Clinton County PA - Regional, Miscellaneous History and Maps Collection

Clinton County PA - Regional, Miscellaneous History and Maps Collection


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This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.

This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as text searchable PDFs (unless noted in description). These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended.

Town, Township & Regional Histories

Souvenir Book of Renovo and Vicinity (John U. Shaffer, 1908, 25 pages)
This booklet is was published as a souvenir of Renovo, Clinton County, Pennsylvania. It begins with a brief history of the town, followed by photographs of various scenes around the area, including Renovo, South Renovo, Westport, North Bend, and Farwall.

History of the Early Settling of the Bald Eagle Valley (William E. Marks, 1939, 19 pages)
From the Foreword: "The writer has spent much time and labor in research, largely from old warrants and deeds, and believes that this booklet will give you valuable information as to the early settling of the Bald Eagle Valley and Centre County, that can not be found in any other publication." Although most of the information deals with Centre County, some areas of neighboring Blair and Clinton Counties are also covered. The towns that this publication focuses on are: Bald Eagle, Beech Creek, Bellefonte, Curtin, Eagleville, Fowler, Hannah, Howard, Julian, Lock Haven, Martha, Milesburg, Mill Hall, Philipsburg, Port Matilda, Show Shoe, Snow Shoe Intersection, Tyrone, and Unionville.

Church, Family, Education, Military and Miscellaneous Histories

Industries of Pennsylvania
Williamsport, Lock Haven, Bellefonte, Lewisburg, Milton, Selins' Grove, Renovo,
Philipsburg, Mifflinburg, Muncy, Newberry, Jersey Shore, Hughesville, Milesburg
(Richard Edwards, 1882, 144 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout Central Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.

Clinton County
-- From Lock Haven: -- First National Bank of Lock Haven, Vandyke & Best, Novelty Iron Works, Simon Bros., The Fallon House, Jacob Brown & Son, W. B. Blair, John Cander & Co., Jacob Harder, Wm. Furl, Kestler Brothers, Wm. Sterner, The Republican Book and Stationery Store, The Clinton Republican, Zimmerman & Moltz, Dr. Prieson, Jacob Rinn, A. N. Kettner, J. B. Lesher, F. Goldstein, Boggis & Grafius, J. H. Hiller, Roepper & Mason, W. B. Wilson, T. C. Holton & Co., M. Sondheimer, T. Homer Ross, William M. Blesh, P. McCaffrey, F. J. Troxell, Hon. J. W. Smith, S. A. Newcomer, Daniel Crowley, Samuel Z. Martin, Mrs. E. J. Dunn, William Klise, R. B. Reitenour, Jacob Kamp, Irvin House, A. Farnsworth, R. F. Sloan & Co., Henry Keller, T. H. Harmon, Eagle Mills, Eagle Iron Works, John Nitsche, G. S. Good, Jos. W. Smith, A. Jones & Son, Hopkins Best & Weymouth, W. D. Apkar & Bro., The Daily and Weekly Journal, Charles Glock, J. F. Peeling, W. H. Mayer, F. P. McCloskey & Co., Jacob P. Beck, Krom House, W. F. Satterlee & Bro., Keiner & Brother, A. R. Shaw, Frank McMahon, J. W. Bridgens, Charles Dorey, Lock Haven Tannery, Silverman & Co., A. Simon's Sons, Frederick Fickenscher, Michaels & Schemmel, S. McIsaac, J. F. Wachtel, Gossler & Co., J. W. C. Floyd, P. T. O'Neill, J. C. White, A. S. Kulp, -- From Renovo: -- Henry Spangler, D. E. Shoup, John Collins, John Kilgus, E. A. Beck, P. O'Hagan & Son, Charles F. Van Gordon, J. T. Simpson, The Renovo Record, A. K. Pierce, M. L. Clay, James Murphy, R. J. Henderson, P. H. Sullivan, Bee-Hive Drug Store, Keystone Clothing Store, A. N. Stevenson, John P. Dwyer, J. Bergstresser, John W. Russell, John M. Noble.

Industrial and Commercial Resources of [Northern] Pennsylvania
(Historical Publishing Company, 1887, 125 pages)
This publication is a history and description of the business operations from a dozens of towns throughout north and western Pennsylvania. Each business is detailed in sketch form, giving, in many cases, a brief history of its existence, management, and a description of its operations. This information was only published in this publication making this a rare and useful resource for historical or genealogical research in these counties of PA.

Clinton County
-- From Lock Haven: -- The First National Bank, Mussina & Reed, E. Furl, The Hard Pan Store, J. C. Waddle & Son, T. Homer Ross, Joe F. Everett, Geo. Eadie D.D.S., P. P. Rittman, Myers Hering & Co., Joseph Candor, Jacob Harder, Chas. Dorey

Industries and Wealth of the Principle Points in Northeastern Pennsylvania
Being Scranton, Williamsport, Lock Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Allentown
Bethlehem, Easton, Danville, Sunbury and Shamokin
(American Publishing and Engraving Co., 1890, 125 pages)
This publication contains sketches of industrial and economic significance from the major populated areas of northeastern PA. These commercial sketches provide a rare look at many of the businesses and business people of Pennsylvania before the 20th Century.

Clinton County
-- From Lock Haven: -- State Bank of Lock Haven, Loder, Duncan & Waidley, E. A. Monaghan, Jacob Brown & Son, Queen's Run Fire Brick Company, W. W. Miller, Chas. M. O'Conner, John L. Thiele, Edward Hecht, G. W. Mason, J. W. Bridgens & Son, W. A. Mosher, X. B. Ringler, A. H. Heilman & Co., T. B. Loveland, Willian Klise, J. N. Welliver & Co., Geo. S. Good, C. C. Schaeffle, A. M. Thomas, T. R. Bridgens, J. W. Floyd, C. R. Gearhart, Wm. A. Flack, Fallon House, J. F. Smart, A. L. Benedict.

Souvenir Supplement to the Daily Democrat - Lock Haven, PA
(Daily Democrat, Friday, May 18th, 1906 Edition, 24 pages)
This publication was produced as a souvenir of Lock Haven and its business interests. It contains a brief sketch of Lock Haven's history followed by descriptive sketches of many of its businesses and institutions. Many of the sketches are also accompanied by photographs of the businessman, or the business exterior or interior. There are also a few photographic views of areas around Lock Haven.

First National Bank, The Central State Normal School, Lock Haven Steam Laundry, E. A. Monaghan, Peter Meitzler, Lock Haven Trust and Safe Deposit Co., Baker & Company, The Smith & Winter Department Stores, Clinton Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Judge C. A. Mayer, H. E. Pursley Co., S. M. McCormick, John B. Myers, Allen Sterner, M. Weindorf, Jacob Brown & Son, R. D. Peck, Louis F. Dietz, Chas. M. Robb & Co., W. C. Bauman, West Branch Tanning Company, Gt. Island Presbyterian Church, St. Johns Eng. Lutheran Church, First Baptist Church, United Evangelical Church, St. Luke's Reformed Church, St. Agnes Catholic Church, Church of Christ, Church of the Immaculate Conception, A. Simon's Sons.

International Magazine of Industry and Clinton Democrat Special Souvenir Edition
Descriptive of and Illustrating Clinton County, Lock Haven, Renovo and
Susquehanna Valley (Charles M. Nichols Editor, 1909, 42 pages)
This publication was a periodical focusing on various areas and their industrial, commercial and business interests. This edition focused on Clinton County, PA and particularly the towns of Lock Haven and Renovo. It contains sketches (and sometimes photographs) of businesses and businessmen in these towns, giving a description of the business operations, when the business began, who was involved, etc.

From Clinton County:
-- Clear Springs: -- Furst Bros., -- Flemington: -- G. Watson Fredericks, R. H. Hursh, -- Lock Haven: -- Welch Art Store, C. E. Moore, J. N. Getz Company, Lucas House, S. O. Watts, William Keiner, Lock Haven Fire Brick Co., A. Jerles, Edward Hecht, John R. Stevenson, The Star Bakery, J. A. Sipes, R. J. Scott, Frank E. Harder, C. I. Wenker, M. P. Geary, William A. Snyder, Lee J. Schwarz, Dorenkamper & Weaver, Ira N. McCloskey, New York Bakery, Wilson & Shaffer, E. F. Tachelder, Clugstone Studio, The Rempe Store, Sarah E. Stuber, New York Racket Store, Michael Pace, Jacob Brown & Son, William Klise, E. T. STevenson, C. A. Poorman's Hand Laundry, The Fallon House, First Ward House, Elmer E. Wentz, Dr. Harry E. Brady, E. F. Smith, A. Wilt, The Clinton County Bottling Works, Horace Probst, Hilton & Heffner, West Branch Tannery, Lock Haven Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Allen Sterner, Clearfield House and Hotel Riverside, S. Epstein, Lock Haven Steam Bottling Works, Robert A. Hays, H. J. Fox, William Howard Klepper, Waite's Bazaar, National Hotel, B. C. Achenbach & Son, Griminger 5 and 10 Cent Store, Wm. Probst, A. W. McCormack, James E. Robbins, L. H. Brewer, John McMahon, Harry A. Stevenson, R. L. Fishburne, Joseph D. Eason, A. E. Logue, Hipple Estate, Lock Haven Business Institute, W. E. Smith, Frank E. Gibson, A. Simon's Sons, E. H. Young & Brother, D. R. Peck, Harry H. Martin, Pennsylvania Woven Wire Co., Castanea Brick & Tile Co., Mrs. S. E. Rosenbluth, Dr. A. Prieson & Company, J. B. Rosser, G. E. Culp, Augustine Weis, Queens Run Fire Brick Co., O. F. Felnlee, Mussina & Reed, First National Bank of Lock Haven, W. C. Bauman, Empire Laundry, Stevenson, Sperring & Co., West End Water Company, Lock Haven Dying & Cleaning WOrks, Central Hotel & Resturant, Central State Normal School, J. R. Flickinger A.B. & A.M., D.S., St. Cloud Hotel, Kim D. Batchelder, W. A. Flack & Son, Omar Fisher, New York-Pennsylvania Co., Lock Haven Steam Laundry, Lock Haven Gas and Electric Light Companies, J. J. Hickey, The Clinton Ice & Coal Co., James F. Kinley, Chas. R. Lauer, Rothrock Brothers, Castenea Brewery, Clinton County Democrat, Van Dyke Hardware Co., Paul Ely, The Clark Printing and Manufacturing Company, L. Haberstroh, Dr. C. R. Good, A. Caprio & Sons, Mountain Spring Brewery, D. F. Good, Singer Sewing Machine Co., I. Boyer & Son, Lock Haven Silk Company, Dean B. Furst, Novelty Iron Works, H. W. Swope, H. Claster, Lock Haven Construction & Concrete Company, Leinbach Bros., Clinton Trust Company of Lock Haven, C. Merrill, Kellers Hotel, E. A. Monaghan, John Rich & Brothers -- Loganton: -- Loganton National Bank, -- Mill Hall: -- Eagle Brick Company, Hotel Clinton, Mill Hall Brick Works, W. A. Kessinger, John O. Rosser, The Mann Edged Tool Co., G. C. Garvey, -- Renovo: -- Keystone Hotel, W. C. Noll & Company, Dell Cross, West Branch Fire Brick Works, Sweeley's Music Store, Windsor Hotel, Michale Dwyer, John P. Foley, R. Gunzberg, Whaley & White, Smyth Bros., A. N. Gann, Hotel Dennis, Hotel Stockholm, Koller Bros., C. S. Greninger, Mrs. Kozer, A. P. Pfoutz, D. P. Spangler, Clyde F. Barner, W. P. Beckman, Grand Central Hotel, Foley's Hotel, Hotel Harvue, J. L. Caskey, Binder's Brewery, Seels Hotel, 1st National Bank of Renovo, Altvater's General Store, Jos. R. Kengid, American Hotel, Renovo Steam Laundry, Ward Hotel, Sol. Marks, H. B. Foresman, Anderson & Hartsoct

The Thirty-Fifth Anniversary - St. John's Lutheran Church, Renovo,
Pennsylvania 1889-1924 (Anonymous, 1924, 35 pages)

Yearbook - First Methodist Episcopal Church of
Renovo, Penna (Anonymous, 1927, 32 pages)
This is a church directory for the year 1927. It gives a brief history of the church, and provides a listing of its members, officers, committees, and organizations. A nice inclusion is the membership roll provided covering both resident and non-resident members for the 1927 year.

General Marshall's Victory Report [Lock Haven]
(U.S. War Department, 1946-47, 160 pages)
This was published following the close of the war to provide the public with a general account of the war from beginning to end. The report was published for individual areas throughout the state, and each of these areas included a list of local men and women who served in the war. This report covers the town of Lock Haven in Clinton County, PA.

Flood Pennsylvania - 1972 (Timothy E. Euker, David Berner, 1972, 68 pages)
This pictorial souvenir highlights the damge done from Hurricane / Tropical storm Agnes in 1972. It includes some photographs of areas in Clinton County.

Flood 1972 (Pennsylvania Mirror, 1972, 48 pages)
This is a souvenir of the 1972 Flood in Pennsylvania resulting from . A section of the publication shows some of the damage done in the Clinton County area.

Maps & Atlases (*** Not text searchable ***)
1862 Map of Clinton County Pennsylvania (F. H. Walling and Way, Palmer & Co., Color)

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