Chester County PA - County History & Biography Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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History of Chester County, Pennsylvania, With Genealogical and
Biographical Sketches (J. Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, 1881, 1255 pages)
Hundreds of the county's prominent and influential citizens and families are detailed, along with numerous portraits of the sketch subjects. The original index is included with the publication, but in addition to it is a 227 page Every-Name Index compiled at a later date. The surnames listed at the end of this description are from the original index, as there would be too many to list from the every-name index.
Surnames Indexed:
Acker, Adamson, Aldred, Alexander, Allen, Alison, Allison, Alsop, Altemus, Amlerson, Anderson, Andrews, Apple, Archer, Arnold, Ash, Ashbridge, Ashcom, Ashenfelter, Ashton, Askew, Aston, Athertop, Auge, Awl, Babb, Baily, Baird, Baker, Baldwin, Bane, Barber, Barnard, Bartholomew, Bartram, Baugh, Bayly, Beale, Bnaton, Bell, Benner, Bennett, Bent, Bentley, Berkeley, Bevan, Beverly, Bingaman, Bishop, Bizallion, Blackwell, Blair, Blunston, Bond, Bonsall, Bonzano, Boyd, Boyer, Bradford, Bradley, Brannon, Branson, Brinton, Broomall, Brosius, Brower, Brown, Brombach, Buchanan, Buckwalter, Buffington, Bull, Burgess, Butler, Cadwalader, Caldwell, Callowhill, Calvert, Cameron, Cane, Cantwell, Carleton, Carille, Carpenter, Carmichael, Carr, Carruthers, Carter, Carteret, Carrington, Cathcart, Chads, Chalfant, Chamberlin, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chandlee, Chandler, Charlton, Cheyney, Chrisman, Churchman, Clayton, Cleaver, Clingan, Cloud, Coates, Cochran, Cock, Coebourne, Coebourn, Collett, Colve, Comly, Conard, Cook, Cookson, Cooper, Cope, Cornog, Cornett, Cowan, Cowpland, Cox, Craig, Crawford, Cresap, Creswell, Crosby, Crowell, Crumbacker, Culbertson, Cumming, Cuningham, Cunningham, Currie, Darlington, David, Davis, Dean, De Haven, Dell, Denney, Dewees, Dickey, Dicks, Dickson, Diehl, Dillingham, Dilworth, Dixson, Dobson, Dongan, Dorian, Downard, Downing, Drowelt, Du Bois, Dunlap, Dutton, Dysart, Eachus, Eavenson, Edge, Edminston, Edwards, Ehrenzeller, Eldridge, Ellis, Elwyn, Embree, Emlen, Empeon, Enland, Erwin, Evans, Everhard, Everhart, Ewing, Eryes, Faddis, Fairlamb, Farmer, Farrow, Fell, Ferguson, Ferree, Fetters, Few, Filson, Fincher, Finkbine, Finley, Finney, Fisher, Fitzsimmons, Fitzwater, Fleman, Fleming, Fletcher, Fling, Flower, Ford, Forrester, Forsythe, Foster, Foulke, Fox, Frame, Francis, Frazer, Fred, Fredd, Frick, Friend, Fullerton, Furly, Fussell, Futhey, Gandenett, Gardner, Garrett, Garrettson, Gatchel, Gause, Gawthrop, Gheen, Gibbons, Gilbert, Gilliland, Gilpin, Glass, Glassford, Goodson, Goodwin, Gordon, Grace, Graham, Greave, Green, Grey, Grier, Griffen, Griffith, Groff, Gronow, Grubb, Gummere, Gunkie, Guss, Haines, Hall, Hamill, Hamilton, Hannum, Harlan, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartman, Harishorna, Harvey, Haslep, Haslett, Hastiuga, Hawley, Hayes, Hazard, Heath, Heckel, Hemphill, Henderson, Hibberd, Hickman, Hicks, Higginbotham, Hill, Hoare, Hobson, Hockessin, Hockley, Hodgkins, Hodgson, Holland, Hollingsworth, Holme, Hoopes, Hope, House, Howell, Hudson, Hughes, Humphreys, Humphrey, Humpton, Hunt, Hunter, Hurford, Hutton, Ingram, Irwin, Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jefferis, Jenkin, Job, John, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Kaler, Keach, Keeley, Keith, Kelton, Kennedy, Kennison, Kent, Kersey, key, Kilpatrick, Kimble, King, Kingeman, Kinnard, Kirk, Kirkbride, Kirke, Kloz, Knauer, Lamborn, Larkin, Lasse, Latta, Laubach, Lawrence, Lea, Leet, Leggitt, Legitt, Leonard, Leslie, Levis, Lewis, Lightfoot, Lindley, Lippard, Little, Lloyd, Lockhart, Logan, Loomis, Love, Lowden, Lukens, McAden, MacVeagh, McCall, McCaughey, McClellan, McClenachan, McClun, McClure, McCullough, McDowell, McIntire, McIlvaine, McKean, McKnight, McLene, McMillan, McNeil, Mackey, Maclay, Mahan, Maitland, Malin, Manlove, Maris, Markham, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massey, Mather, Matlack, Mattson, May, Mendenhall, Mey, Michener, Miles, Millard, Miller, Mills, Miner, Minshall, Mitchell, Mode, Monaghan, Montgomery, Moor, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Morton, Moses, Mosteller, Muhlenberg, Musgrave, Myers, Nailor, Neal, Nealson, Neely, Neild, Nelson, Nevin, Newlin, Newton, Nicolls, Niles, Nixon, North, Nutt, Oberholtzer, Oborn, Ogier, Ogle, Osborn, Otley, Owen, Painter, Palmer, Papegoya, Parish, Parke, Parker, Parry, Passmore, Patterson, Pearce, Pearson, Peart, Peirce, Penington, Penn, Pennell, Pennington, Pennock, Penypacker, Peters, Philips, Phillips, Physick, Pickering, Pierce, Pim, Pinkerton, Poor, Porter, Potts, Powell, Power, Pratt, Preston, Price, Prichard, Printz, Prizer, Pugh, Pusey, Pyle, Quinn, Ralston, Ramsey, Rankin, Read, Rees, Reed, Reeves, Reid, Revel, Reynolds, Rhoads, Richards, Richardson, Richlson, Rickabaugh, Riley, Ringwalt, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Ross, Rothrock, Rowland, Rue, Ruston, Rutter, Ryant, Rysingh, Sachse, Salkeld, Sandelands, Sauer, Savage, Scarlet, Scott, Seal, Seeds, Seigfried, Sellers, Shafer, Shaffer, Sharples, Sharpless, Sheeder, Sherer, Shippen, Showlater, Sidwell, Simcock, Simpson, Smedley, Smith, Speakman, Starr, Stauffer, Steel, Steele, Sterne, Strawbridge, Strickland, Strode, Stubbs, Supless, Swayne, Sweeney, Swing, Talbot, Taylor, Temple, Thomas, Thompson, Thropp, Todd, Towers, Townsend, Travilla, Trego, Trimble, Underwood, Urner, Valentine, Vanderslice, Van Leer, Vaughan, Vernon, Vickers, Wade, Wagoner, Wainwright, Walter, Walters, Walton, Wanger, Warren, Way, Wayne, Weathersby, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Wersler, West, Whelen, Wherry, White, Whitehead, Whiteside, Wickersham, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wilson, Windle, Wistar, Wither, Wollaston, Wood, Woodmanson, Woodside, Woodward, Workizer, Worley, Worth, Worthington, Yarnall, Yearsley, Yeales, Yeoman, Young, Zook
Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County,
Pennsylvania (Samuel T. Wiley, 1893, 857 pages)
The first 195 pages contain a brief history of Chester County, its townships and villages. The remainder of the publication features biographies of some of the leading individuals and families of the county.
Surnames Indexed:
Abraham, Ackenbach, Acker, Aiken, Allen, Allison, Anderson, Armor, Armstrong, Ashbridge, Baldwin, Baltz, Barker, Barnard, Bartholomew, Bartram, Beale, Bean, Beaumont, Beaver, Beck, Beitler, Benjamin, Bell, Bennett, Bingham, Bizallion, Bliss, Bolmar, Bonzano, Boyer, Branson, Bremerman, Brinton, Brooks, Brower, Brown, Brownback, Buckwalter, Bull, Burling, Burns, Buzzerd, Cardwell, Carpenter, Catanach, Chandler, Christman, Cleaver, Clemson, Clower, Cochran, Cohen, Colgan, Colket, Cook, Cornog, Cornwell, Coryell, Cowan, Cox, Croskey, Cummiskey, Cutler, Darlington, Davies, Davis, Deery, DeHaven, Denithorne, Derr, Detwiler, Dewees, Dickey, Dobson, Dotterer, Downing, Dunn, Dutton, Dyer, Eaches, Eachus, Eastwood, Egolf, Eicholtz, Eldridge, Ellicott, Ellis, Emack, Emery, Entriken, Eppehimer, Evans, Everhart, Farley, Fetters, Finkbiner, Fisher, Fitzpatrick, Flint, Floyd, Francis, Frederick, Frick, Friday, Fritz, Fronefield, Fulton, Funk, Futhey, Gallagher, Garrett, Gause, Geiger, Gheen, Gilbert, Gilfillan, Gilkyson, Gilligan, Good, Green, Griffen, Griffith, Grover, Gunkle, Guss, Gyger, Haddaway, Haines, Halderman, Hallman, Halteman, Hamill, Hannum, Harlan, Harley, Harris, Harry, Hart, Hartman, Hartshorne, Hastings, Hause, Hawley, Heckel, Heistand, Hemphill, Henderson, Henniss, Heron, Hibberd, Hickman, High, Highley, Hills, Himes, Hodgson, Hogue, Holman, Hoopes, Hooton, Horning, Hoskins, Howell, Hoy, Hurford, Ingram, Ivison, Jacobs, Janeway, Johnson, Jones, Kaler, Kauffman, Keech, Keeley, Keim, Kelton, Kephart, Kepner, Kerr, Knauer, Koller, Kulp, Kurtz, LaFayette, Lamborn, Lancaster, Landis, Latshaw, Latta, Leary, Leopold, Lewis, Lippert, Little, Lobb, Long, Ludwick, MacElree, MacFarland, MacFeat, MacDonald, Mackelduff, Manger, March, Marshall, Margerum, Massey, Masters, Matlack, Matson, Maxwell, May, McCauley, McCulough, McClure, McClurg, McDowell, McKean, Menkins, Mercer, Meredith, Mewhinney, Michener, Miller, Mintzer, Mock, Monaghan, Montgomery, Moore, Morris, Moses, Mosteller, Mowrey, Mowry, Moyer, Mullen, Mullin, Myer, Needham, Newlin, Oberholtzer, Opperman, Owen, Painter, Parke, Parker, Patrick, Patterson, Paschal, Paxson, Pearson, Pechin, Peters, Pennock, Pennypacker, Philips, Phipps, Piersol, Potter, Price, Prizer, Pugh, Ralston, Ramsey, Randall, Rapp, Rayner, Read, Reavey, Reel, Rees, Reese, Reid, Reiff, Reinhart, Rennard, Rhoads, Richard, Rickabaugh, Rinehart, Ringwalt, Robb, Roberts, Rothrock, Rupert, Russell, Ruth, Savage, Saylor, Schofield, Sellers, Shaffer, Sharpless, Shoemaker, Sigman, Sleichter, Sloyer, Smale, Smedley, Smith, Snyder, Soule, Spackman, Spratt, Stauffer, Stem, Sterrett, Stiteler, Stockton, Stout, Stubbs, Stupplee, Sweney, Talbot, Taylor, Templeton, Tencate, Thomas, Thompson, Torbert, Townsend, Tripp, Tustin, Tutton, Urner, Waddel, Waddell, Wagoner, Waitneight, Walker, Walters, Walton, Warner, Warrington, Watson, Way, Waye, Webb, Webster, Weeks, Weidal, Weigel, Weldin, Wells, Wersler, West, Whann, Wheeler, White, Whitson, Wickersham, Williams, Wilson, Wilds, Windle, Wintzer, Woodward, Worthington, Worrall, Wynne, Yarnall, Yeager, Yerkes, Young
The History, Geography and Government of Chester and Delaware Counties
(Joseph S. Walton & G. W. Moore, 1893, 197 pages)
This publication was originally produced as a school textbook on Chester and Delaware County, PA history. It covers both counties from the earliest times of settlement through the late 19th Century.
Chapter Titles:
1 - Early Settlements on the Delaware
2 - Lines and Boundaries
3 - Formation of Delaware County Townships
4 - Formation of Chester County Townships
5 - The Indians and the Primitive Farmer
6 - Condition of the Country Previous to the Revolutionary War
7 - The Revolutionary War to Paoli Massacre
8 - From Paoli Massacre to its Close
9 - The New County Seat and the Division of the County
10 - Internal Improvements
11 - Slavery and the Underground Railroad
12 - Public Houses and the Temperance Movement
13 - Artistic and Poetical Talent
14 - Local Botanists and Scientists
15 - Homemade Statesmen and Lafayette's Visit
16 - Our Schools
17 - Slopes, Drainage and Climate
18 - Railroads and Towns
19 - County Government
20 - Township Government
21 - Municipal Government - Game and Ballot Laws
Chester County and Its People (W. W. Thomson, 1898, 961 pages)
This publication is the third major historical work for Chester County, PA. It provides a history of the county covering a number of topics pertaining to its early history such as the County's Native inhabitants, early settlers, and war involvement. It also covers the county's development in the areas of education, religion, politics, courts, infrastructure, manufacturing, the press, medicine and banking. The final portion of the volume discusses each of the townships. Along with the historical accounts, there are numerous portraits of prominent citizens of the county.
Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Personal
Memoirs of Chester and Delaware Counties, Pennsylvania
(Gilbert Cope & Henry Graham Ashmead, 1904, 1462 pages)
This is an extensive biographical set of volumes featuring hundreds of the prominent citizens or families of Chester and Delaware Counties, Pennsylvania. This is one of the best resources for conducting historical or genealogical research in these counties.
Surnames Indexed:
Abraham, Acker, Agnew, Albright, Alden, Aldred, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Amole, Anderson, Appleby, Armstrong, Arnold, Arthur, Ash, Ashbridge, Ashmead, Ayers, Bagenstose, Bailey, Baker, Balderston, Baldt, Baldwin, Bane, Barnard, Bartholomew, Bartleson, Bartram, Battin, Beale, Bean, Beatty, Becker, Bell, Benkert, Bernard, Berry, Bicking, Biles, Binder, Bingham, Bishop, Bittle, Black, Blaine, Bolmar, Bonsall, Boon, Booth, Bowers, Boyd, Breckenridge, Briggs, Brinton, Broadbelt, Broomall, Broomell, Broome, Brosius, Brown, Brownback, Brubaker, Bruner, Buck, Buffington, Bull, Bullock, Bunting, Burnley, Bushong, Butler, Bye, Byers, Byrne, Caffrey, Caldwell, Caldwells, Caley, Calhoun, Callanan, Calvert, Campbell, Carey, Carpenter, Carr, Carver, Carter, Cassatt, Chadwick, Chalfant, Challenger, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chandler, Cheyney, Childs, Chrisman, Clark, Clayton, Clements, Clevenstine, Cloud, Clymer, Coates, Cochran, Conard, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Cornett, Cornog, Cornogg, Cornwell, Coulter, Cowan, Cox, Craig, Crager, Crawford, Crosby, Crossan, Crothers, Crowl, Crozer, Crozier, Culver, Cunningham, Dagget, Dale, Dampman, Daniels, Dantz, Darlington, Davis, Dawson, Deakyne, Deery, DeMoll, Deshong, Detwiler, Dewees, Dick, Dickeson, Dickey, Dickinson, Dolbey, Donnon, Dorlan, Downing, Drake, Drayton, Drennen, Duffee, Dunlap, Dunmore, Dunn, Dunwoody, Durnall, Dwier, Eachus, Earle, Ebright, Eckert, Eckfield, Edwards, Eisenbise, Elfreth, Elliott, Ellis, Embree, Emery, Entrikin, Epright, Erskine, Esrey, Essick, Essig, Esworthy, Evans, Everhart, Eves, Ewing, Fahey, Fairlamb, Faucett, Fell, Felton, Ferron, Fetters, Field, Fielis, Finkbinder, Fisher, Flagg, Fleming, Flower, Flowers, Forsythe, Fox, Frederick, Freeborn, Freeman, Friday, Fry, Fulmer, Fulton, Funderwhite, Funk, Fussell, Futhey, Gallagher, Garber, Gardiner, Garretson, Garrett, Gartside, Gawthrop, Geissinger, Gibbons, Gibney, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilfillan, Gilkyson, Gilpin, Gilroy, Given, Glenn, Golder, Good, Gough, Graff, Graham, Grant, Gray, Green, Greenfield, Grier, Griffith, Grim, Grubb, Guest, Guy, Habbersett, Hacket, Hadfield, Haines, Hall, Hallman, Hallowell, Hamill, Hamilton, Handwork, Hannum, Hargreaves, Harlan, Harley, Harper, Harris, Harry, Hart, Hartman, Harvey, Hastings, Hatfield, Hause, Haverford, Hawley, Hawthorne, Hayes, Heacock, Hedricks, Hemmig, Hemphill, Henderson, Henry, Hepburn, Hetzel, Heyburn, Hibberd, Hickman, Hicks, Hiestand, High, Highley, Hilbert, Hinkson, Hipple, Hires, Hockin, Hodgson, Hoffecker, Hoffman, Hoffner, Holland, Holman, Holmes, Honan, Hood, Hook, Hoopes, Houck, Houston, Howard, Howell, Hower, Hudson, Huey, Hughes, Hull, Hunt, Hunter, Hutchinson, Huston, Ingram, Irving, Irwin, Ivison, Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jarvis, Jefferis, Jenkings, John, Johnson, Jones, Keech, Keeley, Keen, Keenan, Keiter, Kelly, Kelton, Kennady, Kennedy, Kent, Kenworthy, Kershaw, Kift, Kimble, King, Kirk, Kirkner, Knauer, Knight, Kromer, Kulp, Kurtz, Lafferty, Lahr, Lammey, Lamorelle, Lancaster, Langley, LaRoche, Latch, Latshaw, Lawrence, Leamey, Lee, Leedom, Lees, LeFevre, Levingood, Levis, Lewis, Leys, Lindecamp, Lindsay, Little, Lloyd, Lobb, Logan, Loller, Long, Lorenz, Lownes, Lukens, Lund, Lutz, Lynch, Lyons, Lysle, MacEl'Rey, Macfee, Mackereth, Mackey, MacPherson, MacVeagh, Maddock, Maddux, Magill, Maitland, Makiver, Malesta, Mancill, March, Maris, Marley, Marshall, Martin, Marvel, Massey, Matlack, Mattson, Mathues, Matthews, May, McCall, McCauley, McClees, McClelland, McClure, McCord, McCullough, McCurdy, McDonald, McDowell, McFadden, McFadgen, McFadien, McFarland, McNeil, Megraw, Mellor, Menagh, Mendenhall, Mengel, Menough, Mercur, Meredith, Merrylees, Merz, Messick, Michener, Miles, Miley, Millard, Miller, Milns, Miner, Mitchell, Monaghan, Monhollend, Montgomery, Mooney, Moore, Moorhead, Morris, Moses, Mosteller, Mozer, Mullin, Murray, Myers, Neal, Neeley, Nickle, Nields, Nivin, Noblit, Norman, Oat, Ogdan, Oglesby, Oliver, Osborne, Painter, Palmer, Pancoast, Parke, Parker, Parkinson, Parsons, Paschall, Passmore, Patchel, Pavitt, Paxson, Pearson, Pechin, Peck, Peirce, Peirson, Pendleton, Pennington, Pennock, Pennypacker, Peters, Pfitzenmeyer, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pierson, Pinkerton, Place, Platt, Pond, Potts, Powel, Powell, Pratt, Prendergast, Prizer, Pugh, Pusey, Pyle, Quaril, Quay, Quigley, Rakestraw, Ralston, Ramsay, Ramsey, Ranck, Rapp, Read, Reburn, Reece, Reese, Reeves, Refsnyder, Regester, Reid, Rementer, Rendall, Rennard, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rhoades, Rhoads, Rice, Richards, Richey, Rigby, Ring, Ristine, Ritter, Roach, Robarts, Robb, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Root, Rose, Ross, Rossiter, Rubincam, Rupert, Rush, Savage, Savery, Scatchard, Schaffer, Schlegel, Schleichter, Schober, Scholfield, Schrack, Scott, Seal, Selby, Sellers, Senior, Sensenig, Serrill, Shafer, Shallcross, Sharples, Sharpless, Shaw, Shearer, Sheneman, Sheperd, Sheppard, Shillingford, Shimer, Shingle, Shipley, Shirer, Shoch, Shoemaker, Shoffner, Shope, Shortlidge, Shupert, Sigman, Simmers, Simpson, Sinclair, Siter, Skelton, Slack, Smith, Snow, Snyder, Sommers, Souders, Spangler, Sparks, Spaulding, Spencer, Sproul, Stackhouse, Stafford, Stamp, Starr, Statzell, Stauffer, Steele, Steward, Stewart, Stine, Stiteler, Stoever, Stone, Stoneback, Storey, Stout, Strahorn, Strickland, Strieby, Strode, Stubbs, Styer, Suplee, Swan, Swaye, Swayne, Swinehart, Sypherd, Talbot, Tarter, Taylor, Temple, Templin, Thatcher, Thomas, Thomson, Thompson, Thornburg, Thornbury, Thorne, Timmins, Tingley, Titus, Todd, Toland, Tomlinson, Torrens, Torricellas, Townsend, Trainer, Trimble, Trego, Tully, Turner, Tyler, Tyson, Ullman, Ulrich, Unangst, Urian, Vahle, Valentine, Vandever, Vandervoort, Vansant, Verner, Vernon, Voorhees, Walker, Wallace, Walter, Walton, Ward, Warner, Warren, Warrington, Washabaugh, Watkin, Watson, Watt, Way, Wayne, Webb, Webster, Weinert, Welles, Wells, Wentz, Wersler, West, Weston, Wetherill, Wheatley, White, Whitford, Whitson, Whittington, Wiand, Wickersham, Wiegand, Wilds, Wilkinson, Willard, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willits, Wills, Wilson, Windle, Wintzer, Wismer, Wolf, Wolfenden, Wollaston, Wood, Worrall, Worrell, Worth, Wynn, Yarnall, Young
History of Chester County Pennsylvania (Charles William Heathcote, 1926, 138 pages)
This book is a brief historical and biographical account of Chester County, published for schools.
Caleb Pusey, John Bartram, William Bartram, John Morton, Benjamin West, Dr. William Darlington, Humphrey Marshall, Dr. Isaac I. Hayes, Thomas Buchanan Read, Sidney Lanier, Bayard Taylor, Samuel W. Pennypacker, George Morris Philips, Dr. Joseph Trimble Rothrock
A History of Chester County Pennsylvania
(C. W. Heathcote St., Lucile Shenk, 1932, 500 pages)
This book is a later historical and biographical volume published on Chester County, PA. It first covers the history of the county's formation and growth, including elements of its early governments, industry, agriculture, military history, religious organizations, education, etc. A second section of the volume covers dozens of prominent men and women of the county, providing biographical sketches of their lives. This section also sketches several businesses of the county.
Biographical Sketches:
Anderson, Andes, Ash, Atkinson, Atwell, Baldwin, Barr, Baugh, Baxter, Beale, Benner, Bewley, Bothwell, Branson, Breece, Brush, Buck, Butler, Cameron, Campbell, Chalfont, Chappell, Clark, Cloud, Cochran, Coffman, Colonna, Comfort, Craig, Darlington, Davis, Deninger, Denithorne, Donnelly, Doran Downing, Eachus, Elliot, Ellis, Evans, Famous, Farrell, Faith, Fisher, Ford, Foxall, Freel, Gallagher, Gensemer, Gifford, Good, Gordon, Gotwals, Greemwood, Hamilton, Harris, Harvey, Hatfield, Hause, Hazlett, Heagey, Hemphill, Herley, Hickman, Hicks, Hill, Hitchler, Hoffman, Holding, Holton, Hoopes, Hostetter, Houseworth, Hughes, Hulme, Huston, Janes, Johnson, Judy, Julian, Keech, Keim, Kennel, Klenk, Klevan, Knauer, Kurts, Lewis, MacElree, Maitland, Margolies, Martin, Masters, McAvoy, McCowan, McEvoy, McKean, McKeone, McMullen, McNeil, Mercer, Meridith, Miller, Moore, Morrison, Morton, Mosteller, Mullin, Musser, Neff, Nice, O'Donnell, Okie, Parke, Parsons, Passmore, Pennock, Philips, Phillips, Pollock, Potts, Pratt, Pugh, Pusey, Pyle, Rambo, Reese, Reid, Rettew, Riley, Rommel, Roop, Rupert, Sargent, Scarlett, Schmaltz, Schmuker, Schuyler, Scott, Scully, Sensenig, Smiley, Smith, Snyder, Spackman, Sproat, Stern, Szlapka, Taylor, Temple, Tenanglia, Thomson, Thorne, Townsend, Troutman, Tyson, Van Deventer, Voorhees, Wagner, Walter, Wells, West, Wilson, Windle, Woodland, Worrall, Young
Business Sketches:
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of Coatesville, The Forks of Brandywine Presbyterian Church, Downingtown Iron Works, Downingtown National Bank, Farmers Bank of Parkesburg, The First National Bank of West Chester, Grange National Bank of Downingtown, National Bank of Chester County, The National Bank of Chester Valley, National Bank of Coatesville
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