Lycoming County PA - County History & Biography Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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Otzinachson; or a History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna
(J. F. Meginnes, 1857, 533 pages)
The full title is: "Otzinachson; Or a History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna, Embracing a full account of its settlement, trials and privations endured by the first pioneers - Full accounts of the indian wars, predatory incursions, abductions, massacres, &c, together with an account of the fair play system and the trying scenes of the Great Runaway interspersed with biographical sketches of some of the leading settlers, families, etc, together with pertinent anecdotes, statistics and much valued matter entirely new." This is an early resource on the West Branch Valley area covering the regions of Lycoming, Clinton, Union, and Northumberland Counties, PA. It contains a great deal of information on the early settlers and what they faced in this area when it was a frontier around the time of the Revolution. A great resource for historical or genealogical research in this area.
Otzinachson; or a History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna
(J. F. Meginnes, 1889, 712 pages)
This is a revision of the original edition from 1857 including additional information and illustrations.
Biographical Annals of Deceased Residents of the West Branch
Valley of the Susquehanna (J. F. Meginness, 1889, 270 pages)
This is an early biographical volume focusing on the region of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna in Lycoming, Northumberland, Union, and Snyder Counties. This is an excellent source of information as much of the details contained in the text are only found in this volume.
Surnames Indexed:
Achenbach, Adium, Aiken, Alder, Alexander, Allen, Antes, Anthony, Armstrong, Arrowsmith, Aspen, Awl, Ayres, Babb, Bailey, Baird, Barber, Barto, Bastress, Bellas, Bennett, Bentley, Blair, Blaker, Boal, Boatman, Boone, Brady, Bridgens, Brown, Bruner, Bryson, Bucher, Bugh, Bull, Burrows, Burt, Caldwell, Calvert, Cameron, Campbell, Carskaddon, Chambers, Chapman, Chilloway, Church, Clark, Cooke, Cooper, Coryell, Covenhoven, Cooke, Crane, Crawford, Culbertson, Cummings, Davidson, De Long, Dewart, Dietrick, Donnel, Dougal, Duncan, Dunn, Durham, Eagle, Eldred, Elliot, Ellis, English, Evans, Faires, Farley, Fleming, Follmer, Frick, Gamble, Geddes, Gilliland, Green, Greenough, Grier, Hall, Hays, Hamilton, Hegins, Hepburn, Herdic, Hill, Huling, Hurley, Huston, Irvin, Jarrett, Jones, Jordan, Kapp, Kelley, Kidd, Kirkpatrick, Lashells, Lawshe, Lebo, Lewis, Lloyd, Lowdon, Lyman, Mackey, Maclay, Maynard, McCormick, McElrath, McKean, McMinn, Montgomery, Nutimus (Notames), Opp, Packer, Parker, Parsons, Plunkett, Priestley, Quay, Quinn, Rambach, Reed, Ross, Shay, Shriner, Slifer, Sloan, Smith, Snyder, Sprout, Sterling, Stewart, Taggert, Torbet, Ulrich, Updegraff, Vanderbelt, Van Valzah, Walker, Wallis, Warner, Watson, Weitzel, White, Willits, Winchester, Winters, Wilson, Wood, Yocum, Yonkin, Zaner
History of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania (John F. Meginness, 1892, 1263 pages)
This publication is the second major historical / biographical work for Lycoming County. The first part of the publication makes up the historical section, covering the early history and development of the county. It provides a great deal of historical background for the area. The biographical part makes up the remaining pages, covering hundreds of prominent individuals and families, many with illustrations. This is an essential resource for historical or genealogical research in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.
Surnames Indexed:
Ade, Aderhold, Albert, Albright, Allen, Allison, Alward, Ames, Andrews, Antes, Anthony, Appel, Armstrong, Arthur, Artley, Artman, Aspen, Ault, Ayres, Babb, Bailey, Bair, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Banger, Barber, Bardo, Bardoe, Bartch, Bartles, Barto, Barton, Bastian, Bastress, Bauer, Baysore, Bear, Becht, Beck, Beeber, Beede, Bell, Bennet, Bennett, Bentley, Berry, Bickell, Blackwell, Blair, Bly, Boak, Boal, Boatman, Bobst, Bodine, Bodines, Bonnell, Boul, Bovee, Bower, Bowman, Boyer, Brady, Brainerd, Brasha, Breneman, Bricker, Brindle, Brodhead, Brown, Brule, Bryan, Bubb, Buck, Buffington, Burd, Burger, Burnett, Burrell, Burrows, Burt, Butler, Butz, Buyers, Byers, Byrne, Caldwell, Callaban, Calvert, Campbell, Candor, Carothers, Carpenter, Carskadden, Carson, Case, Casebeer, Casner, Casselberry, Chapman, Cheyney, Chilloway, Clapp, Clark, Clees, Clendenin, Cline, Cochran, Coder, Cogan, Cohick, Coleman, Collins, Colt, Colver, Condon, Connelly, Cool, Cooper, Coppes, Corson, Coryell, Covenhoven, Coxe, Crane, Crawford, Crocker, Croll, Crouse, Culbertson, Cummin, Cummings, Cupp, Curtin, Curts, Decker, Deitrick, Denworth, Derr, Detwiler, De Wall, Dieffenderfer, Dietmeier, Dietrick, Dimm, Dittman, Doane, Dodd, dodge, Doherty, Donnel, Dougherty, Dove, Downing, Drum, Duble, Du Bois, Duffy, Du Four, Dunbar, Dunkelberger, Dunlap, Dunn, Dwyer, Dykins, Eck, Ecroyd, Eddy, Eder, Edkin, Elder, Edwards, Eiswert, Eldred, Ellinger, Elliot, Ellis, Else, Emery, England, English, Ertel, Essington, Evenden, Eves, Faber, Fague, Farley, Farnsworth, Farr, Feister, Ferguson, Fessler, Field, Fincher, Fink, Fisher, Fithian, Flack, Flanagan, Fleischman, Fleming, Flemming, Flock, Follmer, Foresman, Forsman, Forster, Fowler, Fox, Frain, Frantz, Fredericks, French, Fribley, Friedel, Frontz, Fry, Fuller, Fullmer, Fulmer, Gable, Galbraith, Galloway, Gamble, Garrett, Gasline, Geddes, George, Gernerd, Gesler, Gibson, Gillmore, Ginter, Gohl, Goldy, Good, Gortner, Gosline, Grady, Grafius, Gray, Green, Gregg, Grier, Griffith, Gross, Gstalder, Gudykunst, Guinter, Guinther, Guldin, Guy, guyer, Haag, Hagenbuch, Haines, Haire, Halfpenny, Hall, Hamilton, Harder, Harer, Harman, Harris, Hart, Hartley, Hartman, Hartranft, Hartzell, Hawley, Hayes, Hays, Hazelet, Heileman, Heilman, Heim, Henderson, Henry, Hepburn, Herbst, Herdie, Hermance, Hess, Hetner, Hews, Hey, Heyd, Heylman, Hicks, Hill, Hopkins, Horn, Houseknecht, Housel, Houston, Howard, Howell, Hower, Hoyer, Hubbard, Huber, Hubley, Huffman, Hughes, Huling, Hull, Humes, Hunt, Huston, Innes, Jackson, Jamison, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Junod, Kahler, Karn, Kaupp, Keefer, Keeler, Keiss, Keller, Kelly, Kelton, Kemplen, Kepner, Kidd, Kless, Kilborn, Kilbourn, Kimble, King, Kinley, Kitely, Kittoe, Klasener, Kline, Klump, Knapp, Knox, Keoper, Koch, Konkle, Koones, Koser, Krause, Kyle, Laedlein, Laird, Lamade, Lamb, Lamberson, Langcake, Laporte, Laselle, Lathey, Lawler, Lawshe, Lee, Lehman, Leiter, Lenfert, Lenhart, Lentz, Leonard, Lewars, Lewis, Linck, Linn, Lippincott, Lloyd, Lockard, Long, Longsdorf, Lore, Losch, Lose, Low, Lowdon, Lowe, Lucas, Ludwig, Lumley, Lundy, Luppert, Lyon, Mack, Mackey, MacMillan, Mahaffey, Mankey, Manning, Mansel, Manville, Marker, Marshall, Martin, Maynard, McCarty, McClure, McConnel, McCormick, McCullough, McCutcheon, McDonald, McElrath, McGowan, McHenry, McKinney, McLees, McMeens, McMicken, McMinn, McMurray, McMurren, McNett, Meckly, Meginness, Melick, Mendenhall, Menges, Meredith, Metzgar, Meyer, Michael, Miller, Millspaugh, Milnor, Mingle, Mitchell, Moltz, Montgomery, Montour, Moore, Morrison, Mosser, Mosteller, Mountz, Moyer, Mudge, Mulvey, Munro, Munson, Murphy, Musgrave, Mussina, Mutchler, Myers, Narber, Neece, Neilson, Neuschafer, Nevins, Newman, Neyhart, Nicely, Nichols, Niemeyer, Noble, Noon, Norris, Nunn, Nutt, O'Conner, Olmstead, Opp, Orme, Osler, Ott, Otto, Overmyer, Packer, Page, Painter, Parker, Parr, Parsons, Patterson, Paulhamus, Pawling, Peale, Peddigree, Peoples, Pepperman, Perkius, Pertley, Persun, Peterman, Petrikin, Phillips, Platt, Pidcoe, Plunkett, Pollys, Pollock, Porter, Pott, Poust, Price, Quiggle, Quigle, Rakestraw, Ramsey, Randall, Raper, Rathmell, Raup, Rawle, Reading, Reardon, Reed, Reeder, Reedy, Reeves, Reibsam, Reighard, Reilly, Reinhold, Rentz, Reynolds, Rhoads, Riale, Rianhard, Rich, Richter, Riddell, Riley, Rishel, Rissel, Ritter, Robb, Robinson, Rogers, Roller, Rorabaugh, Rose, Rowley, Runkle, Rush, Russell, Rutter, Ryan, Rynearson, Saeger, Sallada, Sallade, Sampson, Sander, Sanderson, Sanford, Sayles, Saylor-Brown, Saelfe, Seates, Schmohl, Schneider, Schoch, Schooly, Schuch, Schug, Schultze, Schumann, Schwelker, Scott, Scudder, Sechler, Sechrist, Sedam, Seely, Sees, Seitz, Shafer, Shaffer, Shalemiller, Shant, Shaw, Shensly, Sheesley, Sheffer, Sherman, Shiffler, Shipman, Shoemaker, Sholder, Shollenberger, Shulze, Shumacher, Siegel, Siess, Sipe, Slate, Sloan, Slonaker, Smith, Southard, Spence, Stewart, Stoltz, Stone, Stonesifer, Stradley, Strebeigh, Strieby, Stryker, Strumpfle, Stutzman, Suess, Sutton, Swartz, Sweeley, Sweely, Sweet, Taber, Talley, Tallman, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Tinsman, Tomb, Tomlinson, Torbert, Townsend, Trainer, Trick, Troxell, Trumbower, Trump, Turner, Ulman, Updegraff, Van Campen, Vanderbelt, Van Fleet, Van Ness, Vanvorce, Vell, Villinger, Wagner, Walbridge, Waldron, Walker, Walls, Waltz, Warn, Watson, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weigel, Weiser, Welch, Welper, Welshans, Wenner, Wentz, Westfall, Weymouth, Wheeland, Wheelock, White, Whitehead, Whitman, Whitmire, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winchester, Winters, Wirt, Wise, Wittig, Woddrop, Wolf, Wonderly, Wood, Woolever, Wurster, Wychoff, Wyland, Yarlson, Yeakel, Yost, Yothers, Young, Youngman, Ziesberger
1795-1895 Official Report of the Proceedings of the Centennial
Anniversary of Lycoming County, PA (John F. Meginness, 1895, 398 pages)
This publication was produced for Lycoming County's centennial celebration and contains a brief history of the county's settlement and early growth. It also covers the development of the schools of the county, and then follows with an detailed description of the accounts centered on the Centennial celebration itself, including its organizers, officers, participants, and events. An interesting inclusion to the publication is a section detailing the various antiquities owned by and brought for display by the families of the county, many dating back into the 1700's. Also of particular interest are 2 county maps. One map shows the original extent of the county when it was formed overlaid on top of the counties of the day, (the county originally extended well into western Pennsylvania, and up to the New York border.) The other map is a full-color map from the time when the book was published, showing each of the townships and towns. This is a nice supplement other genealogical or historical works from the area.
1795-1895 Lycoming County Its Organization and Condensed
History for One Hundred Years (John F. Meginness, 1895, 81 pages)
This publication presents a brief history of what became Lycoming County, Pennsylvania - published for the centennial celebration. It gives a brief account of the settlement of the state, the area of modern Lycoming County, and a thorough account of how the county and townships came to their present boundaries, as well as other historical details.
History of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania (Col. Thomas W. Lloyd, 1929, 1247 pages)
From the Preface: "To write a history of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, is no easy task. So many things enter into a discussion of the subject, many of them of minor importance except as they are related to others of greater moment, that to fully cover the entire ground is somewhat difficult. In the present history that of the late John M. Meginness has been freely drawn upon and no attempt has been made to supersede his great work. That veritable mine of information will remain for all time the source of original research for everything relating to the early history of Lycoming County. It has only been the aim of the writer to supplement the labors of Meginness and bring them down to date as well as amplify some of the subjects which he treated only briefly. One of the most important of these is the giant lumber industry which made the city of Williamsport famous and its present prosperity a possibility. Other chapters have been added covering subjects of special historical interest which seemed to warrant more extended treatment. There has been no attempt at fine writing, but only an earnest effort to tell in plain, simple language the story of the wonderful progress and development of Lycoming County and the city of Williamsport." This publication was originally written in two volumes: Volume 1 covers the historical aspects of the region, the settlement and civil development of the county, as well as a brief historical sketch of each township and major borough. Volume 2 contains the biographies of hundreds of prominent and leading individuals of the county. Many of these are also represented by portraits, although some are not as clear as others.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Ade, Adelson, Aderhold, Albright, Ames, Anderson, Angle, Anspach, App, Applegate, Armstrong, Ash, Askey, Avery, Bair, Baldy, Baltzer, Banzhaf, Barbour, Bardo, Barner, Barnes, Barto, Bastian, Bates, Bauer, Bay, Beach, Beck, Beeber, Behrens, Beerweiler, Bell, Bender, Bennett, Best, Bidelspacher, Biester, Bingaman, Bingman, Bishop, Black, Bluemle, Boice, Bonhoff, Bonsler, Bowman, Bren, Brewer, Brink, Brown, Brubaker, Bryfogle, Bubb, Budman, Bullock, Burns, Burrows, Caldwell, Callahan, Camerer, Candor, Caporaletti, Carner, Carson, Carter, Case, Chatham, Cheesman, Clapp, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Cloud, Cochran, Cohick, Coleman, Collier, Collins, Coney, Coryell, Coulter, Coup, Crane, Cranmer, Creamer, Crocker, Crooks, Cummings, Dale, Darling, Davis, Dawson, Decker, DeCoursey, Deemer, Delseit, Derk, Derr, Dickerson, Dieffenderfer, Dietz, Dimm, Doane, Dochter, Donaldson, Donovan, Downs, Duffy, Dunbar, Earnest, Ebner, Eck, Eckert, Edwards, Eisenmenger, Elder, Eldon, Ellis, Fahnestock, Feerrar, Ferguson, Ferrell, Fessler, Finkle, Fisher, Flock, Flook, Flumerfelt, Flynn, Forcey, Foresman, Foucart, Fought, Foust, Franck, Frontz, Fry, Frey, Fulmer, Garverich, Gehron, German, Gerry, Gheen, Gibbons, Gilmore, Good, Goodman, Gorham, Gowers, Glass, Graff, Graham, Grange, Grannis, Greene, Greevy, Grittner, Gstalder, Habbel, Hall, Hamner, Hammer, Hammond, Hardt, Harer, Harman, Harmon, Harries, Hart, Hartsock, Hartranft, Hassenplug, Hayes, Hays, Heilman, Heim, Heller, Henderson, Herdie, Herrick, Herritt, Hevner, Hicks, Hill, Hilsher, Hoadley, Hoagland, Hoover, Houck, Horn, Hough, Housel, Houseknecht, Huling, Hull, Hurr, Hyatt, Jacson, Jaffe, Johnson, Jones, Kast, Kaupp, Kaye, Keiter, Kelchner, Kelson, Kemp, Kendrick, Kepner, Kiess, Kiessling, Kilmer, Kimble, King, Kirchmaier, Kirk, Kirkendall, Knigh, Kolb, Krise, Krause, Kull, Kurtz, Ladley, Laird, Lamade, Larrabee, Larson, Letterman, Levering, Lightfoot, Lilley, Lindbach, Link, Little, Lloyd, Logue, Long, Lorimer, Losch, Lose, Love, Lowe, Lundy, Luppert, Lyon, Mackey, Madison, Maeulen, Maggio, Maize, Maneval, Manson, Marnon, Marshall, McClintock, McCormick, McCullough, McGraw, McKean, McNamara, Meixel, Mench, Merrill, Metzger, Meyer, Michael, Miller, Millener, Mitchell, Mitstifer, Mollenkopf, Monks, Morris, Mosser, Moyer, Mundy, Munson, Mussina, Myers, Nardi, Neefe, Neff, Nevins, Nicely, Nichols, Nicholson, Noll, Norlund, Ohl, O'Neil, Opp, Page, Painter, Paul, Perley, Person, Petrie, Petrikin, Pfeiffer, Phillips, Porter, Poust, Pray, Priest, Rader, Raker, Ramsey, Reed, Reeder, Reese, Renn, Renninger, Retalick, Rewalt, Reynolds, Rhone, Rianhard, Rich, Richardson, Rickolt, Rider, Ritter, Roberts, Rockwell, Rogers, Rook, Rorabaugh, Rundio, Russell, Sallada, Sanders, Sanford, Sassaman, Saxe, Saxton, Scherer, Schlegel, Schnee, Schreyer, Schumacher, Schulyer, Schwer, Sedam, Seeley, Seibert, Seitzer, Sevison, Shaffer, Shaw, Shay, Shempp, Sherman, Shuman, Siegel, Smith, Sollenberger, Spangle, Spigelmyer, Sprout, Stearns, Steck, Steele, Stiber, Stover, Stroehmann, Stuempfle, Swink, Taggart, Talley, Taylor, Tepel, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Thrall, Tolen, Tonkin, Trainer, Troisi, Troxell, Updegraff, Updegrapff, Ulman, Vandergrift, Van Devender, Vermilya, Vickers, Vrendenburg, Waldeisen, Waldron, Walker, Wallis, Waltman, Walton, Watson, Way, Wells, Wench, Whitehead, Wilhelm, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wingate, Winner, Winter, Winters, Wolf, Wolfe, Wurster, Young, Youngman, Yount, Zellers, Zimmer, Zimmerman
A Picture of Lycoming County
(Commissioners of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 1939, 237 pages)
This is a brief history of Lycoming County written for use in schools. It covers the early history and frontier times through the American Revolution and Civil War, through the lumbering boom and into modern times. (1939) It covers various aspects of Lycoming County's history including industry, agriculture, war involvement, and civil government.
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