Bucks County PA - County History & Biography Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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History of Bucks County, To Which is Appended a History of the Township
of Wrightstown (William J. Buck & Charles W. Smith, 1855, 143 pages)
This is an early historical account of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Covers the settlement of the area, and formation and early history of the county. Each township and major borough is also given attention, containing highlights of their histories and accounts of the early settlers.
History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania (J. H. Battle, 1887, 1080 pages)
This publication is one of the first major historical / biographical volumes published on Bucks County, PA, and contains a wealth of information for research. Chapters 1 - 8 cover the early history, settlement and civil development of the county. Chapters 9 - 23 focus on the histories of each of the townships and major boroughs. Chapters 25 - 52 make up the biographical portion of this publication, each chapter covering the prominent individuals of a particular township. All together there are hundreds of biographies covering a wide range of families. There is no index for this publication, however each of the biographies are bookmarked by township for easy searching.
Achey, Adams, Afflebach, Ahlum, Albright, Alburger, Allem, Allen, Althouse, Anderson, Andre, Andrews, Anglemoyer, Appenzeller, Applebach, Appleton, Armitage, Artman, Atherholt, Atkinson, Bachman, Bacorn, Bailey, Baker, Balderston, Barbiere, Barclay, Barnard, Barnsley, Bartholomew, Bartlett, Barwis, Baum, Bean, Beans, Bechlin, Bergey, Berry, Betts, Bewighouse, Bibighaus, Biehn, Bigley, Bilger, Birkey, Bissey, Black, Blackfan, Blackwood, Blaker, Boutcher, Bowman, Boyer, Breece, Breisch, Brelsford, Briggs, Bright, Broadhurst, Brock, Brodie, Brooks, Brown, Brudon, Brumbaugh, Buckman, Buehrle, Bullock, Burgstresser, Burton, Bush, Buzby, Cadwallader, Calfe, Camm, Canby, Candy, Carey, Carkeet, Carr, Carroll, Carver, Case, Cathers, Catreal, Cawley, Christine, Churh, Clark, Cleaver, Clemens, Closson, Clymer, Comfort, Coney, Conrad, Constantine, Cooley, Cooper, Cope, Corcoran, Cornell, Cowdrick, Cox, Craven, Cressman, Crewitt, Croasdale, Croman, Crouse, Crouthamel, Crozer, Cunningham, Curley, Dana, Danenhower, Daniels, Darrah, Daub, Davis, Deetz, Deihl, Deily, Delany, Dengler, Detweiler, Dewaele, Dickson, Dietz, Dill, Dingee, Doan, Dobbins, Donaldson, Donelly, Doron, Doyle, Drury, DuBois, Dubs, Duffield, Duffy, Dungan, Durner, Eastburn, Edwards, Effrig, Eichner, Ellis, Ely, Erdman, Ettinger, Everitt, Eyre, Fackenthall, Farren, Feaster, Fell, Fellman, Fetter, Firman, Fisher, Flowers, Fluck, Fosbenner, Foulke, Fox, Frankenfield, Frankinfield, Frederick, Freed, Fretz, Frick, Fries, Fulton, Funk, Gabel, Gaffney, Garges, Garner, Garsed, Gearhart, Geil, Geisinger, Gerhart, Gerstner, Gibson, Gilkeson, Gilkyson, Gillam, Gledhill, Godshalk, Goldsmith, Gordon, Goslin, Gotwals, Gray, Green, Greer, Grim, Groff, Groman, Gross, Grover, Grudy, Gruver, Gulick, Gwinner, Hagerty, Haldeman, Hamilton, Hampton, Hanna, Harding, Haring, Harley, Harper, Harr, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartley, Hartman, Harvey, Hawkins, Heacock, Headley, Headman, Heist, Hegeman, Hellings, Hellyer, Hendrickson, Herbine, Hess, Heston, Hibbs, Hicks, High, Hillegas, Hillpot, Hilt, Hinkel, Hinkle, Hixson, Hoblitzell, Hockman, Hoffman, Hogeland, Holcomb, Hollenbach, Hough, Howell, Huffnagle, Hull, Hunsberger, Hurley, Hutchinson, Iden, Iredell, Isaacs, Jacoby, James, Jamison, Janney, Jefferies, Jenks, Johnson, Johnston, Jordan, Joyce, Keelan, Keil, Keiper, Keith, Keller, Kelly, Kenderdine, Kerns, Kilmer, King, Kinsey, Kintner, Kirk, Kirkbride, Kitchen, Knight, Knoppel, Krake, Kratz, Krause, Krout, Kuhns, Kulp, Lacey, Landis, Landers, Large, Laros, LaRue, Larzalere, Laubach, Lear, Leary, Leatherman, Lee, Leedom, Lehnen, Leidy, Leitch, Lerch, Lewis, Linderman, Livezey, Lloyd, Long, Loux, Lovett, Luff, Magill, Mann, Marple, Martindale, Massinger, Mathews, Mathias, Matlack, Mattison, Matts, Mawson, McBrien, McCarty, McCluskey, McCorkle, McCullough, McEntire, McFadden, McGinley, McKinstry, McKnight, McLaughlin, McNabb, McNair, Means, Melchor, Merrick, Mershon, Meyer, Meyers, Michener, Miles, Mill, Miller, Mills, Milner, Mitchell, Mittman, Moffitt, Moffly, Mohr, Mood, Moon, Moore, Morris, Morrison, Moyer, Mull, Murfit, Murray, Musselman, Myers, Niblick, Nicholas, Nickelson, Nields, Nonemaker, Ochs, Ohl, Ommeren, Opdyke, Osmond, Ott, Ozias, Palmer, Parker, Parry, Parsons, Patterson, Patton, Paul, Paxson, Pearson, Peirce, Pemberton, Penrose, Phillips, Pickering, Pool, Praul, Preston, Price, Pugh, Purdy, Pursell, Quinby, Ramsey, Randall, Randt, Reinhart, Reiter, Reed, Reeder, Reetz, Riale, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Rickert, Ridge, Riegel, Rink, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rockafellow, Roeder, Rook, Rosenberger, Ross, Rothrock, Ruckman, Rue, Rufe, Rulon, Ruos, Ruth, Sands, Satterthwaite, Scarborough, Schaffer, Scheetz, Scheip, Schleenz, Schleifer, Schlichter, Schoch, Scholl, Screide, Scypes, Search, Seiple, Sellers, Severs, Shaw, Shearer, Sheetz, Sheip, Shellenberger, Shelley, Shelly, Sherman, Sherrer, Sherwood, Shields, Shive, Shoemaker, Shull, Shupe, Shutt, Siddons, Simons, Simpson, Sine, Sipler, Slack, Slaughter, Slifer, Slotter, Sloyer, Smith, Snyder, Solomon, Sommer, Sorver, Souder, Spencer, Stackhouse, Stauffer, Stavely, Steckel, Stever, Stockton, Stommel, Stone, Stonebach, Stoneback, Stout, Stover, Strawn, Strock, Strohm, Strouse, Stuckert, Sumstone, Swain, Swartz, Swartzlander, Swope, Tabram, Taylor, Thatcher, Thierolf, Thomas, Tinsman, Tomlinson, Toon, Torbert, Transue, Trauger, Treffinger, Trego, Trumbauer, Trumbower, Tully, Turner, Twining, Tyson, Uhler, Vanartsdalen, Van Buskirk, Vandegrift, Van Hart, Van Horn, Van Pelt, Vansant, Vaux, Walker, Walp, Walters, Walton, Wambold, Ward, Warden, Warner, Watson, Weart, Weaver, Webster, Weierbach, Weinberger, Weirbach, Weisel, Weiss, Wennig, White, Whitely, Whitehead, Whitson, Widdifield, Wildman, Willett, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winder, Wirth, Wiser, Wismer, Wolfinger, Wonsidler, Wood, Woolston, Worman, Worstall, Worth, Worthington, Wright, Wyker, Wynkoop, Yardley, Yerkes, Younken, Zigenfuss, Zorns, Zuck
Local Sketches and Legends Pertaining to Bucks and Montgomery
Counties, Pennsylvania (William J. Buck, 1887, 336 pages)
This is a collection of local historical stories of the early residents of Bucks and Montgomery Counties, PA.
Book of Biographies, Bucks County, Penn'a
(George Ross, 1899, 494 pages)
This publication helps to preserve the memory of some of the county's distinguishing individuals from a past generation. It contains numerous biographies of the important men and families of the area, thus providing an excellent reference for historical or genealogical research. It is a nice addition to the other biographical volumes published for Bucks County, as it focuses on different individuals.
Surnames Indexed:
Aaron, Abbott, Albright, Anderson, Apple, Applebach, Atkinson, Aveyard, Balderston, Ball, Barney, Bassett, Bean, Beans, Beck, Beidler, Benner, Berger, Bergey, Berkemeyer, Biddle, Blackfan, Briggs, Brock, Bunting, Burkhardt, Burton, Bush, Cadwallader, Carrell, Carter, Carver, Cawley, Chambers, Church, Clemens, Comly, Conrad, Constantine, Cooper, Cornell, Craven, Cressman, Dana, Detweiler, Dickel, Diehl, Dill, Donnaldson, Doughty, Drexel, Dungan, Eastburn, Ely, Erdman, Fackenthall, Fahr, Fell, Fetter, Fine, Finney, Finman, Fleck, Foulke, Frankenfield, Freed, Fretz, Funk, Geil, Gilkeson, Gilkyson, Gill, Gillam, Greer, Grim, Groff, Gross, Gulick, Hall, Haring, Harrison, Hartzell, Harvey, Heacock, Headley, Headly, Hellings, Hellyer, Hendricks, Heston, Hindenach, Hines, Hobensack, Hofmeier, Howell, Houk, Humphreys, Hutchinson, Jefferys, Jenks, John, Johnson, Joyce, Kerns, Kinsey, Kirk, Kramer, Krewson, Krout, Landis, Laubach, Lear, Lefferts, Leibfreid, Leidy, Livezey, Long, Loux, Luff, Magill, Markgraf, Maris, Martin, Michener, Moon, Morris, Moyer, Mull, Neidig, Nicholas, Nickel, O'Connell, Osman, Ott, Parry, Patterson, Pearson, Penrose, Peters, Phillips, Pool, Poore, Preston, Purdy, Randall, Rapp, Raudenbush, Reeder, Reinhart, Reiter, Rich, Richardson, Ridge, Riegel, Robbins, Roberts, Rorer, Rosenberger, Ross, Rufe, Sassaman, Scheid, Schlachter, Schlichter, Schwenk, Scott, Sensenderfer, Sheip, Shellenberger, Shick, Shimer, Shoemaker, Simpson, Slack, Slotter, Smith, Stackhouse, Stettler, Stoneback, Strobele, Summers, Swartley, Swenk, Taylor, Thompson, Torbert, Trumbauer, Trumbower, Turner, Twining, Vandergrift, Vansant, Wall, Walter, Walton, Weaver, Weirbach, Weierbach, Wentworth, Wetherill, Wiggins, Wildman, Wilson, Wise, Wiser, Wisler, Wood, Woodman, Woolsey, Worrell, Worthington, Yardley, Yerkes, Young, Youngken, Zane
History of Bucks County Pennsylvania, (2nd Edition)
(William H. W. Davis, Warren S. Ely, & John W. Jordan, 1876, 1905, 1865 pages)
History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania was originally published in 1876, and at the time, represented a collection of great worth to those researching history and genealogy Almost 30 years later, the original publication was updated and expanded, and this is the Second Edition that is being offered. This enhanced edition provides an extensive resource for research in Bucks County, PA. This publication is both a historical and biographical work. The first section covers the settlement and early history of Bucks County, and following this is a discussion of the history of each township and major borough. The second section contains biographies on hundreds of prominent citizens and families of Bucks County. Many of the accounts extend back to the founding families of Pennsylvania, as Bucks County was an area that was settled very early.
Surnames Indexed:
Abbott, Adams, Afflerbach, Alderfer, Allabough, Althouse, Andalusia, Anders, Anderse, Andress, Angeny, Armitage, Atkinson, Bachofer, Bailey, Balderston, Banes, Baringer, Barnsley, Barrow, Bartheman, Bassett, Baum, Bean, Beans, Beaumont, Beck, Bell, Berger, Beringer, Betts, Biddle, Biehn, Bigley, Birkey, Bishop, Black, Bloom, Bond, Boutcher, Boyer, Braddock, Bradshaw, Branson, Breen, Brinker, Broadhurst, Brooks, Brown, Brunner, Buckman, Buehrle, Buntin, Burges, Burson, Burton, Cadwallader, Candy, Carrell, Carter, Carver, Case, Cassel, Cassin, Cavanaugh, Chambers, Chapman, Christy, Church, Clarendon, Claxton, Clayton, Clunn, Clymer, Comfort, Conrad, Cooley, Cooper, Cope, Cornell, Courter, Cox, Craven, Cressman, Crewitt, Crispin, Croasdale, Crouse, Crouthamel, Cunningham, Curley, Dager, Dana, Darlington, Davis, Deemer, Delp, Detweiler, Doan, Dobbins, Doll, Dolton, Dorland, Doron, Douglass, Doyle, Drexel, Du Bois, Dungan, Durner, Eastburn, Edwards, Ellis, Ely, Erdman, Erwin, Evans, Everitt, Fackenthal, Faust, Fell, Felty, Flack, Flagler, Flowers, Flum, Folker, Forrester, Foulke, Freed, French, Fretz, Fulmer, Garges, Garner, Geil, George, Gibson, Gilkeson, Gillam, Girton, Gotwals, Gray, Greup, Griffee, Griffith, Grim, Groff, Groom, Groover, Gross, Grundy, Gruver, Gulick, Gumpper, Hagerty, Haldeman, Hall, Hancock, Haney, Haring, Harley, Harpel, Harrar, Harris, Hart, Hartley, Hartzel, Harvey, Heacock, Headley, Heaney, Heaton, Heckler, Hedrick, Heinlein, Heller, Hellyer, Hemmerly, Hendricks, Heritage, Heston, Hibbs, Hicks, Hiester, Hill, Hillhorn, Hillpot, Hinckle, Hines, Hinkle, Hobensack, Hogeland, Hoguet, Holbert, Holcomb, Holcombe, Hotchkiss, Hough, Howell, Hunsicker, Hutchinson, Insinger, Iredel, Ireland, Irwin, Ivins, Jacoby, James, Janney, Jarrett, Jenkins, Jenks, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kaull, Keeler, Keim, Keith, Keller, Kelly, Kerbaugh, Kilcoyne, Kimble, King, Kirk, Kiser, Kline, Knight, Knoll, Kolb, Kooker, Kramer, Krause, Krauskopf, Kratz, Kreiss, Krusen, Kulp, Kunser, Lampen, Landis, Lapp, Lare, Larue, Larzelere, Laubach, Lauderbach, Lear, Leatherman, Lehman, Leidy, Leigh, Leister, Lengel, Lerch, Lewis, Lippincott, Livezey, Lodge, Longstreth, Loux, Lovett, Lundy, Lynn, MacKenzie, Magill, Marple, Marshall, Martin, Martindell, Mason, Mathew, Mathews, Matlack, Mawson, Mayne, McDowell, McIlhatten, McKinstry, McNair, Mershon, Meyer, Meyers, Michener, Miles, Mill, Miller, Milnor, Mininger, Minster, Mintzer, Mitchell, Moll, Molloy, Moon, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morwitz, Moyer, Murphy, Murray, Myer, Myers, Nase, Nash, Naylor, Neamand, Negus, Newell, Nichols, Nightingale, Nonamaker, Ozias, Paddock, Paist, Parry, Parsons, Patterson, Paxson, Pemberton, Penrose, Percy, Phillips, Pickering, Pollock, Poore, Praul, Preston, Price, Purdy, Pursell, Quick, Quinby, Quinn, Radcliff, Ramsey, Randall, Reed, Reeder, Renner, Rhoades, Rice, Richardson, Rickert, Rickey, Ridge, Riegel, Riggs, Robbins, Roberts, Rockafellow, Rodman, Rose, Rosenberger, Ross, Roth, Rubinkam, Rufe, Ruff, Rumpf, Rush, Ruth, Ryan, Satterthwaite, Savacool, Scarborough, Scattergood, Schaeffer, Schaffer, Scheerer, Scheetz, Scheib, Scheip, Schenck, Schmitt, Schneider, Scott, Search, Sells, Shaddinger, Shamp, Sharpless, Shearer, Shellenberger, Shelly, Sheperd, Sherm, Sherwood, Shoemaker, Siddall, Siegler, Sine, Slack, Slotter, Smith, Snyder, Solliday, Souder, Springer, Stackhouse, Stapler, Staveley, Steeb, Stever, Stintsman, Stockton, Stonebach, Stoneback, Stout, Stover, Strawn, Stuckert, Summers, Swallow, Swartley, Swartz, Swartzlander, Swope, Taylor, Terry, Thatcher, Thomas, Thompson, Tierney, Titus, Tomlinson, Torbert, Trauch, Trauger, Trego, Troemner, Trumbauer, Turney, Twining, Umstead, Underwood, Vanartsdalen, Van Artsdalen, Vandegrift, Van Hart, Van Horn, Van Pelt, Van Sandt, Vansant, Void, Waidelich, Walker, Wallace, Walter, Walton, Wambold, Wanger, Washburn, Watson, Weaver, Weber, Webster, Weisel, Weiss, Wharton, White, Wildman, Wilkinson, Willard, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winder, Winner, Wismer, Wolfinger, Wood, Woodman, Worstall, Worthington, Wright, Wynkoop, Yardley, Yerkes, Yocum
A Collection of Papers Read Before the Bucks County Historical Society Vol. 1-4
(Bucks County Historical Society, 1908-1917, 2806 pages)
This is an extensive set of historical articles on Bucks County, PA. This information covered varies widely from personal accounts, biographies, town histories, church histories, records, information on business and industry, military involvement, etc
Early Friends Families of Upper Bucks
(Clarence V. Roberts, 1925, 712 pages)
This publication contains a history, along with genealogical information, of a number of families belonging to the Society of Friends or Quakers. This group left Europe seeking religious freedom, and many settled in the Philadelphia / Bucks County area of Pennsylvania. Just over 40 families are given special attention in this publication, outlining their descendancy, and in the process, many more early families are touched on.
Families Covered:
Adamson, Ashton, Ball, Blackledge, Burson, Carr, Chapman, Clothier, Custard, Dennis, Edwards, Foulke, Green, Griffith, Hallowell, Heacock, Hicks, Iden, Jamison, Johnson, Kinsey, Lancaster, Lester, Levick, Lewis, Lott, McCarty, Miller, Morgan, Morris, Nixon, Penrose, Phillips, Rawlings, Roberts, Shaw, Strawn, Thomas, Thomson, Walton, Zorns
Surnames Indexed: (Due to the number of names, only those with several occurrances are listed)
Adamson, Allison, Ambler, Armstrong, Ashton, Atkinson, Ball, Bartholomew, Bawl, Bell, Betts, Biehn, Bishop, Blackledge, Bonsall, Boone, Bosler, Brown, Bryan, Bullock, Burr, Burson, Bush, Cadwallader, Campbell, Carey, Carr, Chapman, Child, Clothier, Comly, Conrad, Conway, Cooper, Cope, Custard, Dalby, Davis, Dennis, Detweiler, Edwards, Ely, Emley, Evans, Fawcett, Fell, Fenton, Fisher, Flitcraft, Foulke, Fussell, Garrett, Gillingham, Gordon, Grear, Greasley, Green, Griffith, Hallowell, Hampton, Hardy, Haring, Harlan, Harvey, Heacock, Heller, Hellyer, Hibberd, Hicks, Hill, Hinkle, Hoffman, Hoopes, Hormell, Hull, Iden, Jackson, Jacobs, Jamison, Jarrett, Jenkins, John, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kay, Kemmerer, Kenderdine, Kinsey, Kirk, Kline, Knight, Lancaster, Leatherman, Lee, Leedom, Lester, Levick, Lewis, Linderman, Linton, Lippincott, Livezey, Lloyd, Longshore, Lott, Lukens, McCarty, Martin, Mason, Mather, Matlack, Meredith, Meyers, Michener, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Moyer, Nixon, Parry, Paul, Paxson, Pennington, Penrose, Phillips, Poree, Price, Rawlings, Reeder, Rhoads, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Roberts, Robinson, Rorer, Rowland, Satterthwaite, Schultz, Sellers, Shallcross, Shaw, Shearer, Shoemaker, Sloan, Smith, Souder, Spencer, Stackhouse, Stokes, Strawn, Stroud, Sullivan, Swartzlander, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Till, Tomlinson, Turner, Tyson, Van Buskirk, Vanderslice, Walker, Walp, Walton, Warner, Watson, Webster, Whetherill, White, Williams, Wilson, Wood, Worthington, Wright, Young, Zorns
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