Mennonite Family History October 1983
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: A Glimpse of Several Pioneer Menn. Families [Haacke, Fidler, Haldeman, Rittenhouse]; County Histories; Early Descendatns of John Sollenberger of Cumberland County, Pa. [Sollenberger]; Hans Joder of Great Swamp [Yoder]; Manufactures Schedules, 1810-1880; Samuel Evans Allgyer [Allgyer]; Swiss Emigrants From 1694-1754 Who Settled in the Palatinate, Alsace-Lorraine, Baden-Wurttemberg, and Pennsylvania [Bachmann, Conrad, Danner, Lehmann, Wenger]; The Angeny-Ankeny Connection [Angeny, Ankeny, Wismer]; The Descendants of Daniel Linscheid [Linscheid]; The Land of Salm [Kupferschmit]; Yoder Bible [Yoder]; Zuck Bible [Zuck]; Christmas Letter 2007: Religious Impact on Family.
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