Mennonite Family History July 2021
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Old Photos Tell a Story—Huber by Lois Ann Mast [Huber, Buckwalter]; Tracing a Thousand Years of Graf/Groff/Grove(s) History—Part II by Darvin L. Martin [Graf, Groff, Grove(s)]; The Mast Siblings of Sand Hill, Texas: From Slavery to Founders of a Freedom Colony by Archie Rison, Mable Hall, and Dot Mast Moss [Mast]; Blessed With Eight Generations—The Ancestor Fan Chart of Micah James Steiner; Hans in der Weid: An Update and the Making of a Swiss Anabaptist Family at Steffisburg, Switzerland by Larry Zimmerman [Zimmerman]; Using Find a Grave in Family Research by Yvonne Morrissey; Remember When... by Lorraine Frantz Edwards; Preacher Heinrich Stalter—Head of the Amish Mennonite Congregation of Munich by Herbert Holly [Stalter]; The Jutzi/Yutzi/Iutzi Family by Bruce W. Jantzi [Jutzi, Yutzi, Iutzi]; Old Photos by Lemar Mast [Mast].
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