Berks County PA - Berks County Miscellaneous History Collection
This is a collection of various historical and genealogical reference works on Pennsylvania. These references cover 1000's of individuals, and are an excellent way to start or continue research focused on PA.
This material was scanned from original publications and will be provided as PDFs. You will receive an email with the download link after purchasing online. These files can be read using many PDF reader programs (Windows / Mac / Linux), however Adobe Reader or Acrobat are recommended. Unless notes, each of these files are text-searchable.
Officers of Berks County for each year 1752 to 1860
(Amos K. Strunck, 1859, 124 pages)
This publication contains lists of Berks Countys’ early politicians and public officials.
Political Handbook of Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1752 - 1883
(Morton L. Montgomery, 1883, 104 pages)
Reference book of those who held public office in the years from the county's formation in 1752 to 1883, including State Representatives, Judges, District Attorneys, Commissioners, Auditors, Treasures, Sheriffs, Coroners, Prothonotaries, Recorders, Clerks, etc. Also includes listings of the public officials of the city of Reading.
Industries and Wealth of the Principle Points in Southeastern Pennsylvania
(Excepting Philadelphia) Embracing Dauphin, York, Lancaster, Schuylkill, Berks,
Bucks, Montgomery, Chester and Delaware Counties
(American Publishing and Engraving Co., 1890, 148 pages)
This publication contains sketches of industrial and economic significance from the major populated areas of southeastern PA.
Sketches from Reading, Berks County:
Walter G. Stewart, Hoskin & Giles, James Stoneback, J. J. Smith, The Reading Stove Works, The Reading Bolt and Nut Works, G. A. Schlechter, Geo. W. Biehl, The Globe Studio, Chas. Breneiser & Sons, John H. Derr, Albert J. Fisher, William A. Heckman, J. G. Speidel, Tropical Garden, Leymaster & Bricker, Kurtz Groves & Mayers, Mt. Penn Stove Works, John D. Dauth, George Frees, Glaser Frame & Co., Mansion House, Chas. W. Moody, W. K. Leaman, Otto Eyring, John G. McGowan, R. H. Savage & Co., Chas. F. Haage, B & J. Saylor, Eagle Marble and Granite Works, J. H. Stein's, F. D. Baum, Reading Cotton Mill, J. M. King, Isaac W. Keim, Central House, Chas. Rentschler Jr., E. S. Summons, Clewell's Turkish and Russian Baths, Dibert Bros., Daniel A. Yoder, W. H. Sperry, Reading Cotton Lap Mill, N. E. Diem, The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, Henry D. Breneiser, J. N. Scheible, Dwight Seed Co.
History of Berks County, Pennsylvania in the Revolution 1774-1783
(Morton L. Montgomery, 1894, 308 pages)
This is a history of the involvement of Berks Co., PA in the War of the Revolution. It provides an account of the various Berks County companies that served and in what way. The second portion of the book is a collection of biographies of men who served with distinction.
Biddle, Bird, Bower, Bright, Brodhead, Burd, Christ, Decker, Douglass, Dundas, Eckert, Ege, Geehr, Graydon, Haller, Heister, Hunter, Jones, Lesher, Levan, Lincoln, Livingood, Lotz, Lower, Ludwig, Morgan, Nagel, Otto, Patton, Potts, Read, Reeser, Schultz, Scull, Shoemaker, Soder, Spohn, Spyker, Udree, Vanderslice, Weiser, Witman
Records of Rev. John Casper Stoever Baptismal and Marriage 1730-1779
(Anonymous, 1896, 79 pages)
John Casper Stoever was an early and prominent minister serving the area of southeast Pennsylvania, principally the counties of Berks, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Montgomery and York. He recorded the details of the baptisms and marriages he performed, providing an early primary set of vital records.
Lutheran Ministers of Berks County (Rev. J. W. Early, 1902, 110 pages)
A collection of sketches on the men who labored in behalf of the churches of Berks County, Pa, from the early 1700's to the early 1900's.
Ministers Indexed:
Acrelius, Ander, Angstadt, Anspach, Baum, Beates, Becker, Bentz, Berkemeyer, Bernd, Bickel, Bieber, Bielinski, Billheimer, Bond, Boyer, Braunsius, Brown, Brownmiller, Buermeyer, Butler, Cornman, Cressman, Croll, Deitzler, Dietrich, Dill, Domer, Drach, Drumheller, Dry, Dylander, Early, Eberman, Eggers, Eneberg, Engel, Falk, Filbert, Finfrock, Focht, Fogelman, Francis, Friederici, Fry, Gable, Gauker, Geissenhainer, Gerberich, German, von Gerresheim, Geschwind, Grahn, Griebler, Grim, Grimm, Groh, Grotz, Gruber, Hancher, Harkey, Harpel, Hartwig, Hausihl, Hecht, Heilman, Heine, Henkel, Henry, Hesselius, Hinterleftner, Hoffman, Holloway, Hoover, Horn, Horne, Horine, Hufford, Humbert, Huntzinger, Ihling, Jaeger, Kaufman, Keller, Kirchner, Kistler, Klein, Kline, Klingler, Koerner, Kohler, Knoske, Kramlich, Kressley, Krug, Kuendig, Kurtz, Lampe, Lazarus, Lehman, Leibensperger, Lidenius, Lidman, Long, Lynch, Mackard, Melsheimer, Meyer, Miller, Minning, Mishler, Moeller, Muehlenberg, Mueller, Muhlenberg, Myers, Naschold, Niemeyer, Obenhauss, Oberfeld, Ochsenford, Pfatteicher, Pflueger, Plitt, Raker, Ramer, Rauss, Reber, Reese, Reimenschneider, Richards, Rightmyer, Roeder, Roeller, Rudman, Sandel, Schaeffer, Schantz, Schaum, Scheide, Scheirer, Schenck, Schindel, Schmidt, Schock, Schroeder, Schultze, Schumacher, Schmucker, Schwerdtfeger, Scriba, Seaman, Sell, Smith, Smoll, Snyder, Spieker, Stettler, Straub, Streit, Strine, Steck, Stoever, Strohdach, Sullenberger, von Thieren, Trexler, Trump, Ulrich, Valentine, Voigt, Wackernagel, Wagner, Walz, Warmkessel, Weinland, Welden, Welder, Wendt, Wicklein, Wildbahn, Wordman, Zwiezig
Berks County Industrially (Lew. C. Hulshizer, 1907, 283 pages)
This very rare publication is an account of the industrial history of Berks County, PA. It begins with the settlement of the county, and follows with the development of its resources. It gives particular attention to the areas of Hamburg, Mohnsville, Boyertown, and Reading, giving a general description of their growth to the date of publication. Along with this material, there are over 150 photographs and illustrations of the County's businesses establishments, including homes, stores, hotels, schools, banks, factories, mills, municipal buildings, as well as various views of the towns and surrounding areas. A later section provides biographical sketches of several prominent members of the county, and these are, in turn, followed by ads for local businesses.
Beard, Endlich, Ermentrout, Felix, Foos, Fry, Gerber, Hollenbach, Mast, Mishler, Moll, Morris, Rothermel, Sander, Sassaman, Sitler, Tyson, Weltmer, Woods
Lutherans in Berks County 1723-1923 (H. S. Kidd, 1923, 504 pages)
From the Preface: "This volume is written to preserve from oblivion the acts of a noble body of loyal Christian pastors and members who lived in Berks county during the last two hundred years and more, and who worshiped in the one hundred Lutheran churches in the county." This volume is a large collection of information on the various Lutheran Churches in Berks County, providing historical data on the churches, their organizations, as well as their pastors.
History of the Grim Family of Pennsylvania (William Gabriel Long, 1934, 170 pages)
This is a history of the Grim and allied families of Pennsylvania, many of whom settled or lived in Berks County. The other families listed on the title page are: Conde, Dreher, Felver, Fertig, Garner, Giltner, Greenawalt, Kircher, Kistling, Long, Manbeck, Merkle, Moyer, Robbins, Schaeffer, Schartel, Schriener, Smith, and Zechman.
Congressional History of Berks (PA.) District 1789 - 1939
(Benjamin Alderfer Fryer, 1939, 364 pages)
This title consists of biographies of those who served as representatives in the State Senate from 1789 to 1939 for Berks Co., PA. The end of the publication contains a very useful Every-Name index as well.
Industrial Berks County, 1748 - 1948
(Arthur D Graeff & Florence Starr Taylor, 1948, 36 pages)
This pamphlet was published for the Bi-Centennial of Berks County to highlight its industrial and agricultural importance.
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