Armstrong County PA - Misc Histories, Maps Atlases & Images Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
Church, Business, Military and Miscellaneous Histories
Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Northern] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 125 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout north, central and western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
From Armstrong County
Kittanning: J. S. Bowser & Co., E. R. Lee, Reynolds House, Tyson Heilman, J. Rhodes, The National Bank, Frischkorn Bros., Dosch & Schuey, Heilman Bros., W. H. Jack, D. T. Frampton, Jas. McCullough Jr., The Steim House, E. Biehl & Son, Otto & Newbert, E. J. Schmauk, Geo. S. Rohrer, C. C. Shadle, John Marshall, F. W. Hill, H. B. Hilton, P. H. Melvin, H. A. Smith, John Wick Jr.
A History of the Presbytery of Kittanning (D. H. Sloan, 1888, 430 pages)
Farewell and Dedicatory Services of the First Presbyterian
Church of Kittanning, PA (Anonymous, 1890, 152 pages)
Illustrated Portfolio of Reformed Churches of
Western Pennsylvania (J. N. Naly, 1894-1896, 172 pages)
This publication was originally produced in 24 parts over 2 years, and focuses on the Reformed Churches of the Westmoreland and Clarion Classes in Western Pennsylvania. Each part covers a specific Charge of the church and contains photographs of both its churches and ministers. Each part also sketches the history of those churches and in some cases provides details about the early residents of those areas, or sketches the lives of the ministers who served there. The Charges of these Classes are located mostly in the counties of Armstrong, Clarion, and Westmoreland, but the information also touches on the surrounding counties of Cambria, Clearfield, Jefferson, Indiana, and Somerset.
Part No. and Charge Covered:
1 - Apollo, 2 - 1st Greensburg, 3 - South Bend, 4 - Pine Run, 5 - Irwin, 6 - Mt. Pleasant, 7 - Harrold's, 8 - St. John's, 9 - Emmanuel & Jeannette, 10 - Du Bois, 11 - Brush Creek, 12 - Red Bank, 13 - Denmark Manor, 14 - Plum Creek, 15 - Scottdale & Johnstown, 16 - Paradise, 17 - Pleaseant Unity, 18 - Beaver, 19 - Latrobe, 20 - Curllsville, 21 - 2nd Greensburg, 22 - Youngstown & St. Petersburg, 23 - Salem & Emlenton, 24 - Kittanning
History of the One Hundred Years of the First Presbyterian Church
of Kittanning, Pennsylvania 1822-1922 (Juliette Robinson, 1922, 391 pages)
Young American Patriots - The Youth of Pennsylvania in World War II
(National Publishing Company, 1946, 674 pages)
This publication is a memorial to the service men and women of Pennsylvania who served in WWII. It contains brief sketches of 1,000's of soldiers from across the state. The sketches provide a variety of information on each soldier: Name, rank, branch of military, engagements, discharge date, military awards, birth date, parents, spouse, address, religion., etc. The information varies from soldier to soldier but most contain the information above. Also, nearly every sketch is accompanies by a portrait of the soldier.
This publication is not an exhaustive listing of all the soldiers of Pennsylvania who fought in World War II. Nearly all counties are represented, but some more extensively than others. Those given more extensive coverage include: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Cumberland, Dauphin, Erie, Fayette, Indiana, Lawrence, Northampton, Westmoreland,
Here is a sample listing:
Abbott, William Edward
Cpl., Army. Born Apr. 6, 1925. Entered Serv. June 12, 1943. Ft. Belvoir; N. Guinea; Phil. Is.; Okinawa. Awarded GCM, As-Pac Rib., BS, Phil. Lib. Rib. Disch. Mar. 2, 1945. Attended Clymer HS. Protestant. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Abbott. Husband of Margaret Herrington Abbott, 818 Sandusky St., N. S., Pgh, 12, Pa.
General Marshall's Victory Report - Apollo
(United States War Department, 1946-47, 150 pages)
This was published following the close of the war to provide the public with a general account of the war from beginning to end. The report was published for individual areas throughout the state, and each of these areas included a list of local men and women who served in the war. This report covers the town of Apollo.
Maps Atlases & Images (*** Not text searchable ***)
1861 Map of Armstrong Co. Pennsylvania (A. Pomeroy & S. W. Treat, Color)
Birds-eye Town Views (*** Not text searchable ***)
Apollo, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (1896, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
Ford City, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (1896, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
Kittanning, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (1896, T. M. Fowler & James B. Moyer)
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