratchford, Reddy, Reed, Reese, Reiter, Replogle, Repp, Rhodes, Riblett, Rice, Riddel, Riddle, Riley, Ringel, Rishell, Roberts, Robine, Robinson, Rohde, Roof, Rose, Ruff, Runzo, Rutledge, Ryan, Sagerson, Salus, Samsel, Samuel, Samwell, Sanderson, Sandford, Sann, Sasvary, Saylor, Schaeffer, Scharmann, Schenkemeyer, Schmucker, Schnabel, Schofield, Schrader, Schramm, Schubert, Schueler, Schultz, Schwab, Schwing, Scollon, Sechler, Seese, Sell, Shaffer, Shanley, Shank, Sharbaugh, Shaver, Sheehan, Sheeler, Sherbine, Sherer, Sheridan, Shirey, Shoemaker, Short, Siberts, Simon, Slick, Slinger, Slutzker, Smith, Snyder, Sobel, Somerville, Soule, Souser, Spangler, Spencer, Stack, Stackhouse, Stagg, Statler, Steele, Steiffer, Steinmueller, Stephens, Stevens, Stewart, Stiegelman, Stitts, Stockton, Stofko, Stokes, Straessley, Strayer, Stricker, Strittmatter, Strollo, Stroup, Stull, Stutzman, Sullivan, Sunseri, Svitil, Symons, Tadejeske, Tappert, Taylor, Temko, Thiele, Thomas, Thompson, Tibbott, Towzey, Trabold, Tross, Troxell, Truscott, Turby, Turgeon, Umberger, Urban, Van Allman, Van Dusen, Varner, Veil, Veres, Viering, Vogel, Wacker, Wagner, Walker, Wallace, Walsh, Walter, Walters, Waltz, Weaver, Weigel, Weir, Weismiller, Wendall, Werry, Wesner, Weston, Westover, White, Wicks, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Wirtner, Wirtz, Wissinger, Wolfard, Wood, Woy, Wright, Yeckley, Young, Zamba, Zickerhoff, Zimmerman, Zubritzky
Town, Township & Regional Histories
The Valley of the Conemaugh (Thomas J. Chapman, 1865, 201 pages)
From the Preface:
"The scope of this little work is to give an historical and descriptive account of the Valley of the Conemaugh, which embraces the county of Cambria, and a portion of the counties of Somerset, Indiana and Westmoreland.
...so many older men still live, natives of this valley, and better acquainted with its early history... meanwhile, the time is passing away, and the scanty materials out of which to form a local history of the Conemaugh valley are yearly growing less and less. The author has gathered up such of the incidents in the early history of this section of the country as have been thought worthy of preservation, and he takes pleasure in thus submitting the results of his labors to the judgment of his readers."
Souvenir of Johnstown (L. H. Nelson Company, 1906, 32 pages)
This publication was produced as a photographic souvenir of the city of Johnstown, Cambria County, PA. It provides a brief descriptions of the city in 1906 followed by over three dozen photographs of historic buildings or locations around the city.
Johnstown Illustrated (Ill. Postal Card Co., ~1910, 14 pages)
This is a pictorial souvenir of the town of Johnstown, Cambria County, PA, presenting photographs of various locations around town.
Stonycreek Township History Book 1876-1976
(Commissioners of Stonycreek Township, 1976, 44 pages)
This is a centennial history of Stonycreek Township, Cambria County, PA published in 1976. It covers the early history and development of the area as well as provides a current (1976) description of the township and its features. A nice segment of the history deals with several families that were influential in its growth: Constable, Griffith, Harshbarger, Hoffman, Horner, Jacoby, Vickroy, Wertz, and Wissinger.
Miscellaneous Histories
Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Western] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 144 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from dozens of towns throughout Western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
From Cambria County
-- From Johnstown: -- H. & S. Swank, Morris Nathan, Cambria Iron and Steel Works, Henry Kelly, Thomas & Walters, J. Swank & Son, T. G. Stewart & Co., Henderson & Alexander, Eldridge & Young, Johnstown Supply House, Hulbert House, Davis & Walters, Bantly & Fronheiser, J. S. Smith, Jolly Brothers Five-Cent Store, Louis Luckhardt, G. W. Millspaw, Cover's Livery, Geis, Foster & Quinn, Schrader & Green, W. A. Kramer, J. C. Duncan D.D.S., Alexander Black, B. F. Burkhart, Samuel Lenhart, Charles S. Ruth, Christian Kimpel, Wm. H. Fentiman, Contantine Elsaesser, Henry Viering, Emil Young, V. Louther, Thomas W. Kirlin
Directory of Who's Who? In Cambria County and
City of Johnstown 1935 (Anonymous, 1935, 20 pages)
This is a directory of the County and local officials of Cambria County, PA for the year 1935. It lists officials of all levels of the County and city of Johnstown and their political affiliation. There are also portraits of some of the officials included.
Gallitzin World War II Memorial (Home-Coming Committee, 1946, 199 pages)
This book was written as a memorial of those who served in the various branches of the armed forces during the course of World War II from the vicinity of Gallitzin, Cambria County, PA, and also includes a brief history of the town of Gallitzin. It begins with a section devoted to the servicemen who gave their lives in the course of the war. Each listing provides a brief biography of the soldier and his service and includes a portrait. The subsequent section covers almost all of the other servicemen and each listing provides similar information but does not include a portrait of the soldier. At the end is a list of soldiers who served but for which there was no history available. After this, there is also a list of World War I veterans and nurses from the area. The final section of the publication is a brief history of the town of Gallitzin originally written in 1931.
Young American Patriots - The Youth of Pennsylvania in World War II
(National Publishing Company, 1946, 674 pages)
This publication is a memorial to the service men and women of Pennsylvania who served in WWII. It contains brief sketches of 1,000's of soldiers from across the state. The sketches provide a variety of information on each soldier: Name, rank, branch of military, engagements, discharge date, military awards, birth date, parents, spouse, address, religion., etc. The information varies from soldier to soldier but most contain the information above. Also, nearly every sketch is accompanies by a portrait of the soldier.
This publication is not an exhaustive listing of all the soldiers of Pennsylvania who fought in World War II. Nearly all counties are represented, but some more extensively than others. Those given more extensive coverage include: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Cumberland, Dauphin, Erie, Fayette, Indiana, Lawrence, Northampton, Westmoreland,
Here is a sample listing:
Abbott, William Edward
Cpl., Army. Born Apr. 6, 1925. Entered Serv. June 12, 1943. Ft. Belvoir; N. Guinea; Phil. Is.; Okinawa. Awarded GCM, As-Pac Rib., BS, Phil. Lib. Rib. Disch. Mar. 2, 1945. Attended Clymer HS. Protestant. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Abbott. Husband of Margaret Herrington Abbott, 818 Sandusky St., N. S., Pgh, 12, Pa.
Maps Atlases & Images
Maps & Atlases (*** Not text searchable ***)
1850's Map of Cambria Co., Penna (R. Pearsall Smith, Color)
1867 Map of Cambria Co. Pennsylvania (D. G. Beers & A. Pomeroy, Color)
1890 Illustrated Historical Combination Atlas of Cambria County Pennsylvania (J. Caldwell, B/W)
Birds-eye Town Views (*** Not text searchable ***)
South Fork, Cambria County, Pennsylvania (1900, by T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
Gallitzin, Cambria County, Pennsylvania (1901, by T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
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