Westmoreland County, PA - County, Regional and Miscellaneous History Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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County Histories
History of the County of Westmoreland, Pennsylvania,
with Biographical Sketches (George Dallas Albert, 1882, 831 pages)
This is an early and thorough history of Westmoreland County, PA. This historical content includes coverage of the county's early history, settlement and growth. It also covers the various conflicts which affected the area; primarily, the troubles with the natives, the Revolutionary War, the Whiskey Insurrection, the War of 1812, and the Civil War. It also covers various professions, and industries: Religious, Press, Legal, Medical, Education, etc. A later section provides a history and description of each of the townships. The final section is devoted to biographies of some of the county's influential individuals and families.
Surnames Indexed:
Addison, Alexander, Alter, Ashbaugh, Baker, Barclay, Baughman, Beaver, Beazell, Bouquet, Brady, Brinker, Buffington, Burrell, Carline, Carothers, Chambers, Covode, Cowan, Croushore, Cummins, Daly, Dick, Dillinger, Donnelly, Drum, Ekin, Findlay, Foster, Fox, Fulton, Gaffney, Galloway, Geary, George, Given, Green, Greenawalt, Guffey, Hecht, Hough, Huff, Hugus, Hunter, Irwin, Jack, Johnston, Jordan, Keenan, King, Kline, Kreps, Krepps, Kuhns, Laird, Leightty, Lippincott, Lobinger, Logan, Lomison, Loucks, Lowry, Marchard, Markle, McAfee, McCall, McClanahan, McCormick, McFarlane, McGonigal, McQuilkin, Miller, Milligan, Moore, Morrison, Ormsby, Overholt, Painter, Paul, Pershing, Plumer, Pollock, Postlewaite, Reid, Robertson, Robinson, Rohrer, Shepler, Shields, Shryock, Shupe, Sloan, Small, Smith, Snodgrass, St. Clair, Sterrett, Stoner, Sutton, Tarr, Thompson, Tintsman, Toner, Townsend, Turney, Walter, Weaver, Weimer, Wirsing, Young, Zimmerman
Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
(John M. Greshem Co., & Samuel T. Wiley, 1890, 744 pages)
This is a historical and biographical account of Westmoreland County, PA. It begins with a brief history of the county; its settlement and growth. Following this, the information turns to focus on the citizens of the county. Subsequent sections are devoted to biographical sketches of important or influential people or families of the county. These sections are arranged by geographic area, and cover hundreds of Westmoreland County's prominent citizens. Many of the biographical sketches are also accompanied by a portrait of the main sketch subject.
Surnames Indexed:
Ackerman, Allshouse, Allwine, Armbrust, Arter, Bair, Barnhart, Beacom, Bell, Bennett, Best, Bierer, Black, Blank, Bott, Brown, Brunot, Bush, Byers, Caldwell, Campbell, Chambers, Clawson, Condon, Cope, Cowan, Crawford, Cribbs, Culbertson, Curns, Datz, Davidson, Deemer, Desmond, Detar, Dick, Dieffenbacher, Donohoe, Dorn, Doty, Dunhill, Ehalt, Eicher, Falk, Fisher, Fries, Gay, George, Gill, Grace, Gregg, Griffith, Hacke, Hammer, Harvey, Huber, Huff, Hunter, Johnston, Jones, Kamerer, Keck, Keenan, Keener, Keffer, Kenley, King, Kline, Kuhns, Kunkle, Laird, Latta, Lauffer, Leverman, Lomison, Long, Marchand, Marks, McAfee, McCormick, McCullough, McCurdy, McFarland, McQuaid, Meanor, Mechesney, Mensch, Milligan, Moore, Morris, Musick, Nicewonger, Offutt, Ogden, Oppenheim, Orndorf, Parks, Peifly, Painter, Pierce, Porter, Potts, Probst, Rankin, Rask, Reamer, Reed, Rial, Robinson, Sembower, Shaw, Shearer, Shields, Singer, Synder, Spiegle, Stark, Steck, Stell, Tabler, Thompson, Turney, Vogle, Walkinshaw, Wangaman, Weaver, Welty, Wertz, Williams, Wirsing, Woods, Young, Zahniser
Mt. Pleasant
Adams, Andres, Bowers, Brechbill, Coldsmith, Galley, Gibbs, Gilson, Graul, Harkins, Hitchman, Husband, Jordan, Kelley, Kuhn, Kyle, Leonard, Lewy, Loar, Long, Marsh, McCaleb, McElwee, Myers, Neel, Plotner, Ramsay, Ruth, Shields, Shope, Shupe, Simpson, Stevenson, Strang, Tinstman, Treber, Weimer, Werkman, Zuck
Anderson, Armstrong, Aultman, Best, Bott, Brinker, Byrne, Callaghan, Campbell, Cunningham, Eicher, Ferguson, Frets, Garrett, Gay, Geyer, Grantham, Grazier, Green, Herbert, Humphries, Jarrett, Jones, Keister, Kenney, Loucks, McCullough, McDowell, Miles, Morrow, Overholt, Owens, Parker, Pool, Rogers, Sewell, Shotts, Skemp, Smith, Springer, Stoner, Stauffer, Strickler, Tennant, Walters, Walthour, Weddle, Wiley, Zearley
West Newton
Berwirth, Brown, Bygate, Carothers, Coldsmith, Collins, Croushore, Dick, Gallagher, Gretchey, Goodman, Hamilton, Humes, King, Latimore, Lawhead, Leighty, Lutz, Markle, Milliron, Moreland, Nahar, Newman, Obley, Orr, Patterson, Rosen, Sanders, Schoaf, Scholl, Schroyer, Vandyke, Vankirk, Washabaugh, Ziegler
Albert, Bair, Beam, Bossart, Brindle, Burchfield, Coughenour, Dale, Donnelly, Donohue, Eiseman, Evans, Geiger, Golde, Harr, Hartman, Hoke, Horrell, Hughes, Keepers, Lemmon, Lovely, MacMillan, McConaughy, McKeever, Mellon, Metzger, Miller, Murray, Newingham, O'Brien, Peters, Potthoff, Seanor, Shields, Showalter, Shumaker, Story, Ulerich, Weber
Jeanette, Manor and Penn
Beamer, Bouquet, Brinker, Byerly, Cort, Davis, Dewalt, Eberhart, Fry, Goehring, Good, Greer, Griffith, Heintzleman, Henry, Hoey, Jackson, Jones, Kauffman, Keister, Landis, Lauffer, Leyda, Lutz, Mathias, McKeever, Miller, Moore, Morrison, Morrow, Oakley, Orr, Ruhe, Shuster, Skelly, Slicker, Smith, Seitz, Sullivan, Sutton, Theobald, Vinton, Walthour, Weaver, Westbrook, Wurzel
Irwin and North Huntingdon
Blackburn, Brown, Carroll, Caruthers, Clohessy, Fink, Foster, Gaut, Hamilton, Hodgden, Howell, Irwin, Langham, Lenhart, Lindeblad, Lommel, Long, McClellan, McFarlane, McKeever, Miller, Over, Painter, Palmer, Parkinson, Parr, Pool, Reed, Remsberg, Ringer, Robbins, Schade, Sowash, Speis, Springer, Taylor, Thompson, Threscher, Whitehead
Derry, Mt. Pleasant, St. Clair and Unity
Allison, Aukerman, Austraw, Banks, Barnett, Barnhart, Barr, Bash, Beatty, Beistel, Bennett, Boyer, Braden, Brinker, Brooks, Brown, Burd, Burkley, Carpenter, Caven, Cease, Chambers, Coad, Cochran, Cook, Connor, Conghenour, Dunlap, Fausold, Fetter, Findley, Fisher, Foster, Fowler, Fry, Fulton, Gaut, George, Gorgas, Graham, Gress, Griffith, Guthrie, Hackett, Hamilton, Hamill, Harding, Harman, Hartzell, Henderson, Horn, Horner, Hughes, Hugus, Hull, Hunter, Junkins, Johnston, Keck, Keller, Kelly, Kenly, Kenney, Kinkead, Kimmell, Lafferty, Laird, Laughlin, Lemmon, Lewis, Lobingier, Machesney, Maxwell, McConnell, McCarthy, McCurdy, Megary, Miller, Mitchell, Muhlenberg, Murphy, Musick, Newill, Palmer, Pearce, Peebles, Poorman, Potts, Pounds, Reed, Robb, Rumbaugh, Rush, Sarver, Seemann, Shearer, Shupe, Simpson, Smith, Snodgrass, Springer, Steel, Stouffer, Strohm, Tarr, Thomas, Townsend, Trauger, Walkinshaw, Weaver, Welty, Williams, Wimmer, Wright
Cook, Donegal, Fairfield, and Ligonier
Ambrose, Blackburn, Boucher, Covode, Frank, Graham, Hargnett, Hendricks, Horner, Hubb, Huston, Keck, Keffer, King, Lenhart, Marker, Matthews, McCaskey, McColly, Millhoff, Murphy, Myers, Seawright, St. Clair, Senft, Smith, Stairs, Taylor, Ulery, Walker, Walter, Whitworth
East and South Huntingdon, Rostraver and Sewickley
Allen, Aultman, Ausburn, Bair, Besenberg, Bigley, Blackburn, Boyd, Bronson, Budd, Byars, Covert, Daugherty, Dick, Dusenbery, Errett, Ewig, Felger, Finley, Fisher, Flanagan, Fox, Freeble, Frick, Frye, Fullerton, Gilmore, Grace, Hahn, Hasson, Hamilton, Henderson, Henry, Highberger, Hixenbaugh, Hohenshell, Hough, Household, Howell, Hunter, Hyde, Jones, Keck, Keefer, Kelley, Krepps, Lash, Latta, Limbaugh, Linn, Love, Luce, Lynn, Markle, Meredith, McGuffey, McMahan, Milligan, Mitchell, Monmyer, Newlin, Norcross, Osburn, Overholt, Patterson, Patton, Paul, Penney, Pinkerton, Poole, Porter, Reeves, Rhodes, Robertson, Rossell, Ruff, Sampson, Scholl, Shawly, Shelar, Sepler, Sherrick, Smith, Smock, Springer, Sterrett, Stauffer, Stone, Timms, Tomer, Vogel, Weaver, Williams, Wilson, Zundel
Franklin, Hempfield, Loyalhanna, and Salem
Agnew, Allshouse, Armbrust, Barnhart, Bauman, Black, Blank, Brown, Buchanan, Croushore, Dible, Ellwood, Emmens, Ewing, Fox, Fry, Gongaware, Hackley, Hall, Harvey, Haymaker, Hill, Hillis, Hissem, Hugus, Humes, Jones, Keck, Keister, Kifer, Kilgore, Kuhns, Lutes, Lucius, McAlister, McQuaid, McWilliams, Miller, Monroe, Orr, Patterson, Phillips, Remaley, Rings, Robinson, Rugh, Ruff, Sell, Sheffler, Shuey, Shuster, Shrum, Smeltzer, Stanton, Stark, Stell, Stewart, Snyder, Stahl, Tarr, Thomas, Thompson, Ulery, Warden, Waugaman, Wegley, Wolfe
Allegheny, Bell, Burrells, and Washington
Alter, Arnold, Barber, Baxter, Boal, Butler, Bush, Campbell, Chambers, Clements, Copeland, Dinsmore, Dougall, Faulk, Gardner, Graham, Gosser, Hawk, Hunter, Kier, Kunkle, Logan, Leslie, Metzgar, McGeary, McKean, McWilliams, Miller, Nelson, Parkin, Reed, Rowe, Ross, Rubright, Shaner, Shepard, Swank, Walker, Watt, Wylie, Young
History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Vol. 1-3
(John N. Boucher, 1906, 2190 pages)
This is an extensive historical and biographical text on Westmoreland County, PA. It was originally published in three volumes. Volume One is the historical volume and includes the early history of the county, its settlers and development. It also contains a sketch on each of the County's townships and major towns, a discussion of the its institutions and industries, and its war involvement. The remaining two volumes are devoted to biographies of the important individuals and families of the region, and cover hundreds of such ones. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research in Westmoreland County.
Surnames Indexed:
Abbaticchio, Ackerman, Adair, Albert, Albright, Alcorn, Allwine, Alter, Amann, Ambrose, Ament, Anderson, Andrews, Armbrust, Armitage, Armstrong, Arter, Aspey, Atkinson, Bailey, Bair, Bamforth, Barkell, Barkley, Barnes, Barnhart, Barr, Bashiom, Baughman, Baxter, Beacom, Beale, Beamer, Beaner, Bearer, Beatty, Becker, Behm, Bell, Beltz, Bender, Bennett, Best, Birchfield, Black, Blair, Blank, Blower, Boale, Bolton, Boltz, Borland, Borlin, Boucher, Bovard, Bowman, Boyd, Bradley, Brant, Breniser, Brinker, Brinton, Brown, Bruner, Brunot, Bryce, Bullers, Bumbaugh, Bumer, Burk, Burns, Bussard, Butler, Buttermore, Byerly, Byers, Caldwell, Campbell, Carnahan, Carns, Carpenter, Carroll, Carson, Caven, Chichester, Clifford, Cochran, Cochrane, Coldsmith, Cole, Connor, Cooper, Cort, Corwin, Coshey, Covode, Cowan, Cox, Craig, Crawford, Creighton, Cribbs, Crise, Crowell, Crumley, Curtis, Daily, Dalbey, Darr, Davies, Davis, Dawson, DeHaven, Denman, Dewalt, Dice, Diirstein, Dillinger, Diskin, Dom, Donaldson, Dorn, Dougherty, Douglass, Drum, Duff, Dugan, Dullinger, Dunn, Ehalt, Eicher, Eiseman, Elkin, Ellis, Erickson, Euwer, Feather, Felgar, Ferguson, Findley, Fleming, Flemm, Flyte, Fogg, Foight, France, Francis, Frank, Franklin, Frantz, Freeble, Freeman, Fretts, Frost, Fry, Frye, Fullerton, Funk, Gaither, Gallagher, Gardner, Garwood, Gay, Geyer, Gilbert, Gilland, Gilligan, Girt, Glassburn, Glinz, Goehring, Gongaware, Good, Goodenow, Goodlin, Gosser, Graham, Greenawalt, Greer, Gregg, Gribbin, Griffith, Groft, Guffey, Guy, Haines, Halliman, Hamilton, Hamor, Hargnett, Hargrave, Harkins, Harkness, Harman, Harrold, Harshey, Harvey, Hawk, Hawthorne, Hayden, Haymaker, Head, Heasley, Heckmann, Heffelfinger, Heimberger, Henry, Hensel, Herbert, Herrick, Herrmann, Hershey, Hill, Hine, Hissem, Hitchman, Hodgson, Hoffman, Holtzer, Hoofring, Hopkinson, Horne, Horner, Horton, Houseman, Houser, Howard, Howell, Hoyman, Hudson, Huey, Huff, Huffman, Hugg, Hughes, Hugus, Hunger, Hunter, Huntley, Hurst, Huston, Hutchinson, Hutchison, Hutton, Jack, Jamison, Jaquette, Jarrett, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Kahl, Kalp, Kaufman, Keaggy, Keating, Keck, Keefe, Keenan, Keller, Kelly, Keltz, Kenly, Kennedy, Kennel, Kenney, Kepple, Kern, Kilgore, King, Kissell, Kline, Klingensmith, Koffler, Koontz, Kretz, Krick, Kromer, Kuhn, Kuhns, Kunkle, Kyle, Laird, Lambing, Landymore, Lange, Larimer, Latimore, Latta, Lauffer, Laughlin, Lehman, Leighty, Lemmon, Leslie, Levenstein, Lewellyn, Lightcap, Lindquist, Lock, Logan, Long, Loop, Loucks, Loughrey, Love, Lowe, Lowry, Lyle, Lynch, Lyon, Lytle, Macbeth, Mabon, Maier, Maloy, Markle, Marsh, Martin, Martz, Mason, Mathias, Mayers, McAllister, McCaleb, McCann, McCarty, McConaughy, McConnell, McCreary, McCullogh, McCune, McCurdy, McDonald, McFarland, McFadyen, McGeary, McIntire, McIntyre, McKean, McKelvey, McMahon, McMaster, McMullen, McMurray, McNaughton, McNutt, McQuilkin, Mellon, Menoher, Miller, Milligan, Mitinger, Momeyer, Moody, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, Morrison, Moser, Mowry, Moyer, Mullin, Mulvihill, Murdock, Muse, Musick, Myers, Nayhouse, Neel, Neff, Newcomer, Newill, Newingham, Nicely, Niswonger, Nolf, Null, Odbert, Offutt, Ogden, Olinger, Osborn, Overholt, Owens, Pahel, Painter, Palanafsky, Parfitt, Park, Parker, Parks, Paterson, Patterson, Patton, Peairs, Perkins, Perry, Peterson, Petty, Pfeiffer, Pool, Pope, Porch, Pore, Porter, Portser, Price, Prugh, Pyatt, Ramaley, Ramsay, Rankin, Raub, Reed, Reichman, Reigh, Rhey, Rhoades, Rhody, Richey, Richie, Riggle, Rinehart, Robbins, Robinson, Rodehaver, Rollason, Ropp, Rorke, Routson, Rowe, Rubright, Ruff, Ruffner, Sargent, Sarver, Saxman, Sayers, Schantz, Scheibler, Scheider, Schoaf, Schott, Scott, Seanor, Seidel, Seiler, Seubert, Shaffer, Shaner, Shearer, Sheetz, Shelar, Shepler, Sherrick, Shields, Shoemaker, Shuey, Shumaker, Shupe, Shuster, Sibel, Sibley, Sickenberger, Silvis, Sinclair, Skelley, Skelly, Skidmore, Slaine, Slater, Sloan, Smeltzer, Smith, Snively, Snyder, Sober, Springer, St. Clair, Stantz, Stauffer, Steel, Steele, Steiner, Sterling, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stitely, Stitt, Stom, Stoner, Straub, Sullivan, Suter, Sutton, Swauger, Swensson, Tallman, Tarr, Taylor, Theakston, Thomas, Thompson, Todd, Torrence, Townsend, Triece, Triggs, Troutman, Turner, Turney, Ulerich, Ulery, Vogle, Wagner, Wainer, Waldron, Walley, Walter, Walters, Walthour, Walton, Warden, Watters, Weaver, Webb, Weddle, Weichsel, Weimer, Weis, Weister, Welch, Welsh, Welty, Wengert, Wenrich, Wentling, Werkman, Wherry, Whitehead, Whitesell, Willets, Williams, Wills, Willson, Wilson, Wineman, Winsheimer, Wirsing, Witt, Wolf, Woods, Wright, Young, Zahniser, Zillmer, Zimmerman, Zuck
Town, Township & Regional Histories
Historic Ligonier Valley - A Souvenir (William G. Irwin, 1898, 68 pages)
This is a brief history and photographic souvenir of the Ligonier valley in Westmoreland County, PA.
Laughlintown Penna. 1797-1947 (Anonymous, 1947, 85 pages)
This publication was written as a commemorative piece marking 150 years of history for Laughlintown, Westmoreland County, PA. It provides a brief history of the town and its development. In addition to the historical information, throughout the publication there are numerous articles covering a variety of subjects relating to the town and its people. A nice feature of the publication is a memorial section for the soldiers of World War II, who gave their lives. Each are given a biographical sketch accompanied by a portrait. Later in the publication, a list of all the men and women of WWII from Laughlintown is provided. Along with the various sketches and historical information, there are included numerous photographs of the town and its people.
Latrobe Pennsylvania, One Hundred Years 1854-1954
(Anonymous, 1954, 160 pages)
This is a centennial history of the City of Latrobe, Westmoreland County, PA from 1854-1954. It covers the history of the town from the 1700's onward, with greater emphasis on the time since the incorporation of the city. It chronicles the development of the city and its industry, civic associations, schools, churches, wartime involvement, etc. Throughout the publication are details of the citizens, historic and current (1954). Along with all of this are numerous photographs and illustrations of the city and its people.
The Greater Greensburg Profile (William M. Henry, 1962, 442 pages)
This publication is a history of the borough of Greensburg, Westmoreland County, PA as well as a sketch of its present state (1962). The first part of the publication covers Greensburg's history from the foundation of the town, as well as some of the events around that period. It progresses through time relating how the town has developed. The second part of the publication deals with Greensburg as it was in 1961-62. It provides a sketch of many of Greensburg's businesses and other organizations. In addition, along with each of these sketches, it gives brief biographical sketches and portraits of the employees or members of each organization. This publication contains hundreds of these sketches each accompanied by a portrait of the sketch subject. This publication thus paints a nice picture of Greensburg in the early 1960's, as well as providing a history of the city prior to that.
History of Jeannette (Jeannette American Legion, 1976, 306 pages)
This is a history of the city of Jeannette, Westmoreland County written for the bicentennial of the country in 1976. It covers the history of the city and area beginning in the mid 1700's when the area was still frontier. It moves on through the settlement and establishment of the city, covering important events through its course. Subsequent sections outline the current (1976) state of the city - its government, schools, churches, industries, clubs, etc. Later sections provide sketches of the city's merchants and businesspeople and details of some of Jeannette's early or important citizens. Along with the historical content, the publication includes many photographs of its residents and various scenes from around the area.
Merchants and Businesspeople:
Ager Maytag Company, Arlington Baker, G. M. Beneventano and Co., Bushyager & Droutz, Birk Funeral Home, Daugherty Drug Store, Davie Davis Bedding Company, Dublino's, Eckert's Jewelery, Eger's Inc., Eleanor's House of Fashion, Euwer & Co., E. F. Horn Company, F & A Italian Store, Felder's Confectionery, Gillespie's Jeannett's Best Store, Glass City Drug Stores, John V. Graziano Funeral Home, H & R Block, Ingraham's, Jeannette Cab Company, Jouret's Store, Levin's Funiture Store, Lowry Flooring, Manfredo's Hotel, Margie's Beauty Salon, Marg's Grill, Masciantonio's Market, Mason-Gelder Funeral Home, McClure Funeral Home, G. C. Murphy Company, Olga's Office Supply, The Olympia Douros Brothers, Ritz Shops (Former Ratner's), Saftey Service Inc., Sandson's, Shrum's Dairy, Taylor Floral, Urbani's Pharmacy Inc., Werblin's, W. S. Whitlatch Funeral Home, West End Builders Supply Co. Inc., Zannarini Bros., Clippinger Insurance Agency, Columbia Real Estate, Charles F. Doberneck Real Estate and Insurance Business, Shrader & Gehr Agency, Varine-Slavin Agency, DiSalvo's, Fort Pitt, Roni's Lounge, Sportsmens' Inn
Miscellaneous Histories
A History of the Reformed Church Within the Bounds of the
Westmoreland Classis (Committee of Classis, 1877, 238 pages)
This is a history of a number of western PA churches in the area of Westmoreland County, PA. The churches included are - First Greensburg Charge: Harrolds, Brush Creek, First Greensburg, Manor; Mt. Pleasant Charge: St. Peter's, St. John's, St. Pauls, Zion's; Latrobe Charge: Ligonier, Youngstown, Pleasant Unity, Latrobe; Emmanuel Charge: Emmanuel, Olive; St. James's Charge: St. James', Zion's; Second Greensburg Charge: Second Greensburg, St. Paul's (Seaner's), Trinity; Salem Charge: Trinity, Fennel's; Irwin Charge, Pine Run Charge, Scottsdale Charge, and some extinct congregations.
Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Northern] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 125 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout north, central and western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
From Westmoreland County
-- From Latrobe: -- Anderson & Albert, John A. Showalter & Co., Isaac D. Pores & Co.
Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Western] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 144 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from dozens of towns throughout Western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
From Westmoreland County
-- From Greensburg: -- The Barclay Bank, Joseph Bowman & Sons, Freeman C. Gay & Co., Henry S. Ackerman, H. F. Thomas, Harry F. Bott, Bennett Rask, L. Furtwangler, Oliver C. Sarver, Turney & Bro.
Illustrated Portfolio of Reformed Churches of
Western Pennsylvania (J. N. Naly, 1894-1896, 172 pages)
This publication was originally produced in 24 parts over 2 years, and focuses on the Reformed Churches of the Westmoreland and Clarion Classes in Western Pennsylvania. Each part covers a specific Charge of the church and contains photographs of both its churches and ministers. Each part also sketches the history of those churches and in some cases provides details about the early residents of those areas, or sketches the lives of the ministers who served there. The Charges of these Classes are located mostly in the counties of Armstrong, Clarion, and Westmoreland, but the information also touches on the surrounding counties of Cambria, Clearfield, Jefferson, Indiana, and Somerset.
Part No. and Charge Covered:
1 - Apollo, 2 - 1st Greensburg, 3 - South Bend, 4 - Pine Run, 5 - Irwin, 6 - Mt. Pleasant, 7 - Harrold's, 8 - St. John's, 9 - Emmanuel & Jeannette, 10 - Du Bois, 11 - Brush Creek, 12 - Red Bank, 13 - Denmark Manor, 14 - Plum Creek, 15 - Scottdale & Johnstown, 16 - Paradise, 17 - Pleaseant Unity, 18 - Beaver, 19 - Latrobe, 20 - Curllsville, 21 - 2nd Greensburg, 22 - Youngstown & St. Petersburg, 23 - Salem & Emlenton, 24 - Kittanning
Old Westmoreland: A History of Western Pennsylvania
During the Revolution (Edgar W. Hassler, 1900, 207 pages)
From the Preface: "This book represents an effort to tell the revolutionary history of the Western Pennsylvania border; to describe the trials, the sacrifices, the errors and the heroisms of the frontiersmen, in their conflicts with Tories, British partisan and savages, during the years when Washington and his generals were fighting for independence along the Atlantic seaboard. The American Revolution covered many fields of action, and the operations on each contributed to the grand result. The men who defended the western border against the savage tribes were doing their work essential to the cause of freedom as well as the ragged Continentals who faced British and Hessian battalions in New York or New Jersey."
Surmanes Indexed:
Amberson, Anderson, Armstrong, Ballantine, Bane, Barr, Bayard, Beelor, Beeson, Benham, Biggs, Bilderback, Bird, Blaine, Boyd, Bradt, Brady, Brant, Brinton, Brodhead, Brown, Brownlee, Bruce, Butler, Caldwell, Cambray, Campbell, Canon, Carleton, Carnaghan, Carpenter, Carson, Cavet, Cherry, Chilloway, Clark, Collie, Connolly, Cook, Corbly, Cox, Cracraft, Craig, Crawford, Croghan, DePeyster, Doddridge, Douglass, Downing, Dunmore, Elliott, Fife, Findley, Fink, Finley, Fleming, Fowler, Franklin, Gaddis, Gibson, Girty, Graham, Guthrie, Hamilton, Hand, Hanna, Hardin, Harrison, Hays, Hazen, Heath, Heckewelder, Henry, Hinkston, Hoagland, Hood, Hopkins, Huffnagle, Irvine, Jack, Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Killgore, Knight, Knotts, Lanctot, Laughlin, Leet, Lewis, Leyba, Lincoln, Linn, Lochry, Long, Loskiel, McCleery, McClelland, McClure, McCulloch, McCully, McElroy, McFarlane, McGeehan, McIntosh, Mackay, McKee, Maclean, Mann, Markle, Marshel, Miller, Mills, Montour, Moorhead, Morgan, Munn, Myers, Neville, Nicholson, Ormsby, Orr, Ourry, Pentecost, Perry, Piggott, Poe, Pollock, Pomeroy, Proctor, Rankin, Reed, Ritchie, Rodgers, Rose, Ross, Russell, Saint Clair, Scott, Semple, Shannon, Shepherd, Shields, Slover, Smith, Speer, Springer, Stephenson, Stokely, Stoops, Surphlit, Swearingen, Turney, Veness, Vernon, Wallace, Ward, Washington, Weston, Willard, Williamson, Wilson, Zane, Zeisberger
Historic Souvenir Westmoreland County Soldiers and Sailors
(Westmoreland County Soldiers' and Sailors' Veterans Assoc., 1925, 73 pages)
This booklet was published as a souvenir history of the soldiers of Westmoreland County, PA. It consists of biographies, photographs, historical details, etc., pertaining to Westmoreland County's soldiers and sailors extending back to the Revolutionary War. The majority of the information deals with the Civil war and the part that soldiers from Westmoreland County played in that conflict, but some of the information covers the Revolutionary War as well.
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