Butler County PA - County History & Biography Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (Waterman, Watkins & Co., 1883, 629 pages)
This is a historical and biographical account of Butler County, PA. The first chapters cover the history of the county; its settlement and growth. Succeeding chapters cover each of the county's townships and major towns, and each of these contains a biographical section outlining the history of many of the county's prominent and influential citizens. Hundreds of persons and families are sketched, and many of these are accompanied by a portrait of the subjects covered.
Surnames Indexed:
Alwine, Anderson, Ash, Avery, Ayers, Barnhart, Beatty, Bell, Bickett, Black, Blakely, Blakley, Bowser, Boyd, Bracken, Braham, Brandon, Bredin, Brewster, Brinker, Britton, Brown, Brownfield, Brugh, Buffington, Buhl, Byers, Campbell, Christie, Clark, Colbert, Cornelius, Cowden, Cummings, Cunningham, Daubenspeck, Dennison, Denny, Divener, Donely, Dougal, Duffy, Duncan, Dunlap, Eastman, Eberhart, Edmunds, Emerick, Emmerling, Falls, Ferrero, Fetzer, Fielding, Findley, Flanegan, Fleeger, Forquer, Gaily, Galbreath, Gilmore, Goehring, Goucher, Graham, Greer, Hamer, Hartenstein, Hartman, Harvey, Hays, Helmbold, Hoover, Irvine, Jack, Johnston, Kelly, Kennedy, Kirkpatrick, Kyle, Lane, Leake, Le Fevre, Levis, Linn, Logan, Lowrie, Lowry, Lusk, Lyon, Marshall, Martin, Martincourt, Maxwerll, McBride, McCafferty, McCandless, McClymonds, McCoy, McCullough, McDermott, McJunkin, McLure, McNair, McNees, McPherrin, McQuistion, McSweeney, Meals, Mechling, Metz, Miller, Mitchell, Muntz, Negley, Neyman, Niblock, Nixon, Osborn, Osterling, Passavant, Patterson, Piersol, Pillow, Pollock, Porter, Potts, Purvis, Purviance, Rebstock, Reed, Reiber, Renfrew, Richardson, Riddle, Robinson, Roth, Russell, Say, Scott, Seaton, Shaner, Smith, Snyder, Stein, Stevenson, Stoops, Sullivan, Thompson, Timblin, Timmory, Turner, Vanderlin, Waldron, Walker, Watson, Watt, Weir, Welsh, White, Williams, Young, Zeigler, Zimmerman
History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (R. C. Brown & Co., 1895, 1438 pages)
The Full title of the publication is: "History of Butler County, Pennsylvania, Embracing its physical features, aborigines and explorers, public lands and surveys; pioneers; early settlement and subsequent growth; organization and civil administration; political affairs; the legal and medical professions; the press; schools and school laws; internal improvements; agriculture; the temperance cause; military history; the Butler oil and gas fields; sketches of boroughs, townships and villages; religious, educational, social and material progress; biographies and portraits of pioneers and representative citizens, etc., etc." This is the first major historical / biographical volume on Butler County, PA. It includes a great amount of historical information as well as biographies on hundreds of the county's prominent and influential men and families. This is an excellent resource for historical or genealogical research in Butler County.
Surnames Indexed:
Abrams, Adams, Addison, Addleman, Aderhold, Aggas, Agnew, Aiken, Aland, Albert, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Anderson, Andrew, Armstrong, Ash, Atwell, Ayres, Badger, Bailey, Baker, Balfour, Ball, Bancroft, Bard, Barkey, Barkley, Barnes, Barnhart, Barr, Barron, Bartley, Bartmass, Barto, Basse, Bauder, Bauer, Bauman, Beatty, Beck, Beers, Behm, Beighle, Bell, Bellis, Benson, Bentle, Berg, Berkimer, Bieghley, Biehl, Bigham, Bippus, Black, Blain, Blair, Blakeley, Bleichner, Boggs, Boice, Bole, Bonner, Book, Boos, Boozel, Borland, Boston, Bovard, Bowser, Boyd, Boyer, Brackenridge, Brackney, Braden, Brady, Brandon, Breaden, Bredin, Bricker, Brooks, Brower, Brown, Brownfield, Bryan, Bryson, Buffington, Buhl, Buhler, Bullard, Burckhalter, Burke, Burkhart, Burnside, Burry, Burtner, Burton, Butler, Buxton, Byerly, Byers, Byrne, Byrom, Caldwell, Campbell, Chesney, Christie, Christley, Christy, Clark, Cleeland, Clutton, Colbert, Conn, Conway, Cooper, Cornelius, Coulter, Covert, Cowden, Craig, Cranmer, Cratty, Crawford, Criley, Criner, Criswell, Critchlow, Croft, Crooks, Cross, Crowe, Cruikshank, Cummins, Cunningham, Curry, Cypher, Dale, Dambach, Dann, Darling, Daubenspeck, David, Davison, Davis, Day, Decker, De Coliere, Dennison, Denny, De Wolf, De Wolf, Dibell, Dickey, Dight, Dindinger, Dittmer, Divener, Dixon, Dobson, Dodds, Donaghy, Double, Dougal, Douglass, Douthett, Dresher, Duffy, Dufford, Duncan, Dunlap, Dunn, Du Panchell, Eakin, Earhart, Eberhart, Ehrman, Eichenlaub, Eichholtz, Eisler, Ekin, Ellenberger, Elliott, Emery, Emmerling, Emrick, Endres, English, Eykes, Fanker, Faubel, Feigel, Felges, Ferguson, Fiedler, Findley, Fisher, Fleeger, Fleming, Flemming, Flick, Flinner, Forquer, Fowler, Frantz, Frazier, Frederick, Fredley, Fruhling, Fryer, Fulton, Gaertner, Gaisford, Galbraith, Galbreath, Gallagher, Gansz, Gapen, Garvin, Gelbach, Germich, Gettys, Gibson, Giesler, Gill, Gillespie, Gilmore, Girty, Gleason, Glenn, Glossner, Glover, Goehring, Goetz, Goodall, Gormley, Goucher, Graham, Gray, Green, Greer, Gregg, Grieb, Griesbach, Griffith, Grine, Grossman, Grove, Hale, Hall, Hallstein, Halstead, Harbison, Hardman, Harper, Harris, Hartenstein, Hartman, Hartung, Hartzell, Hartzell, Harvey, Haslett, Hauck, Hawn, Hays, Hazen, Hazlett, Heberling, Heck, Heckart, Heineman, Heinzer, Heller, Helmbold, Hemphill, Henry, Heron, Herr, Hespenheide, Hicks, Higgins, Hilliard, Hindman, Hoch, Hockenberry, Hogan, Holman, Hooks, Hoon, Hoover, Howard, Huff, Hughes, Hultz, Humes, Humphrey, Hunter, Huselton, Hutchison, Ifft, Imbrie, Irvine, Irwin, Jack, Jackson, Jameson, Jenkins, Johnson, Johnston, Jolly, Jones, Kamerer, Karns, Kearns, Keasey, Keck, Kelly, Kemper, Kennedy, Kensington, Kepple, Kerr, Kesselman, Ketterer, Kidd, Kiester, King, Kingan, Kirker, Kirkpatrick, Kline, Klingler, Knauff, Knoch, Koch, Koegler, Kohler, Kopp, Kradel, Krause, Kribbs, Krumpe, Kuhn, Lane, Lang, Langhorst, Lardin, Lasher, Laube, Lawall, Leasure, Lee, Lefever, Leise, Leithold, Lindsey, Linn, Linnenbruck, Locke, Logan, Lonitz, Loudon, Love, Lowman, Lowrie, Lowry, Lusk, McAdoo, McAlpine, McAnallen, McBride, McCafferty, McCalmont, McCandless, McClung, McClymonds, McCollough, McConnell, Mccoy, McCrum, McCune, McCurdy, McDermitt, McDermott, McDowell, McFadden, McFann, McFarland, McFate, McGarvey, McGill, McGinley, McGonegal, McGuffin, McHenry, McIntosh, McIntyre, McJunkin, McKee, McKim, McKinney, McLaughlin, McLeod, McMarlin, McMichael, McNair, McNamee, McNees, McPherrin, McQuistion, Mackey, Magee, Magoffin, mahan, Mahood, Maltby, Mangold, Manny, Marburger, Markel, Marks, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Martinsburg, Masseth, Mates, Maurhoff, Maxwell, May, Maybury, Meals, Mechling, Meeder, Melvin, Mershimer, Mershon, Metz, Milford, Miller, Mitchell, Monks, Monnie, Montgomery, Moore, Moorhead, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Mortland, Moser, Muder, Muller, Muntz, Murphy, Murrin, Murtland, Myers, Nast, Neal, Neff, Negley, Nesbit, Newell, Neyman, Niblock, Nicklas, Niggel, Nolf, O'Brien, O'Donnell, O'Hara, Oesterling, Oller, Orr, Oswald, Owens, Palmer, Paper, Park, Parker, Parkin, Partridge, Patterson, Patton, Pearson, Peffer, Penn, Perry, Peters, Peterson, Pfabe, Pfeiffer, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pierce, Pillow, Pisor, Pollock, Pontius, Porter, Porterfield, Post, Potts, Powell, Prugh, Pryor, Purucker, Purviance, Purvis, Raabe, Rader, Ralston, Ramsey, Randolph, Rankin, Ranson, Rapp, Rasely, Rattigan, Ray, Reed, Reep, Reiber, Reichle, Reihing, Reilly, Reinhold, Renfrew, Renno, Renick, Richardson, Richey, Riddle, Rider, Riesenman, Rifley, Riley, Riott, Ripper, Ritter, Ritts, Ritzert, Robb, Roberts, Robinson, Rodgers, Roebling, Roessing, Roettig, Rohner, Roll, Rowan, Royle, Rudolph, Russell, Sachs, Sample, Sanderson, Saxonburg, Say, Schaffner, Schaul, Scheidemantle, Schenck, Schmidt, Schneideman, Schnur, Schultz, Scott, Seaman, Seaton, Sefton, Seibert, Sellers, Shakely, Shaler, Shannon, Shanor, Sherman, Sherrard, Sherwin, Shields, Shiever, Shira, Showalter, Shufflin, Simpson, Slater, Slator, Sloan, Smalley, Smith, Snyder, Spear, Spohn, Sproul, Stahl, Stamm, Starks, Starr, Stauffer, Stehle, Stein, Sterrett, Stevenson, Stewart, Stinetorf, Stiver, Stock, Stokey, Storey, Strance, Studebaker, Sullivan, Sutton, Swain, Swartz, Swartzlander, Tadder, Taylor, Tebay, Thieleman, Thomas, Thompson, Timblin, titley, Trimble, Turk, Turner, Vanderlin, Vandivort, Van Dyke, Varnum, Vensel, Vincent, Voegele, Voegtly, Vogeley, Wagner, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Walter, Warner, Watson, Weakley, Webb, Weber, Weigand, Weigle, Weir, Weiser, Weller, Welsh, Weser, West, Westerman, Wetzel, White, Whitmire, Wible, Wick, Wiefel, Wigton, Wiles, Wilhelm, Williams, Wilson, Wimer, Wing, Winter, Wise, Wisener, Witte, Wolford, Wright, Yaehnig, Young, Younkins, Ziegler, Zimmerman
Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania
(W. J. McKnight, 1905, 719 pages)
The Full title is: "A Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Embracing the Counties of Tioga, Potter, McKean, Warren, Crawford, Venango, Forest, Clarion, Elk, Jefferson, Cameron, Butler, Lawrence, and Mercer, Also A Pioneer Sketch of the Cities of Allegheny, Beaver, Du Bois, and Towanda" This publication is a historical account of the early beginnings of several counties in Northwestern PA. The information is more focused on historical details than biographical, but it still contains a great deal of information useful for historical or genealogical research.
20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pa. and
Representative Citizens (James A. McKee, 1909, 1506 pages)
This is a historical and biographical account of Butler County, PA. The first section contains the historical information, covering the settlement and formation of the county, and its political, military, professional, and industrial history. This sections also contains a part devoted to the city of Butler, giving a similar description of its history and development. Following the historical information are biographies of hundreds of Butler County's citizens, along with many portraits. These men and women were important in various ways to the growth of the county and their respective areas.
Surnames Indexed:
Abernathy, Abrams, Adams, Addison, Aggas, Agnew, Akins, Albert, Alchorn, Aldinger, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Altvater, Anderson, Angell, Angert, Armbruster, Arner, Arnold, Ash, Atwell, Avery, Ayres, Bachman, Badger, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Balfour, Ball, Bancroft, Barber, Bard, Barkey, Barkley, Barnard, Barney, Barnhart, Barron, Bartley, Bastian, Bauer, Beachem, Beam, Beatty, Beck, Behm, Bell, Bennett, Beringer, Berry, Bicker, Binsack, Black, Blair, Blakeley, Blaney, Book, Boos, Borland, Bovard, Bowers, Bowser, Boyle, Braham, Brandberg, Brandon, Brannan, Bredin, Brennan, Brewster, Bricker, Brittain, Brower, Brown, Brunnermer, Buchanan, Buffington, Buhning, Bullard, Burehard, Burk, Burke, Buton, Butler, Byers, Caldwell, Caler, Campbell, Carpenter, Cashdollar, Chandler, Christie, Christley, Christy, Clark, Clay, Cleeland, Clevis, Clinton, Clutton, Cluxton, Cochrane, Cochran, Colbert, Colestock, Collins, Conley, Conn, Cookson, Cooper, Cornelius, Coulter, Cowden, Coyle, Craig, Cramer, Crammer, Crawford, Cress, Criswell, Critchlow, Cromling, Cross, Crouse, Crowe, Cubbins, Colberson, Cummings, Cunningham, Currie, Cypher, Dale, Dambach, Dart, Daubenspeck, Daugherty, Davidson, Davis, Davison, Davy, Dean, DeColiere, DeHaven, Dennison, Denny, DeWolf, DeWolfe, Dickey, Dindinger, Dipner, Dittmer, Divener, Dixon, Dodd, Dodds, Dombart, Donaldson, Donley, Double, Douthett, Dower, Drake, Drane, Drushel, Duff, Duffy, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunlap, DuPanchell, Eagal, Eakin, Eastman, Eberhart, Eberle, Ehmer, Ekas, Elliott, Elrick, Emmerling, Emrick, Endres, Engelhart, Evans, Everts, Ewing, Eyles, Falkner, Fehl, Fennell, Ferguson, Ferrero, Fetzer, Fiedler, Findley, Fisher, Fleeger, Fletcher, Flick, Follett, Forcht, Forqure, Forsythe, Foster, Fox, Frazier, Frederick, Freehling, Frickenstein, Frishkorn, Galbreath, Galbraith, Galbreth, Gallagher, Gallaway, Gamble, Gerard, Gerlach, Gerner, Garroway, Gillespie, Gillgrist, Gilliland, Gilmore, Glenn, Goehring, Goerman, Goldthorp, Goucher, Gould, Grabe, Graham, Gray, Green, Greenert, Greer, Gregg, Grenet, Grimm, Groom, Grossman, Gundlach, Hall, Hallack, Hallstein, Halstead, Hamer, Hamilton, Hammer, Harden, Harper, Harris, Hartman, Hartenstein, Hartung, Harvey, Hays, Hazen, Hazlett, Heck, Heim, Heineman, Heiner, Heist, Helfrich, Heller, Helmbold, Henninger, Henon, Henry, Henshaw, Herman, Herold, Herr, Herrit, Hervey, Heyl, High, Hillard, Hilliard, Hinchberger, Hindman, Hines, Hobaugh, Hoch, Hockenberry, Hoffman, Hogan, Hogg, Holbein, Holland, Hoon, Hoover, Hosford, Howard, Huff, Huffman, Humphrey, Hunter, Huselton, Hutchinson, Hutzler, Hyle, Ifft, Iman, Irvin, Irvine, Irwin, Irvell, Jack, Jackson, Jacobs, Jamison, Jennings, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Kabel, Kaltenbach, Keamerer, Karnes, Kauffman, Kaylor, Keasey, Keck, Keister, Kelley, Kelly, Kennedy, Kepple, Kerr, Kesselman, King, Kinsey, Kirker, Kirkpatrick, Kiskaddon, Kison, Kleemann, Klingler, Knaell, Knauf, Knause, Knouse, Knox, Kocher, Koch, Kohler, Korona, Kramer, Krause, Kribbs, Kriess, Krut, Kutsch, Kyle, Lackey, Lambing, Lang, Lasher, Lauffer, Laughner, Lawrence, Leake, Lechner, Leech, Leedom, Lemmon, Leidecker, Lensner, Lerner, Leslie, Lester, Lewis, Linn, Litzinger, Lloyd, Logan, Logue, Love, Lowrie, Lowry, Lusk, Luton, Lynn, Lyon, Lytle, MacTaggart, Magee, Maharg, Maizland, Maltby, Mann, Manny, Marburger, Markel, Marks, Marshall, Martin, Martsolf, Mates, Maurhoff, Maxwell, Mays, McAdoo, McAlpin, McBride, McCafferty, McCall, McCandless, McCarrier, McChristy, McClafferty, McClelland, McClure, McCollough, McConnell, McCoy, McCrea, McCune, McCurdy, McDermitt, McDonald, McDowell, McElroy, McElvain, McFarland, McFarlin, McFerrin, McGaffie, McGarvey, McGinnis, McGuffin, McGuirk, McIntire, McIntyre, McJunkin, McKain, McKay, McKee, McKeown, McKinney, McMahon, McMichael, McMillan, McMurray, McNally, McNamara, McQuistion, McQuiston, McSweeney, Meakin, Meeder, Meek, Meldren, Menken, Merkley, Metz, Michael, Milford, Miller, Milliron, Mitchell, Monks, Montag, Moore, Morgan, Morrison, Morrow, Moser, Moyer, Muntz, Murphy, Murrin, Myers, Negley, Nelson, Neubert, New, Neyman, Nicholas, Nicklas, Nixon, Northime, Oakes, Oesterling, O'Hara, Ohl, Oliver, Orr, Orton, Ostrander, Owens, Painter, Palmer, Park, Parker, Passavant, Patterson, Pearsol, Pearson, Peffer, Penfield, Peoples, Pfabe, Phillips, Pickard, Pierce, Pistorius, Pollock, Polm, Poole, Powel, Powell, Pringle, Prugh, Purucker, Purviance, Purvis, Quirk, Quinn, Rader, Ralston, Ramsey, Randall, Randolph, Rape, Ray, Reiber, Reihling, Reith, Renick, Renno, Richards, Richardson, Riddle, Rieger, Rimp, Ritner, Roach, Robb, Roberts, Robinson, Rockenstein, Roessing, Rosebaugh, Roth, Ruch, Rudert, Rumbaugh, Rumberger, Runkle, Russel, Russell, Sager, Sankey, Sarver, Satterfield, Sauter, Say, Schaefer, Schaffner, Schenck, Schilling, Schlagel, Schmidt, Schnur, Schoeffel, Schoenfeld, Schoentag, Schultz, Schwalm, Scott, Searing, Seaton, Sell, Shaffer, Shakely, Shannon, Shanor, Shepard, Sheridan, Sherman, Sherwin, Shiever, Shira, Showalter, Shryock, Shufflin, Shull, Sibert, Sipe, Sitler, Slagle, Slater, Sloan, Smith, Snaman, Snell, Snow, Snyder, Spang, Spargo, Spear, Speer, Spithaler, Spohn, Sproul, Squire, Stackpole, Staff, Stalker, Staples, Stearns, Steel, Steele, Steen, Steighner, Steigher, Stein, Stepp, Stevenson, Stewart, Stickle, Stokey, Stoops, Storey, Stoghton, Stracke, Strohecker, Struthers, Strutt, Sullivan, Sutherland, Sutton, Swain, Sweeney, Sweesy, Taggart, Taylor, Tebay, Templeton, Terwilliger, Thieleman, Thomas, Thompson, Thrower, Timblin, Timmony, Titley, Totten, Trautman, Trimble, Troutman, Turner, Twaddle, Vance, Vanderlin, Vandyke, Van Dyke, Vogeley, Wade, Wagner, Wahl, Waldron, Walker, Wallet, Walter, Walters, Wasson, Watson, Webber, Weigand, Weisz, Welsh, Werner, Wetzel, White, Whitener, Whitmire, Wick, Widger, Wier, Wiegand, Wigton, Wiles, Wiley, Wilhelm, Wilkewitz, Williams, Wilson, Winter, Winters, Wise, Witte, Wohlgemuth, Womer, Worrall, Wuller, Yost, Youkers, Young, Youkins, Zehner, Zeigler, Zimmerman
Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania Vol. 1-3
(John W. Jordan, 1915, 1996 pages)
The Foreword of this publication makes known its purpose and contents: "The present work, "Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania," presents in the aggregate an amount and variety of genealogical and personal information and portraiture unequalled by any kindred publication. No similar work concerning Western Pennsylvania has ever before been presented, and it contains a vast amount of ancestral history never before printed. The object, clearly defined and well digested, is to present in concise form the history of Western Pennsylvania Families of the Colonial Days. There are numerous volunimus histories of the State, making it unnecessary in this work to even outline its annals. What has been published, however, relates principally to civic life. The amplification necessary to complete the picture, old and nowaday, is what is supplied by these Genealogical and Personal Memoirs. In other words, while others have written of "the times," the province of this work is as a chronicle of the people who have made this magnificent region what it is." This is an extensive biographical publication which covers western Pennsylvania, including the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny City, and the counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Clarion, Fayette, Indiana, Mercer, Somerset, Venango, Washington, Westmoreland. Included with the biographical information are hundreds of portraits of this areas leading men and women.
Surnames Indexed:
Acheson, Ackerman, Adams, Agnew, Ague, Ahlborn, Albert, Aldrich, Allen, Allison, Alter, Amrhein, Anderson, Andrews, Armstrong, Arters, Ash, Augustin, Bailie, Baird, Baker, Balcom, Baldridge, Ball, Balles, Barnett, Bauer, Baugher, Bauman, Baumgartel, Bayard, Beall, Beatty, Bebout, Beck, Becker, Beckert, Bedell, Beet, Beissinger, Benson, Benzenhoefer, Beran, Bergman, Beringer, Berner, Berryman, Bertsch, Best, Bestwick, Bethune, Bick, Bickerton, Biddlestone, Bigham, Birchard, Black, Blair, Blick, Blind, Blockinger, Blose, Bokermann, Bole, Bolard, Bossert, Bourke, Bowser, Boyce, Boyd, Boyle, Brackenridge, Bradwell, Brandon, Brandt, Braun, Breading, Breckenridge, Breining, Breitenbaugh, Brennan, Brethauer, Brewer, Briggs, Brodmerkel, Brooker, Brooks, Brown, Bruckner, Bubb, Buckley, Bulger, Bullion, bullions, Burchard, Burgunder, Burkhard, Burkman, Burleigh, Burton, Butler, Byers, Byrne, Cadwallader, Cairns, Caldwell, Calhoun, Calvin, Campbell, Carnegie, Carr, Carson, Casey, Caughey, Cavanaugh, Caven, Cease, Chalot, Challis, Chamberlain, Chantler, Chaplin, Chase, Chess, Christy, Church, Clark, Clary, Clever, Cochran, Cole, Collins, Colter, Colteryahn, Conn, Connelly, Cook, Cooper, Coover, Cope, Corbett, Corey, Cornelius, Cornett, Cort, Cotton, Coursin, Cowan, Cox, Craig, Craighead, Cratty, Crawford, Creese, Crick, Cricks, Croft, Crokks, Crosbie, Crosby, Crumrine, Culbertson, Cummings, Cunningham, Curry, Danner, Darby, Daubenspeck, Daugherty, David, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Day, De Bolt, Dell, De Long, Dennis, Denny, Densmore, Denton, Der, Dickson, Diehl, Dillon, Dippold, Donaldson, Donnell, Donnelly, Dorleman, Dorsey, Douds, Douglass, Downey, Drain, Drennen, Drew, Drynan, Duerr, Duff, Dugan, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunham, Dushane, Dutton, Eaton, Eckert, Edgar, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edmundson, Egan, Eger, Egler, Ehrhardt, Eicher, Elliott, Ellsworth, Elste, Emerick, Emich, Engel, Engelhardt, English, Ensworth, Erb, Erdner, Erhardt, Erwin, Evans, Ewing, Fagan, Fast, Fawcett, Feeney, Fehr, Fellows, Feltwell, Fergus, Ferree, Fife, Figley, Flaccus, Flanagan, Flood, Foltz, Forbes, Ford, Forsyth, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Freed, Freeman, French, Frey, Friar, Frichtel, Friedman, Friend, Fritchie, Fromm, Fruechtel, Fry, Fulton, Gahan, Galbraith, Gallagher, Galway, Gamble, Ganoe, Garbart, Garlow, Garraux, Garrett, Gartner, Gealey, Geibel, Gelm, George, Gephardt, Germerodt, Gibb, Gibson, Giel, Gifford, Gill, Gillelland, Gillespie, Gillet, Gillett, Gilmore, Gilson, Given, Glaser, Gleim, Gless, Gloeckner, Goehring, Goetz, Goldstrohm, Gordon, Gorham, Gourlay, Gow, Graham, Grassel, Gray, Greasel, Greenfield, Greenley, Greenough, Greer, Griesler, Griffith, Grinnell, Griswold, Groom, Gross, Grubbs, Guenther, Guffey, Guthrie, Haben, Hackius, Haeckler, Hafer, Hahn, Hall, Hallas, Hamal, Hammill, Hamilton, Handley, Hanna, Harbison, Harbusch, Harding, Hardwick, Harger, Harmon, Harper, Harrison, Hart, Hartmann, Hartung, Harvey, Haser, Haverline, Hayes, Hays, Hayward, Hazlett, Heckman, Hegner, Heid, Heidenkamp, Heilman, Heintz, Heinz, Helb, Heminway, Hempel, Henderson, Herbel, Herbst, Herman, Hershey, Hervey, Hess, Hice, Hildinger, Hill, Hillen, Hillgrove, Himrod, Hines, Hissrich, Hitzrot, Hoch, Hochberg, Hodgson, Hoffmann, Hogan, Hohmann, Holmes, Holosnyay, Holtzman, Hood, Hoover, Hopkins, Hopper, Hosack, Housholder, Howell, Hubbard, Huch, Hughes, Hugo, Humes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hunter, Huchison, Immekus, Inks, Inskeep, Ireland, Irvin, Jackson, Jameson, Jenkins, John, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Kammerer, Kapteina, Katz, Kearney, Keefer, Keil, Keister, Keitz, Keitzer, Kelley, Kelly, Kennedy, Kenny, Keown, Kerr, Kessler, Kestner, Kidd, Kiehl, Kifer, Kilcullin, Kim, Kincaid, King, Kingsley, Kinlough, Klein, Klingelhofer, Klingensmith, Klussmann, Knell, Knoedler, Knox, Koch, Koegler, Kohary, Kort, Koughan, Kretzer, Krill, Krone, Kuehn, Kuhn, Kummer, Lageman, Laird, Lake, Lambing, Landis, Langfitt, Lapsley, Laughner, Law, Lawrence, Lawson, Leard, Learn, Leax, Leberman, Le Bosquet, Lee, Leezer, Lefever, Lehner, Lessig, Lewis, Lightner, Lindberg, Linke, Linn, Lippert, Little, Lloyd, Logan, Logue, Long, Longmore, Lorch, Lougeay, Lovett, Lowman, Ludwig, Lutton, Lutz, Lyne, Lyon, Lytle, McBride, McBroom, McCabe, McCague, McCall, McClellan, McClelland, McClintock, McCloskey, McClung, McClure, McCluskey, McComb, McCombs, McConville, McCoy, McCullough, McCutcheon, McDannel, McDonald, McElheny, McElravy, McElroy, McElwain, McFadden, McFarland, McGeary, McGinley, McGinnis, McGovern, McGuire, McHugh, McIntyre, McJunkin, McKay, McKelvy, McKinley, McKinney, McKrell, McLane, McLaughlin, McLay, McLean, McMillen, McMurray, McNeilly, McNulty, McPherson, McQuaid, McRoberts, McWhinney, McWilliams, Macbeth, Madden, Magill, Maier, Malloy, Manross, Marlatt, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mathewson, Matlack, Maurhoff, May, Maver, Meanor, Means, Meek, Mehrlich, Mellon, Metcalf, Metzger, Meyer, Michael, Michel, Mikaloff, Miller, Milligan, Mills, Minich, Mitesser, Mitzel, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Mowry, Moyes, Mumford, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Mytinger, Natale, Nauman, Naumann, Naylor, Neel, Neely, Negley, Neison, Nelson, Nesbit, Nettleton, Neuf, Nevin, Newell, Newlin, Nichol, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nicols, Nixon, Noah, Noble, Nock, Noss, Ober, Ochse, Oliver, O'Neil, O'Neill, Owens, Pace, Packer, Palm, Pangburn, Pardee, Park, Parmalee, Parsons, Patterson, Patton, Perry, Pershing, Peterman, Peters, Pfirrmann, Phillips, Pickford, Pierce, Poellot, Poole, Porter, Portman, Potter, Potts, Powers, Price, Przybylski, Pschirer, Purdy, Purvis, Putnam, Quay, Quinby, Quinn, Rabell, Rafter, Rainbow, Ramage, Rankin, Ratteldorfer, Rattigan, Ray, Raymer, Redman, Redpath, Reed, Rehner, Reiber, Reichenbach, Reiger, Reilly, Reiter, Reitze, Renner, Reppert, Ruetzel, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richard, Richards, Richmond, Rights, Riley, Ringeisen, Risher, ritchey, Ritenour, Riter, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rockwell, Rodenbaugh, Rodgers, Roland, Rolfe, Rommel, Root, Rose, Roth, Rothrauff, Rouser, Rowse, Rucker, Rudisill, Ruehl, Ruffing, Russell, Rust, Sackett, Saint, Salyards, Sample, Sampson, Sankey, Scatchard, Schafer, Schano, Scheffel, Schilling, Schlicht, Schmidt, Schmitt, Schlosser, Schneider, Schramm, Schran, Schulz, Schutrum, Schwer, Schwindman, Scott, Seaman, Seavy, Seibert, Semple, Serena, Seville, Sevin, Shallenberger, Shaffer, Shanor, Shaughnessy, Shaw, Shenot, Shephard, Sherwin, Shields, Shipley, Shoop, Singer, Sinn, Sirdevan, Skiff, Skiles, Slater, Sleeth, Small, Smith, Snitger, Snodgrass, Snyder, Soose, Sossong, Spaulding, Speer, Spicer, Spillman, Stancliff, Steadman, Stebbins, Steedle, Stein, Stephenson, Sterner, Sterrett, Steuler, Stevenson, Stewart, Stilz, Stinson, Stoops, Stotler, Straw, Strong, Stuckslager, Sumney, Sutton, Swart, Swearingen, Swedborg, Sweitzer, Swengel, Symes, Tarr, Tatnall, Taylor, Teemer, Telford, Tepe, Teuteberg, Thaw, Theobald, Thomas, Thompson, Tibby, Tilbrook, Todd, Tonner, Topley, Tracey, Trees, Treser, Trimble, Tucker, Tully, Ure, Vandergrift, Van Kirk, Van Sicklin, Veith, Viehmier, Vogeley, Volz, Vincent, Wagner, Walker, Wall, Walsh, Walter, Walther, Walton, Warner, Warren, Wasson, Watenpool, Way, Weaver, Weber, Weddell, Weilersbacher, Weiss, Welch, Wellinger, Werner, Westinghouse, Wetzel, Whigham, Whiston, White, Whitehead, Whitehill, Whiting, Wightman, Wigman, Wilhelm, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Winter, Winterberger, Wise, Wolf, Wolfram, Woodford, Woolrich, Wright, Wuller, Wunderlich, Wylie, Yaggi, Young, Younkins, Yunker, Zeigler, Zeller, Zimmer, Zimmerman, Zinkhan, Zischkau, Zwierzynski
History of Butler County Pennsylvania (C. Hale Sipe, 1927, 1330 pages)
From the Preface: "In this history, the perspective has been so arranged as to cause the early events of the region embraced within the bounds of Butler County, to stand out prominently. Most of us know too little about the stirring events and the strong men and women of the days when the foundations of America's present greatness were laid." Originally published in 2 volumes, this is an excellent addition to the earlier historical and biographical volumes written for Butler County, PA. It contains a history of the county, its early beginnings, pioneer settlers, the organization and development of the county, and the war involvement of its citizens. It also contains a historical account of its townships and boroughs, and the growth of its various organizations and industries. The Second half of the publication is biographical in nature and highlights hundreds of the county's prominent and influential citizens.
Abrams, Adair, Adams, Aiken, Albaugh, Alsberg, Amy, Anderson, Andre, Archer, Atwell, Baker, Barnard, Barnhart, Bartley, Baumgardner, Beatty, Beck, Behm, Beighley, Bell, Berkimer, Berry, Bickel, Bicker, Billingsley, Bingham, Bish, Bishop, Black, Blackmore, Blend, Blum, Bortmas, Bortz, Boyd, Brandberg, Bradford, Braesel, Brandon, Breaden, Bredin, Britton, Brown, Burke, Burnett, Burtner, Caldwell, Campbell, Carlson, Carr, Carson, Castor, Cheeseman, Christie, Cingolani, Clark, Cleeland, Claypool, Cochran, Collins, Conerty, Conley, Cooke, Cooper, Covert, Cronenwett, Cross, Cupps, Dambach, Daubenspeck, Davidson, Davis, Davy, DeLong, Dengler, Dick, Diehl, Dietrich, Dight, Dixon, Donnel, Dougal, Dougan, Donkin, Douthett, Dunham, Dunkle, Dunlap, Duster, Eberle, Eberhardt, Eichholtz, Eisler, Eisley, Ekin, Ellenbeger, Elliott, Ellis, Emery, English, Eury, Evans, Eyles, Fiar, Fasnacht, Faulkner, Fennell, Findley, Finegan, Fisher, Fitzsimmons, Flack, Forrester, Forsythe, Foss, Foster, Fowler, Freehling, Fritz, Franklin, Fratto, Frazier, Fugini, Fuhrer, Fullerton, Galbach, Galbreath, Gallagher, Galmish, Gardner, Garrard, Gelbach, Gerg, Gibson, Gilfillan, Gilkey, Geibel, Glenn, Goehring, Gordon, Gould, Graham, Green, Greer, Grine, Gross, Grossman, Gumpper, Gutwein, Haag, Hager, Hamm, Harper, Hartman, Harvey, Hays, Hazlett, Heeter, Heginbotham, Heim, Heineman, Helfrick, Helmbold, Helper, Henninger, Henderson, Herold, Herr, Heyl, Hildebrand, Hilliard, Hite, Hoch, Hockenberry, Hogue, Housholder, Holiday, Horwitz, Howard, Hummel, Humphreys, Humphrey, Huselton, Huthison, Hutzler, Imbrie, Irvine, Jackson, Jahnig, Jamison, Johnson, Jones, Jordon, Kaufman, Kearns, Keck, Kelley, Kemper, Kennedy, Kennihan, Kepple, Kesselman, Kessler, Ketterer, Kinsey, Kintner, Kissicks, Kleemann, Klingler, Kloffensteen, Kohlmeyer, Krimel, Kriner, Kyle, Lardin, Larkin, Lasher, Latham, Leith, Leopold, Leslie, Lewis, Lichty, Liebler, Lindley, Lion, Little, Litzinger, Long, Lose, Loucks, Loutzenhiser, Lowrie, Lowry, Marburger, Marinaro, Marshall, Martin, Mattern, Maxwell, Maybury, McBride, McCandless, McCarren, McCall, McCarnes, McCarrier, McCauley, McClain, McClaymonds, McClelland, McClung, McCollough, McConnell, McGill, McGinnis, McGuigan, McIntosh, McKenzie, McKeown, McKindree, McKinney, McKissick, McLaughlin, McMichael, McPrerrin, McQuiston, McShane, Megan, Metz, Miles, Miller, Milliman, Montgomery, Morgan, Moone, Moorhead, Morris, Morrison, Mortimer, Muder, Murrin, Murphy, Niblock, Nicol, Niggel, Nixon, Oesterling, Osborne, Padilla, Painter, Passavnt, Patterson, Peffer, Pfister, Phillips, Pickard, Pifer, Pillow, Pohl, Pollock, Porritt, Purvis, Raisley, Rattigan, Ramsey, Reddick, Reed, Regal, Reiber, Reitz, Renick, Renno, Richey, Riddle, Ritzert, Rodgers, Roebling, Roessing, Rose, Rouzer, Ruff, Russell, Sandbach, Sanderson, Saylor, Schaffner, Schiebel, Schramm, Schroth, Scott, Seifris, Serianni, Shaffer, Sheets, Sheffler, Sheldon, Shoup, Slear, Slupe, Sipe, Sitler, Smail, Smathers, Smith, Snow, Snyder, Spanglehour, Sparks, Speer, Spencer, Sproule, Staudacher, Stein, Stenger, Stephenson, Stepp, Stillwagon, Stirling, Stoops, Stover, Strohecker, Sturman, Strutt, Sutton, Swartlander, Taylor, Tebay, Thompson, Thorpe, Topley, Treccase, Troutman, Turgeon, Twyford, Uber, Vogel, Voland, Wagner, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Walsh, Walter, Walters, Warnick, Watson, Weigel, Wertz, West, White, Whittaker, Wick, Wiegand, Williams, Wilson, Wimer, Winters, Wise, Worrall, Woner, Wright, Yockey, Yost, Yough, Young, Younkins, Ziegler
Butler County's Yesterdays
(Butler County National Bank & Trust Company, 1940, 41 pages)
This booklet was published as a brief history of Butler County, PA. It presents several eras of Butler County's progress and development from early times up to the 1930's - the growth of the county from the wilderness, it's oil years, several periods of disaster which affected the county, war years, etc.
Butler County 1800-1950 150 Years of History and Development
(Butler County Sesqui-Centennial Association, 1950, 201 pages)
This publication was produced as a commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the founding of Butler County, PA. It contains a history of the county's growth and development over the years, and the current state of the county as of the date of publication. The modern day information focuses on such areas as Agriculture, Education, Medicine, Bench and Bar, Press and Radio, and Recreation and Leisure Time. It also includes brief sketches of the county's townships and Boroughs. One of the nice features of the publication are the portraits of leading individuals of the county from the time of publication.
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