Mennonite Family History October 1997
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: John Paul Grieser (1792-1864) The Amish Immigrant Ancestor of Greasers and Gressers [Grieser, Greaser, Gresser]; Agricultural Schedules and Federal Census Schedules, 1850-1880: Brecknock Township, Lancaster Co.,Pa.; Before the Census Taker Came; Records Penned by George Jutzi (1753-1827) in 1782 [Jutzi]; A 1782 North Carolina Petition Pertaining to the Dunkers; Ministers and Deacons of the Montau-Gruppe Church in Prussia [Baltzer, Schroeder, Goertz, Franz, Boldt]; The Jacob and Varena Bowman Family, Brethren Pioneers of Maryland and Virginia, Part II [Bowman]; Bishop Walter Stuckey of Fulton Co., Ohio [Stuckey]; Menno Cousins Across the U. S.; Recovering From Genealogy Burglars.
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