Mennonite Family History July 2013
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: The Family Registers of Conrad Schlunegger (1857-1942) [Schlunegger]; Towards the Autobiography of Johann Georg Wesselhoeft (1805-1859), Failed German Printer: Four New Letters to Christian Iutzi (1788-1857), Part V: Adieu: Fourth and Final Letter to Christian Iutzi in Ohio, from St. Louis, Missouri, on February 2, 1846 [Wesselhoeft, Iutzi]; Samuel, Magdalena, Hannah, and Sarah Coffman: Tenth Son and Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Daughters of Patriarch Jacob Kauffman (KFC) of East Whiteland Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania [Coffman, Kauffman, Oberholtzer, Kurtz]; The Family of Abraham Denlinger (1776-1819) Connecting the 18th-Century Mennonite Denlingers of Pennsylvania to the 19th-Century Brethren Denlingers of Ohio [Denlinger]; Catching Up with Pioneer Jacob Beiler, Beyeler, Beyler, Biler [Beiler, Beyeler, Beyler, Biler]; Peter Martin Friesen [Friesen]; A Mennonite Mystery in Cumberland: Tracing the Ancestry of Joseph B. Lehman [Lehman]; Anabaptist Tourism to Switzerland: Assessing the Impact of the 2004 Swiss Reconciliation Initiatives and 2007 Emmental Tourism "Tauferjahr" Events; Hans Moser, Anabaptist of Ruderswil, Living in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland [Moser].
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