Erie County PA - County, Regional and Misc History Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
County Histories
The History of Erie County Pennsylvania (Laura G. Sanford, 1862, 368 pages)
This is an early history of Erie County, PA. It provides a description of the area's settlement and development over the years. It also includes a wealth of genealogical and biographical information on residents and early settlers.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Addison, Austin, Babbitt, Badger, Ball, Banks, Barclay, Beebe, Bernard, Beuhler, Beverly, Bienville, Bird, Blaine, Blair, Blickensdefer, Braddock, Bradford, Bradstreet, Brandt, Brawley, Brevoort, Brewster, Brown, Bull, Butler, Cadwell, Carrier, Casenove, Cass, Caughey, Champlin, Chapin, Clark, Clinton, Coffin, Colson, Colt, Courtright, Croghan, Curtis, Curry, Cutler, Dallas, Denny, Derrickson, Dinwiddle, Dobbins, Dorchester, Doolittle, Douglass, Dunlap, Du Quesne, Eaton, Eckford, Eddy, Ellicot, Elliot, Farrelly, Field, Finnis, Fleming, Forster, Foster, Frazier, Gaines, Galbraith, Gist, Graham, Grubb, Gunnison, Hambleton, Hamilton, Hamot, Harrison, Harvey, Hawley, Hays, Henry, Himrod, Hutchinson, Irvine, Jackson, Jean, Johnson, Johns, Judd, Judson, Kellogg, Kelly, Kelso, King, Laird, Lee, Lindsay, Lowry, Lyon, Lytle, Marlin, Marshall, McAllister, McCord, McCurdy, McKinney, McLane, McMillan, McNair, McSparren, Mead, Metcalf, Miles, Montour, Moore, Moorhead, O'Hara, Olin, Olmstead, Orton, Ottinger, Paine, Parsons, Patterson, Perry, Peters, Phelps, Philippe, Pickering, Polhemus, Pollock, Porter, Pressly, Ramsey, Reed, Rees, Reid, Rittenhouse, Robinson, Rogers, Russel, Sanford, Savage, Saxton, Scott, Selden, Shippen, Sill, Sinclair, Skinner, Smith, Spencer, Sterrett, Strong, Sturgeon, Tate, Thompson, Tibbals, Tracy, Trotter, Van Braam, Vincent, Vosburg, Walker, Wallace, Watts, Wayne, Wetmore, Whallon, Wilkins, Williams, Wilson, Wrigth, Yarnall, Yates
History of Erie County Pennsylvania (Warner, Beers & Co., 1884, 1268 pages)
This publication is historical and biographical work on Erie County, PA. The topics include: the settlement and early history of the county, the involvement of its residents in the French / Indian and Revolutionary War period, War of 1812, as well as civil, agrigultural, industrial, and professional aspects of the county's history. Following this are historical sketches of each township and major borough, and then a section devoted to biographical sketches of prominent and influential residents.
Biographical Sketches:
From Erie:
Abell, Adams, Aichner, Allen, Atkinson, Austin, Babbitt, Bailey, Baker, Barkey, Barnhurst, Bates, Bauschard, Baxter, Becker, Beechling, Belknap, Bennett, Benze, Bier, Bliss, Bootz, Bosch, Bowers, Boyd, Boyle, Brainerd, Brandes, Brevillier, Briggs, Brown, Brubaker, Bryant, Bryce, Burton, Burton, Bush, Campbell, Carlson, Carter, Caskey, Caughey, Christian, Clark, Claus, Clemens, Cleveland, Coates, Cochran, Colt, Colton, Conrad, Constable, Courtright, Covell, Craine, Cranch, Crane, Crawford, Cronenberger, Crouch, Crowley, Culbertson, Cummins, Curry, Curtis, Curtze, Daggett, Davenport, Deming, Detzel, Diefenbach, Diefendorf, Diehl, Dobbins, Doll, Downer, Downing, Drake, Driggs, Du Mars, Dunlap, Eades, Eckert, Eliot, Ellicott, Erhart, Evans, Fairbairn, Farrar, Faulkner, Ferguson, Ferrier, Fink, Finney, Flickinger, Fogarty, Forster, Franz, Freeman, Fritz, Fry, Gaggin, Galbraith, Garey, Garries, Gensheimer, Gifford, Gilmore, Glazier, Goodrich, Gould, Grant, Gray, Griffith, Gunnison, Haibach, Hall, Haller, Hamot, Hanley, Hanlon, Hardwick, Harlow, Hartleb, Harvey, Hatch, Hayes, Heidt, Henderson, Henkler, Henrichs, Henry, Hershey, Heydrick, Hilton, Hitze, Hogan, Holliday, Hoskins, Howe, Hubley, Hughes, Jacobs, Jarecki, Jeffers, Jerge, Johnson, Jones, Kaltenbach, Kalvelage, Kellogg, Kelso, Kendig, Kennedy, Kern, Kessler, Kester, King, Koch, Kohlmiller, Kolb, Koster, Kraft, Lang, Leahey, Leech, Liebel, Loesch, Loomis, Lorei, Lovett, Luce, Lyon, Lytle, Lyle, McCarter, McClure, McCrea, McCreary, McHamon, McSparren, Marshall, Marvin, Mauer, Maus, Mead, Meiser, Metcalf, Meyer, Miller, Mischler, Mitchell, Moffett, Moore, Moorhead, Moser, Muller, Murray, Newbauer, Nicholson, Nick, Noble, Norton, O'Brien, O'Donnel, O'Hagan, Olds, O'Lone, Ostheimer, Ottinger, Outwait, Paskett, Patterson, Perley, Pickering, Pierce, Pinney, Pollock, Pressley, Price, Quinn, Rabe, Ramsey, Randall, Reavley, Reed, Rees, Rindernecht, Roos, Rosenzweig, Roth, Ryan, Sanford, Saltsman, Schlosser, Schultz, Schutte, Scobell, Scott, Scouller, Seabrook, Selden, Seven, Shattck, Sherman, Sherwin, Shirk, Sill, Silliman, Sloan, Smith, Sobel, Souther, Spencer, Spencer, Sprague, Sprickman, Stafford, Staples, Sternberg, Sterrett, Stewart, Straus, Stricker, Striebel, Strong, Sturgeon, Sullivan, Sulter, Taylor, Teel, Thayer, Thompson, Tibbals, Town, Tracy, Tubbs, Turrill, Ulrich, Vincent, Vosburgh, Walbridge, Walker, Wallace, Wallhauser, Walther, Warfel, Warner, Waxelbaum, Weeks, Weinheimer, Weiss, Weller, Wells, Welsh, Welshman, Weschler, Wetmore, Whallon, White, Whitley, Whitman, Whittelsey, Willard, Woodruff, Woods, Wuenschel, Youngs
From Corry:
Alexander, Allen, Andrews, Auer, Balser, Barnes, Blair, Bodmer, Bole, Bonnell, Bonsteel, Bowman, Bracken, Bradt, Brigham, Brooks, Brown, Bunvill, Campbell, Cameron, Carroll, Casperon, Chace, Christie, Clark, Clough, Colegrove, Coulter, Covell, Crosby, Cross, Dalton, Dart, Davis, De Ross, Dillingham, Diver, Dow, Dreyer, Elston, Ellsworth, Ely, Farnham, Fox, Frank, Franklin, Franz, Frink, Gay, Geer, Gifford, Gilbert, Gleason, Hall, Hammond, Harmon, Hatch, Hecker, Henderson, Hill, Hockenburg, Hoffman, Horton, Johnson, Kent, Lakin, Leach, Lemon, Lindsley, Linscott, Long, Lonnergan, Lynch, McFarland, McIntosh, Mackres, Marsh, Mead, Michels, Miller, Morgan, Morris, Mount, Muir, More, Mulkie, Murdock, Myer, Nantes, Pain, Pardee, Parker, Peterson, Phelphs, Pickett, Porter, Powell, Raymond, Rogers, Rowe, Skidmore, Slater, Sloan, Smith, Squier, Starbird, Stark, Steadman, Steward, Storer, Taylor, Thompson, Tunnicliffe, Turner, Van Doorn, Ward, Warner, Wasson, Westley, Wheeler, Willcox, Williams, Wilson, Woodring, Yost
From Amith Township:
Alford, Allen, Applebee, Bacon, Baldwin, Bisbe, Capron, Chaffee, Duncombe, Estes, Gross, Hayes, Hill, Hubbell, Ladd, McCullough, Maynard, Parker, Persons, Read, Sammons, Stewart, Tanner, Titus, Williams
From Concord Township:
Belknap, Blatchley, Boutwell, Chase, Crowell, Fralick, Gates, Hammond, Hasbouck, Heath, Higgins, Lindsey, Miner, Olmstead, Stevenson, Valentine, Walsh, Woodin
From Conneaut Township:
Barney, Bentley, Brown, Bumpus, Clark, Cole, Devereaux, Ferguson, Forbes, Grate, Griffey, Griffin, Harrington, Hedden, Hogle, Huntley, Hurst, Jackson, Keep, Kennedy, Kinney, Leyntz, Logan, Loomis, McKee, Marcy, Mills, Morrison, Orton, Palmer, Paul, Pelton, Pomeroy, Randall, Reynolds, Rositer, Runyan, Salsbury, Sawdey, Sears, Smith, Spaulding, Stuntz, Thornton, Van Riper, Warner, Wells, Wright
From Elk Creek Township:
Ball, Beaumont, Bowman, Brock, Campbell, Cole, Culver, Gates, Hall, Hubbard, Johnson, Joslen, Joslin, Kennedy, Kidder, Wrence, Manton, Martin, Osborn, Page, Powell, Randall, Raymond, Sears, Sherman, Smith, Snyder, Steves, Ward, Weed, Wells, Woodruff, Ziegler
From Fairview Township:
Baer, Bard, Bardsley, Boyer, Caughey, Duncan, Eaton, Einfeldt, Glazier, Heidler, Highberger, Kelso, Kline, Luther, Moorhead, Nason, Ross, Rusterholtz, Ryan, Satterlee, Sexauer, Sterrett, Sturgeon, Swan, Weidler
From Franklin Township:
Allen, Baldwin, Billing, Brooks, Cunningham, Francis, Frye, Goodrich, Hayes, Hotchkiss, Lewis, McKinley, Nims, Phillips, Richards, Robinson, Seelye, Stafford, Tarbell, Van Buskirk, Walker, Washburn, Wheeler, Wright
From Girard Township:
Aldrich, Allen, Anderson, Ball, Batcheler, Battles, Becker, Blair, Bromley, Clark, Coffman, Crooks, Culbertson, Cutler, Daggett, Drury, Ely, Gallowhur, Green, Gulliford, Halstead, Hart, Hinds, Keeler, Kelley, Kessel, Kidder, Lommer, Loveridge, Luce, McConnell, Malick, Martin, Miller, Nellis, Pettibone, Platt, Prime, Randall, Rea, Rilling, Robertson, Robinson, Rockwell, Rossiter, Schultz, Seeley, Silverthorn, Simmons, Stark, Stow, Strickland, Sturgeon, Taylor, Teller, Thompson, Thornton, Traub, Tyler, Wagner, Webster, Willcox, Wright, Ziesenheim
From Greene Township:
Applemann, Barney, Church, Dawley, Drown, Filley, Hartman, Hilborn, Hirt, Kuhl, Moritz, Morse, Pinney, Root, Thornton, Urch, Weed, Yaple
From Greenfield Township:
Beeman, Bemiss, Cleaveland, Coburn, Farnsworth, Fenton, Finn, McClune, Miller, Morgan, Moseman, Parker, Prindle, Shadduck, Tower, Wakeley, Wildman, Wilson
From Harbor Creek Township:
Backus, Barton, Beck, Bell, Bennett, Bonnell, Bowen, Bryant, Butt, Carr, Carter, Cass, Chambers, Chapin, Clark, Cole, Cooper, Cowden, Curtis, Davies, Davis, Davison, Ebersole, Edwards, Elliott, Firman, Gitting, Gordon, Hardy, Harman, Henry, Hyke, Kilpatrick, Kocher, Leete, Lowery, McGill, Marks, Mead, Miller, Moore, Moorhead, Neff, Ohlwiler, Orton, Parker, Pherrin, Raymond, Reichert, Roberts, Rouyer, Schultz, Searls, Sewell, Shawk, Smith, Stark, Stinson, Strucker, Tompkins, Twitchell, Wadsworth, Walker
From Le Boeuf Township:
Beaman, boyd, Brooks, Campbell, Carroll, Ford, Frisbee, Gillette, Gregory, King, Kirk, McDonald, Mitchell, Moore, Pollock, Robinson, Ross, Stranahan, Waldron, Waterhouse, Wheeler
From McKean Township:
Allen, Bean, Blount, Clapper, Coyle, Crandall, Davis, Drown, Dunn, Eastman, Harrison, Hauck, Hayford, Jarvis, Lillie, McLaughlin, Marsh, Meeker, Morey, Newell, Osborne, Osborn, Owen, Peck, Propeck, Quance, Reed, Ross, Sherman, Stafford, Tallmadge, Tome, Washburn, Weigel, White, Wiswell, Woods
From Mill Creek Township:
Arbuckle, Barr, Berkenkamp, Blackwood, Bletz, Brown, Burton, Burton, Buseck, Carter, Caughey, Church, Conrad, Cook, Cooper, Davison, Doll, Evans, Fagan, Fickinger, Foote, Geist, Graham, Halderman, Hartleb, Hartt, Hayberger, Henderson, Hershey, Hinkle, Kelso, Killpatrick, Knobloch, Kuhn, Love, McKee, McClelland, McCreary, McDannel, McKee, Metzler, Miller, Mills, Mohr, Mosher, Motsch, Myres, Nicholson, Norcross, Parker, Reed, Rilling, Ripley, Russell, Schluraff, Shue, Stark, Stewart, Thomas, Wagner, Waidley, Wilkins, Willis, Wolf, Wright, Zimmerly, Zuck
From North East Township:
Aber, Allison, Applebee, Bannister, Beatty, Beecher, Belnap, Bliss, Boyer, Bran, Briody, Brown, Burch, Campbell, Chambers, Clark, Courtney, Crawford, Cushman, Custard, Davidson, Davis, Ensign, Farnsworth, Fithian, Fromyer, Fuller, Gay, Green, Hall, Haynes, Histed, Hitchcock, Jameson, Janes, Johnson, Jones, Kendall, Kennicott, King, Kingsbury, Knapp, Loomis, Loop, McCord, Marvin, Meehl, Miller, Mills, Moorhead, Munger, Nash, Nason, Otto, Palmer, Pettit, Putnam, Reed, Remington, Rhodes, Scandlon, Scouller, Selkregg, Short, Silliman, Smith, Spofford, Stewart, Stockton, Swaney, Taylor, Town, Tyler, Wass, Whitehill, Wolf
From Springfield Township:
Barker, Blickensderfer, Brindle, Cross, Day, De Groodt, Devore, DeWolf, Eagley, Ellis, French, Hall, Harvey, Hills, Holliday, Hubbard, Huntley, Hurd, Joiner, Keith, Line, Loveridge, McKee, Mallory, Miller, Moon, Moore, Rea, Rudd, Savage, Sherman, Smith, Strong, Sumner, Thayer, Thomas, Van Camp, Walbridge, Weldon, Wheeler, Whitcomb, Wilkinson
From Summit Township:
Alexander, Andrus, Bean, Dunn, Graham, Hershey, Hill, Jackson, Jewett, Lawrence, Lininger, Marquart, Nichols, Osborn, Parker, Ripley, Robison, Root, Stueva, Veit, Way, Webster
From Union Township:
Abbey, Bacon, Barnes, Biles, Black, Brakeman, Breed, Carroll, Cheney, Church, Clarke, Clough, Coe, Duncombe, Everson, Gillett, Glezen, Goucher, Hall, Hatch, Hearn, Hitchcock, Hollister, Hubbell, Johnson, Landrath, Lawrence, Lilley, McClintock, McLean, Matteson, Moses, Northop, Persons, Phillips, Putmam, Rockwell, Sacket, Shepard, Sherwood, Shreve, Smith, Sproul, Stranahan, Summerton, Taylor, Thompson, Wager, Warden, Wilson
From Venango Township:
Allen, Allison, Applebee, Baldwin, Bannister, Bemis, Bennett, Bovee, Boyd, Brooks, Chapin, Crook, Dean, Doolittle, Drake, Duncombe, Etter, Foote, Fritts, Fuller, Gifford, Gordon, Harwood, Henderson, Hibbard, Hill, Howard, Howland, Huntley, Janes, Jenkins, Jones, Kimball, King, Leslie, Lewis, McClenahan, Manley, Marts, Moodie, Munsee, Orton, Page, Peck, Preble, Rankin, Raymond, Robison, Sabin, Sager, Sawley, Sawyer, Sears, Shadduck, Smith, Stewart, Sturtevant, Tanner, Thickstun, Titus, Tracy, Tresler, Urch, Whitford, Whitney, Wiard, Yost, Young
From Washington Township:
Andeson, Austin, Biggers, Billings, Campbell, Crandall, Culbertson, Davis, Dirham, Fellows, Gardner, Gibson, Gillaspie, Goodell, Goodrich, Greenfield, Groger, Hitt, Hotchkiss, Kinter, Lander, Le Suer, Lewis, Matteson, McGahen, McClaughry, McLallen, McWilliams, Milspaw, Millspaw, Morrison, Perry, Philp, Piper, Port, Pratt, Reeder, Scrafford, Sherod, Sherwood, Shields, Sipps, Slocum, Sweet, Swift, Taylor, Terry, Torry, Trow, Twichell, Van Dyke, Vunk, Wade, Wellman, White, Wilson
From Waterford Township:
Anderson, Bankson, Barnett, Barton, Bootes, Boyd, Briggs, Brotherton, Bryant, Campbell, Clemens, Colt, Cook, Cross, Davis, Farrar, Free, Fritts, Gourlay, Gray, Haley, Hare, Himrod, Hipple, Hitchcock, Hood, Hovis, Howe, Hull, Hunt, James, Judson, Kelley, Kinaman, Lattimore, Le Fevre, Lockwood, Lunger, Lytle, McGonnell, Mallory, Marsh, Middleton, Moore, Phelps, Rice, Robbins, Roberts, Ross, Schlosser, Sedgwick, Sharpe, Smith, Stancliff, Stafford, Stout, Strong, Taylor, Thomas, Thurber, Van Anden, Vincent, Walker, Way, White, Whttelsey
From Wayne Township:
Abbey, Brightman, Carson, Clingensmith, Crowell, Dutton, Greeley, Hills, Jennings, Johnson, Kennedy, Kincaide, Leach, McIntier, Marts, Miller, Oliver, Parker, Pier, Raymond, Simmons, Smith, Spencer, Watrous
Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Reference Book
of Erie County, Pennsylvania (S. B. Nelson, 1896, 1142 pages)
This publication is an extensive historical and biographical volume on Erie County, PA. It begins covering the history of the county, followed by its townships, boroughs and cities. After this it proceeds into the biographical section, containing hundreds of biographies on the county's prominent and influential citizens and families, along with numerous portraits of the sketch subjects.
Surnames Indexed:
Aaron, Abbey, Ackerman, Adams, Aitkin, Akam, Alberstadt, Allen, Allison, Altice, Andrews, Applebee, Arbuckle, Atkinson, Archer, Arthur, Aubrey, Austin, Babbitt, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Barnes, Barnhurst, Barron, Barr, Bartholme, Barton, Batchelor, Battershill, Battles, Beaver, Beach, Beatty, Beck, Beckman, Beebe, Bell, Bemis, Bennett, Bernritter, Berst, Benson, Beyer, Benze, Biebel, Bigler, Bingham, Bird, Black, Bladen, Blair, Blanchard, Blauvelt, Blenner, Bliss, Bloeser, Blum, Bogenschutz, Bolard, Bolkey, Bolles, Bond, Boniski, Booth, Bort, Borthwick, Bostwick, Bowers, Bowman, Boyd, Boyer, Brady, Brainerd, Brandes, Bray, Brewer, Brewster, Briggs, Brindle, Briody, Brooks, Brown, Bruder, Brundage, Bryce, Buettner, Buhl, Buller, Bumpus, Burchfield, Burgoyne, Burke, Burns, Burton, Busch, Buseck, Bush, Butt, Butterfield, Cady, Caflisch, Camp, Canty, Carey, Carnes, Carney, Carroll, Carse, Carter, Casey, Caughey, Cauley, Chaffee, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chapin, Chase, Chefferlee, Cheney, Chidester, Chor, Clark, Claus, Clune, Cochran, Colby, Cole, Coleman, Collins, Colton, Conrad, Conrader, Constable, Cook, Cooney, Cooper, Coppersmith, Corbett, Cordoner, Covell, Cox, Cranch, Crandell, Crane, Crawford, Cray, Crosby, Crotty, Crowley, Culbertson, Cupples, Curtin, Curtze, Cushman, Cutler, Daggett, Dahlkemper, Darling, Daub, Daugherty, Davenport, Davis, Davison, Deck, Deighton, Deitz, Delaney, Denio, Dennis, Depinet, Detzel, Dick, Dickinson, Dickson, Diefenbach, Diefenderfer, Diehl, Dietly, Dietrich, Diffenbach, Disbrow, Dobbins, Dobler, Doerr, Dolan, Doll, Donovan, Dougan, Downing, Drake, Draper, Driscoll, Dudenhoefer, Duncombe, Duff, Dugan, Duke, Dunlap, Dunmeyer, Dunn, Durfield, Durham, Dwyer, Eaton, Ebisch, Edson, Edwards, Egbert, Eggers, Eggleston, Eichhorn, Elber, Eldridge, Eller, Elliott, Ellithorp, Ely, Emling, Engle, Esser, Etter, Evans, Ewing, Ey, Fairbairn, Fales, Farnsworth, Farr, Farrar, Fassler, Fehrenbach, Feisler, Felton, Fenningham, Ferguson, Fernald, Fickinger, Findlay, Fiscus, Fitzmaurice, Fleming, Fletcher, Flickinger, Flint, Flury, Flynn, Follett, Fogel, Foote, Foran, Forbes, Forman, Foringer, Forster, Fox, Fralick, Franklin, Franz, Fritz, Froby, Fuessler, Fuhrmann, Gaither, Galbraith, Gallagher, Gara, Garvey, Gates, Geary, Geist, Getchell, Gibson, Gifford, Gillen, Gillette, Gingenbach, Gitting, Glezen, Glick, Goalding, Golden, Gossman, Gough, Gould, Gourley, Grabowsky, Graham, Granger, Gray, Greeley, Green, Greenfield, Grimshaw, Grubb, Grumblatt, Gucks, Gunnison, Haas, Haibach, Hagmann, Hale, Hall, Hallock, Hamilton, Hammond, Hanley, Hannon, Harding, Hardwick, Harper, Hart, Hartleib, Hartranft, Hasbrook Haskins, Hastings, Hatch, Haverstick, Haybarger, Hayes, Heard, Heidecker, Heimberger, Heiss, Heister, Hellman, Henneous, Henry, Henderson, Hermann, Hershey, Hespelein, Hess, Heuer, Hewitt, Heydrick, Heywang, Hicks, Hiesler, Higgins, Hill, Hillman, Hilton, Himrod, Hinkle, Hodgins, Hoenes, Hoffman, Hogan, Holcomb, Holden, Hollands, Holliday, Holmes, Holmwood, Hoover, Hopkins, Hough, Howard, Hubbard, Huff, Hughson, Hull, Hume, Humes, Humphrey, Hunt, Huntly, Hunter, Huster, Hyke, Ignasiak, Irwin, Jackson, Jacobs, Jacobson, Jameson, Janes, Jansen, Jaquay, Jarecki, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jourdan, Judson, Justice, Kaltenbach, Kalvelage, Kamerer, Kane, Keller, Kelley, Kelsey, Kelso, Kendall, Kennedy, Kent, Kepler, Kepner, Kerner, Kernick, Kessler, Kester, Ketcham, Kilburn, Kibler, Kidder, Kimberly, Kimball, Kincaid, King, Kinsey, Klemm, Klick, Kline, Koch, Kocher, Koehler, Kopcke, Kramer, Kraus, Kreider, Krug, Kuch, Kuhl, Kuhn, Kurtis, Lachermaier, Lambein, Lander, Landsrath, Lane, Lang, Lapsley, Laurie, Law, Laws, Leary, Le Barron, Leech, Leemhuis, Lerch, Leube, Leuschen, Lewis, Lichtinger, Lick, Lindsley, Link, Little, Livingston, Lochner, Locke, Loesch, Loffi, Loomis, Loop, Lord, Louch, Love, Lowry, Ludwig, Lund, Lunger, Lynch, Lyon, Lyons, Lysaght, Lytle, MacQueary, Mackres, Magvon, Maitland, Malinowski, Malthaner, Mandeville, Mangold, Mann, Markham, Marks, Marshall, Martin, Martz, Marvin, McAllister, McBrier, McCarter, McCarthy, McClure, McCoy, McCray, McCreary, McCurry, McDonald, McIntyre, McKean, McLane, McLean, McMahon, McMullen, McNerney, McPherson, McSparren, McWhorter, Meagher, Meehan, Meeker, Mehl, Mercer, Mertens, Metcalf, Metzner, Meyerhoffer, Michaels, Mifflin, Miles, Miller, Mills, Missimer, Mitchell, Mizener, Montfort, Montgomery, Morgan, Moore, Moorhead, Morrell, Moske, Mulvin, Munn, Munsee, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Nagle, Nagosky, Nash, Nason, Nellis, Neubauer, Nichols, Nicholson, Nick, Noble, Norcross, Norris, Norton, Nowak, Nye, Oberkirch, O'Brien, O'Donnell, Oess, Ohmer, Oldach, Olds, Olmstead, Oliver, Ore, Orton, Packer, Page, Pain, Palmer, Paradine, Parsons, Patten, Patterson, Pearce, Peck, Peters, Pettit, Phelps, Phillips, Pickering, Pinney, Platt, Plumb, Pollock, Pratt, Pressly, Price, Putnam, Quinn, Rabe, Raeder, Randall, Rappold, Ray, Raymore, Reed, Rees, Reibs, Reichart, Reid, Reidel, Reifel, Remington, Rhodes, Riblet, Richards, Richens, Riewald, Rinderle, Rindernecht, Ripley, Ritner, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rockafeller, Roemer, Rogers, Rohl, Rohrer, Roland, Root, Rose, Rosenzweig, Ross, Rossiter, Royer, Runser, Russell, Ryan, Salisbury, Saltsman, Sandborn, Sandusky, Schaffner, Schaper, Scheer, Schlosser, Schmitt, Schneider, Schuetz, Schultz, Schumacher, Schwartz, Scouller, Scott, Sedgwick, Seelinger, Seib, Seiter, Selden, Sewell, Seymour, Shafer, Sharswood, Shatto, Shaw, Shenk, Shepard, Sheppa, Sherman, Sherner, Sherrer, Sherwin, Sherwood, Short, Shreve, Shue, Shulze, Shunk, Shuler, Siegel, Sill, Silliman, Silverthorn, Sipple, Simmons, Sinnacher, Sitterle, Skinner, Sloan, Slocum, Smart, Smedley, Smiley, Smith, Smutz, Snyder, Sobel, Sopp, Spadacene, Spahr, Spath, Spear, Specht, Spetz, Spencer, Stanbro, Stafford, Starr, Stearns, Steen, Steenberg, Steimer, Steiner, Steinmetz, Stem, Stetson, Story, Stough, Stranahan, Strauch, Stratton, Streuber, Strong, Strycker, Stubbe, Stuebgen, Stuntz, Sturdevant, Sturgeon, Sturgis, Sullivan, Sutter, Sutton, Swalley, Swap, Switzer, Tait, Tansey, Taylor, Teel, Teller, Thayer, Thrasher, Thompson, Throop, Thurston, Tibbals, Tipton, Titus, Tompkins, Tong, Totman, Toy, Tracy, Trimble, Turner, Tyson, Uhlman, Underholt, Van Scoter, Veit, Vincent, Voelk, Volland, Vosburg, Wade, Wager, Wagner, Waidley, Waite, Waldermarson, Waldinger, Walbridge, Wales, Walker, Wallace, Walther, Warren, Watson, Wayne, Weber, Weed, Weddege, Weeks, Wehan, Weiblein, Weindorf, Weislogal, Weis, Weiss, Wieczorek, Welsh, Wells, Wheeler, White, Whitehead, Whitely, Whiteman, Whitman, Whiton, Wilcox, Wilks, Willis, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Wing, Wingerter, Winschel, Winter, Wittich, Wolf, Wood, Woods, Woodbury, Woodruff, Worswick, Wright, Yaple, Yeager, Young, Youngs, Zahn, Zaepfel, Zeigler, Zeiser, Zimmer, Zimmerly, Zuck
A Twentieth Century History of Erie County Pennsylvania [Vol. 1 & 2]
(The Lewis Publishing Company, 1909, 1804 pages)
This is a historical and biographical history of Erie County, PA. The first half deals the history of the county, covering such topics as the County's settlement and organization, its military history, and an account of its industries, professions, and businesses. It also contains a brief sketch of the County's townships and boroughs. The second part is biographical in nature, providing sketches of hundreds of the prominent and influential members of the county.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Alden, Alexander, Alford, Allen, Applebee, Arbuckle, Armes, Auer, Auth, Babo, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Bancroft, Banghart, Barker, Barnes, Barney, Barry, Barstow, Barton, Bates, Baur, Baxter, Bayle, Beaman, Becker, Beckwith, Beemer, Belknap, Bell, Bemis, Bender, Bennett, Benze, Berkenkamp, Berst, Bigler, Bishop, Bittles, Blackman, Blaine, Blair, Blakeslee, Bliley, Bliss, Bloeser, Blore, Boettiger, Bogart, Borstorff, Bort, Bowyer, Boyd, Bracken, Bradley, Brakeman, Brevillier, Brew, Briggs, Bristol, Brogdon, Brown, Bryce, Buchanan, Buchholz, Burnham, Burnley, Burton, Busch, Bush, Butler, Catfish, Camp, Camphausen, Canning, Cantlin, Capwell, Carle, Carrick, Carroll, Carter, Cass, Cauley, Cessna, Chambers, Chapin, Cherry, Childs, Chinnock, Christie, Church, Clarke, Claus, Clayton, Clemens, Coates, Coburn, Cogswell, Cole, Coleman, Collman, Collins, Colt, Connell, Conrad, Conrath, Cook, Coons, Cooper, Cordner, Cornell, Covell, Coyle, Crabb, Cranch, Crawford, Cross, Crouch, Crowley, Culbertson, Cupples, Curtis, Curtze, Cutler, Daniels, Darrow, Dash, Davenport, Davids, Davis, Dawley, Decker, Deming, Dennis, Detzel, Devine, DeWolf, Dick, Dickey, Diehl, Dietly, Dill, Doll, Donaldson, Donnellan, Downing, Doyle, Drake, Drown, Duff, Dunn, Durlin, Eastman, Edwards, Eichenlaub, Elliott, Ely, English, Ensworth, Evans, Feidler, Felgemaker, Felheim, Ferris, Finch, Fish, Fitz, Fleming, Flickinger, Flynn, Forbes, Ford, Foringer, Fortune, Foster, Francis, Freeman, French, Frisbee, Fritzges, Fuller, Galbraith, Galmish, Gates, Gifford, Gigliotti, Gilbert, Gillett, Gillaspie, Gilson, Gingrich, Goeltz, Golden, Gottfried, Grace, Graves, Gray, Gredler, Green, Griffith, Grove, Gunnison, Hagenlocher, Haggerty, Hailbach, Hall, Hamberger, Hamilton, Hammer, Hamot, Hampson, Hanley, Hardwick, Harlan, Hartman, Harvey, Hatch, Hausmann, Haven, Hawley, Hay, Hayes, Heath, Heidler, Heil, Helterline, Henrichs, Henry, Hess, Heuer, Hewitt, Highmyer, Himberger, Hinds, Hirtzel, Hiskey, Hitchcock, Hoag, Horne, Howard, Howe, Howland, Howles, Humphrey, Hunt, Hurlbut, Hurst, Hutchinson, Ignasiak, Irwin, Jackman, Jackson, Janes, Johnon, Jones, Joslin, Kalb, Kaltenbach, Kamerer, Kapple, Keep, Kelsey, Keppel, Kessler, Kiefer, Kilbane, Kimmy, King, Kinter, Kirkland, Kirschner, Kitts, Klein, Kloecker, Knoll, Knowles, Kohlmiller, Kolstee, Krack, Kraemer, Krug, Kugel, Kuhl, Laird, Lamb, Laver, Lawrie, Leary, Lee, Leech, Lewis, Lieban, Liebel, Lininger, Lipton, Little, Loesel, Loomis, Loop, Lord, Lorei, Lorenz, Love, Loveland, Lovell, Lutomsko-Neidbaski, Lyons, Lytle, MacCartney, MacDonald, Mackrell, Mackres, Mahan, Mahoney, Manvil, Marsh, Marshall, Mason, Maxwell, McArthur, McBrier, McCray, McClelland, McCullough, McDannel, McDonald, McInnes, McKean, McLaughlin, McLean, McNulty, McWilliams, Mead, Mehl, Merrill, Mertens, Messenger, Metclaf, Metzner, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Mills, Missimer, Mitchell, Moorhead, Morrison, Moritz, Mosher, Mosier, Mount, Mulkie, Mullin, Murray, Nagorski, Newbauer, Niedbaski, Norris, Northrop, Ney, Oldman, Olds, Olin, Orton, Orr, Painter, Parker, Patterson, Payne, Peck, Perkins, Petitt, Petrie, Pettibone, Phelps, Pickering, Pifer, Pinney, Pollock, Pomeroy, Pope, Porter, Powell, Pratt, Preston, Proctor, Raeder, Randall, Rankin, Ransom, Ray, Raycroft, Raymond, Reavley, Reed, Reeder, Reid, Rice, Richards, Rilling, Roberts, Robison, Rock, Rockwell, Roland, Root, Rose, Rosenzweig, Rossiter, Rosswog, Rouse, Rowley, Runnels, Russell, Salsbury, Sammons, Sapper, Sawdey, Sawdy, Sayre, Scarlett, Schaaf, Schaffner, Schauble, Scheer, Schimmelfeng, Schlaudecker, Schmelter, Schultz, Scott, Scriven, Seaman, Searls, Seeley, Selden, Sewell, Seymour, Shacklett, Shadduck, Shade, Shenk, Sheppa, Sherman, Sherwin, Sherwood, Shreve, Shufelt, Shultz, Siegel, Sill, Silliman, Simmons, Sisson, Skinner, Smith, Sobel, Spencer, Spires, Spooner, Sprague, Stafford, Stancliff, Stark, Steen, Steinfurth, Sterrett, Stolz, Stowell, Strong, Stull, Sturgeon, Sunderlin, Swalley, Swan, Swamp, Sweigard, Swendsen, Swift, Taft, Taggart, Tallmade, Tanner, Taylor, Thayer, Thompson, Thornton, Thrasher, Tipp, Titus, Torry, Towne, Tracy, Treat, Turner, Tuttle, Urch, Urick, Van Cleve, Veith, Vogt, Wade, Wagner, Wait, Waldo, Walker, Wallace, Wllis, Ware, Washabaugh, Waters, Watson, Way, Weiblen, Wells, Weschler, Wetmore, Wharff, Wheeler, Whitney, Whittelsey, Wicks, Wight, Wilbur, Wiley, Wilkins, Willert, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wimersberger, Wolf, Wood, Woodruff, Woods, Woodworth, Wright, Weunschel, Yakes, Yaple, Young, Youngs, Zuck
History of Erie County Pennsylvania [Vol. 1 & 2]
(Historical Publishing Company, 1925, 1547 pages)
Originally published in 2 volumes, this is an excellent addition to the earlier historical and biographical volumes written for Erie County, PA. It contains a history of the county, its early beginnings, pioneer settlers, the organization and development of the county, and the war involvement of its citizens. It also contains a historical account of its townships and boroughs, and the growth of its various organizations and industries. The Second half of the publication is biographical in nature and highlights hundreds of the county's prominent and influential citizens.
Surnames Indexed:
Abbey, Acheson, Ackerman, Adams, Alberstadt, Alexander, Allen, Althof, Amenta, Anderson, Aushutz, Anthony, Arbuckle, Askownes, Ashton, Anstead, Austin, Avery, Baker, Baldwin, Bannister, Barber, Barker, Barkey, Barrett, Barns, Barney, Barthel, Baron, Battles, Bauman, Bauschard, Beal, Becker, Beckman, Beckwith, Bemiss, Bennett, Benze, Benzing, Berg, Berry, Bevins, Beyer, Biebel, Bieber, Billingsley, Birkland, Blaine, Blair, Blake, Blakeslee, Blethen, Blodgett, Blossom, Bliley, Bliss, Bond, Bostwick, Boughton, Bowman, Bracken, Brandt, Brennan, Brevillier, Briggs, Brindley, Bristol, Britton, Brooks, Brown, Broughton, Buck, Burch, Burgoyne, Burnham, Burns, Burt, Busch, Butt, Butler, Buys, Cameron, Campbell, Canon, Cantor, Carter, Casler, Cessna, Chaffee, Chambers, Cheeks, Cherry, Chikdester, Church, Clark, Cleland, Clough, Cochanides, Coburn, Cole, Colegrove, Collins, Condon, Condren, Constable, Cook, Cooper, Cornell, Covell, Cowles, Craig, Crane, Crawford, Croop, Currie, Culbertson, Cummins, Curtis, Danielson, Darsie, Dart, Davis, Davison, Dawley, Detzel, Dear, Deck, Delack, Deming, Denison, Depinet, De Rosay, Devine, De Wolfe, Dickinson, Diehl, Dietz, Dill, Dinnison, Dolan, Doolittle, Downs, Doyle, Drake, Drew, Drown, Drozeski, Drury, Dugan, Dunn, Dunwoody, Durbin, Egan, Eaton, Echols, Eckerd, Edwards, Eichorn, Eisaman, Elber, Eldredge, Elliott, Emerman, English, Engles, Epp, Evans, Everhart, Falk, Farnham, Farver, Faulkner, Feisler, Ferguson, Fiero, Fincken, Firman, Fisher, Fisk, Fletcher, Fluegel, Flury, Flynn, Forbes, Force, Ford, Fordham, Foringer, Forsberg, Fox, Foye, Frank, Franz, Freeman, Fry, Fuller, Galbo, Gallanis, Galster, Gamble, Gandy, Gannon, Gerbracht, Geren, Gleeton, Glenn, Gibbons, Gifford, Gingrich, Goldman, Gooding, Goodwin, Gorman, Goss, Graham, Griffey, Griffith, Grimshaw, Griswold, Guerrein, Guild, Gunnison, Hagenlocher, Hailbach, Hain, Hall, Halloran, Hammond, Hapgood, Hard, Harper, Hart, Hartleb, Hartman, Harvey, Hartline, Hatch, Haughney, Hawkes, Hay, Hayes, Heard, Heath, Henderson, Herbolsheimer, Herbst, Hermann, Herrick, Hertzler, Hess, Heuer, Hicks, Hill, Hillstrom, Hirt, Hitchcock, Hober, Hoffsetter, Holden, Holeman, Hopkins, Hortsman, Hosbach, Howell, Hubbard, Hughes, Hurley, Hutchinson, Hyer, Ignasiak, Illig, Indich, Inman, James, Janniere, Jarecki, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jensen, Jerrell, Jiuliante, Johnson, Jordan, Kalson, Kaltenback, Kamerer, Kane, Kastner, Kearney, Keim, Kellam, Keller, Kelley, Kelly, Kelsey, Kelso, Kendall, Kenyon, Keppel, Kessler, Kibler, Kilburn, Kimmel, Kincade, King, Kirkland, Klein, Kneib, Koch, Koehler, Kohler, Krack, Krum, Kurczewski, Kuenzig, Lamb, Lamberton, Ladd, Lander, Lane, Lang, Lanston, Laurie, Law, Lawrie, Laver, Lee, Leemhuis, Leet, LeJeal, Leslie, Le Sueur, Leuschen, Lias, Liebel, Lick, Lininger, Little, Lloyd, Lochner, Loomis, Lord, Loveland, Lowe, Luke, Lumbard, Lund, Lyle, Lyons, McAllister, McBrier, McCarthy, McCarty, McClelland, McCord, McCumber, McCune, McElroy, McEntarfer, McEnteer, McFayden, McGavern, McGeary, McLean, McNary, McNeill, McQuiston, Mackay, MacLeod, Madden, Magay, Mahoney, Main, Mang, Marks, Markwood, Marquis, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mather, Maurer, Mayo, Mead, Mehaffey, Mehl, Merrick, Merritt, Messenkopf, Mertens, Metcalf, Metzger, Meyer, Mielcarek, Miles, Millar, Miller, Millet, Mills, Minnig, Mitchell, Moffatt, Mohring, Moline, Montague, Montgomery, Mook, Moomy, Moore, Moorehead, Moorhead, Morgan, Morrison, Morton, Mszanowski, Munger, Murray, Myers, Nagorski, Nash, Nason, Nelson, Neuer, Newton, Neyland, Nichols, Nicholson, Nick, Noble, Nollanger, Noonan, Norman, Northrop, Obermanns, O'Brien, Olds, Olsen, Oriole, O'Rourke, Osborne, Otto, Paasch, Parker, Parsons, Pasqualicchio, Patton, Patterson, Paul, Payne, Peake, Perry, Petrillo, Phillips, Pierce, Pinks, Place, Plate, Pohle, Purcell, Putnam, Putts, Quinn, Ramsay, Ramsey, Randall, Ras, Raymond, Reed, Reibs, Reichard, Reichbaum, Reichel, Reid, Reinoehl, Renick, Renz, Rhea, Rhoads, Riblet, Rice, Rick, Rickert, Reidel, Riley, Rilling, Rindernecht, Robertson, Robison, Robinson, Rochelle, Rodgers, Roland, Rose, Ross, Rossiter, Rosswog, Rost, Roth, Rowe, Royer, Russell, Rusterholtz, Sallen, Salisbury, Saltsman, Sammons, Sample, Sapper, Saxer, Schaaf, Schaffner, Schaffer, Schaller, Schaper, Schilling, Schlaudecker, Schlesinger, Schlosser, Schlindwein, Schluraff, Schmalenbach, Schmelzer, Schmid, Schmidt, Schneider, Schreck, Schrimper, Schroeck, Schweinhardt, Scibetta, Scott, Seabrook, Search, Seavy, Selden, Selkregg, Sell, Selmer, Sevin, Shacklett, Shaw, Sheldon, Shepard, Sherman, Sherwin, Sherwood, Shipley, Shreve, Shutts, Siegel, Simmons, Sims, Sinclair, Sisson, Skellie, Skelton, Skidmore, Skinner, Sloan, Smart, Smiley, Smith, Snyder, Sobel, Spaulding, Speed, Spencer, Spofford, Spooner, Sprague, St. Lawrence, Stackhouse, Stadler, Stark, Steadman, Steiger, Stem, Stern, Sterrett, Stevens, Steward, Stewart, Stone, Stoney, Stork, Stow, Strickland, Strong, Stuart, Suerken, Sullivan, Sweet, Swenson, Switzer, Sykes, Tayntor, Taylor, Teras, Teudhope, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Toivonen, Totman, Towne, Tredway, Trippe, Trivett, Trost, Turner, Twichell, Tyrrell, Umburn, Van Camp, Van Cleve, Viet, Veith, Vicary, Von der Groben, Wade, Wagner, Wait, Walbridge, Waldinger, Walker, Wallace, Walling, Walsh, Walter, Ward, Warren, Way, Weber, Weeks, Weibel, Weindorff, Weislogel, Wells, Werren, Weschler, Wheeler, Whiteman, Whitehill, Willcox, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wingerter, Wolf, Woodard, Woodruff, Worster, Wishart, Wright,, Yard, Yeager, Yokes, Young, Younghans, Youngs, Yount, Zachos, Zeiser, Zink, Zuck, Zurn
Town, Township & Regional Histories
Souvenir - Erie Penna (Hugo Held, ~1900-1910, 24 pages)
This publication provides a brief history of Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania followed by a series of photographs highlighting buildings and scenes of the area.
Souvenir of Erie PA. - Photo-Gravures (J. M. Stearns, 1911, 20 pages)
This is a photographic souvenir of the city of Erie, Pa. It presents photographs of numerous locations around the city.
Official Perry Centennial Souvenir Book of Erie (A. C. McCallum, 1913, 36 pages)
This is a souvenir of the Centennial of the Battle of the Lake Erie, by Commodore Perry. This contains a historical narrative of the battle, along with a number of illustrations. Following this is a brief history and description of the city of Erie, accompanied by numerous photographs of scenes of the city and vicinity.
Souvenir Program Centennial Celebration 1834-1934
North East, PA. (Anonymous, 1934, 40 pages)
This is a souvenir program of the events of the centennial celebration of North East, Erie County, PA in 1934. It details the events of the celebration and also relates a brief history of the town and area. It also contains a resident directory for North East Borough and Township for 1934, listing the primary resident's name, and street address.
Erie - A Guide to the City and County
(The William Penn Association of Philadelphia Inc., 1938, 172 pages)
This was published as guidebook of the city of Erie, advertising its highlights. It also presents some historical and cultural context from the region.
Perry Sesquicentennial Souvenir Program
(Perry Sesquicentennial Inc., 1963, 136 pages)
This booklet was published as a souvenir historical program of the commemoration of 150 years of peace on the border of the United States and Canada from 1813-1963. This publication presents a number of historical articles highlighting the role of Erie County, PA in arriving at that end, particularly the involvement of Commodore Perry. Along with the information, there are a number of historical photographs of the area, as well as people involved in the celebration. Another nice inclusion to this publication is a timeline of important events in Erie County.
Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous Histories
History of the Presbytery of Erie (S. J. M. Eaton, 1868, 479 pages)
This is a history of the Erie Presbytery covering northwestern PA and northeastern Ohio. It presents sketches of its member churches providing historical context for the area and its residents. It also includes a section of biographical sketches on past ministers.
Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Western] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 144 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout north and western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
Erie County
-- From Erie: -- Erie Malleable Iron Company, Mauer Confectionery Manufacturing Co., Stearns Manufacturing Co., J. F. Downing, J. S. Town, Erie City Iron Works, Erie Car Works, Burdett Organ Company, Warner Bros., Baker & Ostheimer, Skinner Engine Co., Jarecki Chemical Works, Chicago & Erie Stove Company, H. F. Watson, Erie Engine Works, Downing Carriage Company, Straus Brothers & Beck, W. W. Pierce & Co., Erie City Planning Mills, F. Walther, Erie Machine Shop, Wyant & Frick, N. Jacobson & Son, William F. Nick, The Dunning Steam Marble and Granite M'f'g Co., China and Japan Tea Store, Griswold Manufacturing Company, Mehl & Liebel, Wm. P. Hayes, I. A. Forman, John Hicks, C. A. Lang, Joseph Erhart, F. S. Miller, Julius Koenig, Henry Kneib, Geo. W. Brown, J. H. Kaiveiage & Son, Constable Brothers, Phillip Birch, Charles Krueger, R. W. Russell, Hostettler & Lamson, Chas. W. Nick, Porsch Brothers, C. Bloeser, Geo. Steiner, Wm. M. Wood, Keystone Carriage Works, E. L. Pelton & Co., J. H. Davis, C. Engelhart, H. Kessler, C. Kessler, "Betts the Tailor", George E. Fry, The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, Max. Bosch, Edward Hoffman, F. J. Detzel, Jacob Minnig, O'Brien 7 Carroll, -- From Corry: -- The Corry Novelty Company, H. L. Spiesman, Harmon, Gibbs & Co., Corssman & Bowen, Acme Flouring Custom and Feed Mills, Climax Manufacturing Company, J. R. Graves, L. Hammond, Wm. H. Nantes, La Forest Trimble, The Mahle Boiling Machine Co., Tice [photographer], Judson Blakeley, H. B. Blair, Corry City Iron Works, Pratt & Smith's, R. W. Blydenburg
Soldiers of the American Revolution Who at Some Time
Were residents of, or Whose Graves are in Erie County, PA
(Erie Chapters DAR, 1929, 92 pages)
This booklet provides historical sketches of numerous participants of the Revolutionary War who were residents of Erie County, PA during some portion of their lifetime. It also includes sketches of a number of others whose service wasn't fully established at the time of publication. The sketches provides a wealth of information on the subject, and many times, their family and military service.
Perry Sesquicentennial - Erie County
Industry – History & Directory (Anonymous, 1963, 52 pages)
This is a directory of the business and industries of Erie published for the Perry Sesquicentennial. It provides a brief industrial history of the area, followed by the directory information. Businesses of all types are included, listing the name of the business, its address, telephone number, the type of business (and in some cases) officers and managers.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.
County Histories
The History of Erie County Pennsylvania (Laura G. Sanford, 1862, 368 pages)
This is an early history of Erie County, PA. It provides a description of the area's settlement and development over the years. It also includes a wealth of genealogical and biographical information on residents and early settlers.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Addison, Austin, Babbitt, Badger, Ball, Banks, Barclay, Beebe, Bernard, Beuhler, Beverly, Bienville, Bird, Blaine, Blair, Blickensdefer, Braddock, Bradford, Bradstreet, Brandt, Brawley, Brevoort, Brewster, Brown, Bull, Butler, Cadwell, Carrier, Casenove, Cass, Caughey, Champlin, Chapin, Clark, Clinton, Coffin, Colson, Colt, Courtright, Croghan, Curtis, Curry, Cutler, Dallas, Denny, Derrickson, Dinwiddle, Dobbins, Dorchester, Doolittle, Douglass, Dunlap, Du Quesne, Eaton, Eckford, Eddy, Ellicot, Elliot, Farrelly, Field, Finnis, Fleming, Forster, Foster, Frazier, Gaines, Galbraith, Gist, Graham, Grubb, Gunnison, Hambleton, Hamilton, Hamot, Harrison, Harvey, Hawley, Hays, Henry, Himrod, Hutchinson, Irvine, Jackson, Jean, Johnson, Johns, Judd, Judson, Kellogg, Kelly, Kelso, King, Laird, Lee, Lindsay, Lowry, Lyon, Lytle, Marlin, Marshall, McAllister, McCord, McCurdy, McKinney, McLane, McMillan, McNair, McSparren, Mead, Metcalf, Miles, Montour, Moore, Moorhead, O'Hara, Olin, Olmstead, Orton, Ottinger, Paine, Parsons, Patterson, Perry, Peters, Phelps, Philippe, Pickering, Polhemus, Pollock, Porter, Pressly, Ramsey, Reed, Rees, Reid, Rittenhouse, Robinson, Rogers, Russel, Sanford, Savage, Saxton, Scott, Selden, Shippen, Sill, Sinclair, Skinner, Smith, Spencer, Sterrett, Strong, Sturgeon, Tate, Thompson, Tibbals, Tracy, Trotter, Van Braam, Vincent, Vosburg, Walker, Wallace, Watts, Wayne, Wetmore, Whallon, Wilkins, Williams, Wilson, Wrigth, Yarnall, Yates
History of Erie County Pennsylvania (Warner, Beers & Co., 1884, 1268 pages)
This publication is historical and biographical work on Erie County, PA. The topics include: the settlement and early history of the county, the involvement of its residents in the French / Indian and Revolutionary War period, War of 1812, as well as civil, agrigultural, industrial, and professional aspects of the county's history. Following this are historical sketches of each township and major borough, and then a section devoted to biographical sketches of prominent and influential residents.
Biographical Sketches:
From Erie:
Abell, Adams, Aichner, Allen, Atkinson, Austin, Babbitt, Bailey, Baker, Barkey, Barnhurst, Bates, Bauschard, Baxter, Becker, Beechling, Belknap, Bennett, Benze, Bier, Bliss, Bootz, Bosch, Bowers, Boyd, Boyle, Brainerd, Brandes, Brevillier, Briggs, Brown, Brubaker, Bryant, Bryce, Burton, Burton, Bush, Campbell, Carlson, Carter, Caskey, Caughey, Christian, Clark, Claus, Clemens, Cleveland, Coates, Cochran, Colt, Colton, Conrad, Constable, Courtright, Covell, Craine, Cranch, Crane, Crawford, Cronenberger, Crouch, Crowley, Culbertson, Cummins, Curry, Curtis, Curtze, Daggett, Davenport, Deming, Detzel, Diefenbach, Diefendorf, Diehl, Dobbins, Doll, Downer, Downing, Drake, Driggs, Du Mars, Dunlap, Eades, Eckert, Eliot, Ellicott, Erhart, Evans, Fairbairn, Farrar, Faulkner, Ferguson, Ferrier, Fink, Finney, Flickinger, Fogarty, Forster, Franz, Freeman, Fritz, Fry, Gaggin, Galbraith, Garey, Garries, Gensheimer, Gifford, Gilmore, Glazier, Goodrich, Gould, Grant, Gray, Griffith, Gunnison, Haibach, Hall, Haller, Hamot, Hanley, Hanlon, Hardwick, Harlow, Hartleb, Harvey, Hatch, Hayes, Heidt, Henderson, Henkler, Henrichs, Henry, Hershey, Heydrick, Hilton, Hitze, Hogan, Holliday, Hoskins, Howe, Hubley, Hughes, Jacobs, Jarecki, Jeffers, Jerge, Johnson, Jones, Kaltenbach, Kalvelage, Kellogg, Kelso, Kendig, Kennedy, Kern, Kessler, Kester, King, Koch, Kohlmiller, Kolb, Koster, Kraft, Lang, Leahey, Leech, Liebel, Loesch, Loomis, Lorei, Lovett, Luce, Lyon, Lytle, Lyle, McCarter, McClure, McCrea, McCreary, McHamon, McSparren, Marshall, Marvin, Mauer, Maus, Mead, Meiser, Metcalf, Meyer, Miller, Mischler, Mitchell, Moffett, Moore, Moorhead, Moser, Muller, Murray, Newbauer, Nicholson, Nick, Noble, Norton, O'Brien, O'Donnel, O'Hagan, Olds, O'Lone, Ostheimer, Ottinger, Outwait, Paskett, Patterson, Perley, Pickering, Pierce, Pinney, Pollock, Pressley, Price, Quinn, Rabe, Ramsey, Randall, Reavley, Reed, Rees, Rindernecht, Roos, Rosenzweig, Roth, Ryan, Sanford, Saltsman, Schlosser, Schultz, Schutte, Scobell, Scott, Scouller, Seabrook, Selden, Seven, Shattck, Sherman, Sherwin, Shirk, Sill, Silliman, Sloan, Smith, Sobel, Souther, Spencer, Spencer, Sprague, Sprickman, Stafford, Staples, Sternberg, Sterrett, Stewart, Straus, Stricker, Striebel, Strong, Sturgeon, Sullivan, Sulter, Taylor, Teel, Thayer, Thompson, Tibbals, Town, Tracy, Tubbs, Turrill, Ulrich, Vincent, Vosburgh, Walbridge, Walker, Wallace, Wallhauser, Walther, Warfel, Warner, Waxelbaum, Weeks, Weinheimer, Weiss, Weller, Wells, Welsh, Welshman, Weschler, Wetmore, Whallon, White, Whitley, Whitman, Whittelsey, Willard, Woodruff, Woods, Wuenschel, Youngs
From Corry:
Alexander, Allen, Andrews, Auer, Balser, Barnes, Blair, Bodmer, Bole, Bonnell, Bonsteel, Bowman, Bracken, Bradt, Brigham, Brooks, Brown, Bunvill, Campbell, Cameron, Carroll, Casperon, Chace, Christie, Clark, Clough, Colegrove, Coulter, Covell, Crosby, Cross, Dalton, Dart, Davis, De Ross, Dillingham, Diver, Dow, Dreyer, Elston, Ellsworth, Ely, Farnham, Fox, Frank, Franklin, Franz, Frink, Gay, Geer, Gifford, Gilbert, Gleason, Hall, Hammond, Harmon, Hatch, Hecker, Henderson, Hill, Hockenburg, Hoffman, Horton, Johnson, Kent, Lakin, Leach, Lemon, Lindsley, Linscott, Long, Lonnergan, Lynch, McFarland, McIntosh, Mackres, Marsh, Mead, Michels, Miller, Morgan, Morris, Mount, Muir, More, Mulkie, Murdock, Myer, Nantes, Pain, Pardee, Parker, Peterson, Phelphs, Pickett, Porter, Powell, Raymond, Rogers, Rowe, Skidmore, Slater, Sloan, Smith, Squier, Starbird, Stark, Steadman, Steward, Storer, Taylor, Thompson, Tunnicliffe, Turner, Van Doorn, Ward, Warner, Wasson, Westley, Wheeler, Willcox, Williams, Wilson, Woodring, Yost
From Amith Township:
Alford, Allen, Applebee, Bacon, Baldwin, Bisbe, Capron, Chaffee, Duncombe, Estes, Gross, Hayes, Hill, Hubbell, Ladd, McCullough, Maynard, Parker, Persons, Read, Sammons, Stewart, Tanner, Titus, Williams
From Concord Township:
Belknap, Blatchley, Boutwell, Chase, Crowell, Fralick, Gates, Hammond, Hasbouck, Heath, Higgins, Lindsey, Miner, Olmstead, Stevenson, Valentine, Walsh, Woodin
From Conneaut Township:
Barney, Bentley, Brown, Bumpus, Clark, Cole, Devereaux, Ferguson, Forbes, Grate, Griffey, Griffin, Harrington, Hedden, Hogle, Huntley, Hurst, Jackson, Keep, Kennedy, Kinney, Leyntz, Logan, Loomis, McKee, Marcy, Mills, Morrison, Orton, Palmer, Paul, Pelton, Pomeroy, Randall, Reynolds, Rositer, Runyan, Salsbury, Sawdey, Sears, Smith, Spaulding, Stuntz, Thornton, Van Riper, Warner, Wells, Wright
From Elk Creek Township:
Ball, Beaumont, Bowman, Brock, Campbell, Cole, Culver, Gates, Hall, Hubbard, Johnson, Joslen, Joslin, Kennedy, Kidder, Wrence, Manton, Martin, Osborn, Page, Powell, Randall, Raymond, Sears, Sherman, Smith, Snyder, Steves, Ward, Weed, Wells, Woodruff, Ziegler
From Fairview Township:
Baer, Bard, Bardsley, Boyer, Caughey, Duncan, Eaton, Einfeldt, Glazier, Heidler, Highberger, Kelso, Kline, Luther, Moorhead, Nason, Ross, Rusterholtz, Ryan, Satterlee, Sexauer, Sterrett, Sturgeon, Swan, Weidler
From Franklin Township:
Allen, Baldwin, Billing, Brooks, Cunningham, Francis, Frye, Goodrich, Hayes, Hotchkiss, Lewis, McKinley, Nims, Phillips, Richards, Robinson, Seelye, Stafford, Tarbell, Van Buskirk, Walker, Washburn, Wheeler, Wright
From Girard Township:
Aldrich, Allen, Anderson, Ball, Batcheler, Battles, Becker, Blair, Bromley, Clark, Coffman, Crooks, Culbertson, Cutler, Daggett, Drury, Ely, Gallowhur, Green, Gulliford, Halstead, Hart, Hinds, Keeler, Kelley, Kessel, Kidder, Lommer, Loveridge, Luce, McConnell, Malick, Martin, Miller, Nellis, Pettibone, Platt, Prime, Randall, Rea, Rilling, Robertson, Robinson, Rockwell, Rossiter, Schultz, Seeley, Silverthorn, Simmons, Stark, Stow, Strickland, Sturgeon, Taylor, Teller, Thompson, Thornton, Traub, Tyler, Wagner, Webster, Willcox, Wright, Ziesenheim
From Greene Township:
Applemann, Barney, Church, Dawley, Drown, Filley, Hartman, Hilborn, Hirt, Kuhl, Moritz, Morse, Pinney, Root, Thornton, Urch, Weed, Yaple
From Greenfield Township:
Beeman, Bemiss, Cleaveland, Coburn, Farnsworth, Fenton, Finn, McClune, Miller, Morgan, Moseman, Parker, Prindle, Shadduck, Tower, Wakeley, Wildman, Wilson
From Harbor Creek Township:
Backus, Barton, Beck, Bell, Bennett, Bonnell, Bowen, Bryant, Butt, Carr, Carter, Cass, Chambers, Chapin, Clark, Cole, Cooper, Cowden, Curtis, Davies, Davis, Davison, Ebersole, Edwards, Elliott, Firman, Gitting, Gordon, Hardy, Harman, Henry, Hyke, Kilpatrick, Kocher, Leete, Lowery, McGill, Marks, Mead, Miller, Moore, Moorhead, Neff, Ohlwiler, Orton, Parker, Pherrin, Raymond, Reichert, Roberts, Rouyer, Schultz, Searls, Sewell, Shawk, Smith, Stark, Stinson, Strucker, Tompkins, Twitchell, Wadsworth, Walker
From Le Boeuf Township:
Beaman, boyd, Brooks, Campbell, Carroll, Ford, Frisbee, Gillette, Gregory, King, Kirk, McDonald, Mitchell, Moore, Pollock, Robinson, Ross, Stranahan, Waldron, Waterhouse, Wheeler
From McKean Township:
Allen, Bean, Blount, Clapper, Coyle, Crandall, Davis, Drown, Dunn, Eastman, Harrison, Hauck, Hayford, Jarvis, Lillie, McLaughlin, Marsh, Meeker, Morey, Newell, Osborne, Osborn, Owen, Peck, Propeck, Quance, Reed, Ross, Sherman, Stafford, Tallmadge, Tome, Washburn, Weigel, White, Wiswell, Woods
From Mill Creek Township:
Arbuckle, Barr, Berkenkamp, Blackwood, Bletz, Brown, Burton, Burton, Buseck, Carter, Caughey, Church, Conrad, Cook, Cooper, Davison, Doll, Evans, Fagan, Fickinger, Foote, Geist, Graham, Halderman, Hartleb, Hartt, Hayberger, Henderson, Hershey, Hinkle, Kelso, Killpatrick, Knobloch, Kuhn, Love, McKee, McClelland, McCreary, McDannel, McKee, Metzler, Miller, Mills, Mohr, Mosher, Motsch, Myres, Nicholson, Norcross, Parker, Reed, Rilling, Ripley, Russell, Schluraff, Shue, Stark, Stewart, Thomas, Wagner, Waidley, Wilkins, Willis, Wolf, Wright, Zimmerly, Zuck
From North East Township:
Aber, Allison, Applebee, Bannister, Beatty, Beecher, Belnap, Bliss, Boyer, Bran, Briody, Brown, Burch, Campbell, Chambers, Clark, Courtney, Crawford, Cushman, Custard, Davidson, Davis, Ensign, Farnsworth, Fithian, Fromyer, Fuller, Gay, Green, Hall, Haynes, Histed, Hitchcock, Jameson, Janes, Johnson, Jones, Kendall, Kennicott, King, Kingsbury, Knapp, Loomis, Loop, McCord, Marvin, Meehl, Miller, Mills, Moorhead, Munger, Nash, Nason, Otto, Palmer, Pettit, Putnam, Reed, Remington, Rhodes, Scandlon, Scouller, Selkregg, Short, Silliman, Smith, Spofford, Stewart, Stockton, Swaney, Taylor, Town, Tyler, Wass, Whitehill, Wolf
From Springfield Township:
Barker, Blickensderfer, Brindle, Cross, Day, De Groodt, Devore, DeWolf, Eagley, Ellis, French, Hall, Harvey, Hills, Holliday, Hubbard, Huntley, Hurd, Joiner, Keith, Line, Loveridge, McKee, Mallory, Miller, Moon, Moore, Rea, Rudd, Savage, Sherman, Smith, Strong, Sumner, Thayer, Thomas, Van Camp, Walbridge, Weldon, Wheeler, Whitcomb, Wilkinson
From Summit Township:
Alexander, Andrus, Bean, Dunn, Graham, Hershey, Hill, Jackson, Jewett, Lawrence, Lininger, Marquart, Nichols, Osborn, Parker, Ripley, Robison, Root, Stueva, Veit, Way, Webster
From Union Township:
Abbey, Bacon, Barnes, Biles, Black, Brakeman, Breed, Carroll, Cheney, Church, Clarke, Clough, Coe, Duncombe, Everson, Gillett, Glezen, Goucher, Hall, Hatch, Hearn, Hitchcock, Hollister, Hubbell, Johnson, Landrath, Lawrence, Lilley, McClintock, McLean, Matteson, Moses, Northop, Persons, Phillips, Putmam, Rockwell, Sacket, Shepard, Sherwood, Shreve, Smith, Sproul, Stranahan, Summerton, Taylor, Thompson, Wager, Warden, Wilson
From Venango Township:
Allen, Allison, Applebee, Baldwin, Bannister, Bemis, Bennett, Bovee, Boyd, Brooks, Chapin, Crook, Dean, Doolittle, Drake, Duncombe, Etter, Foote, Fritts, Fuller, Gifford, Gordon, Harwood, Henderson, Hibbard, Hill, Howard, Howland, Huntley, Janes, Jenkins, Jones, Kimball, King, Leslie, Lewis, McClenahan, Manley, Marts, Moodie, Munsee, Orton, Page, Peck, Preble, Rankin, Raymond, Robison, Sabin, Sager, Sawley, Sawyer, Sears, Shadduck, Smith, Stewart, Sturtevant, Tanner, Thickstun, Titus, Tracy, Tresler, Urch, Whitford, Whitney, Wiard, Yost, Young
From Washington Township:
Andeson, Austin, Biggers, Billings, Campbell, Crandall, Culbertson, Davis, Dirham, Fellows, Gardner, Gibson, Gillaspie, Goodell, Goodrich, Greenfield, Groger, Hitt, Hotchkiss, Kinter, Lander, Le Suer, Lewis, Matteson, McGahen, McClaughry, McLallen, McWilliams, Milspaw, Millspaw, Morrison, Perry, Philp, Piper, Port, Pratt, Reeder, Scrafford, Sherod, Sherwood, Shields, Sipps, Slocum, Sweet, Swift, Taylor, Terry, Torry, Trow, Twichell, Van Dyke, Vunk, Wade, Wellman, White, Wilson
From Waterford Township:
Anderson, Bankson, Barnett, Barton, Bootes, Boyd, Briggs, Brotherton, Bryant, Campbell, Clemens, Colt, Cook, Cross, Davis, Farrar, Free, Fritts, Gourlay, Gray, Haley, Hare, Himrod, Hipple, Hitchcock, Hood, Hovis, Howe, Hull, Hunt, James, Judson, Kelley, Kinaman, Lattimore, Le Fevre, Lockwood, Lunger, Lytle, McGonnell, Mallory, Marsh, Middleton, Moore, Phelps, Rice, Robbins, Roberts, Ross, Schlosser, Sedgwick, Sharpe, Smith, Stancliff, Stafford, Stout, Strong, Taylor, Thomas, Thurber, Van Anden, Vincent, Walker, Way, White, Whttelsey
From Wayne Township:
Abbey, Brightman, Carson, Clingensmith, Crowell, Dutton, Greeley, Hills, Jennings, Johnson, Kennedy, Kincaide, Leach, McIntier, Marts, Miller, Oliver, Parker, Pier, Raymond, Simmons, Smith, Spencer, Watrous
Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Reference Book
of Erie County, Pennsylvania (S. B. Nelson, 1896, 1142 pages)
This publication is an extensive historical and biographical volume on Erie County, PA. It begins covering the history of the county, followed by its townships, boroughs and cities. After this it proceeds into the biographical section, containing hundreds of biographies on the county's prominent and influential citizens and families, along with numerous portraits of the sketch subjects.
Surnames Indexed:
Aaron, Abbey, Ackerman, Adams, Aitkin, Akam, Alberstadt, Allen, Allison, Altice, Andrews, Applebee, Arbuckle, Atkinson, Archer, Arthur, Aubrey, Austin, Babbitt, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Barnes, Barnhurst, Barron, Barr, Bartholme, Barton, Batchelor, Battershill, Battles, Beaver, Beach, Beatty, Beck, Beckman, Beebe, Bell, Bemis, Bennett, Bernritter, Berst, Benson, Beyer, Benze, Biebel, Bigler, Bingham, Bird, Black, Bladen, Blair, Blanchard, Blauvelt, Blenner, Bliss, Bloeser, Blum, Bogenschutz, Bolard, Bolkey, Bolles, Bond, Boniski, Booth, Bort, Borthwick, Bostwick, Bowers, Bowman, Boyd, Boyer, Brady, Brainerd, Brandes, Bray, Brewer, Brewster, Briggs, Brindle, Briody, Brooks, Brown, Bruder, Brundage, Bryce, Buettner, Buhl, Buller, Bumpus, Burchfield, Burgoyne, Burke, Burns, Burton, Busch, Buseck, Bush, Butt, Butterfield, Cady, Caflisch, Camp, Canty, Carey, Carnes, Carney, Carroll, Carse, Carter, Casey, Caughey, Cauley, Chaffee, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chapin, Chase, Chefferlee, Cheney, Chidester, Chor, Clark, Claus, Clune, Cochran, Colby, Cole, Coleman, Collins, Colton, Conrad, Conrader, Constable, Cook, Cooney, Cooper, Coppersmith, Corbett, Cordoner, Covell, Cox, Cranch, Crandell, Crane, Crawford, Cray, Crosby, Crotty, Crowley, Culbertson, Cupples, Curtin, Curtze, Cushman, Cutler, Daggett, Dahlkemper, Darling, Daub, Daugherty, Davenport, Davis, Davison, Deck, Deighton, Deitz, Delaney, Denio, Dennis, Depinet, Detzel, Dick, Dickinson, Dickson, Diefenbach, Diefenderfer, Diehl, Dietly, Dietrich, Diffenbach, Disbrow, Dobbins, Dobler, Doerr, Dolan, Doll, Donovan, Dougan, Downing, Drake, Draper, Driscoll, Dudenhoefer, Duncombe, Duff, Dugan, Duke, Dunlap, Dunmeyer, Dunn, Durfield, Durham, Dwyer, Eaton, Ebisch, Edson, Edwards, Egbert, Eggers, Eggleston, Eichhorn, Elber, Eldridge, Eller, Elliott, Ellithorp, Ely, Emling, Engle, Esser, Etter, Evans, Ewing, Ey, Fairbairn, Fales, Farnsworth, Farr, Farrar, Fassler, Fehrenbach, Feisler, Felton, Fenningham, Ferguson, Fernald, Fickinger, Findlay, Fiscus, Fitzmaurice, Fleming, Fletcher, Flickinger, Flint, Flury, Flynn, Follett, Fogel, Foote, Foran, Forbes, Forman, Foringer, Forster, Fox, Fralick, Franklin, Franz, Fritz, Froby, Fuessler, Fuhrmann, Gaither, Galbraith, Gallagher, Gara, Garvey, Gates, Geary, Geist, Getchell, Gibson, Gifford, Gillen, Gillette, Gingenbach, Gitting, Glezen, Glick, Goalding, Golden, Gossman, Gough, Gould, Gourley, Grabowsky, Graham, Granger, Gray, Greeley, Green, Greenfield, Grimshaw, Grubb, Grumblatt, Gucks, Gunnison, Haas, Haibach, Hagmann, Hale, Hall, Hallock, Hamilton, Hammond, Hanley, Hannon, Harding, Hardwick, Harper, Hart, Hartleib, Hartranft, Hasbrook Haskins, Hastings, Hatch, Haverstick, Haybarger, Hayes, Heard, Heidecker, Heimberger, Heiss, Heister, Hellman, Henneous, Henry, Henderson, Hermann, Hershey, Hespelein, Hess, Heuer, Hewitt, Heydrick, Heywang, Hicks, Hiesler, Higgins, Hill, Hillman, Hilton, Himrod, Hinkle, Hodgins, Hoenes, Hoffman, Hogan, Holcomb, Holden, Hollands, Holliday, Holmes, Holmwood, Hoover, Hopkins, Hough, Howard, Hubbard, Huff, Hughson, Hull, Hume, Humes, Humphrey, Hunt, Huntly, Hunter, Huster, Hyke, Ignasiak, Irwin, Jackson, Jacobs, Jacobson, Jameson, Janes, Jansen, Jaquay, Jarecki, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jourdan, Judson, Justice, Kaltenbach, Kalvelage, Kamerer, Kane, Keller, Kelley, Kelsey, Kelso, Kendall, Kennedy, Kent, Kepler, Kepner, Kerner, Kernick, Kessler, Kester, Ketcham, Kilburn, Kibler, Kidder, Kimberly, Kimball, Kincaid, King, Kinsey, Klemm, Klick, Kline, Koch, Kocher, Koehler, Kopcke, Kramer, Kraus, Kreider, Krug, Kuch, Kuhl, Kuhn, Kurtis, Lachermaier, Lambein, Lander, Landsrath, Lane, Lang, Lapsley, Laurie, Law, Laws, Leary, Le Barron, Leech, Leemhuis, Lerch, Leube, Leuschen, Lewis, Lichtinger, Lick, Lindsley, Link, Little, Livingston, Lochner, Locke, Loesch, Loffi, Loomis, Loop, Lord, Louch, Love, Lowry, Ludwig, Lund, Lunger, Lynch, Lyon, Lyons, Lysaght, Lytle, MacQueary, Mackres, Magvon, Maitland, Malinowski, Malthaner, Mandeville, Mangold, Mann, Markham, Marks, Marshall, Martin, Martz, Marvin, McAllister, McBrier, McCarter, McCarthy, McClure, McCoy, McCray, McCreary, McCurry, McDonald, McIntyre, McKean, McLane, McLean, McMahon, McMullen, McNerney, McPherson, McSparren, McWhorter, Meagher, Meehan, Meeker, Mehl, Mercer, Mertens, Metcalf, Metzner, Meyerhoffer, Michaels, Mifflin, Miles, Miller, Mills, Missimer, Mitchell, Mizener, Montfort, Montgomery, Morgan, Moore, Moorhead, Morrell, Moske, Mulvin, Munn, Munsee, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Nagle, Nagosky, Nash, Nason, Nellis, Neubauer, Nichols, Nicholson, Nick, Noble, Norcross, Norris, Norton, Nowak, Nye, Oberkirch, O'Brien, O'Donnell, Oess, Ohmer, Oldach, Olds, Olmstead, Oliver, Ore, Orton, Packer, Page, Pain, Palmer, Paradine, Parsons, Patten, Patterson, Pearce, Peck, Peters, Pettit, Phelps, Phillips, Pickering, Pinney, Platt, Plumb, Pollock, Pratt, Pressly, Price, Putnam, Quinn, Rabe, Raeder, Randall, Rappold, Ray, Raymore, Reed, Rees, Reibs, Reichart, Reid, Reidel, Reifel, Remington, Rhodes, Riblet, Richards, Richens, Riewald, Rinderle, Rindernecht, Ripley, Ritner, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rockafeller, Roemer, Rogers, Rohl, Rohrer, Roland, Root, Rose, Rosenzweig, Ross, Rossiter, Royer, Runser, Russell, Ryan, Salisbury, Saltsman, Sandborn, Sandusky, Schaffner, Schaper, Scheer, Schlosser, Schmitt, Schneider, Schuetz, Schultz, Schumacher, Schwartz, Scouller, Scott, Sedgwick, Seelinger, Seib, Seiter, Selden, Sewell, Seymour, Shafer, Sharswood, Shatto, Shaw, Shenk, Shepard, Sheppa, Sherman, Sherner, Sherrer, Sherwin, Sherwood, Short, Shreve, Shue, Shulze, Shunk, Shuler, Siegel, Sill, Silliman, Silverthorn, Sipple, Simmons, Sinnacher, Sitterle, Skinner, Sloan, Slocum, Smart, Smedley, Smiley, Smith, Smutz, Snyder, Sobel, Sopp, Spadacene, Spahr, Spath, Spear, Specht, Spetz, Spencer, Stanbro, Stafford, Starr, Stearns, Steen, Steenberg, Steimer, Steiner, Steinmetz, Stem, Stetson, Story, Stough, Stranahan, Strauch, Stratton, Streuber, Strong, Strycker, Stubbe, Stuebgen, Stuntz, Sturdevant, Sturgeon, Sturgis, Sullivan, Sutter, Sutton, Swalley, Swap, Switzer, Tait, Tansey, Taylor, Teel, Teller, Thayer, Thrasher, Thompson, Throop, Thurston, Tibbals, Tipton, Titus, Tompkins, Tong, Totman, Toy, Tracy, Trimble, Turner, Tyson, Uhlman, Underholt, Van Scoter, Veit, Vincent, Voelk, Volland, Vosburg, Wade, Wager, Wagner, Waidley, Waite, Waldermarson, Waldinger, Walbridge, Wales, Walker, Wallace, Walther, Warren, Watson, Wayne, Weber, Weed, Weddege, Weeks, Wehan, Weiblein, Weindorf, Weislogal, Weis, Weiss, Wieczorek, Welsh, Wells, Wheeler, White, Whitehead, Whitely, Whiteman, Whitman, Whiton, Wilcox, Wilks, Willis, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Wing, Wingerter, Winschel, Winter, Wittich, Wolf, Wood, Woods, Woodbury, Woodruff, Worswick, Wright, Yaple, Yeager, Young, Youngs, Zahn, Zaepfel, Zeigler, Zeiser, Zimmer, Zimmerly, Zuck
A Twentieth Century History of Erie County Pennsylvania [Vol. 1 & 2]
(The Lewis Publishing Company, 1909, 1804 pages)
This is a historical and biographical history of Erie County, PA. The first half deals the history of the county, covering such topics as the County's settlement and organization, its military history, and an account of its industries, professions, and businesses. It also contains a brief sketch of the County's townships and boroughs. The second part is biographical in nature, providing sketches of hundreds of the prominent and influential members of the county.
Surnames Indexed:
Adams, Alden, Alexander, Alford, Allen, Applebee, Arbuckle, Armes, Auer, Auth, Babo, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Bancroft, Banghart, Barker, Barnes, Barney, Barry, Barstow, Barton, Bates, Baur, Baxter, Bayle, Beaman, Becker, Beckwith, Beemer, Belknap, Bell, Bemis, Bender, Bennett, Benze, Berkenkamp, Berst, Bigler, Bishop, Bittles, Blackman, Blaine, Blair, Blakeslee, Bliley, Bliss, Bloeser, Blore, Boettiger, Bogart, Borstorff, Bort, Bowyer, Boyd, Bracken, Bradley, Brakeman, Brevillier, Brew, Briggs, Bristol, Brogdon, Brown, Bryce, Buchanan, Buchholz, Burnham, Burnley, Burton, Busch, Bush, Butler, Catfish, Camp, Camphausen, Canning, Cantlin, Capwell, Carle, Carrick, Carroll, Carter, Cass, Cauley, Cessna, Chambers, Chapin, Cherry, Childs, Chinnock, Christie, Church, Clarke, Claus, Clayton, Clemens, Coates, Coburn, Cogswell, Cole, Coleman, Collman, Collins, Colt, Connell, Conrad, Conrath, Cook, Coons, Cooper, Cordner, Cornell, Covell, Coyle, Crabb, Cranch, Crawford, Cross, Crouch, Crowley, Culbertson, Cupples, Curtis, Curtze, Cutler, Daniels, Darrow, Dash, Davenport, Davids, Davis, Dawley, Decker, Deming, Dennis, Detzel, Devine, DeWolf, Dick, Dickey, Diehl, Dietly, Dill, Doll, Donaldson, Donnellan, Downing, Doyle, Drake, Drown, Duff, Dunn, Durlin, Eastman, Edwards, Eichenlaub, Elliott, Ely, English, Ensworth, Evans, Feidler, Felgemaker, Felheim, Ferris, Finch, Fish, Fitz, Fleming, Flickinger, Flynn, Forbes, Ford, Foringer, Fortune, Foster, Francis, Freeman, French, Frisbee, Fritzges, Fuller, Galbraith, Galmish, Gates, Gifford, Gigliotti, Gilbert, Gillett, Gillaspie, Gilson, Gingrich, Goeltz, Golden, Gottfried, Grace, Graves, Gray, Gredler, Green, Griffith, Grove, Gunnison, Hagenlocher, Haggerty, Hailbach, Hall, Hamberger, Hamilton, Hammer, Hamot, Hampson, Hanley, Hardwick, Harlan, Hartman, Harvey, Hatch, Hausmann, Haven, Hawley, Hay, Hayes, Heath, Heidler, Heil, Helterline, Henrichs, Henry, Hess, Heuer, Hewitt, Highmyer, Himberger, Hinds, Hirtzel, Hiskey, Hitchcock, Hoag, Horne, Howard, Howe, Howland, Howles, Humphrey, Hunt, Hurlbut, Hurst, Hutchinson, Ignasiak, Irwin, Jackman, Jackson, Janes, Johnon, Jones, Joslin, Kalb, Kaltenbach, Kamerer, Kapple, Keep, Kelsey, Keppel, Kessler, Kiefer, Kilbane, Kimmy, King, Kinter, Kirkland, Kirschner, Kitts, Klein, Kloecker, Knoll, Knowles, Kohlmiller, Kolstee, Krack, Kraemer, Krug, Kugel, Kuhl, Laird, Lamb, Laver, Lawrie, Leary, Lee, Leech, Lewis, Lieban, Liebel, Lininger, Lipton, Little, Loesel, Loomis, Loop, Lord, Lorei, Lorenz, Love, Loveland, Lovell, Lutomsko-Neidbaski, Lyons, Lytle, MacCartney, MacDonald, Mackrell, Mackres, Mahan, Mahoney, Manvil, Marsh, Marshall, Mason, Maxwell, McArthur, McBrier, McCray, McClelland, McCullough, McDannel, McDonald, McInnes, McKean, McLaughlin, McLean, McNulty, McWilliams, Mead, Mehl, Merrill, Mertens, Messenger, Metclaf, Metzner, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Mills, Missimer, Mitchell, Moorhead, Morrison, Moritz, Mosher, Mosier, Mount, Mulkie, Mullin, Murray, Nagorski, Newbauer, Niedbaski, Norris, Northrop, Ney, Oldman, Olds, Olin, Orton, Orr, Painter, Parker, Patterson, Payne, Peck, Perkins, Petitt, Petrie, Pettibone, Phelps, Pickering, Pifer, Pinney, Pollock, Pomeroy, Pope, Porter, Powell, Pratt, Preston, Proctor, Raeder, Randall, Rankin, Ransom, Ray, Raycroft, Raymond, Reavley, Reed, Reeder, Reid, Rice, Richards, Rilling, Roberts, Robison, Rock, Rockwell, Roland, Root, Rose, Rosenzweig, Rossiter, Rosswog, Rouse, Rowley, Runnels, Russell, Salsbury, Sammons, Sapper, Sawdey, Sawdy, Sayre, Scarlett, Schaaf, Schaffner, Schauble, Scheer, Schimmelfeng, Schlaudecker, Schmelter, Schultz, Scott, Scriven, Seaman, Searls, Seeley, Selden, Sewell, Seymour, Shacklett, Shadduck, Shade, Shenk, Sheppa, Sherman, Sherwin, Sherwood, Shreve, Shufelt, Shultz, Siegel, Sill, Silliman, Simmons, Sisson, Skinner, Smith, Sobel, Spencer, Spires, Spooner, Sprague, Stafford, Stancliff, Stark, Steen, Steinfurth, Sterrett, Stolz, Stowell, Strong, Stull, Sturgeon, Sunderlin, Swalley, Swan, Swamp, Sweigard, Swendsen, Swift, Taft, Taggart, Tallmade, Tanner, Taylor, Thayer, Thompson, Thornton, Thrasher, Tipp, Titus, Torry, Towne, Tracy, Treat, Turner, Tuttle, Urch, Urick, Van Cleve, Veith, Vogt, Wade, Wagner, Wait, Waldo, Walker, Wallace, Wllis, Ware, Washabaugh, Waters, Watson, Way, Weiblen, Wells, Weschler, Wetmore, Wharff, Wheeler, Whitney, Whittelsey, Wicks, Wight, Wilbur, Wiley, Wilkins, Willert, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wimersberger, Wolf, Wood, Woodruff, Woods, Woodworth, Wright, Weunschel, Yakes, Yaple, Young, Youngs, Zuck
History of Erie County Pennsylvania [Vol. 1 & 2]
(Historical Publishing Company, 1925, 1547 pages)
Originally published in 2 volumes, this is an excellent addition to the earlier historical and biographical volumes written for Erie County, PA. It contains a history of the county, its early beginnings, pioneer settlers, the organization and development of the county, and the war involvement of its citizens. It also contains a historical account of its townships and boroughs, and the growth of its various organizations and industries. The Second half of the publication is biographical in nature and highlights hundreds of the county's prominent and influential citizens.
Surnames Indexed:
Abbey, Acheson, Ackerman, Adams, Alberstadt, Alexander, Allen, Althof, Amenta, Anderson, Aushutz, Anthony, Arbuckle, Askownes, Ashton, Anstead, Austin, Avery, Baker, Baldwin, Bannister, Barber, Barker, Barkey, Barrett, Barns, Barney, Barthel, Baron, Battles, Bauman, Bauschard, Beal, Becker, Beckman, Beckwith, Bemiss, Bennett, Benze, Benzing, Berg, Berry, Bevins, Beyer, Biebel, Bieber, Billingsley, Birkland, Blaine, Blair, Blake, Blakeslee, Blethen, Blodgett, Blossom, Bliley, Bliss, Bond, Bostwick, Boughton, Bowman, Bracken, Brandt, Brennan, Brevillier, Briggs, Brindley, Bristol, Britton, Brooks, Brown, Broughton, Buck, Burch, Burgoyne, Burnham, Burns, Burt, Busch, Butt, Butler, Buys, Cameron, Campbell, Canon, Cantor, Carter, Casler, Cessna, Chaffee, Chambers, Cheeks, Cherry, Chikdester, Church, Clark, Cleland, Clough, Cochanides, Coburn, Cole, Colegrove, Collins, Condon, Condren, Constable, Cook, Cooper, Cornell, Covell, Cowles, Craig, Crane, Crawford, Croop, Currie, Culbertson, Cummins, Curtis, Danielson, Darsie, Dart, Davis, Davison, Dawley, Detzel, Dear, Deck, Delack, Deming, Denison, Depinet, De Rosay, Devine, De Wolfe, Dickinson, Diehl, Dietz, Dill, Dinnison, Dolan, Doolittle, Downs, Doyle, Drake, Drew, Drown, Drozeski, Drury, Dugan, Dunn, Dunwoody, Durbin, Egan, Eaton, Echols, Eckerd, Edwards, Eichorn, Eisaman, Elber, Eldredge, Elliott, Emerman, English, Engles, Epp, Evans, Everhart, Falk, Farnham, Farver, Faulkner, Feisler, Ferguson, Fiero, Fincken, Firman, Fisher, Fisk, Fletcher, Fluegel, Flury, Flynn, Forbes, Force, Ford, Fordham, Foringer, Forsberg, Fox, Foye, Frank, Franz, Freeman, Fry, Fuller, Galbo, Gallanis, Galster, Gamble, Gandy, Gannon, Gerbracht, Geren, Gleeton, Glenn, Gibbons, Gifford, Gingrich, Goldman, Gooding, Goodwin, Gorman, Goss, Graham, Griffey, Griffith, Grimshaw, Griswold, Guerrein, Guild, Gunnison, Hagenlocher, Hailbach, Hain, Hall, Halloran, Hammond, Hapgood, Hard, Harper, Hart, Hartleb, Hartman, Harvey, Hartline, Hatch, Haughney, Hawkes, Hay, Hayes, Heard, Heath, Henderson, Herbolsheimer, Herbst, Hermann, Herrick, Hertzler, Hess, Heuer, Hicks, Hill, Hillstrom, Hirt, Hitchcock, Hober, Hoffsetter, Holden, Holeman, Hopkins, Hortsman, Hosbach, Howell, Hubbard, Hughes, Hurley, Hutchinson, Hyer, Ignasiak, Illig, Indich, Inman, James, Janniere, Jarecki, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jensen, Jerrell, Jiuliante, Johnson, Jordan, Kalson, Kaltenback, Kamerer, Kane, Kastner, Kearney, Keim, Kellam, Keller, Kelley, Kelly, Kelsey, Kelso, Kendall, Kenyon, Keppel, Kessler, Kibler, Kilburn, Kimmel, Kincade, King, Kirkland, Klein, Kneib, Koch, Koehler, Kohler, Krack, Krum, Kurczewski, Kuenzig, Lamb, Lamberton, Ladd, Lander, Lane, Lang, Lanston, Laurie, Law, Lawrie, Laver, Lee, Leemhuis, Leet, LeJeal, Leslie, Le Sueur, Leuschen, Lias, Liebel, Lick, Lininger, Little, Lloyd, Lochner, Loomis, Lord, Loveland, Lowe, Luke, Lumbard, Lund, Lyle, Lyons, McAllister, McBrier, McCarthy, McCarty, McClelland, McCord, McCumber, McCune, McElroy, McEntarfer, McEnteer, McFayden, McGavern, McGeary, McLean, McNary, McNeill, McQuiston, Mackay, MacLeod, Madden, Magay, Mahoney, Main, Mang, Marks, Markwood, Marquis, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mather, Maurer, Mayo, Mead, Mehaffey, Mehl, Merrick, Merritt, Messenkopf, Mertens, Metcalf, Metzger, Meyer, Mielcarek, Miles, Millar, Miller, Millet, Mills, Minnig, Mitchell, Moffatt, Mohring, Moline, Montague, Montgomery, Mook, Moomy, Moore, Moorehead, Moorhead, Morgan, Morrison, Morton, Mszanowski, Munger, Murray, Myers, Nagorski, Nash, Nason, Nelson, Neuer, Newton, Neyland, Nichols, Nicholson, Nick, Noble, Nollanger, Noonan, Norman, Northrop, Obermanns, O'Brien, Olds, Olsen, Oriole, O'Rourke, Osborne, Otto, Paasch, Parker, Parsons, Pasqualicchio, Patton, Patterson, Paul, Payne, Peake, Perry, Petrillo, Phillips, Pierce, Pinks, Place, Plate, Pohle, Purcell, Putnam, Putts, Quinn, Ramsay, Ramsey, Randall, Ras, Raymond, Reed, Reibs, Reichard, Reichbaum, Reichel, Reid, Reinoehl, Renick, Renz, Rhea, Rhoads, Riblet, Rice, Rick, Rickert, Reidel, Riley, Rilling, Rindernecht, Robertson, Robison, Robinson, Rochelle, Rodgers, Roland, Rose, Ross, Rossiter, Rosswog, Rost, Roth, Rowe, Royer, Russell, Rusterholtz, Sallen, Salisbury, Saltsman, Sammons, Sample, Sapper, Saxer, Schaaf, Schaffner, Schaffer, Schaller, Schaper, Schilling, Schlaudecker, Schlesinger, Schlosser, Schlindwein, Schluraff, Schmalenbach, Schmelzer, Schmid, Schmidt, Schneider, Schreck, Schrimper, Schroeck, Schweinhardt, Scibetta, Scott, Seabrook, Search, Seavy, Selden, Selkregg, Sell, Selmer, Sevin, Shacklett, Shaw, Sheldon, Shepard, Sherman, Sherwin, Sherwood, Shipley, Shreve, Shutts, Siegel, Simmons, Sims, Sinclair, Sisson, Skellie, Skelton, Skidmore, Skinner, Sloan, Smart, Smiley, Smith, Snyder, Sobel, Spaulding, Speed, Spencer, Spofford, Spooner, Sprague, St. Lawrence, Stackhouse, Stadler, Stark, Steadman, Steiger, Stem, Stern, Sterrett, Stevens, Steward, Stewart, Stone, Stoney, Stork, Stow, Strickland, Strong, Stuart, Suerken, Sullivan, Sweet, Swenson, Switzer, Sykes, Tayntor, Taylor, Teras, Teudhope, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Toivonen, Totman, Towne, Tredway, Trippe, Trivett, Trost, Turner, Twichell, Tyrrell, Umburn, Van Camp, Van Cleve, Viet, Veith, Vicary, Von der Groben, Wade, Wagner, Wait, Walbridge, Waldinger, Walker, Wallace, Walling, Walsh, Walter, Ward, Warren, Way, Weber, Weeks, Weibel, Weindorff, Weislogel, Wells, Werren, Weschler, Wheeler, Whiteman, Whitehill, Willcox, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wingerter, Wolf, Woodard, Woodruff, Worster, Wishart, Wright,, Yard, Yeager, Yokes, Young, Younghans, Youngs, Yount, Zachos, Zeiser, Zink, Zuck, Zurn
Town, Township & Regional Histories
Souvenir - Erie Penna (Hugo Held, ~1900-1910, 24 pages)
This publication provides a brief history of Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania followed by a series of photographs highlighting buildings and scenes of the area.
Souvenir of Erie PA. - Photo-Gravures (J. M. Stearns, 1911, 20 pages)
This is a photographic souvenir of the city of Erie, Pa. It presents photographs of numerous locations around the city.
Official Perry Centennial Souvenir Book of Erie (A. C. McCallum, 1913, 36 pages)
This is a souvenir of the Centennial of the Battle of the Lake Erie, by Commodore Perry. This contains a historical narrative of the battle, along with a number of illustrations. Following this is a brief history and description of the city of Erie, accompanied by numerous photographs of scenes of the city and vicinity.
Souvenir Program Centennial Celebration 1834-1934
North East, PA. (Anonymous, 1934, 40 pages)
This is a souvenir program of the events of the centennial celebration of North East, Erie County, PA in 1934. It details the events of the celebration and also relates a brief history of the town and area. It also contains a resident directory for North East Borough and Township for 1934, listing the primary resident's name, and street address.
Erie - A Guide to the City and County
(The William Penn Association of Philadelphia Inc., 1938, 172 pages)
This was published as guidebook of the city of Erie, advertising its highlights. It also presents some historical and cultural context from the region.
Perry Sesquicentennial Souvenir Program
(Perry Sesquicentennial Inc., 1963, 136 pages)
This booklet was published as a souvenir historical program of the commemoration of 150 years of peace on the border of the United States and Canada from 1813-1963. This publication presents a number of historical articles highlighting the role of Erie County, PA in arriving at that end, particularly the involvement of Commodore Perry. Along with the information, there are a number of historical photographs of the area, as well as people involved in the celebration. Another nice inclusion to this publication is a timeline of important events in Erie County.
Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous Histories
History of the Presbytery of Erie (S. J. M. Eaton, 1868, 479 pages)
This is a history of the Erie Presbytery covering northwestern PA and northeastern Ohio. It presents sketches of its member churches providing historical context for the area and its residents. It also includes a section of biographical sketches on past ministers.
Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Western] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 144 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout north and western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.
Erie County
-- From Erie: -- Erie Malleable Iron Company, Mauer Confectionery Manufacturing Co., Stearns Manufacturing Co., J. F. Downing, J. S. Town, Erie City Iron Works, Erie Car Works, Burdett Organ Company, Warner Bros., Baker & Ostheimer, Skinner Engine Co., Jarecki Chemical Works, Chicago & Erie Stove Company, H. F. Watson, Erie Engine Works, Downing Carriage Company, Straus Brothers & Beck, W. W. Pierce & Co., Erie City Planning Mills, F. Walther, Erie Machine Shop, Wyant & Frick, N. Jacobson & Son, William F. Nick, The Dunning Steam Marble and Granite M'f'g Co., China and Japan Tea Store, Griswold Manufacturing Company, Mehl & Liebel, Wm. P. Hayes, I. A. Forman, John Hicks, C. A. Lang, Joseph Erhart, F. S. Miller, Julius Koenig, Henry Kneib, Geo. W. Brown, J. H. Kaiveiage & Son, Constable Brothers, Phillip Birch, Charles Krueger, R. W. Russell, Hostettler & Lamson, Chas. W. Nick, Porsch Brothers, C. Bloeser, Geo. Steiner, Wm. M. Wood, Keystone Carriage Works, E. L. Pelton & Co., J. H. Davis, C. Engelhart, H. Kessler, C. Kessler, "Betts the Tailor", George E. Fry, The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, Max. Bosch, Edward Hoffman, F. J. Detzel, Jacob Minnig, O'Brien 7 Carroll, -- From Corry: -- The Corry Novelty Company, H. L. Spiesman, Harmon, Gibbs & Co., Corssman & Bowen, Acme Flouring Custom and Feed Mills, Climax Manufacturing Company, J. R. Graves, L. Hammond, Wm. H. Nantes, La Forest Trimble, The Mahle Boiling Machine Co., Tice [photographer], Judson Blakeley, H. B. Blair, Corry City Iron Works, Pratt & Smith's, R. W. Blydenburg
Soldiers of the American Revolution Who at Some Time
Were residents of, or Whose Graves are in Erie County, PA
(Erie Chapters DAR, 1929, 92 pages)
This booklet provides historical sketches of numerous participants of the Revolutionary War who were residents of Erie County, PA during some portion of their lifetime. It also includes sketches of a number of others whose service wasn't fully established at the time of publication. The sketches provides a wealth of information on the subject, and many times, their family and military service.
Perry Sesquicentennial - Erie County
Industry – History & Directory (Anonymous, 1963, 52 pages)
This is a directory of the business and industries of Erie published for the Perry Sesquicentennial. It provides a brief industrial history of the area, followed by the directory information. Businesses of all types are included, listing the name of the business, its address, telephone number, the type of business (and in some cases) officers and managers.
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