Mennonite Family History April 2017
This issue contains the following articles and [surnames]: Ulrich Burkhart of Warwick Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania [Burkhart]; Daniel Shidler (1787-1864), Brethren Farmer in Pennsylvania and Ohio, Part IV: Daniel's Orange Township, Ohio, Property [Shidler, Day, Murray]; Who Are My Fischer/Fisher Ancestors? (a request for information) [Fisher, Miller]; Hostetter's Stomach Bitters [Hostetter]; Lizzie on the Wall [Augsburger, Steinman, Miller, Grieser, King]; Representing Those Who Moved: Peter Zehr (1874-1960) and Katherine Jantzi (1879-1954) of Ontario, Nebraska, and Oregon, Part II: Immigrant Ancestors of Katherine "Katie" Jantzi (1879-1954) [Jantzi, Zehr, Gerber, Boshart, Buerge, Grieser, Ulrich, Zimmerman, Schindler, Eicher, Schwarri, Hochstetler]; From Nicholas Stoltzfus to Klaus Greenywalt [Stoltzfus]; The Susanna (Augspurger) Stoltzfus Story [Augspurger, Stoltzfus, Yoder]; DNA and Biblical Genealogy.
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