Berks County PA - County History & Biography Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
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History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon
(I. Daniel Rupp, 1844, 506 pages)
The full title of the publication is:
"History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon: Containing a brief account of the Indians who inhabited this region of country, and the numerous Murders by them; notices of the first Swedish, Welsh, French, German, Irish, and English settlers, giving the names of nearly five thousand of them, Biographical Sketches, topographical descriptions of every Township, and of the Principal Towns and Villages; the Religious History, with much useful Statistical information, notices of the Press & Education."
The book begins with a general history of the two counties, accounts of the Indians and their troubles with the early settlers, and then separate sections dealing with Swedish, German, Welsh, Irish, and Huguenot settlers. Following this, the counties are outlined.
Biographical Sketches: Heister Family, Rev. Philip R. Pauli, Rev. Michael Schlatter, Rev. John Conrad Bucher
A - Minutes of an 1829 Meeting to discuss the "religious excitement at present prevailing in the county"
B - A brief account of the "Paxton Affair", murder of the Indians of Lancaster County.
History of Berks County in Pennsylvania
(Morton L. Montgomery, 1886, 1297 pages)
This is the first major biographical volume published on Berks County, PA. It begins by covering the early history of the county, its settlement, growth and development. Later sections deal with the townships and boroughs. Each section gives a history and description of the township or borough containing such information as the early settlers to the area, businesses and industries of the area, local officials, internments in local cemeteries, early tax lists, etc. Also a nice feature of these sections are biographies prominent persons, and influential families from each of these respective areas.
Book of Biographies - Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
of Berks County, Pa (Biographical Publishing Company, 1898, 738 pages)
This is a biographical volume for Berks County, Pennsylvania, covering hundreds of individuals who contributed to the growth and development of the county. It also includes numerous portraits of the sketch subjects.
Surnames Indexed:
Albright, Ammon, Angstadt, Appel, Armour, Arnold, Arthur, Austrian, Baer, Bagenstose, Barbey, Bartdorff, Bartles, Battelger, Beard, Beaver, Bechtel, Becker, Behm, Bender, Benfield, Berg, Berger, Bertolet, Bertolette, Bieber, Biehl, Bissinger, Bland, Bobst, Bohn, Bollman, Boone, Border, Bowman, Boyer, Breneiser, Brensinger, Breyfogel, Briel, Brobst, Brooke, Brossman, Brown, Brumbach, Brunner, Brusstar, Bull, Bush, Butz, Call, Christman, Clauser, Cleaver, Clous, Conrad, Craig, Crecelius, Croll, Davies, Dechant, Deck, Deichley, Deisher, DeLong, Deppen, Derr, De Turk, Dietrich, Donmoyer, Dreibelbis, Dresher, Drumheller, Dumn, Dundor, Dunkelberger, Eaches, East, Eckert, Egolf, Ehst, Endlich, Ermentrout, Esser, Esterly, Etzel, Evans, Fahrenbach, Fegely, Fegley, Felix, Ferguson, Fetter, Fisher, Fister, Flicker, Flood, Forney, Francis, Freeman, Fritz, Gabel, Gable, Gaenzle, Ganter, Gerhard, Gernert, Getz, Glaes, Glase, Goldman, Good, Gotshall, Green, Greenawalt, Gregg, Griesemer, Grim, Grimley, Gring, Gross, Gruber, Hagenman, Hain, Hamaker, Haman, Hanold, Harbold, Harbster, Harris, Harrison, Hartline, Hartman, Heckman, Heffner, Heinly, Heins, Heizmann, Hengst, Henninger, Hepler, Herb, Herbein, Herbst, Herflicker, Herman, Hertzog, Hess, Hetrich, Heydt, Hiester, High, Hill, Hinnershitz, Hoff, Hoffman, Hoffeditz, Horning, Hottenstein, Houck, Hull, Humbert, Huntzinger, Jacobs, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Kauffman, Kaufman, Keck, Kehl, Keim, Keiser, Kelchner, Keller, Kelly, Kemp, Keppleman, Kerper, Kessler, Kintzer, Kirby, Kirschman, Kissinger, Kistler, Klees, Kline, Klopp, Knopp, Koch, Kohler, Kraemer, Kramlich, Kressley, Krick, Kuendig, Kunkel, Kupp, Kurtz, Kutz, Lance, Laucks, Lauer, Leader, Lechner, Leidy, Leibensperger, Leinbach, Leippe, Lenhart, Lentz, Lerch, Lesher, Levan, Linderman, Livingood, Long, Loose, Luden, Mabry, Macgoun, McElwee, McIlvain, McLean, Madeira, Madtes, Marks, Martz, Mathias, Matz, Maurer, Mayer, Meharg, Mengel, Meredith, Merkel, Mertz, Mill, Miller, Mingle, Mogel, Moll, Morret, Mosser, Mourer, Moyer, Muhlenberg, Muthard, Nagle, Nolan, Nuebling, Orr, Pachali, Parker, Parvin, Paxson, Phillips, Plank, Printz, Prutzman, Rabenhold, Rahn, Raudenbush, Rauen, Reber, Reed, Rees, Reeser, Rehr, Rentschler, Repplier, Rhoads, Richards, Richardson, Rick, Rieser, Rigg, Rittenhouse, Ritter, Rosenthal, Rothermel, Rourke, Ruhl, Ruth, Sailer, Sassaman, Saul, Schaeffer, Schall, Schealer, Scheibner, Schlemm, Schlottman, Schmeck, Schmick, Schofer, Schomo, Schonour, Schroeder, Schultz, Seaman, Sebring, Seidel, Seivard, Shaaber, Shaffner, Sharadin, Shearer, Shirk, Siegel, Smith, Smoyer, Snell, Snyder, Spatz, Spears, Sponagle, Stahr, Stamm, Sterley, Sternbergh, Stetler, Stetson, Stevens, Steward, Stokes, Strasser, Stryker, Sunday, Sweitzer, Texter, Thalheimer, Thompson, Trexler, Tyson, Unger, Wagenhorst, Wagner, Walter, Walters, Wanner, Warner, Weber, Weidel, Wenger, Wenrich, Wenz, Werley, Werner, Wertz, West, Williams, Willits, Witman, Worley, Wren, Wunder, Yarnell, Yeager, Yocum, Yoder, Yorgey, Yorgy, Yost, Young, Yundt, Zehm, Zellers, Zimmerman
Transactions of the Historical Society of Berks County, Vol. 1-3
(Historical Society of Berks County, 1898 - 1916, 1244 pages)
These volumes contain a variety of articles covering all parts of the county. They provide useful historical and genealogical details on the county and its residents. Also, each volume includes several memorial sketches of members of Berks County who were influential in historical circles.
Some sample titles include:
From Volume 1
"Indian Tribes of Pennsylvania"
"The Welsh of Cumru Township"
"The Church of Oley Hills"
"Historical Sketch of the Bright Family"
"A Century of Reading"
"The Oldest Churches of Berks County"
"Pilgrimage to Morgantown"
From Volume 2
"Berks County Militia at the Battles of Brandywine and Germantown"
"The Pennsylvania Militia Called in 1862 for State Defense"
"Early History of the Reformed Church in Reading"
"The Caves of Richmond and Perry Townships, Berks County"
"Old-Time Battalions in Berks County"
"Berks County in the French and Indian War"
"The Early Moravian Settlements in Berks County"
"The Huguenot Element in the Settlement of Berks County"
From Volume 3
"The German Newspapers of Berks County"
"The Hessian Camp at Reading"
"Swedish Settlement at Morlatton"
"The Rothermel Family of Berks County"
"Blue Rocks in Greenwich Township"
"Early Naturalizations in Berks County"
"Baptisms of Indians in Oley, Prior to 1732"
"Bern Township Tragedy of 1841"
Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County, Pennsylvania
(Morton L. Montgomery, 1909, 2025 pages)
This publication is an extensive biographical volume featuring Berks County, Pennsylvania. The first 320 pages contain a brief history of the county and townships. The remainder of the publication contains biographies of hundreds of important individuals and families of the county, many of them extending back to frontier times.
Surnames Indexed:
Abraham, Achenbach, Adam, Adams, Addams, Ahrens, Albrecht, Albright, Alleman, Althouse, Ames, Ammarell, Ammon, Amole, Ancona, Anderson, Angstadt, Anspach, Anthony, Armstrong, Arnold, Artz, Aulenbach, Auman, Austrian, Babb, Babst, Bachman, Bachofer, Baer, Bagenstose, Bahr, Balthaser, Banks, Barbey, Bard, Bare, Barlow, Barr, Barsotti, Barth, Bartholomew, Barto, Bashore, Battenfeld, Baus, Bauscher, Bausher, Baver, Beadencup, Bear, Beard, Bechtel, Beck, Becker, Beecher, Beggs, Behm, Behne, Behney, Beidler, Beiler, Bell, Belz, Benade, Benfield, Bennecoff, Bennetch, Benneville, Benson, Benz, Berg, Berger, Berk, Berkhold, Bernd, Berndt, Bernet, Bernhart, Bertolet, Bertollette, Beyer, Bhaer, Bickel, Bickelman, Bickley, Biddle, Bieber, Biehl, Bigony, Bingaman, Bird, Birch, Bissinger, Bitler, Bitting, Bittner, Bixenstine, Bixler, Blachman, Bland, Blankenbiller, Blankinhorn, Blatt, Blimline, Bloom, Bobst, Bodder, Bodey, Body, Bohn, Bolich, Bollman, Bond, Boone, Border, Bordes, Bordner, Borkert, Borkey, Bornemann, Borry, Borst, Bortz, Bower, Bowman, Boyer, Bradley, Brant, Braucher, Brecht, Breedy, Breneiser, Bressler, Breyfogel, Brickel, Bricker, Bridegam, Bridenbaugh, Bright, Brigle, Briner, Brintzenhoff, Brissel, Britton, Brobst, Broden, Brooke, Brossman, Broughall, Brown, Brownell, Brownmiller, Brubaker, Bruckman, Brumbach, Brunner, Bubp, Buchanan, Bucher, Buck, Bucks, Bull, Bulles, Burd, Burgert, Burkey, Burkhart, Burkholder, Burley, Bush, Butz, Byers, Campbell, Carlance, Castor, Chelius, Christ, Christian, Christman, Church, Clauser, Cleaver, Clemmer, Close, Clouser, Clymer, Coleman, Colletti, Collins, Connolly, Conrad, Cook, Coonley, Cranston, Crater, Craumer, Cressman, Croessant, Croll, Crooks, Crouse, Crow, Custer, Dampman, Darlington, Dauth, Dautrich, Davidheiser, Davies, Davis, Deatrick, de Benneville, Dechant, Dechert, Deck, Deeds, Deeter, Degler, De Gour, Dehart, DeHart, Deisher, Delany, Dellecker, Dellinger, DeLong, Dengler, Dennison, Deppen, Derr, Detample, Detemple, Detsch, Dettra, DeTurck, De Turck, Devlan, Dewees, Deysher, Dibert, Dick, Dickinson, Dieffenbach, Diener, Dierolf, Dietrich, Dillon, Dinino, Dinkel, Dippery, Dorward, Dotterer, Dotterrer, Dowling, Drayer, Dreas, Dreibelbies, Dreibelbis, Dresher, Drey, Drexel, Dries, Driscoll, Druckenmiller, Drumheller, Dry, Dubbs, Dumn, Dundor, Dundore, Dunkel, Dunkelberger, Dunkle, Dunlap, Durham, Duser, Eaches, Eagelman, Earl, Early, Eberly, Ebling, Eck, Eckenroad, Eckenroth, Eckert, Edinger, Ege, Egolf, Ehst, Eichler, Eiler, Eisenbise, Eisenbrown, Eisenhower, Elliott, Emes, Emrich, Endlich, Endy, Engel, Engle, Ensslen, Epler, Erb, Ermold, Ernst, Ermentrout, Eschbach, Eschelman, Esenwein, Esenbach, Eshelman, Esser, Essick, Esterly, Evans, Everts, Fahrbach, Fahrenbach, Farr, Faust, Feather, Fegley, Felix, Fenstermacher, Ferguson, Fessler, Fichthorn, Fidler, Field, Filbert, Fink, Fischer, Fisher, Fisk, Fix, Flaig, Flannery, Flatt, Fleckner, Fleisher, Flicker, Flickinger, Flower, Focht, Folger, Folk, Foos, Foreman, Fornwald, Forry, Fortna, Foutz, Fox, Frame, Frankhauser, Franks, Frasso, Frauenfelder, Frederick, Freeman, Frees, Fretz, Frey, Freyberger, Frick, Fricker, Fries, Fritch, Fritz, From, Fromm, Fronheiser, Fry, Frymire, Fulmer, Fulton, Funk, Furlow, Gabel, Gable, Gaenzle, Gailey, Ganger, Ganster, Ganter, Gartmann, Gass, Gaul, Gebhard, Gebhart, Geehr, Gehman, Gehret, Gehris, Gehrke, Geiger, Geigley, Geisewite, Geiss, Geissler, Geist, Genner, George, Gerber, Gerhard, Gerhardt, Gerhart, German, Gery, Gettis, Getz, Gibson, Gicker, Gift, Gilbert, Gittelman, Glaes, Glase, Glass, Glasser, Glassmeyer, Gnau, Godfrey, Goetz, Goldman, Gonser, Good, Goodhart, Goodman, Gordon, Gossler, Gottschall, Gougler, Graeff, Grant, Granz, Grater, Graul, Green, Greenawald, Greenawalt, Gregg, Gregory, Greiss, Gresh, Greth, Griesemer, Grieshaber, Griess, Griffith, Grill, Grim, Grimes, Grimley, Gring, Griscom, Grohman, Groman, Gross, Grube, Gruber, Guldin, Gundry, Guss, Guth, Haag, Hagge, Haak, Haas, Hackman, Hafer, Hagenman, Hagy, Hahn, Hain, Hainly, Halbeisen, Haller, Hamilton, Hamm, Hantsch, Harbach, Harbold, Harbster, Hare, Haring, Harner, Harnish, Harrison, Hart, Hartgen, Hartline, Hartman, Hartmann, Hassler, Hath, Hatt, Hauder, Haueisen, Hauser, Hawk, Hawley, Hawman, Haws, Heberle, Hebner, Hechler, Hecht, Heckler, Heckman, Heffelfinger, Heffner, Heil, Heilig, Heilman, Hein, Heine, Heinly, Heins, Heisler, Heistand, Heizmann, Helder, Heller, Hemmich, Hemmig, Hendel, Hendricks, Henne, Henninger, Henry, Hepler, Hepner, Herb, Herbein, Herbine, Herbst, Herbster, Herman, Herr, Hertwig, Hertzog, Heston, Hettinger, Heydt, Hickman, Hiester, High, Hilbert, Hildebrand, Hill, Hiltebeltel, Himmelberger, Hine, Hinkle, Hinnershitz, Hintz, Hipsch, Hirner, Hirshland, Hobart, Hoch, Hoffa, Hoffeditz, Hoffert, Hoffman, Hoffmann, Hoffmaster, Hofmann, Holl, Hollenbach, Hollenback, Hollis, Holmes, Holtry, Holzman, Homan, Honeker, Hoover, Hoppes, Hornberger, Horning, Horst, Hossler, Hottenstein, Houck, Howden, Howerter, Hoyer, Huber, Hubley, Huesman, Hull, Humbert, Humma, Hunsberger, Hunsicker, Hunter, Huntzinger, Huy, Huyett, Iaeger, Imhoff, Irwin, Isett, Jackson, Jacobs, Jacoby, Janssen, Jennings, Jesberg, Johnson, Jones, Kachel, Kahl, Kalbach, Kantner, Kapp, Katzenmoyer, Kaucher, Kauffman, Kaufman, Kaufmann, Keehn, Keeler, Keen, Keeport, Kehr, Kehs, Keim, Keinard, Keiser, Keith, Kelchner, Keller, Kelso, Kemmerer, Kemp, Kennedy, Kepner, Keppel, Keppelman, Kercher, Kern, Kerper, Kershner, Kerst, Kessler, Kieffer, Killian, Kilmer, Kindt, King, Kintzer, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkhoff, Kissinger, Kistler, Kitchin, Klapp, Klee, Klein, Kleinginna, Kleinginni, Kleinschmidt, Klemmer, Kline, Klinger, Klohs, Klopp, Klusewitz, Knabb, Knapp, Knetz, Knittle, Knoll, Knoske, Koch, Kochel, Kohl, Kohler, Kolb, Koller, Komp, Koser, Kraemer, Kramer, Kramlich, Krauss, Kreider, Kremp, Kreps, Kressley, Krick, Kriebel, Kroninger, Krum, Kuhns, Kulp, Kunkel, Kupp, Kurtz, Kutz, Lacey, Ladd, Lamm, Landis, Lash, Latshaw, Lattemann, Lauer, Lauter, Lawrence, Leader, Leaver, Lechner, Leedom, Lefevre, LeFevre, Leh, Lehman, Leibelsperger, Leibold, Leidy, Leinbach, Leininger, Leippe, Leitheiser, Lencke, Lengel, Lenhart, Lerch, Lesher, Lessig, Levan, Levengood, Lewis, Leymaster, Lichtenwallner, Lichtenwalner, Lieb, Lightfoot, Lincoln, Lindenmuth, Linderman, Link, Litschi, Livingood, Lochman, Loder, Long, Lord, Lott, Lotz, Lowe, Loy, Luckenbill, Luden, Ludwig, Luft, Lulgard, Luken, Luppold, Lutz, McCauley, McCormick, McCullough, McDonough, McGowan, McHose, McKittrick, McKnight, McLean, McLenegan, McMurtrie, McNurney, Machemer, Machmer, Madeira, Mallery, Maltzberger, Malusecki, Mannerback, Manwiller, March, Markert, Markley, Marks, Marquett, Martin, Marx, Massey, Mast, Mattern, Matternes, Matthew, Mathias, Matthias, Matz, Mauger, Maurer, May, Mayer, Mays, Meck, Meckstroth, Mee, Megerly, Meharg, Meinholtz, Meinig, Meitzler, Melcher, Mell, Mellert, Melot, Mengel, Mercer, Merckel, Merkel, Merkey, Merritt, Mertz, Mervine, Messner, Miller, Minkhouse, Minnich, Mishler, Missimer, Mitchell, Mogel, Mohn, Mohr, Moll, Monier, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morret, Morris, Moser, Mosser, Motz, Mould, Mountz, Moyer, Muhlenberg, Naftzinger, Nagel, Nagle, Neff, Nein, Newcomet, Newkirk, Newman, Nice, Nicks, Nicolls, Niethammer, Nolan, Nolde, Noll, Northeimer, Nunemacher, Nyce, Oberholtzer, Oberlin, Obold, O'Brien, Odeair, O'Harra, Ohnmacht, Oneaill, O'Reilly, Orr, Orth, Oswald, Otto, Oxenreiter, Paine, Painter, Palm, Pannebecker, Parker, Parvin, Paul, Paxson, Pearson, Peifer, Peiffer, Peipher, Pengelly, Pennebacker, Pennepacker, Pennypacker, Penrose, Penta, Pepper, Peters, Phillips, Pilgert, Planer, Plank, Plowfield, Pohlig, Poole, Porter, Pott, Potteiger, Potter, Potts, Price, Printz, Printzenhoff, Prutzman, Purdy, Putt, Quier, Quimby, Quinter, Raab, Radenbach, Radnazzo, Rahn, Ramer, Ranck, Rankin, Rapp, Rathje, Rathman, Raubenhold, Rauch, Raudenbush, Rauenzahn, Ravel, Reber, Redcay, Reed, Reedy, Reeser, Reichert, Reichwine, Reidenauer, Reidenouer, Reider, Reiff, Reifsnyder, Reigner, Reimer, Reinart, Reinert, Reinhart, Reiniger, Reitenauer, Reitnauer, Remp, Renninger, Rentschler, Rentz, Reppert, Rhein, Rhoads, Rhode, Richards, Richardson, Rick, Rickenbach, Riegel, Riegner, Rieser, Rigg, Ringler, Rishel, Ritner, Rittenhouse, Ritter, Ritzman, Roberts, Rodgers, Roehrich, Rohrbach, Roland, Rolland, Rollman, Romich, Romig, Rosch, Rosenthal, Rote, Roth, Rothenberger, Rothermel, Row, Rowe, Royer, Rubright, Rudy, Ruhl, Runyeon, Rupp, Rush, Ruth, Sailer, Sallade, Sander, Sanders, Sandt, Sartorius, Sassaman, Sauer, Saul, Sausser, Savage, Saylor, Schadel, Schadler, Schaefer, Schaeffer, Schalch, Schall, Schannauer, Schappel, Schappell, Scharff, Schealer, Schearer, Scheetz, Scheifley, Schell, Schellhammer, Schitler, Schlappich, Schlasman, Schlegel, Schmeck, Schmehl, Schmick, Schmidt, Schmucker, Schnabel, Schnader, Schneider, Schoender, Schoedler, Schofer, Scholl, Schollenberger, Schrader, Schreiner, Schroeder, Schucker, Schuez, Schuler, Schultz, Schulze, Schumacher, Schutter, Schwartz, Schweimler, Schweitzer, Schweriner, Schweyer, Schwoyer, Scott, Scull, Seaman, Sechler, Seibert, Seidel, Seider, Seiders, Seidle, Seiling, Seitzinger, Selak, Sellers, Seltzer, Sembower, Shaaber, Shade, Shadle, Shaffer, Shaffner, Shalter, Shane, Shapiro, Shappell, Sharadin, Sharman, Shartle, Shearer, Sheeder, Sheeler, Sheidy, Shenk, Sheradin, Sherman, Shilling, Shirey, Shollenberger, Shomo, Shoup, Showalter, Shultz, Shulze, Sidel, Siegfried, Sigmund, Simmon, Sindel, Slater, Siegel, Slichter, Slipp, Smeck, Smink, Smith, Smoyer, Snell, Snyder, Spaar, Spang, Spangler, Spannuth, Spatz, Spayd, Spears, Specht, Speidel, Spengler, Sperry, Spohn, Sponagle, Spotts, Sprecher, Sproesser, Spuhler, Stahl, Stamm, Stangier, Stapleton, Stark, Staudt, Staufer, Stauffer, Steckler, Steckline, Steffe, Steffy, Stehman, Steiger, Steigerwald, Stein, Steininger, Steinman, Stephan, Sterley, Sternbergh, Sterrett, Stetson, Stetzler, Stevens, Stewart, Stiely, Stimmel, Stirl, Stitzel, Stocker, Stoltzfus, Stoner, Stoudt, Stout, Stoyer, Strasser, Strauser, Strauss, Strohecker, Strong, Stroud, Stroup, Strouse, Strunk, Stump, Stupp, Suender, Sullenberger, Summons, Sunday, Swavely, Sweitzer, Sweney, Swope, Swoyer, Symons, Talley, Taylor, Teel, Templin, Thiry, Thompson, Thornburg, Thun, Tobias, Todd, Tomlinson, Townsend, Trate, Treat, Treichler, Trethewey, Trexler, Trickel, Troop, Trostle, Troup, Trout, Troutman, Troxel, Turner, Ubil, Udree, Ulle, Ulrich, Umbenhauer, Umble, Undercuffler, Unger, Unterkofler, Urich, Van Buskirk, Van Denberg, Van Reed, Vath, Verrendo, Voelker, Vogel, Von Nieda, Wagenhorst, Wagener, Wagner, Wahl, Walbert, Walley, Walter, Wanner, Warner, Warren, Wartman, Wartzenluft, Weand, Weasner, Weaver, Webber, Weber, Weida, Weidenhammer, Weidman, Weidner, Weigley, Weil, Weiler, Weis, Weiser, Weisner, Weller, Wells, Wendler, Wendling, Wenger, Wenrich, Wentzel, Werley, Werner, Wert, Wertz, Wesley, Wessner, Westley, Weyman, Wharton, White, Whitman, Whitner, Wieand, Wilder, Wilgeroth, Wilhelm, Williams, Willson, Wilson, Windbigler, Winings, Winter, Winters, Wise, Wisser, Withers, Witman, Witmoyer, Wittich, Woerner, Wolf, Wolfe, Wolfersberger, Wolff, Woodward, Wootten, Worley, Wrede, Wren, Wunder, Xander, Yarnell, Yarrington, Yeager, Yeagley, Yeakel, Yerger, Yetter, Yetzer, Yocom, Yocum, Yoder, Yorgey, Yost, Young, Youse, Yundt, Zable, Zacharias, Zeller, Zellers, Zerbe, Zerby, Zerr, Zieber, Ziegler, Zimmerman, Zook
The Story of Berks County, Pennsylvania
(A. E. Wagner, F. W. Balthaser, & D. K. Hoch, 1913, 254 pages)
This volume was prepared as a text book for local history in schools. It includes discussion of the early settlers, wars, and development of the county.
Reading and Berks County, Pennsylvania - A History
(Cyrus T. Fox, 1925, 1300 pages)
This is a very nice addition to some of the earlier historical and biographical publications dealing with Berks County, as it covers subsequent generations. Part 1 covers the history of Berks County - its settlement, and development, the various townships and boroughs, as well as civil, agricultural, industrial, professional and military aspects of the county's history. Part 2 deals with Western Berks County and covers details similar to that which are covered in Part 1. Part 3 is the biographical section, covering pages 653 - 1279 and followed by an index.
Surnames Indexed:
Aal, Adams, Addams, Ahrens, Albert, Albright, Alexander, Althouse, Altner, Ancona, Arthur, Bach, Bachman, Baer, Barbey, Barr, Barto, Bates, Beane, Beaver, Bechtel, Beck, Becker, Beecher, Beggs, Bell, Bennett, Bertolet, Bertolette, Bick, Bigony, Billman, Bingaman, Birch, Bissinger, Bitler, Bittner, Blankenbiller, Boas, Bobst, Body, Boesch, Bollinger, Bomgardner, Bone, Bonner, Boone, Bordner, Bornemann, Bowers, Boyer, Bradbury, Bright, Brooke, Brooks, Brown, Brownmiller, Bucher, Bucks, Burkey, Burkholder, Busch, Bush, Bushong, Butler, Christ, Cleaver, Clouser, Clump, Cobb, Colletti, Contos, Cook, Cooney, Croessant, Croll, Crouse, Custer, Cutler, De Long, De Turck, Darlington, Darrah, Davies, Davis, Deatrick, Dechant, Deck, Degler, Deininger, Delany, Dellet, Dellinger, Derr, Detwiler, Deysher, Dick, Dierolf, Dietrick, Dotterrer, Dowd, Dreibelbis, Driscoll, Druckenmiller, Dunkleberger, Dunsky, Eisenbrown, Eisenhower, Endy, Engle, Epp, Erdman, Eshelman, Esser, Essick, Esterly, Eves, Faller, Farr, Fehl, Ferguson, Fessler, Filbert, Fink, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fleming, Flickinger, Focht, Fox, Frame, Frank, Frantz, Fricker, Fritz, Fry, Fryberger, Furman, Ganster, Ganter, Gantert, Garman, Garner, Gasser, Gaul, Gerhard, Gerhardt, Gernert, Getz, Glasser, Golden, Goodhart, Graeff, Gragg, Greenawalt, Greim, Griesemer, Gring, Groff, Gross, Gruber, Gundry, Haag, Haefer, Hagy, Hain, Haines, Hangen, Hanold, Harbster, Harpel, Harrison, Hartman, Hartz, Harwick, Hasbrouck, Hauser, Hawley, Hay, Hayman, Heaton, Heckman, Heinly, Heizmann, Helder, Heller, Helms, Hemmerich, Hendel, Hess, Hiester, High, Hill, Hoff, Hoffa, Hoffman, Hofmann, Hohl, Hollenbach, Hollis, Hornberger, Howard, Huber, Huesman, Hummel, Huyett, Ibach, Igle, Impink, Irwin, Isenberg, Janssen, Jenkin, Johnston, Jones, Kalbach, Kauffman, Keck, Keener, Keffer, Keiser, Kelly, Kemmerer, Kemp, Kennedy, Keppelman, Kercher, Kern, Kerns, Kershner, Kessler, Keyser, Kindt, Kinkaid, Kissinger, Kistler, Kleinert, Kline, Klopp, Knabb, Knerr, Knoll, Koch, Kohout, Koralsky, Kraemer, Kramlich, Krick, Kurtz, Kutz, Lance, Lash, Laubach, Leahy, Lee, Leinbach, Leininger, Leippe, Lengel, Leonard, Levengood, Liggett, Livingood, Long, Loose, Lotz, Loveland, Lucas, Luck, Luden, Ludwig, Luria, Luthold, Lutz, MacGrego, McCarty, McCauley, McIlvain, McKnight, McQuaite, Mack, Maier, Maltzberger, Manwiller, Martin, Marx, Mast, Mathias, Maurer, Mautone, Mayer, Mell, Mengel, Mentzer, Merritt, Meter, Meyer, Mickley, Miller, Millholland, Mishler, Mittendorff, Mohler, Mohn, Molley, Moore, Morret, Morris, Mould, Mountz, Mowrey, Moyer, Muhlenberg, Najarian, Nein, Neithammer, Nistle, Nolan, Nortan, Nuss, O'Brien, Otto, Overholser, Palm, Parlaman, Peifer, Peipher, Pendleton, Petree, Pfatteicher, Poole, Posey, Printz, Quier, Rambo, Rauch, Reaser, Reber, Reddy, Reeser, Rehrer, Reichert, Reider, Reiff, Reimert, Reinert, Renninger, Rettew, Rhoads, Richards, Richardson, Rick, Ringler, Rist, Rittenhouse, Ritter, Ritz, Ritzman, Roedel, Roeper, Roland, Rorke, Roth, Rothermel, Rowe, Runkle, Ruth, Ryan, Sabold, Sarig, Sassaman, Satterthwaite, Saul, Savage, Schaeffer, Schall, Schlaybach, Schlegel, Schmehl, Schofer, Scholl, Schroeder, Schuhmann, Schulze, Seasholtz, Seidel, Seifrit, Seitzinger, Seltzer, Sembower, Shaaber, Shaner, Sharadin, Sharman, Sharp, Shearer, Sheidy, Shetrone, Shirk, Shoemaker, Shomo, Shupp, Smink, Snyder, Sondheim, Spatz, Specker, Springer, Stamm, Staudt, Stauffer, Stein, Sternbergh, Stevens, Stichter, Stolz, Stoner, Stoudt, Strause, Strauss, Strunk, Swavely, Sweitzer, Teel, Thomas, Thompson, Thornburg, Thun, Titlow, Trusty, Tyson, Ulrich, Umbenhauer, Van Denberg, Wagenhorst, Wagner, Waidelich, Walborn, Wanner, Wartzenluft, Webber, Webster, Weidmeyer, Weiler, Weiser, Weller, Wenrich, Wentzel, Wertz, Whitner, Wiater, Wilgeroth, Willson, Woerle, Woerner, Wolf, Wolfskill, Yeager, Yeity, Yerkes, Yocom, Yoder, Yorgey, Yost, Young, Zechman, Zerr, Zeiber, Zeigler, Zimmerman
Early Narratives of Berks County (J. Bennett Nolan, 1927, 181 pages)
This book contains various accounts from the county's history
The Plaintive Record of a Distracted Missionary
Travelers in a Pioneer County - The Men
Travelers in a Pioneer County - The Women
A Disgruntled Patriot
How They Brought the Good News from Saratoga to Reading
Mars and Aphrodite
The Belated Visit of the Proprietor
A Ducal Refugee
Cazenove's Journal
Mrs. Royall's Reading
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